Honesly I never cared about Luke I always thought he was an bland character just like all the others except Clementine, Kenny, Bonnie, Jane and even Carver I still wish they executed Carver an bit better interesting character. I never found Luke interesting and when he died I was like "Meh".
If you choose to cover him, Bonnie will try to reach him. The ice still breaks and they both fall in. Clem sees Luke beneath the ice, punch… moreing at it trying to get out. Clem then can try to break the ice, if she does she falls in the water and sees Luke's body floating lifelessly in the water. Jane then pulls her out and the scene continues the same as the [Help] choice.
I'm still not sure if Bonnie can die here too, if you choose [cover]. I don't think so, but if she does, she's really mad at Clementine for not being the one to try and help Luke.
The only guy besides Kenny who ever treated her like a friend since episode one and didn't turn his back on Clem no matter what... and he is gone... I'll miss him.. Its not fair what happened to him.. Him reaching for Clem as he was being pulled down was the worst way to go.. He was the nicest guy ever with a great heart..
He picks her up and saves her in episode one...At least he saved her one last time from that walker in the finale...
Like I said in other posts, I'm extremely disappointed (even a little irritated) that we didn't get a determinate ending with Luke. That would have made building a great relationship with him all season long worthwhile. It would give the Kenny fans what they wanted (going off with him), survivalists what they wanted (going off alone), Jane fans would be happy, and we would have been able to see Luke make it. To actually be the lone survivor of his cabin group.
You know what? After seeing the episode play out the way it did and the different endings that are possible, it makes me wish even more that… more Luke had made it to the end. And not just because he's my favorite character, but for Clementine and AJ's sakes.
The 3 options are Clem and AJ by themselves or with Jane or Kenny.
Jane is obviously uncomfortable around AJ and babies in general. She's kind of wishy washy about wanting to stay or going off by herself. And that trick that she pulled with AJ at the end was crazy. She deliberately provoked Kenny into a fight, for what? To prove a point? After that, how can anyone trust her?
Kenny.... there's a long history there and I love him. But the man is unstable, unreasonable and sometimes just downright dangerous. I know that he would never intentionally hurt Clem or AJ, but his volatile temper is too unpredictable. Clem would have to constantly be on guard around him the way she was this w… [view original content]
Apparently it's extremely painful too. Poor Luke. I was impressed with how they did it. It was scary enough to go into the episode knowing he was going to die, but it made me feel a lot better about it knowing it was well done.
At least he didn't get stuck on the fence near the campfire. (And was it just me or did Clem look sad when someone mentioned the fence?)
After all of the shoddy deaths in Episode 4, the way Luke's was done with a breath of fresh air.
Er... pun unintended.
I just thought … moreit was tragic and interesting. Even just cinematically, when you hear the ice cracking and turn and see him standing there with terror in his eyes. It was just sad. Drowning's been said to be one of the worst ways you could possibly go.
It's also weird that he is the biggest character this season aside from Clem and Kenny, yet he's the only one who has a canon, unavoidable death? Like.. even Jane lives (determinately) and she Clem knew for like a week. Mike and Bonnie too.
It's a little unfair that his is the only death of the group that is fixed this episode. Everyone else (except Clem & AJ) is either determinant or unknown.
It's kind of what Bonnie says when you talk to her as Kenny fixes the truck. There's always that one person in the group who causes problems and is bitter, but Luke would never be that person.
Mike, Arvo (and Bonnie if she survives) betray Clem. And depending on how you see it, both Jane and Kenny are crazy people.
But I would a… morergue that Luke was the only genuinely good person. He didn't deserve what he got, I really hoped he would survive...
Or better yet, imagine an ending with Clem and the whole cabin group alive, living happily in the safety of the cabin... if only it could've been that way.
Is it bad that I thought this was almost, if not about the same, as hard emotionally to watch as Lee's death?
No but for real. I'm so upset that Luke couldn't have been determinate like Kenny and Jane were. It's kind of a waste to build up this relationship with him and his tension with Kenny just so he could DIE. At least it was one of the most tragic and dramatic deaths this game has done. No matter what you choose, Clem's safety is his first priority. He either pulls the walker away and goes down with it or pleads with her not to risk falling in.
I wish we had an ending with him. I guess that would have been too easy though since I would have hit that option so freaking fast. Someone needs to write a fic about Luke surviving this mess and making it to the end. I wonder what he would have wanted. Jane wanted to go back to Carver's place, Kenny wanted to live in Wellington... where would that leave Luke? He never really seemed too sold on the idea but he stuck it out anyway since it seemed like their best shot at the time. His death also kind of made me think, "I wonder what Luke would be doing right now if he were still around" at multiple times in the episode.
Sigh. He was so great in this episode too. He had a lot of great lines and moments. He was adorable in that campfire scene. "I didn't mean to make that rhyme." I laughed so hard. It was a nice touch for him to go out like he entered - saving Clementine. AND AWW AT HIM SAYING HE WOULD HAVE COME BACK FOR CLEMENTINE. You deserved to live, Luke. He was my favourite character - he had such a good heart and only just wanted to protect himself and his family.
Bonnie put it really nicely in this episode. There's always that one person that sours every situation.. but that would have never been Luke.
At least Luke got to rejoin his loved ones, just like he wanted in his toast. Also, can I just point out that you get one of the sweetest things ever between Clem and Luke at the campfire? There's no dialogue to it but Luke will give her this really cute, calming smile when she examines the fire.
Really? Wish I had known that. I choose to cover Luke cuz I figured going over there would put more strain on the ice, and she was HORRIBLE to me after he died. Next play through Im gonna let her drown >:(
Can I ask, if you choose to cover Luke, why he drowns so fast and yet Bonnie, who fell in at the same time, pops out afterwards without any help? AND she comes out of the hole Clem made in the ice so did she not pass Luke's body at that point? She didn't try to pull him up with her? There's the possibility of pulling him out and then performing CPR. Just cause he looked dead, didn't mean he actually was or couldn't be revived.
Agreeeed. Poor Lukey. I was really in denial about his death and was totally expecting him to come back after falling through the ice. When we heard that rope knocking on the window, I was so sure it would've been him...
I get the feeling that TT really just rewrote the Kenny/Luke thing in ep 5 and replaced Jane with Luke...guess I'm kind of glad they did because I didn't want to see Luke get as ugly as Jane and Kenny did. But it would've been lovely if we had our own ending with him some other way.
But boy did we get a lot of great Luke moments this episodeeee; I have to go watch them over.
Is it bad that I thought this was almost, if not abo… moreut the same, as hard emotionally to watch as Lee's death?
No but for real. I'm so upset that Luke couldn't have been determinate like Kenny and Jane were. It's kind of a waste to build up this relationship with him and his tension with Kenny just so he could DIE. At least it was one of the most tragic and dramatic deaths this game has done. No matter what you choose, Clem's safety is his first priority. He either pulls the walker away and goes down with it or pleads with her not to risk falling in.
I wish we had an ending with him. I guess that would have been too easy though since I would have hit that option so freaking fast. Someone needs to write a fic about Luke surviving this mess and making it to the end. I wonder what he would have wanted. Jane wanted to go back to Carver's place, Kenny wan… [view original content]
Don't worry guys i think he pulled a "Kenny/Tyresse" on this one. Then will grow a godlike beard...right?....;c Sucks how he died right after his birthday...that ain't a way to go...that ain't cool man...
He was my favourite S2 character without a doubt (and I'm with you, definitely would have chose Luke). I'm sad he went so soon. I wish we had more time with him...
Also, I helped him first but I watched someone who covered him. It hurt like hell seeing him like that in the water. It was un-freaking-bearable.
Is it bad that I thought this was almost, if not abo… moreut the same, as hard emotionally to watch as Lee's death?
No but for real. I'm so upset that Luke couldn't have been determinate like Kenny and Jane were. It's kind of a waste to build up this relationship with him and his tension with Kenny just so he could DIE. At least it was one of the most tragic and dramatic deaths this game has done. No matter what you choose, Clem's safety is his first priority. He either pulls the walker away and goes down with it or pleads with her not to risk falling in.
I wish we had an ending with him. I guess that would have been too easy though since I would have hit that option so freaking fast. Someone needs to write a fic about Luke surviving this mess and making it to the end. I wonder what he would have wanted. Jane wanted to go back to Carver's place, Kenny wan… [view original content]
Him not being around for the second half of the episode made me nostalgic for the times he was. Honestly, there were times where I started wondering what Luke would have said/done if he were around.
I have a question! There's a part where Luke apologizes to Bonnie before she walks off to tend to Kenny, I think. Why was he apologizing? It was sort of dropped afterwards. I assumed after a while that he knew of Bonnie's (previous? current?) crush on him so he apologized to the Jane thing..
That would've been my ultimate brotp ending.
Or better yet, imagine an ending with Clem and the whole cabin group alive, living happily in the safety of the cabin... if only it could've been that way.
Maybe he could be determinately alive? I mean, Jane and Kenny are determinately alive anyway; it would be nice if he was too, and we could meet him at least briefly again in season 3.... In the option where you cover Luke, it's pretty clear he hasn't made it, but if you try to get him from the ice, his death is pretty much offscreen. Still possible right? Right?!?
I know what you mean, I kept trying to imagine what he'd be doing or saying in each scene had he survived, and it really made me wish he had lived even more. But I guess having an ending with him probably would've been too good to be true, and Telltale doesn't like happy endings, so they killed him for our feels. I really wish they did give us an ending with him though, I'd really like to know what would've happened had he lived until the end.
Him not being around for the second half of the episode made me nostalgic for the times he was. Honestly, there were times where I s… moretarted wondering what Luke would have said/done if he were around.
I have a question! There's a part where Luke apologizes to Bonnie before she walks off to tend to Kenny, I think. Why was he apologizing? It was sort of dropped afterwards. I assumed after a while that he knew of Bonnie's (previous? current?) crush on him so he apologized to the Jane thing..
I was disappointed it said I didn't help Luke in the choices. I covered him to show him I trust him to motivate him, and because I assumed helping him on the ice would be a trick and make it crack and kill him ;/
"To the loved ones that we've lost along the way... and to the hope that we see them again... someday."
My Luke died to help Clementine one last time. So... R.I.P. Luke. I always sided with Kenny, but I don't particularly dislike him.
Honesly I never cared about Luke I always thought he was an bland character just like all the others except Clementine, Kenny, Bonnie, Jane and even Carver I still wish they executed Carver an bit better interesting character. I never found Luke interesting and when he died I was like "Meh".
If you don't break the ice, Bonnie dies too.
Me either! That pic crushed any hopes I had of him being lucky enough to survive some how. Stupid Bonnie...
Never let go, Luke...
Luke is the best at the ALS bucket challenge.
The only guy besides Kenny who ever treated her like a friend since episode one and didn't turn his back on Clem no matter what... and he is gone... I'll miss him.. Its not fair what happened to him.. Him reaching for Clem as he was being pulled down was the worst way to go.. He was the nicest guy ever with a great heart..
He picks her up and saves her in episode one...At least he saved her one last time from that walker in the finale...
Like I said in other posts, I'm extremely disappointed (even a little irritated) that we didn't get a determinate ending with Luke. That would have made building a great relationship with him all season long worthwhile. It would give the Kenny fans what they wanted (going off with him), survivalists what they wanted (going off alone), Jane fans would be happy, and we would have been able to see Luke make it. To actually be the lone survivor of his cabin group.
He's a rockstar to me
Apparently it's extremely painful too. Poor Luke. I was impressed with how they did it. It was scary enough to go into the episode knowing he was going to die, but it made me feel a lot better about it knowing it was well done.
At least he didn't get stuck on the fence near the campfire. (And was it just me or did Clem look sad when someone mentioned the fence?)
It's also weird that he is the biggest character this season aside from Clem and Kenny, yet he's the only one who has a canon, unavoidable death? Like.. even Jane lives (determinately) and she Clem knew for like a week. Mike and Bonnie too.
I actually had tears welling up after this.
He's a male stripper to me.
Imagine an ending with Luke, Clem, and Nick.
It's kind of what Bonnie says when you talk to her as Kenny fixes the truck. There's always that one person in the group who causes problems and is bitter, but Luke would never be that person.
Me too ;-;
Amen, Luke was probably my favorite character this season. He had personality, and was a genuinely nice person. I literally almost cried when he died.
EDIT: See profile picture.
That would've been my ultimate brotp ending.
Or better yet, imagine an ending with Clem and the whole cabin group alive, living happily in the safety of the cabin... if only it could've been that way.
Haha, no way. Luke may think Clem is awesome but she is still only a little kid.
On the other hand, Luke and his fancy hair and good guy persona are perfect crush material for an 11 year old girl.
Is it bad that I thought this was almost, if not about the same, as hard emotionally to watch as Lee's death?
No but for real. I'm so upset that Luke couldn't have been determinate like Kenny and Jane were. It's kind of a waste to build up this relationship with him and his tension with Kenny just so he could DIE.
At least it was one of the most tragic and dramatic deaths this game has done. No matter what you choose, Clem's safety is his first priority. He either pulls the walker away and goes down with it or pleads with her not to risk falling in.
I wish we had an ending with him. I guess that would have been too easy though since I would have hit that option so freaking fast. Someone needs to write a fic about Luke surviving this mess and making it to the end. I wonder what he would have wanted. Jane wanted to go back to Carver's place, Kenny wanted to live in Wellington... where would that leave Luke? He never really seemed too sold on the idea but he stuck it out anyway since it seemed like their best shot at the time. His death also kind of made me think, "I wonder what Luke would be doing right now if he were still around" at multiple times in the episode.
Sigh. He was so great in this episode too. He had a lot of great lines and moments. He was adorable in that campfire scene. "I didn't mean to make that rhyme." I laughed so hard. It was a nice touch for him to go out like he entered - saving Clementine. AND AWW AT HIM SAYING HE WOULD HAVE COME BACK FOR CLEMENTINE. You deserved to live, Luke.
He was my favourite character - he had such a good heart and only just wanted to protect himself and his family.
Bonnie put it really nicely in this episode. There's always that one person that sours every situation.. but that would have never been Luke.
At least Luke got to rejoin his loved ones, just like he wanted in his toast. Also, can I just point out that you get one of the sweetest things ever between Clem and Luke at the campfire? There's no dialogue to it but Luke will give her this really cute, calming smile when she examines the fire.
Really? Wish I had known that. I choose to cover Luke cuz I figured going over there would put more strain on the ice, and she was HORRIBLE to me after he died. Next play through Im gonna let her drown >:(
Can I ask, if you choose to cover Luke, why he drowns so fast and yet Bonnie, who fell in at the same time, pops out afterwards without any help? AND she comes out of the hole Clem made in the ice so did she not pass Luke's body at that point? She didn't try to pull him up with her? There's the possibility of pulling him out and then performing CPR. Just cause he looked dead, didn't mean he actually was or couldn't be revived.
I teared my eyes out, I had to pause for a while before I could continue.
He deserved fucking better. I'll miss you, Luke.
Agreeeed. Poor Lukey. I was really in denial about his death and was totally expecting him to come back after falling through the ice. When we heard that rope knocking on the window, I was so sure it would've been him...
I get the feeling that TT really just rewrote the Kenny/Luke thing in ep 5 and replaced Jane with Luke...guess I'm kind of glad they did because I didn't want to see Luke get as ugly as Jane and Kenny did. But it would've been lovely if we had our own ending with him some other way.
But boy did we get a lot of great Luke moments this episodeeee; I have to go watch them over.
Don't worry guys i think he pulled a "Kenny/Tyresse" on this one. Then will grow a godlike beard...right?....;c Sucks how he died right after his birthday...that ain't a way to go...that ain't cool man...
gg TailTale, :c
You just make a tiny bullet hole and then you have to smash the ice anyway
Agreed this was so freaking difficult.
He was my favourite S2 character without a doubt (and I'm with you, definitely would have chose Luke). I'm sad he went so soon. I wish we had more time with him...
Also, I helped him first but I watched someone who covered him. It hurt like hell seeing him like that in the water. It was un-freaking-bearable.
His death is going to be hard to get over.
Lol Luke could've used the juicebox's straw as a snorkel. Genius!
His death reminded me of 'Trapped under ice'
Definitely one of my favorite season 2 characters
Him not being around for the second half of the episode made me nostalgic for the times he was. Honestly, there were times where I started wondering what Luke would have said/done if he were around.
I have a question! There's a part where Luke apologizes to Bonnie before she walks off to tend to Kenny, I think. Why was he apologizing? It was sort of dropped afterwards. I assumed after a while that he knew of Bonnie's (previous? current?) crush on him so he apologized to the Jane thing..
Maybe he could be determinately alive? I mean, Jane and Kenny are determinately alive anyway; it would be nice if he was too, and we could meet him at least briefly again in season 3.... In the option where you cover Luke, it's pretty clear he hasn't made it, but if you try to get him from the ice, his death is pretty much offscreen. Still possible right? Right?!?
I'm still in denial. * sobs *
I know what you mean, I kept trying to imagine what he'd be doing or saying in each scene had he survived, and it really made me wish he had lived even more. But I guess having an ending with him probably would've been too good to be true, and Telltale doesn't like happy endings, so they killed him for our feels. I really wish they did give us an ending with him though, I'd really like to know what would've happened had he lived until the end.
Poor Luke. He was a great guy. He was everyone's beacon of hope and when he died, everyone was turning on each other. He reminded me a lot of Lee.
May you rest in peace, and live an afterlife with ease.
Staying at CarverCamp suddenly sounds like a very good idea (which is what Luke was suggesting), think of how many death's it could've prevented
Also isnt it odd, that Kenny was the one who got most mad about Luke's death? Shows that he cared about the kid after all
R.I.P. Luke, you were too good for this world.
Luke was an amazing character I just wished he could have survived longer
well, technically, his walker form could reappear.
If the lake ever melts and the walker somehow finds his way back on land...
yeah...probably not...
I was disappointed it said I didn't help Luke in the choices. I covered him to show him I trust him to motivate him, and because I assumed helping him on the ice would be a trick and make it crack and kill him ;/