RIP Luke .... He was such a good and soft-hearted guy. At least we found out more about him.... and in mine game he died like a hero, while he saved Clem.
Let´s just say - I´m glad that I was alone at home during the time I played the game ----> :´-(
I hate the fact that if you listen to Luke, Bonnie tries to help him, then both of them falls into the water.
Then you see him under the ice, you're trying to help him, you're smashing this goddamn ice but he drowns. Propably one of the most tragic deaths, right with Kenny's.
What's even more pissing me off is that when he drowns, Bonnie poops out of the goddamn water ALONE AND ALIVE.
She did nothing to save him, yet later she literally yells at me that i could help him.
God.Fakin.Damn junkie.
He would made it alive alone, She should just kill the goddamn zombies.
I seriously hope we'll meet her again in S3, so we could shoot her right in the head.
If both Bonnie and Clem had stayed put and shot the walkers, would Luke really have been able to pull himself up? Remember, he's still recovering from his injuries from Carver and he has been shot in the leg.
I hate the fact that if you listen to Luke, Bonnie tries to help him, then both of them falls into the water.
Then you see him under the … moreice, you're trying to help him, you're smashing this goddamn ice but he drowns. Propably one of the most tragic deaths, right with Kenny's.
What's even more pissing me off is that when he drowns, Bonnie poops out of the goddamn water ALONE AND ALIVE.
She did nothing to save him, yet later she literally yells at me that i could help him.
God.Fakin.Damn junkie.
He would made it alive alone, She should just kill the goddamn zombies.
I seriously hope we'll meet her again in S3, so we could shoot her right in the head.
I almost cried! I actually think I would've too if I didn't have really dry eyes this morning. ;_; I just... couldn't find much strength to carry on in the story afterwards though, then they had to hurt me emotionally with Clem getting shot and Lee too. UGH!
I was so glad we finally got to learn some more about his backstory though, apparently he was an art nerd and that made me laugh. And him mentioning Nick and the rest of the cabin group... He more than made up for everything in episode 4 in my eyes. Happy birthday to him too! He just turned 27...
I chose to go over and help him, and he saved my Clem underneath the ice, so he went out a hero in my books... I guess he could've had a much worse death coughfencecough. I'm glad they didn't do the buildup of the Kenny vs. Luke decision too, but at the same time I wish he still could've survived. I'm kind of pissed and a little in denial too.
R.I.P. Luke, you were the best big bro to my Clem, and I'll miss you as much as I'll miss my Clementine.
Omg, same. I was in such denial the whole episode, I was all like, "Luke will come back... he's not dead. He'll always come back for us." ;_; And I didn't even think about walker!Luke... yes, thank God that didn't happen!
Same. I kept expecting him to just pop up and be like "omg hai betches" but then he didn't. Then I was expecting to see him as a walker on top of the ice, but that didn't happen. THANK GOD.
I almost cried! I actually think I would've too if I didn't have really dry eyes this morning. ;_; I just... couldn't find much strength to … morecarry on in the story afterwards though, then they had to hurt me emotionally with Clem getting shot and Lee too. UGH!
I was so glad we finally got to learn some more about his backstory though, apparently he was an art nerd and that made me laugh. And him mentioning Nick and the rest of the cabin group... He more than made up for everything in episode 4 in my eyes. Happy birthday to him too! He just turned 27...
I chose to go over and help him, and he saved my Clem underneath the ice, so he went out a hero in my books... I guess he could've had a much worse death coughfencecough. I'm glad they didn't do the buildup of the Kenny vs. Luke decision too, but at the same time I wish he still could've survived. I'm kind of pissed and a little in denial too.
R.I.P. Luke, you were the best big bro to my Clem, and I'll miss you as much as I'll miss my Clementine.
Oh my gosh, yeah, this new information does change our perception of what kind of business he and Nick tried to go into. Hmm....
XD I'm trying to picture Luke and Nick having a serious discussion about art and all I can imagine is Luke geeking out with Nick just rolling his eyes and just going along with it.
It was especially funny with Kenny's comment about the coffee shop, because I'm an art student too, and it was all too true...
Now I real… morely wonder what kind of business Luke and Nick went into... can you imagine the both of them trying to talk about art? XD
Oh my gosh, yeah, this new information does change our perception of what kind of business he and Nick tried to go into. Hmm....
XD I'm t… morerying to picture Luke and Nick having a serious discussion about art and all I can imagine is Luke geeking out with Nick just rolling his eyes and just going along with it.
Ikr? T_T Luke and Nick were my absolute favorites this season! I was hoping that we might be able to keep Luke with us since he was the last cabin group member, but Telltale decided that we can't have nice things.
Same here. I was hoping at least Luke would survive since all the other cabin group members died, so if he made it into season 3, it would make up for the fact that they all pretty much got the short end of the stick this season. Plus, he was supposed to be a major character this season, he's even credited second right after Clem. It makes me feel like they gave us a whole new group at the start of the season for no reason at all, other than to get a baby, which we could've had anyway if they decided to let Christa have Omid Jr. Telltale really doesn't let us have nice things.
Ikr? T_T Luke and Nick were my absolute favorites this season! I was hoping that we might be able to keep Luke with us since he was the last cabin group member, but Telltale decided that we can't have nice things.
Yes ..exactly .All they had to do was shoot the damn walkers and not move any closer to Luke. And Mike and Kenny just stood there.Could have thrown a long branch or anything useful.. Luke could have been saved.
Yeah, I've been wondering about that too.
If both Bonnie and Clem had stayed put and shot the walkers, would Luke really have been able t… moreo pull himself up? Remember, he's still recovering from his injuries from Carver and he has been shot in the leg.
The cabin group really did get shafted, didn't they? All of them are dead-dead. Not even determinant-dead, but dead-dead. It's really sad.
I thought Luke would be a major character during the ending too, since he was second-billed character and also featured in a lot of the promotional stuff for the season. Not to mention that story on how originally the first game was supposed to be about Clementine and her brother, but they scrapped that idea because of a pre-existing relationship. I thought Luke and Clem's friendship was that storyline finally coming to fruition.
Omid Jr. would have been a toddler then. I think TellTale wanted the kid to be a newborn so it was entirely defenceless to make the stakes higher in protecting him.
Same here. I was hoping at least Luke would survive since all the other cabin group members died, so if he made it into season 3, it would m… moreake up for the fact that they all pretty much got the short end of the stick this season. Plus, he was supposed to be a major character this season, he's even credited second right after Clem. It makes me feel like they gave us a whole new group at the start of the season for no reason at all, other than to get a baby, which we could've had anyway if they decided to let Christa have Omid Jr. Telltale really doesn't let us have nice things.
Yes ..exactly .All they had to do was shoot the damn walkers and not move any closer to Luke. And Mike and Kenny just stood there.Could have thrown a long branch or anything useful.. Luke could have been saved.
Exactly, it's kind of disappointing that the only two people of the main cast we can end up with in the end are Kenny and Jane... and neither of them have been with us since the start of the season. I miss the cabin group.
Yeah, I mean I was hoping the choice wouldn't be between choosing to save Luke or Kenny since that was getting annoying, but I still thought Luke would be one of the characters that could live to the end. And exactly! The reason why I liked Luke so much is because I have an older brother in real life, and I wanted Clem to have a cool relationship like that too, and I thought since the original storyline was supposed to be about Clem and her brother, Luke and Clem's friendship would be them bringing that original idea to life. But Telltale has different plans apparently. I still wish Luke could've lived though.
And they could've not made the time skip as big? But I'm guessing playing as 9 year-old Clem would've been harder to do, but I still wish Omid Jr didn't have to die, him and AJ could've been friends.
The cabin group really did get shafted, didn't they? All of them are dead-dead. Not even determinant-dead, but dead-dead. It's really sad.
… more I thought Luke would be a major character during the ending too, since he was second-billed character and also featured in a lot of the promotional stuff for the season. Not to mention that story on how originally the first game was supposed to be about Clementine and her brother, but they scrapped that idea because of a pre-existing relationship. I thought Luke and Clem's friendship was that storyline finally coming to fruition.
Omid Jr. would have been a toddler then. I think TellTale wanted the kid to be a newborn so it was entirely defenceless to make the stakes higher in protecting him.
After finishing Episode 5. I like Luke a lot more and I'm a lot more sadder that he died rather than Mike or Bonnie or Arvo. I'm just glad he died saving Clementine and not one of the said three.
I miss the cabin group too. It really was disappointing that the only options at the end were Kenny, Jane or being alone with the baby. And by that point, I honestly didn't want Clem and AJ to be stuck with either of them. Luke should have been an option. That last choice was titled "Friendship" and Luke was more of a friend to Clem than Jane was.
I would have loved to see Omid Jr. to meet and be friends with Alvin Jr.! We never did find out what happened to Christa's baby.
Exactly, it's kind of disappointing that the only two people of the main cast we can end up with in the end are Kenny and Jane... and neithe… morer of them have been with us since the start of the season. I miss the cabin group.
Yeah, I mean I was hoping the choice wouldn't be between choosing to save Luke or Kenny since that was getting annoying, but I still thought Luke would be one of the characters that could live to the end. And exactly! The reason why I liked Luke so much is because I have an older brother in real life, and I wanted Clem to have a cool relationship like that too, and I thought since the original storyline was supposed to be about Clem and her brother, Luke and Clem's friendship would be them bringing that original idea to life. But Telltale has different plans apparently. I still wish Luke could've lived though.
And they could've not made the time skip as big? But I'm guessing playing as 9 year-old Clem would've been h… [view original content]
You were a good guy, and even if I didn't realize it at the time, you were always there for Clem. You stood up for her when she was bit. You ran miles to go save her from Carver. You were the only person that I could really trust, at any time. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Kenny. Everyone else let me down in this episode.
I felt so bad when he helped my Clem under the water and got pulled towards the darkness... I even thought about rewinding it because I thought he was determinant... We''l never know what Nick and Luke did before the apocalypse now. Poor Luke
And then Bonnie blames … moreme when she was the one who ran up to Luke and made the ice collapse?
I feel legitimately depressed about a video game character for once.
Same, like I'm alright-ish with Jane, since I didn't want my Clem to be alone, but I really wish every character at the beginning of the episode was an option we could've ended up with. The "Friendship" choice should've been about who in the group your Clem valued the most as a friend, and I honestly think Luke was the only one who was your friend in the end no matter what. In fact when I saw the choice was titled "Friendship" I thought I screwed up, and could've had an ending with Luke, or perhaps Bonnie and Mike, but nope... turns out Kenny and Jane are your only friends. Which reminds me... we didn't get special stats for each character did we?
OJ and AJ. Haha, those two would've been quite the match! XD Get it because OJ=orange juice, and AJ=apple juice (which btw is living up to the legend that is Alvin). And we didn't, even though Gavin said we'd find out soon... nor did we find out what happened to Christa herself. I wish she was an option too, it was always Luke or Christa in the end for me, but Telltale doesn't let me have the things I want. T_T
I miss the cabin group too. It really was disappointing that the only options at the end were Kenny, Jane or being alone with the baby. And… more by that point, I honestly didn't want Clem and AJ to be stuck with either of them. Luke should have been an option. That last choice was titled "Friendship" and Luke was more of a friend to Clem than Jane was.
I would have loved to see Omid Jr. to meet and be friends with Alvin Jr.! We never did find out what happened to Christa's baby.
I so wish there had been an option to tell Bonnie about herself. I tried to save Luke. After he died saving Clem, I went back and covered him in a 2nd playthrough and he still died because of BONNIE. It was her stepping on the ice that broke it and made them both fall under. She didnt try to pull him out either, just saved herself, then had the nerve to be hateful to Clem, blaming Luke's death on her.
This seriously has ruined my day. Played before work and now I'm just in the worst mood, snapping at people. LOL! I wanted Luke alive dammit! And he died no matter what I did and I didn't even have the satisfaction of shooting Bonnie after she acted all evil to me.
Seriously, why'd they have to put that it was his birthday? The dude died the day after his freaking birthday. That was just emotional overkill.
No, I don't think there were any of the individual character stats like at the end of Season 1 or The Wolf Among us. O_o Weird.
Omg, OJ and AJ! Orange Juice and Apple Juice! XD I love that! If I could give you a million likes I would just for that! XD And living up to Alvin's legend indeed. All hail the juice box!
If you go to Wellington you have the option to ask if Christa arrived there. Unfortunately, she didn't. Would have been cool if she was there though. Of all the characters to look after Clem, Luke and Christa are at the top for me. Although, Luke kind of edges out ahead of Christa because I feel like Christa still kind of resents Clem for Omid's death.
Same, like I'm alright-ish with Jane, since I didn't want my Clem to be alone, but I really wish every character at the beginning of the epi… moresode was an option we could've ended up with. The "Friendship" choice should've been about who in the group your Clem valued the most as a friend, and I honestly think Luke was the only one who was your friend in the end no matter what. In fact when I saw the choice was titled "Friendship" I thought I screwed up, and could've had an ending with Luke, or perhaps Bonnie and Mike, but nope... turns out Kenny and Jane are your only friends. Which reminds me... we didn't get special stats for each character did we?
OJ and AJ. Haha, those two would've been quite the match! XD Get it because OJ=orange juice, and AJ=apple juice (which btw is living up to the legend that is Alvin). And we didn't, even though Gavin said we'd find out soon... nor did we find out what happened to Christa herself. I wish she was a… [view original content]
He really was. He's also the only genuinely good person to die a real death in the episode, not just a determinant one. That kinda says a lot about how Telltale feels about good people in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Mike, Arvo (and Bonnie if she survives) betray Clem. And depending on how you see it, both Jane and Kenny are crazy people.
But I would a… morergue that Luke was the only genuinely good person. He didn't deserve what he got, I really hoped he would survive...
I wonder why they didn't include them... I would've loved to see all the choices I made for each character, but seeing all those deceased stamps over the cabin group's pictures would've definitely made me sad.
Thank you. The juice box must live on!
Oh I see, I haven't gone to my other save files to see what happens if you go to Wellington yet. Christa's fate is still pretty much up in the air right now then. And same, I always wondered what I'd do if I had to choose between Luke or Christa, and always edged a little bit more towards Luke since Christa seemed a bit too hardened for my Clem, but I'm still glad they didn't make me have to choose between those two. I would've loved if there was an ending with the two of them and Clem though.
No, I don't think there were any of the individual character stats like at the end of Season 1 or The Wolf Among us. O_o Weird.
Omg, OJ … moreand AJ! Orange Juice and Apple Juice! XD I love that! If I could give you a million likes I would just for that! XD And living up to Alvin's legend indeed. All hail the juice box!
If you go to Wellington you have the option to ask if Christa arrived there. Unfortunately, she didn't. Would have been cool if she was there though. Of all the characters to look after Clem, Luke and Christa are at the top for me. Although, Luke kind of edges out ahead of Christa because I feel like Christa still kind of resents Clem for Omid's death.
RIP Luke ....
He was such a good and soft-hearted guy. At least we found out more about him.... and in mine game he died like a hero, while he saved Clem.
Let´s just say - I´m glad that I was alone at home during the time I played the game ----> :´-(
I hate the fact that if you listen to Luke, Bonnie tries to help him, then both of them falls into the water.
Then you see him under the ice, you're trying to help him, you're smashing this goddamn ice but he drowns. Propably one of the most tragic deaths, right with Kenny's.
What's even more pissing me off is that when he drowns, Bonnie poops out of the goddamn water ALONE AND ALIVE.
She did nothing to save him, yet later she literally yells at me that i could help him.
God.Fakin.Damn junkie.
He would made it alive alone, She should just kill the goddamn zombies.
I seriously hope we'll meet her again in S3, so we could shoot her right in the head.
Yeah, I've been wondering about that too.
If both Bonnie and Clem had stayed put and shot the walkers, would Luke really have been able to pull himself up? Remember, he's still recovering from his injuries from Carver and he has been shot in the leg.
I almost cried! I actually think I would've too if I didn't have really dry eyes this morning. ;_; I just... couldn't find much strength to carry on in the story afterwards though, then they had to hurt me emotionally with Clem getting shot and Lee too. UGH!
I was so glad we finally got to learn some more about his backstory though, apparently he was an art nerd and that made me laugh. And him mentioning Nick and the rest of the cabin group... He more than made up for everything in episode 4 in my eyes. Happy birthday to him too! He just turned 27...
I chose to go over and help him, and he saved my Clem underneath the ice, so he went out a hero in my books... I guess he could've had a much worse death coughfencecough. I'm glad they didn't do the buildup of the Kenny vs. Luke decision too, but at the same time I wish he still could've survived. I'm kind of pissed and a little in denial too.
R.I.P. Luke, you were the best big bro to my Clem, and I'll miss you as much as I'll miss my Clementine.
Omg, same. I was in such denial the whole episode, I was all like, "Luke will come back... he's not dead. He'll always come back for us." ;_; And I didn't even think about walker!Luke... yes, thank God that didn't happen!
Finding out that Luke was an art nerd was the best thing ever.
And I loved that he minored in agriculture to keep his dad happy.
It was especially funny with Kenny's comment about the coffee shop, because I'm an art student too, and it was all too true...
Now I really wonder what kind of business Luke and Nick went into... can you imagine the both of them trying to talk about art? XD
Oh my gosh, yeah, this new information does change our perception of what kind of business he and Nick tried to go into. Hmm....
XD I'm trying to picture Luke and Nick having a serious discussion about art and all I can imagine is Luke geeking out with Nick just rolling his eyes and just going along with it.
I can't wait to see Lexi's reaction at least.
Oh man, I wish we could've had a scene with them like that. I really miss those two farm-boys. ;_; Why did Telltale have to kill them?!
Ikr? T_T Luke and Nick were my absolute favorites this season! I was hoping that we might be able to keep Luke with us since he was the last cabin group member, but Telltale decided that we can't have nice things.
Same here. I was hoping at least Luke would survive since all the other cabin group members died, so if he made it into season 3, it would make up for the fact that they all pretty much got the short end of the stick this season. Plus, he was supposed to be a major character this season, he's even credited second right after Clem. It makes me feel like they gave us a whole new group at the start of the season for no reason at all, other than to get a baby, which we could've had anyway if they decided to let Christa have Omid Jr. Telltale really doesn't let us have nice things.
Yes ..exactly .All they had to do was shoot the damn walkers and not move any closer to Luke. And Mike and Kenny just stood there.Could have thrown a long branch or anything useful.. Luke could have been saved.
The cabin group really did get shafted, didn't they? All of them are dead-dead. Not even determinant-dead, but dead-dead. It's really sad.
I thought Luke would be a major character during the ending too, since he was second-billed character and also featured in a lot of the promotional stuff for the season. Not to mention that story on how originally the first game was supposed to be about Clementine and her brother, but they scrapped that idea because of a pre-existing relationship. I thought Luke and Clem's friendship was that storyline finally coming to fruition.
Omid Jr. would have been a toddler then. I think TellTale wanted the kid to be a newborn so it was entirely defenceless to make the stakes higher in protecting him.
Yeah, Mike or Kenny could have ran inside the house to see if there was a rope or something to hold onto and fish Luke out.
Exactly, it's kind of disappointing that the only two people of the main cast we can end up with in the end are Kenny and Jane... and neither of them have been with us since the start of the season. I miss the cabin group.
Yeah, I mean I was hoping the choice wouldn't be between choosing to save Luke or Kenny since that was getting annoying, but I still thought Luke would be one of the characters that could live to the end. And exactly! The reason why I liked Luke so much is because I have an older brother in real life, and I wanted Clem to have a cool relationship like that too, and I thought since the original storyline was supposed to be about Clem and her brother, Luke and Clem's friendship would be them bringing that original idea to life. But Telltale has different plans apparently. I still wish Luke could've lived though.
And they could've not made the time skip as big? But I'm guessing playing as 9 year-old Clem would've been harder to do, but I still wish Omid Jr didn't have to die, him and AJ could've been friends.
I'm still crying and I don't know what to say. I don't think I've ever cried that much about someone's death, expect Lee of course.
I'm just so fucking upset, ugh. Happy birthday and RIP Luke, I will miss you so much, you were such a great and nice guy, I love you
After finishing Episode 5. I like Luke a lot more and I'm a lot more sadder that he died rather than Mike or Bonnie or Arvo. I'm just glad he died saving Clementine and not one of the said three.
I miss the cabin group too.
It really was disappointing that the only options at the end were Kenny, Jane or being alone with the baby. And by that point, I honestly didn't want Clem and AJ to be stuck with either of them. Luke should have been an option. That last choice was titled "Friendship" and Luke was more of a friend to Clem than Jane was.
I would have loved to see Omid Jr. to meet and be friends with Alvin Jr.! We never did find out what happened to Christa's baby.
And then Bonnie blames me when she was the one who ran up to Luke and made the ice collapse?
I feel legitimately depressed about a video game character for once.
You were a good guy, and even if I didn't realize it at the time, you were always there for Clem. You stood up for her when she was bit. You ran miles to go save her from Carver. You were the only person that I could really trust, at any time. Bonnie, Mike, Jane, Kenny. Everyone else let me down in this episode.
Rest in peace Luke.
I felt so bad when he helped my Clem under the water and got pulled towards the darkness... I even thought about rewinding it because I thought he was determinant... We''l never know what Nick and Luke did before the apocalypse now. Poor Luke
Why'd you have to post that picture here? T_T
Same, like I'm alright-ish with Jane, since I didn't want my Clem to be alone, but I really wish every character at the beginning of the episode was an option we could've ended up with. The "Friendship" choice should've been about who in the group your Clem valued the most as a friend, and I honestly think Luke was the only one who was your friend in the end no matter what. In fact when I saw the choice was titled "Friendship" I thought I screwed up, and could've had an ending with Luke, or perhaps Bonnie and Mike, but nope... turns out Kenny and Jane are your only friends. Which reminds me... we didn't get special stats for each character did we?
OJ and AJ. Haha, those two would've been quite the match! XD Get it because OJ=orange juice, and AJ=apple juice (which btw is living up to the legend that is Alvin). And we didn't, even though Gavin said we'd find out soon... nor did we find out what happened to Christa herself. I wish she was an option too, it was always Luke or Christa in the end for me, but Telltale doesn't let me have the things I want. T_T
I so wish there had been an option to tell Bonnie about herself. I tried to save Luke. After he died saving Clem, I went back and covered him in a 2nd playthrough and he still died because of BONNIE. It was her stepping on the ice that broke it and made them both fall under. She didnt try to pull him out either, just saved herself, then had the nerve to be hateful to Clem, blaming Luke's death on her.
This seriously has ruined my day. Played before work and now I'm just in the worst mood, snapping at people. LOL! I wanted Luke alive dammit! And he died no matter what I did and I didn't even have the satisfaction of shooting Bonnie after she acted all evil to me.
Seriously, why'd they have to put that it was his birthday? The dude died the day after his freaking birthday. That was just emotional overkill.
We have to figure out who nominated Luke for the ice bucket challenge XD
I didn't feel much when he died. I mean I was starting to like him a little but eh..
No, I don't think there were any of the individual character stats like at the end of Season 1 or The Wolf Among us. O_o Weird.
Omg, OJ and AJ! Orange Juice and Apple Juice! XD I love that! If I could give you a million likes I would just for that! XD And living up to Alvin's legend indeed. All hail the juice box!
If you go to Wellington you have the option to ask if Christa arrived there. Unfortunately, she didn't. Would have been cool if she was there though. Of all the characters to look after Clem, Luke and Christa are at the top for me. Although, Luke kind of edges out ahead of Christa because I feel like Christa still kind of resents Clem for Omid's death.
Arvo did. He's the one that led them there, that little shit.
But yeah, Ice bucket challenge to the extreme.
Poor Luke.
I fealt bad for Arvo...till he had the gun.
I'm crying my eyes out over Luke.
Then someone says they took the Ice Bucket Challenge too far...
You ruined the moment man!!!
Mike, Arvo (and Bonnie if she survives) betray Clem. And depending on how you see it, both Jane and Kenny are crazy people.
But I would argue that Luke was the only genuinely good person. He didn't deserve what he got, I really hoped he would survive...
Sorry man, saw an opportunity and took it.
He really was. He's also the only genuinely good person to die a real death in the episode, not just a determinant one. That kinda says a lot about how Telltale feels about good people in the Zombie Apocalypse.
I wonder why they didn't include them... I would've loved to see all the choices I made for each character, but seeing all those deceased stamps over the cabin group's pictures would've definitely made me sad.
Thank you. The juice box must live on!
Oh I see, I haven't gone to my other save files to see what happens if you go to Wellington yet. Christa's fate is still pretty much up in the air right now then. And same, I always wondered what I'd do if I had to choose between Luke or Christa, and always edged a little bit more towards Luke since Christa seemed a bit too hardened for my Clem, but I'm still glad they didn't make me have to choose between those two. I would've loved if there was an ending with the two of them and Clem though.
I know what happens when you bash the ice or help Luke early on. What happens exactly if you shoot the ice instead of bashing it?
Same here. As soon as Arvo shot Clementine, all my sympathy for him was GONE.
I dont know why he did it, I was nice to him and cooperative but nope, that lee scene though.