16 bit Mario1 gets a zombie ghost. It just took a long time to come out. (it's like, the saddest creature on the planet. It wants to eat brains, but its mouth just passes right through brains. I would describe him as "pretty frustrated".)
deadlinejon gets the leaning tower of Cheese-a.
I put in a list of all the greatest American Presidents (excluding Richard Nixon).
*Inserts lotsa spaghetti!*
I put in the final episode of MST3K
*Inserts the Twilight Hack*
i put in Luigi Mario (no i don't mean Luigi and Mario, it is the Mario brothers because Mario is there last name! Mario Mario and Luigi Mario!)
*Inserts Windows Movie Maker*
I put in sbcg4ap season 2 xbox360 version.
I put in a new shiny copy of a rare DVD.
*Inserts ]Syntax Error[*
I put in my mouse.
I put in my num lock key
*Inserts a ghost*
*inserts cheezwhiz*
deadlinejon gets the leaning tower of Cheese-a.
I put in a list of all the greatest American Presidents (excluding Richard Nixon).
I put in an old Batman movie starring Adam West
I put in the decaying corpse of Heath Ledger.
I put in a brad.
i put myself in
I put in a mythical hoola-hoop vomiting dog.
i reach out and pull ugly bird in
You attempt to pull me in, but I violently resist, and I end up pulling your arm off.
I then put in a toggle.
*Pulls him out, the puts in Sonic*
I put in something 999 times more important than antirikurox.
i put myself in (and beat up Luigi and Sonic!)
I put in a list of bad jokes I've heard...
i put in pie
i throw stinkomanfan out.
*Inserts a pie*
i put in a cake
*Inserts Ganon*
I put in two cents.
I put in the alphabet in capital letters.
i insert pie
*Inserts an SD card*
I put in the number four.
I put in a copy of *bleeped out due to lack of idea*.
*Inserts the theory of eating*
I put in my own cerebral cortex and the part of my brain that constatly tells me that my name is not "Stan".
*Inserts a mechanical pencil*
I put in some butter.