Yes, Kenny was a dick to Clem, but....

Why are you all siding against him for what he said? Its natural, hes hurting! He NEEDS to blame someone, and the only one of the group with the balls to approach him is Clem. He didnt mean it....or rather he did mean it, but not directly to her. Hes angry at the world for making him go through this again, for almost letting him die, but being cruel enough to make him stay when he was ready for it all to end.
Its realistsic and natural for him to go off like that, an he apologised anyway - so whats the problem? Let the guy vent, go knows he has every right to...



  • I'm with you. Im still with Kenny he was just grieving. No he shouldn't have lashed out at Clem but he wasn't thinking straight.

  • And Kenny's inability to handle his losses means a little girl has to be verbally abused? His feelings have priority over someone else's? No. Fuck Kenny. I'll even let you pick the orifice.

  • Yes there is a reason but we can still be mad at him for it. Everyone has lost people

  • I don't hate Kenny because of that.I hate him for other reasons.Heck,If I were in his place when Sarita died,I would act even more than he did.

  • So you're telling me at no point in your life, you haven't taken out anger, or frustration on the wrong person. Ever?
    I have, on many an occasion, I'm remorseful after, but that never fixes what was said in the heat of the moment. I even lost a best friend this way...I didn't learn though. I still do it when I'm pushed beyond breaking point. WE ALL DO!

    BlackBoxx posted: »

    And Kenny's inability to handle his losses means a little girl has to be verbally abused? His feelings have priority over someone else's? No. Fuck Kenny. I'll even let you pick the orifice.

  • Duckity duck fuck Kenny. he ducking fuckity ducked up the day. duck fuckity kenny

  • Then they'd say: No I wouldn't because I am mentally sane unlike Kenny.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    This is exactly what I've been telling other people, and I bet if they were him they would have done the exact same thing or worse, or something very similar....

  • This is exactly what I've been telling other people, and I bet if they were him they would have done the exact same thing or worse, or something very similar....

  • Some try saying that, but they're in DENIAL!!! Clem Stare

    longlivelee posted: »

    Then they'd say: No I wouldn't because I am mentally sane unlike Kenny.

  • Yes, but he lost her either 5 minutes before, or was still losing her. Hell, when Nick lost Pete, he killed Matthew because he wasn't thinking straight... its not like he lost her hours before, or days or weeks. He had lost her, right then and there. They've all had losses, though you must remember that this is doubly traumatic for Kenny, he lost his family. Then managed to move on from that, made a new life with Sarita. He was happy. Then these guys disrupt his life, get him involved in their troubles. Because of Clementine he goes with them, and almost gets beaten to death, and loses his girl. Because of Clementine.
    Because god knows, if she wasnt with them, they wouldnt have stayed with Luke and co.

    So yeah, I understand why he's pissed. This group have ruined his life, for the second time.

    Yes there is a reason but we can still be mad at him for it. Everyone has lost people

  • I dont think its possible to live in the ZA and keep your sanity....

    longlivelee posted: »

    Then they'd say: No I wouldn't because I am mentally sane unlike Kenny.

  • This. Why can't people understand why he was acting that way? His girlfriend just died in a horrible way. Anger is one of the stages of grief for Pete's sake! The stuff he said isn't ok, but it's understandable given what he was going through. Did everyone just expect him to just get over it without any fuss? That's incredibly unrealistic.

  • Exactly! the thing about Kenny is he always needs a goal. Get to a boat. Protect my family. Get to Wellington. Protect Sarita. Protect the baby. Every goal he fails to acheive hurts him. That's why he lashed out at Lee, and that's why he lashed out at Clem.

  • What i didn't like about this whole situation was Kenny blaming you, no matter what you did. In my playthrough i decided not to cut off Sarita's arm and the outcome was still the same. Kenny said that it was my fault that Sarita was dying, which absolutely made no sense.

    Please don't misunderstand me here. I love Kenny, he still is and will always be my favourite character. I just think that this was bad writing.

  • The way Kenny reacted after Sarita`s death was realistic , I understand that , Kenny is great character and guy no matter what.

  • Because it's always like this with Kenny and maybe people are sick and tired of dealing with him acting like he has the monopoly on bad shit in life and the right to do and say whatever he feels like, because apparently his feelings matter more than everyone else's. He could have directed his anger at the crappy, impossible situation, he didn't have to lash out at Clem, definitely not that viciously, and it certainly isn't Clem's job to let him unload on her, especially not while she suffers scarring shit on a daily basis of her young life with barely a peep.

  • I was a bit pissed about this too, then I realized it was my fault. If Clem hadnt been with the cabin group when they met Kenny's group, he more than likely would have told them to keep moving. He certainly wouldnt have gone with them. They had a good thing with the ski lodge, no need to leave. So he never would have ended up at Carvers camp, never would have got beat half to death, and Sarita never would have been bitten.
    So yeah, its all my fault... :-(

    What i didn't like about this whole situation was Kenny blaming you, no matter what you did. In my playthrough i decided not to cut off Sari

  • everyone has lost people/seen horrible things, that doesn't give him a pass for putting all the blame on an 11 year old. When he says "just because you're a little girl, you think it's ok if you get people killed...." that made me want to kick him in the balls, smack him in the mouth and walk away. We have a group of adults who agreed to the escape plan, then can't be bothered to keep their damned mouths shut/stay quiet while they try to shuffle through the crowd, so all hell breaks loose. His girlfriend gets bit, and he's nowhere to be found, so it falls to the youngest of the group to make a knee-jerk choice of what to do. So why wasn't he right next to her protecting her/guiding her through? And when he finally does come over (if you didn't cut off Sarita's hand), he takes her and leaves Clem in the crowd. "Oh, thanks for just abandoning me... don't worry, I can take care of myself and try to look out for everyone else.... I always do."

  • I like the way you phrase that :-) I think in the ZA you need something to live for. Just surviving isnt enough, you nailed that in one!

    Exactly! the thing about Kenny is he always needs a goal. Get to a boat. Protect my family. Get to Wellington. Protect Sarita. Protect the b

  • Exactly! :-)

    Rock114 posted: »

    This. Why can't people understand why he was acting that way? His girlfriend just died in a horrible way. Anger is one of the stages of grie

  • I understand why he did what he did does that mean I have to forgive him for it? No

  • Well...i guess that makes sense, to some extent. But i still didn't like the way this particular scene was written. In my opinion, there should have at least been a difference, compared to what your final choice was in episode 4 (cutting off Saritas arm or not).

    Anyway...TEAMMOUSTACHE to the bitter end!

    Alt text

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    I was a bit pissed about this too, then I realized it was my fault. If Clem hadnt been with the cabin group when they met Kenny's group, he

  • Yep, I agree with you. It was pretty bad what he said, but a lot of people would chock it up to "he doesn't mean it, he's in a really bad place" - look at how he treated Clementine when she went to the tent after Sarita died. Not that Kenny doesn't have his problems, but that wasn't one of them.

  • "Oh, thanks for just abandoning me... don't worry, I can take care of myself and try to look out for everyone else.... I always do."

    Wow, this quote. This really is Clem's life in a nutshell. :(

    everyone has lost people/seen horrible things, that doesn't give him a pass for putting all the blame on an 11 year old. When he says "just

  • I just don't understand why people are surprised at this point. It's Kenny. This is what he does. Time and time again, this is what he does. Unfairly blaming other people for his own misfortune is his bread and butter.

  • Ok, season 1 he had to deal with the guilt of not helping Shaun, killing Larry, his son being bitten, his wifes suicide, and the impending death of his best friend, before ending up utterly alone. That itself is more than any of the other characters. He was a front row spectator to all of that, Clem lost her parents, sure. But never saw any of it. Neither did Lee. His family died. But he didnt see it. Then season 2 starts, Christa loses Omid, and blames Clem. Shes still harsh and cold 16 months far its the closest another character has been to suffering the same sort of loss as Kenny.
    Then we meet Kenny, he has survived what season 1 threw at him, and hes still going, still fighting. Still more or less as he was, but with a few cracks. Hes even starting a new life with a new woman. Then this group comes along...heres Clem. A reminder of what hes lost, but hes attatched to her, shes family, so hes sticking with her.
    But Clem brings trouble, Carver kills Walter. Because of him. Then theyre captured, because Kenny couldnt do enough to prevent it. And through that hes beaten almost to death, and his girl is killed (or dies) right in front of him. Again!
    Theres not much more this world can throw at him, and Im not sure theres much more he can take.

    Essentially Kenny has suffered more emotional loss and trauma than any of the other characters. Because hes seen it all, his family didnt die in another state, they died infront of his eyes. As did they all.

    I think hes holding it together pretty darn well!

    lotrabc posted: »

    Because it's always like this with Kenny and maybe people are sick and tired of dealing with him acting like he has the monopoly on bad shit

  • I didn't expect any positive reaction, and won't deny that Kenny was dealing with grief, but people can still take issue with him blaming everything on a child who ultimately had little to no power in the situation. Even if you look past his hypocrisy over making choices for other people, Kenny was taking everything out on a little girl.

  • Yes, but when you analize the losses, and how they happened. Kennys are more traumatic than most

    everyone has lost people/seen horrible things, that doesn't give him a pass for putting all the blame on an 11 year old. When he says "just

  • Uh.. Kenny didn't really lash out at anyone when Katjaa and Duck died. He just wanted to be alone and not talk about it. He was fairly okay with the boat getting stolen but even then when he bitches about Ben he got put in his place and didn't completely explode. He didn't really freak out more than usual when his mountain lodge group was slaughtered all because of Rebecca; nor was his reaction any more out of the ordinary when they are kidnapped and taken prisoner by Carver. Yes, Kenny has always had a temper but he's never really gone over the limit of what his temper is. I would say that Sarita dying and him snapping because of all of the losses he's been faced with is long overdue.

    I wouldn't say it's Clem's fault that Sarita dies but she is a kid and kids make mistakes and sometimes adults snap and yell at them for that they did "wrong" to scold them. You can't coddle and baby Clem forever. Yes, it might not have been the best way to talk to her but Kenny is stressed and it happened. It's the groups fault for asking Clem to go talk to Kenny when he obviously needed some time to be alone with Sarita.

    BlackBoxx posted: »

    And Kenny's inability to handle his losses means a little girl has to be verbally abused? His feelings have priority over someone else's? No. Fuck Kenny. I'll even let you pick the orifice.

  • People understand why Kenny did what he did, but people also don't think it justifies it.


  • edited July 2014

    then later after he cooled off he should of told clem he was sorry he never tells clem he was sorry for blaming her for sareta's death in the tent he can say sorry but not for sareta just for what he just said so he put another death on her she is blaming herself for lee omid reggie sarah thanks kenneth ........oh and i didn't cut off her arm i killed the walker

    I'm with you. Im still with Kenny he was just grieving. No he shouldn't have lashed out at Clem but he wasn't thinking straight.

  • edited July 2014

    Clem never blamed and not nobody.

    Yeah, i understand Kenny's feeling, but Clem lost her family and so many people too, who was close to her.

  • Yup, this isn't anything new. It's how Kenny copes with things.

  • I understand.....but I still won't forgive him. This is the second time this happened.. I don't agree with anyone whole heartedly on every decision and shouldn't have to, like with his determination that just because Ben screwed up(accidentally costing Kenny his family) he needed to DIE. Despite being able to shoot run and climb...HE MUST DIE. Based on that logic Lily should have shot Kenny rather than Carley and Christa should have abandoned Clem. Kenny becomes too irrational for me to just forgive him. We've seen people lose loved ones like Sarah, Rebecca, and Nick/Pete. They didn't go off blaming the world. I mean Rebecca lost her husband and the father of her child. Yes she blamed Kenny a little, but she didn't go off like he did on Clem or Ben.

  • plez the way they were they were going to kill each other none were going to back down clem saved them from killing themselves and do you think carver cared if he found kenneth and his friends he needed slaves he would have taken them anyway

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    I was a bit pissed about this too, then I realized it was my fault. If Clem hadnt been with the cabin group when they met Kenny's group, he

  • Maybe he will next ep

    clemchess posted: »

    then later after he cooled off he should of told clem he was sorry he never tells clem he was sorry for blaming her for sareta's death in t

  • Now this I agree with. It doesn't make nearly as much sense for Kenny to be so mad at Clem if she didn't cut the arm off. It's like Telltale didn't put nearly as much thought into that scenario since a large majority of players cut the arm off.

    What i didn't like about this whole situation was Kenny blaming you, no matter what you did. In my playthrough i decided not to cut off Sari

  • i'll reserve how i feel if he does but if he doesn't the hell with him

    ALIENANGIE posted: »

    Maybe he will next ep

  • edited July 2014

    I was heartbroken to hear what he said to Clementine. It was like a hard slap across the face but I didn't blame him. I mean, looking back, he lost everything he cared about, he lost his kid, his wife, his friend, his girlfriend, even that freaking boat. He wanted to die but he couldn't even do that. His grief is perfectly understandable, while what he said to Clementine might sound a little too harsh at first, but I don't think he was thinking clearly back then, I don't think he was aware that Clementine is just a little girl (which he admits later in the tent conversation, if you pick the right dialogue options). He needed to explode all the rage he bottled inside for too long and unfortunately Clementine was there to take it. If it was someone else in the group, anyone, I think Kenny would try to strangle them to death at that moment.
    So yes, it didn't bother me that much. Because I think it added to Clem's character, sometimes in life, our family or loved ones treat us (be it because of pain, grief or anger) unfairly and it always hurts like hell. But that's part of being human. We understand their situation and forgive them. I believe the Clementine I am playing (with all my choices so far) knows he didn't mean what he said. He was just angry, depressed and wasn't thinking clearly. I hope they will offer us a conversation with Kenny in the next episode to clarify that.
    I think that scene added to the story specifically to investigate your feelings towards Kenny. I noticed that through out the episode we were constantly forced to make a choice between Kenny and Luke. An important choice is coming and what you still think of him will matter in that moment.

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