Season 3 protagonist...
Am I the only person in this world who thinks that Season 3 protagonist could be Clementine???
And If she's not the protagonist of Season 3 who will be?? Will it be some random character with new story? I don't want it, because then it won't be The Walking Dead game- The Walking Dead game is about Clementine since the first episode of this game (I mean 101) This whole game wasnt about Lee- it was about I think TTG just can't kill her of and even if she's not the protagonist of Season 3 we can expekt appearance of Clem in Season 3... I just mean, I would be very happy if we play as Clem in season 3- I love her as a game character so long time....
Anyway- What do you think about Season 3 protagonist???
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Well said!The walking dead is clementine.Just like you said,Season 1 :Take care of the little girl named clementine. Season 2: You're clementine and you need to do everything it takes to survive!I would be so pissed off if clem dies..Sometimes I think about the journey she's been through..Everything happened when she was with lee,then season 2..Thinking that she could die makes me cry..
I'd rather play as someone else with Clem around basing her character on the choices we made in the last two seasons. I think it would be more interesting that way. I'd prefer to run into Christa in episode five and be her next season more than anyone currently in the group.
Clementine as Season 3's protagonist would be good. She still has to become a teenager and adult. I don't see a brand new character being able to take over yet. Unless they are somehow tied into Clementine's storyline.
I will cry so hard if she dies
i hope this protagonist survivor!!
Yes, you're the only one. All of the other "Clem for season 3 protagonist!" posts must've just been me hallucinating.
Well i've played season 1 as Lee, and i loved it, taking care of clem teaching her and protecting her, watching her grow and "evolve" was great, i honestly didn't agree with the protagonist choice for season 2 at first because i wanted clementine to stay as an npc, someone our character could interact with and someone from whom we could take some hope in the apocalypse, but i bought the game anyway because i wanted to support telltale and clem to, i'm still enjoying the game alot though, but for season 3 i'd prefer to play as a new survivor not one who would take lee's place and take care of clem, but maybe someone who would be a new arrival on clem's group meeting an older clementine perhaps, but i'd really like a fresh character for season 3.
for those clem fans ( which i'm part off) i mean no disrispect for clem as a protagonist, this is just my grain of salt take it or leave it or well use pepper instead.
Made me laugh!!

No you're not, I'd say a majority of the community STILL want Clem to be the protagonist. I'm one of those people.
I definitely still want Clem to be the protagonist, no question about it.
I do too. There's still much potential for her character and being a PC.
No Clem, No Buy!
What if we had a choice? Then every playthrough in Season 3 would be different! Or swap PC, like one episode Clementine and one Ken etc. I do think the series is about Clementine but id want another main character in Season 3...
I had the same idea about playing multiple characters. My idea involved having Molly, Christa, Kenny/Jane (Determinant), Bonnie (Determinant), Mike (Determinant), Arvo, Clementine and AJ all return and like a few of them be PC the rest NPC .... Having Arvo as an Antagonist along with Bonnie and Mike (Determinant) Would be awesome. Maybe if Bonnie and/or Mike are alive in your game they reach a point of choosing between Clem or Arvo? And Kenny/Jane (If in your game) Are with or reunite (if alive) with Clem and either form a party or start trouble depending on how season 2 ended for you. Clem could be PC or NPC in this and judge each surviving character accordingly.
Seriously? You couldn't find an older, dead, thread to resurrect?
Nah as S2 showed Clem sucks as a protagonist. It was just ridiculous how you were basically the leader of the group.
Please bring in someone new!
Clementine is The Walking Dead without her the game would suck. Plus why throw away the greatest character in video game history?!
I think its basically confirmed that Clementine will be the protagonist for S3. The team are apparently working on an unexpected way of bringing all the endings together and making them matter, which means Clem has to be involved.
And I think the whole TWDG is about Clementine's story and progression through the apocalypse so it'd be wrong not to do so
Just think of it.
. S1 - a mere child who is completely vulnerable to her surroundings as she begins to learn what's really happening in the world.
. S2 - she begins to grow up as she understands that she can no longer be a child in the new world she's living in and its all about survival.
. S3 - _____
It's Telltale's job to make her story and character grow and that's the beauty of it when you go back to the previous seasons and realise how much she's changed
I'm pretty sure it's going to be Clementine, because wherever S2 ended the only people you were definitely with no matter what are Clementine and Alvin Jr. Also someone involved with Telltale Games tweeted out today, "That doesn't mean that any specific characters are confirmed, even seemingly obvious ones, but stay tuned later this year for more news."
So I think the most obvious character would be Clementine. But maybe Telltale will surprise us and have us play as Alvin Jr. I highly doubt it though.
How about, no? #Clemlivesmatter
So is the TWD Michonne bad because it doesn't have Clementine?
Protagonist or not, Clem should be in Season 3. No Clem, no buy.
No, it's just not nearly as good as the main series.
they also said they wanted people that were new to the franchise to be able to just pick up season 3 and still have a good time, so to me that means clem won't be the protagonist, or at least the only playable protagonist
Why PC gamers wants Clem as a NPC?
Clem was a NPC in Season 1 'cause she was too young and she had no skills to survive. The point of the season was to take care of her. But after Season 2 she can clearly survive as much as Lee. It would be boring if, after all that happened, Clem would be a goddamn NPC
And why does PC gamers wants Clem as a NPC? Why only PC gamers? What's the difference? .______.
Clem in story? Absolutely.
Clem as playable character? Hell naw.
I want to play as Kenny (or, ugh, Jane if you chose her.) I wanted it every season so far. To just have the ability to talk and the three choices to say is Fuck off, Fuck you or Fuck up. As Kenny of course. Kenny
I honestly have no idea. Clemetine as the playable character was the best decision Telltale ever made and it was cool that they broke the mold and didn't go with the usual middle-aged badass as the main character.
I'd rather play as a corpse than Clementine. At this point I'd literally take anyone. Playing as Clementine was a stale, limited, boring experience.
What if they pulled a Game of Thrones by having multiple playable characters? I wouldn't mind that to be honest.
I put this forward in another thred. but it would b more like tales 2 npcs iss enough.
And that was the writers fault for that, not the character herself.
Ellie was great for a short time, It was a nice change of pace. I liked that as you were still an adult for most of the game
The writers are in control of her character are they not? Even if they did write her halfway decent (which they didn't). You're still playing as a scrawny girl with odd plot given strength