yeah it was my/Lee's plan all along, if Lee could have seen Clementine get into wellington he would have been so happy, he would have done the same as kenny and pleaded for them to let Clementine in with AJ and him staying outside
I let Jane get killed, (it was a tough decision) and then as much as I didn't want to, left Kenny to go into Wellington. I feel like it was … morethe right thing to do, and I'm glad it's the ending I got. I mean, that's what I thought the goal was ever since the first episode of the season, I kept Clem safe and I got to Wellington. I had a heartfelt good bye, some more good life advice, and an additional hat. I'm happy that's the last side of Kenny I'll ever see.
i got that ending too. that kid saying that he liked the hat and that man lying about that he has a kid. i thought of that girl in the beginning of ep1 she said to clem in the bathroom she liked her hat. i thought it was kinda like that and that man lying to me about his kid, they'll rob us maybe wont kill us because we let them in, if you dont let them maybe they'll bring more people.. idk man but my feelings tell me that it aint good
I shot Kenny on impulse and I felt terrible about it but I tried to break the fight up and it just wasn't happening, but I couldn't just let… more Jane get stabbed to death. It feels wrong because I don't even like Jane that much but she proved her point, Kenny is dangerous. I realised before hand that she had stashed the baby somewhere and I'm still angry at her for making me kill Kenny. I kind of regret my decision but after seeing Kenny like that, perhaps I will be safer with Jane.
When the choice came to leave her or go with her, I actually didn't choose and waited for the timer to expire. My Clem chose to go with Jane. I don't want to forgive her but I know I need her to survive.
I let the people at the hardware store in but I don't know if I should have: hopefully they're trustworthy. When the woman hugged Jane though, it seemed kind of weird and I hope she didn't steal Jane's weapon or something.
The ending was strange too, just th… [view original content]
I think that both wanted to look after Clem, but neither of them realised that it's Clem who looks after them. It's Clem who's the replacement for the lost. Like everyone neither would listen to the brains of the operation: Clem, so neither of them were a good option, and going it solo goes against what I think is necessary.
I shot Kenny as he was too far gone. My worries about him had escalated with the Carver impression with Arvo, while Clem was freezing to death. A the next was in the same scene when he accidentally hurt Clem. Later, while I understand his rage about AJ's apparent death, the TWD world is a world of horrific exceptions. Fleeing through a blizzard, carrying an infant over uneven ground, while being chased by walkers was an accident waiting to happen. Jane then said it was an accident, and he tries to kill her. He was broken and a matter of time before he totally lost it. So though a shame as I liked Kenny (not as much as some it seems), it was time for him to go to Katjaa, Duck, and Sarita. At least he died realising that he had problems.
In the aftermath I was shall we say displeased to find that Jane had been trying to prove a point. I still opted to stay with her as despite her idiocy at the rest stop, her plan to get to Howes was the far better one than wandering north. I would've liked a third choice where you don't forgive her but will travel with her. Once back at Howes I let the family in, but again would've liked an option to be a bit more cautious. Namely let them in one at a time and search them for weapons. My future decisions are likely going to tainted against Jane as I think her test proved two things really well. The first was that Kenny was broken and dangerous (we'd figured this out). The second is that like Kenny she's been broken in a similar manner to Kenny. At the moment her problems manifest as the need to run off every five minutes and you can work around that for now.
I'm hoping that we'll be able to work towards building a community at Howes in Season 3 (or Wellington or wherever). I have a feeling that after an introduction, to respect the choices of the last season, we'll rapidly be shepherded back onto the road. Mainly so that the story doesn't become ridiculously cumbersome.
that thing that worried me when the kid says '' =i like your hat'' i thought of ep1 when that girl says the same to clem! i thought omg they're gonna rob us and get us killed. and the man lying saying it was his kid
The creepy music at seeing the gun kind of made me wtf. Yeah, it's a gun. Why is this concerning? I have a gun. You have a gun. He has a gun.
Who does not have a gun.
I am so sick of this game telling me that I have some super close bond with Kenny. I hate the asshole. I don't want to calm him down. I want to get as far away as possible from him. No! When I chose "You're not my dad", I did not want to follow up with "you're my friend"! Fuck Kenny! He represents everything I hated about this season!
I took Jane's side in the fight. Kicked Kenny's knee in, let her wail on him, let her gouge his eyes, and ultimately shot him. Then, I tried my hardest to make him feel worse, but of course, it all came out as someone feeling hurt because they hurt a friend. Nothing could be further from what I actually felt. Kenny is finally dead. Joy! Fade into nothingness while your empty husk of a body rots!
Yeah, it was kinda obvious that Jane was up to something, but she did not instigate the fight. She knew it was a strong possibility and she was prepared for one, but she did not start it. She tried to explain the situation as an accident. I'm not sure I believed it, but I at least wanted to hear her out. She sheathed her knife, and told Kenny to stay back. He did not. He flew into another pissy fit without giving her the benefit of the doubt. That sealed it... and the fact that this is the first time the game actually let me oppose Kenny with any sort of agency. I sure wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.
Huh? The baby is still alive? Well shit. Another mouth to feed. I just love how they mention they only have a day's worth of formula left for AJ, yet... 9 days later... and he's just fine. Whatever. I went with Jane to Howe's and turned the family away, saying "I'm not doing that again". So true, Clem. I'm not doing this ever again. I am done with this game. Farewell.
So, I've watched other playthroughs and I went back as well and shot Kenny, and he NEVER says that he wanted to die. He does say that Clem made the right choice etc., but he also mentions that he's afraid and is scared even though he had wished and asked for death many times before. Like, he wasn't ready.
I'm just wondering, because I see many people state this as justification for killing him, but I never got that impression.
Shot Kenny. Went with Jane. Invited the family in. Kenny was nuts, Jane was sane. Very pleased with this ending.
Also KENNY said he wante… mored to die if you shoot him, and said you made the right choice. he wanted to be with Kat and Duck. People who went with him made the WRONG choice.
Jane's entire scenario with tricking Kenny was to prove how insane he was. If Clementine did something wrong to the baby, he would have killed her too. If Kenny was sane, he would have forgiven Jane and the fight wouldn't have happened, and they all would have left. IT"S KENNY's FAULT.
The timer was running out , and i shot Kenny in the last moment out of panic. Not a second later , i replayed it, never done it before on a game based on your choices, and i'll never do it again.
But fuck...i just couldn't go on killing him, especially since i figured out what Jane had done.
The ending with Kenny is just ...devastating for me, seeing him give up everything for them, the desperation on his voice...i haven't cried on a game before, not even S1E5, but this time i just broke into tears. (Gavin Hammon you da man)
I made the selfish decision on my book, wich is denying him his wish of having them being safe on Wellington, not having to worry anymore about their safety. I just couldn't force myself to abandon him.
If only there was a third option to leave with Kenny but let Alvin Jr stay on Wellington...
Also, in total there are 5 endings. Leave with Kenny, stay at Wellington, make it to Carver's camp with Jane, ditch Jane, kill them both and go off alone.
When the option to shoot Kenny or to Look Away came up, I let the timer run out. Kenny still kills Jane. And when the option to shoot Kenny came up again, I chose to shoot him out of impulse. I felt really bad after that. I got both Jane and Kenny killed,
Well "determinant" is more than we got the first season, isn't it? We had no clue Kenny was coming back until we actually saw him in episode 2(between him, Lilly and Molly). I'm satisfied with this, he at least got to live a good two years after Z Day.
I left Wellington with Kenny.
Also, in total there are 5 endings. Leave with Kenny, stay at Wellington, make it to Carver's camp with Jane, ditch Jane, kill them both and go off alone.
Which was such a shock for me, since after episode 4 I told myself he was dangerously unstable and Clementine wouldn't be safe with him. I was determined that if it came down to it, I wouldn't side with Kenny.
Despite that and all of Kenny's damn faults though, he's still a dad at heart. A dad who wants the best for the children he's with and is willing to do anything to protect them—something that couldn't be said for the rest of the group that had survived so far. Mike and Bonnie made that damn clear when they tried to ditch us and take our supplies, basically leaving us to die. As for Jane, I felt like she would leave at any given moment. Every time she wasn't on screen I worried that she wouldn't appear again. Kenny was the only one I could depend on with Luke gone.
I just didn't have it in me to leave Kenny alone in the cold, even if it was the smart thing to do to keep Clementine safe. It felt like I'd be sentencing the poor guy to death. He'd walk off, disappear in the snow and just...give up. No. I couldn't allow that.
I had to shoot kenny. I shot him to prevent him to completely fall into darkness. His final speech was heartwarming, and i actually felt bad for him, but at the same time felt like something i had to do.
Then, after discovering Jane lied, i left her behind. She made me kill kenny without any reason if not to just prove a point. I really was angry with her, just as i was angry with Lilly after killing Carley.
I don't regret the ending. Kenny had the conclusion fitting to his character, with a final redemption befor death. Jane, used to abandon others, got abandoned. Clem has grown up, this time alone on her own choice. She will survive.
I cried like a baby. A big baby. I chose to stay in Wellington
even though I really wanted to stay with Kenny. The way I saw
it, Kenny could finally die knowing he won't have to stress anymore
over Clem and AJ's safety.
I sorta regret my ending but it seemed kind of bad-ass. I killed Kenny (because I had to stop him and it was only way), then when I found out Jane set this up, i left her behind. Now Im thinking of letting Kenny kill her and going with him. I actually do not know what to do.
Then she walked into a herd of walkers and thats it. It just ended
Man, i chose to stay at Wellington and leave Kenny. I was really surprised to see that so many people chose to stay with Kenny. It was a really tough choice, but the right choice to make imo. The whole point of the game to me was to gurantee safety. Staying somewhere else, fighting for our lives and meeting and falling out with new people with Kenny would have been the other option.
I cried like a baby. A big baby. I chose to stay in Wellington
even though I really wanted to stay with Kenny. The way I saw
it, Kenny cou… moreld finally die knowing he won't have to stress anymore
over Clem and AJ's safety.
It was the perfect ending in my opinion.
My first ending was me, Jane, AJ and family surviving in Howe's hardware. But it was eating me out. For the skae of my mental health, I rewinded the last chapter of the episode and got the same ending like you. Now I can sleep calmly.
I got the downer ending: Clem and AJ go lone wolf toward an uncertain future. It was the logical conclusion of her character arc on that playthrough. When I continue my "ultimate bro" playthrough into S2, I'll be going with Kenny, of course.
Looked away, because initially I couldn't bring myself to kill Kenny/was too angry at Jane to save her over Kenny. Once he'd killed Jane, he'd gone too far, I couldn't let a guy like that be master of Clementine's destiny. I shot him. A poetic mirroring of season one, where my Clementine kills the father figure in her life and is left all alone...
An incredibly painful way to end it, but it just felt the right. This season was brutal, so bittersweet.
The timer was running out , and i shot Kenny in the last moment out of panic. Not a second later , i replayed it, never done it before on a … moregame based on your choices, and i'll never do it again.
But fuck...i just couldn't go on killing him, especially since i figured out what Jane had done.
The ending with Kenny is just ...devastating for me, seeing him give up everything for them, the desperation on his voice...i haven't cried on a game before, not even S1E5, but this time i just broke into tears. (Gavin Hammon you da man)
I made the selfish decision on my book, wich is denying him his wish of having them being safe on Wellington, not having to worry anymore about their safety. I just couldn't force myself to abandon him.
If only there was a third option to leave with Kenny but let Alvin Jr stay on Wellington...
Looked away, because initially I couldn't bring myself to kill Kenny/was too angry at Jane to save her over Kenny. Once he'd killed Jane, he… more'd gone too far, I couldn't let a guy like that be master of Clementine's destiny. I shot him. A poetic mirroring of season one, where my Clementine kills the father figure in her life and is left all alone...
An incredibly painful way to end it, but it just felt the right. This season was brutal, so bittersweet.
Shot that worthless son of a bitch Kenny, and abandoned that manipulative bitch Jane, so all alone with the baby. Kenny was just a prick the entire episode that I didn't hesitate to shoot, but I wasn't going to go with Jane after that, and besides, I still wasn't on board with her return after her bullshit philosophy back in episode 4.
Clem's plan in my ending was kind of crazy, though. If that baby cries, which babies are, you know, quite known to do, we're fucked. Also don't know how the hell he survived for nine damn days. I guess she had formula in her pocket.
Good to know the episode has branching endings. That's a pretty cool and new thing for Telltale. Edit: For the Walking Dead, I mean. Maybe they've done it in other games, but I don't know. Haven't played 'em.
I decided to screw Wellington and left with Kenny. I felt it was the best, and hardest decision I've ever made. And I've never cried so hard in my life.
I'd had chosen the ending where Kenny and Clem leave together with AJ and declining the offer to go into Wellington(for just the kids). Kenny is a person whom I've stuck by since the beginning. And I will never forget the time Lee and Kenny spent together. Nor shall I forget the tough times and happy moments Clem and Kenny shared. And to see him attempt to help Clem and AJ and refuse the help, I broke down. Kenny is a great man; flawed but still great. Besides, you can't totally hate someone who's lost so much. He lost three people he loved the most in the world. Now, he has two people to protect. He wants to cherish it.
You all need to recognize that Kenny lost his wife, son and girlfriend in the apocalypse. Nobody can hold in all that pain and suffering without it coming out in rather loud outbursts. Kenny only acted like a jackass because it was his way of coping with the fact that everyone he loved was gone. Nobody is perfect. Hell, not even Clementine is perfect. She lost so many people. Lee, her mother, her father, Sandra, Ben(She liked him), Duck. Clem's way of coping was to survive for those that fell. Kenny was her only living link left to Lee(in my playthrough, Lee and Kenny were friends). Without Kenny, she would breakdown and possibly...I don't want to think about it.
Being with Kenny shows that life in the apocalypse changes good people. It makes them do bad things. I hope you all will realize that.
I never felt so distraught on that choice between Jane and Kenny. I let Kenny kill Jane. I felt like shit seeing Jane with the knife sticking out of her. I wanted to put a bullet in his skull, yet I honestly didn't want any more death of friends, any more blood. I was tired of that crazy rollercoaster ride, I told Kenny I trusted in him even though in reality I honestly felt like he was dangerous. When we reached Wellington I decided to stay. Also that conversation he admits his uncertain he can keep us safe and lets Clem and AJ go on a noble note. It was a really bittersweet moment, finally he was able to protect pretty much the only family he had. Overall I like the ending I got. It's a very nice way for my Clem to remember Kenny on a very noble and lovely note. Also it's the safest place to raise a baby.
I got the alone with AJ ending first but I replayed to go into Wellington,it was what Kenny wanted,for Clem and Alvin Jr. to be safe,his job was done,he could go on in peace,although the clolest ending has to be going with Kenny.
yeah it was my/Lee's plan all along, if Lee could have seen Clementine get into wellington he would have been so happy, he would have done the same as kenny and pleaded for them to let Clementine in with AJ and him staying outside
I stayed with Kenny. I kind of want to know how this will play out with Season 3 if you stayed or if you left with Kenny
i got that ending too. that kid saying that he liked the hat and that man lying about that he has a kid. i thought of that girl in the beginning of ep1 she said to clem in the bathroom she liked her hat. i thought it was kinda like that and that man lying to me about his kid, they'll rob us maybe wont kill us because we let them in, if you dont let them maybe they'll bring more people.. idk man but my feelings tell me that it aint good
I think that both wanted to look after Clem, but neither of them realised that it's Clem who looks after them. It's Clem who's the replacement for the lost. Like everyone neither would listen to the brains of the operation: Clem, so neither of them were a good option, and going it solo goes against what I think is necessary.
I shot Kenny as he was too far gone. My worries about him had escalated with the Carver impression with Arvo, while Clem was freezing to death. A the next was in the same scene when he accidentally hurt Clem. Later, while I understand his rage about AJ's apparent death, the TWD world is a world of horrific exceptions. Fleeing through a blizzard, carrying an infant over uneven ground, while being chased by walkers was an accident waiting to happen. Jane then said it was an accident, and he tries to kill her. He was broken and a matter of time before he totally lost it. So though a shame as I liked Kenny (not as much as some it seems), it was time for him to go to Katjaa, Duck, and Sarita. At least he died realising that he had problems.
In the aftermath I was shall we say displeased to find that Jane had been trying to prove a point. I still opted to stay with her as despite her idiocy at the rest stop, her plan to get to Howes was the far better one than wandering north. I would've liked a third choice where you don't forgive her but will travel with her. Once back at Howes I let the family in, but again would've liked an option to be a bit more cautious. Namely let them in one at a time and search them for weapons. My future decisions are likely going to tainted against Jane as I think her test proved two things really well. The first was that Kenny was broken and dangerous (we'd figured this out). The second is that like Kenny she's been broken in a similar manner to Kenny. At the moment her problems manifest as the need to run off every five minutes and you can work around that for now.
I'm hoping that we'll be able to work towards building a community at Howes in Season 3 (or Wellington or wherever). I have a feeling that after an introduction, to respect the choices of the last season, we'll rapidly be shepherded back onto the road. Mainly so that the story doesn't become ridiculously cumbersome.
that thing that worried me when the kid says '' =i like your hat'' i thought of ep1 when that girl says the same to clem! i thought omg they're gonna rob us and get us killed. and the man lying saying it was his kid
I am so sick of this game telling me that I have some super close bond with Kenny. I hate the asshole. I don't want to calm him down. I want to get as far away as possible from him. No! When I chose "You're not my dad", I did not want to follow up with "you're my friend"! Fuck Kenny! He represents everything I hated about this season!
I took Jane's side in the fight. Kicked Kenny's knee in, let her wail on him, let her gouge his eyes, and ultimately shot him. Then, I tried my hardest to make him feel worse, but of course, it all came out as someone feeling hurt because they hurt a friend. Nothing could be further from what I actually felt. Kenny is finally dead. Joy! Fade into nothingness while your empty husk of a body rots!
Yeah, it was kinda obvious that Jane was up to something, but she did not instigate the fight. She knew it was a strong possibility and she was prepared for one, but she did not start it. She tried to explain the situation as an accident. I'm not sure I believed it, but I at least wanted to hear her out. She sheathed her knife, and told Kenny to stay back. He did not. He flew into another pissy fit without giving her the benefit of the doubt. That sealed it... and the fact that this is the first time the game actually let me oppose Kenny with any sort of agency. I sure wasn't going to let this opportunity go to waste.
Huh? The baby is still alive? Well shit. Another mouth to feed. I just love how they mention they only have a day's worth of formula left for AJ, yet... 9 days later... and he's just fine. Whatever. I went with Jane to Howe's and turned the family away, saying "I'm not doing that again". So true, Clem. I'm not doing this ever again. I am done with this game. Farewell.
So, I've watched other playthroughs and I went back as well and shot Kenny, and he NEVER says that he wanted to die. He does say that Clem made the right choice etc., but he also mentions that he's afraid and is scared even though he had wished and asked for death many times before. Like, he wasn't ready.
I'm just wondering, because I see many people state this as justification for killing him, but I never got that impression.
I didn't really trust Wellington, left with Kenny. Figured Jane threw the baby to walkers for a distraction. Let Kenny kill her.
I'm sitting on two save files. With Kenny, or at Wellington. I can't choose, and I'm genuinely excited to see what difference it will make.
I'm with Jane and the family back at the camp.
The timer was running out , and i shot Kenny in the last moment out of panic. Not a second later , i replayed it, never done it before on a game based on your choices, and i'll never do it again.
But fuck...i just couldn't go on killing him, especially since i figured out what Jane had done.
The ending with Kenny is just ...devastating for me, seeing him give up everything for them, the desperation on his voice...i haven't cried on a game before, not even S1E5, but this time i just broke into tears. (Gavin Hammon you da man)
I made the selfish decision on my book, wich is denying him his wish of having them being safe on Wellington, not having to worry anymore about their safety. I just couldn't force myself to abandon him.
If only there was a third option to leave with Kenny but let Alvin Jr stay on Wellington...
I didn't really trust Wellington, left with Kenny. Figured Jane threw the baby to walkers for a distraction. Let Kenny kill her.
Why'd you think that?
I went with Jane back to Howe's Hardware Store and we found survivors who we took in.
I left Kenny. Dammit Telltale, $20 more for the chance to say "promise me I'll see you again"!
I left Wellington with Kenny.
Also, in total there are 5 endings. Leave with Kenny, stay at Wellington, make it to Carver's camp with Jane, ditch Jane, kill them both and go off alone.
When the option to shoot Kenny or to Look Away came up, I let the timer run out. Kenny still kills Jane. And when the option to shoot Kenny came up again, I chose to shoot him out of impulse. I felt really bad after that. I got both Jane and Kenny killed,
Well "determinant" is more than we got the first season, isn't it? We had no clue Kenny was coming back until we actually saw him in episode 2(between him, Lilly and Molly). I'm satisfied with this, he at least got to live a good two years after Z Day.
you're correct except for the jane part.
ditching jane, ditching kenny or killing both all ends up with the alone ending.
carvers camp has two endings, let the family in or reject them.
this was my ending
Lol just me being so suspicious, but in the walking dead everything could go wrong.
I...couldn't leave Kenny.
Which was such a shock for me, since after episode 4 I told myself he was dangerously unstable and Clementine wouldn't be safe with him. I was determined that if it came down to it, I wouldn't side with Kenny.
Despite that and all of Kenny's damn faults though, he's still a dad at heart. A dad who wants the best for the children he's with and is willing to do anything to protect them—something that couldn't be said for the rest of the group that had survived so far. Mike and Bonnie made that damn clear when they tried to ditch us and take our supplies, basically leaving us to die. As for Jane, I felt like she would leave at any given moment. Every time she wasn't on screen I worried that she wouldn't appear again. Kenny was the only one I could depend on with Luke gone.
I just didn't have it in me to leave Kenny alone in the cold, even if it was the smart thing to do to keep Clementine safe. It felt like I'd be sentencing the poor guy to death. He'd walk off, disappear in the snow and just...give up. No. I couldn't allow that.
I had to shoot kenny. I shot him to prevent him to completely fall into darkness. His final speech was heartwarming, and i actually felt bad for him, but at the same time felt like something i had to do.
Then, after discovering Jane lied, i left her behind. She made me kill kenny without any reason if not to just prove a point. I really was angry with her, just as i was angry with Lilly after killing Carley.
I don't regret the ending. Kenny had the conclusion fitting to his character, with a final redemption befor death. Jane, used to abandon others, got abandoned. Clem has grown up, this time alone on her own choice. She will survive.
I cried like a baby. A big baby. I chose to stay in Wellington
even though I really wanted to stay with Kenny. The way I saw
it, Kenny could finally die knowing he won't have to stress anymore
over Clem and AJ's safety.
It was the perfect ending in my opinion.
I sorta regret my ending but it seemed kind of bad-ass. I killed Kenny (because I had to stop him and it was only way), then when I found out Jane set this up, i left her behind.
Now Im thinking of letting Kenny kill her and going with him. I actually do not know what to do.
Then she walked into a herd of walkers and thats it. It just ended
Man, i chose to stay at Wellington and leave Kenny. I was really surprised to see that so many people chose to stay with Kenny. It was a really tough choice, but the right choice to make imo. The whole point of the game to me was to gurantee safety. Staying somewhere else, fighting for our lives and meeting and falling out with new people with Kenny would have been the other option.
I'm with Kenny and AJ. Too bad Kenny is a determinant now... Well he's alive for me!
My first ending was me, Jane, AJ and family surviving in Howe's hardware. But it was eating me out. For the skae of my mental health, I rewinded the last chapter of the episode and got the same ending like you. Now I can sleep calmly.
I cried at both endings ;-;
Shot Kenny
Forgave Jane (so I wasnt alone)
Let the 3 randoms in
I got the downer ending: Clem and AJ go lone wolf toward an uncertain future. It was the logical conclusion of her character arc on that playthrough. When I continue my "ultimate bro" playthrough into S2, I'll be going with Kenny, of course.
exactly the same here dude
Looked away, because initially I couldn't bring myself to kill Kenny/was too angry at Jane to save her over Kenny. Once he'd killed Jane, he'd gone too far, I couldn't let a guy like that be master of Clementine's destiny. I shot him. A poetic mirroring of season one, where my Clementine kills the father figure in her life and is left all alone...
An incredibly painful way to end it, but it just felt the right. This season was brutal, so bittersweet.
But that's the point of the game. You make these choices and they may turn out wrong, But you stick with them.
More bitter than sweet unfortunately....
Perhaps it's just me that thinks that indulging in melancholy can be pleasurable...
Shot that worthless son of a bitch Kenny, and abandoned that manipulative bitch Jane, so all alone with the baby. Kenny was just a prick the entire episode that I didn't hesitate to shoot, but I wasn't going to go with Jane after that, and besides, I still wasn't on board with her return after her bullshit philosophy back in episode 4.
Clem's plan in my ending was kind of crazy, though. If that baby cries, which babies are, you know, quite known to do, we're fucked. Also don't know how the hell he survived for nine damn days. I guess she had formula in her pocket.
Good to know the episode has branching endings. That's a pretty cool and new thing for Telltale. Edit: For the Walking Dead, I mean. Maybe they've done it in other games, but I don't know. Haven't played 'em.
I decided to screw Wellington and left with Kenny. I felt it was the best, and hardest decision I've ever made. And I've never cried so hard in my life.
I'd had chosen the ending where Kenny and Clem leave together with AJ and declining the offer to go into Wellington(for just the kids). Kenny is a person whom I've stuck by since the beginning. And I will never forget the time Lee and Kenny spent together. Nor shall I forget the tough times and happy moments Clem and Kenny shared. And to see him attempt to help Clem and AJ and refuse the help, I broke down. Kenny is a great man; flawed but still great. Besides, you can't totally hate someone who's lost so much. He lost three people he loved the most in the world. Now, he has two people to protect. He wants to cherish it.
You all need to recognize that Kenny lost his wife, son and girlfriend in the apocalypse. Nobody can hold in all that pain and suffering without it coming out in rather loud outbursts. Kenny only acted like a jackass because it was his way of coping with the fact that everyone he loved was gone. Nobody is perfect. Hell, not even Clementine is perfect. She lost so many people. Lee, her mother, her father, Sandra, Ben(She liked him), Duck. Clem's way of coping was to survive for those that fell. Kenny was her only living link left to Lee(in my playthrough, Lee and Kenny were friends). Without Kenny, she would breakdown and possibly...I don't want to think about it.
Being with Kenny shows that life in the apocalypse changes good people. It makes them do bad things. I hope you all will realize that.
And besides...
"We've all had bad experiences." - Clementine
I never felt so distraught on that choice between Jane and Kenny. I let Kenny kill Jane. I felt like shit seeing Jane with the knife sticking out of her. I wanted to put a bullet in his skull, yet I honestly didn't want any more death of friends, any more blood. I was tired of that crazy rollercoaster ride, I told Kenny I trusted in him even though in reality I honestly felt like he was dangerous. When we reached Wellington I decided to stay. Also that conversation he admits his uncertain he can keep us safe and lets Clem and AJ go on a noble note. It was a really bittersweet moment, finally he was able to protect pretty much the only family he had. Overall I like the ending I got. It's a very nice way for my Clem to remember Kenny on a very noble and lovely note. Also it's the safest place to raise a baby.
Sorry double post.
I got the alone with AJ ending first but I replayed to go into Wellington,it was what Kenny wanted,for Clem and Alvin Jr. to be safe,his job was done,he could go on in peace,although the clolest ending has to be going with Kenny.