Lee would murder Carver with his own hands. Because, he crushed Kenny's orbital, he hit Clementine (determinant), in E2 he put a gun to Clem's head, and so many more things.
Carver would be SCREWED.
Lee Everett would kick his ass.
Carver would put up a massive fight, and it would go on for a very long time, but i think that after a long time. Lee would win. He would get injured though.
Lee strangled a man to death one handed while fighting off a walker bite infection and blood loss. I'm going to conservatively put all my chips on Lee.
Carver would be SCREWED.
Lee Everett would kick his ass.
in an equal fight, it would be epic, but I would give the edge to Lee
Remember how wrecked Carver's face was after Kenny? Lee would do that to his entire body. With his bare hands.
"I don't think you should see this, sweet pea."
Gotta love how everyone is saying Lee.
In my opinion, Lee would've never used that line. It just isn't Lee.