We say it jokingly but if you think about the endings...



  • Honestly, I really am sorry that you picked the wrong decisions and got a terrible ending as a result but that is NO REASON to behave abusively on a forum.

    Please try to be a little more respectful of people who did better playing the videogame, you can always get a better score when and if you rewind.

    Gee willikers, do I ever! Da vidio iz purfict! Da part wen keny cumz down frum heven iz da bezt dawg! YOLO SWAG 420 turn down 4 wut! Nope, the video is shit. Just like this thread.

  • i can tell there was not time for kissing, kenny knows how to use that knife ;)

    Lemoncakes posted: »


  • This is my ending

    Alt text

    All hail Kenny... let it rain boats and destroy all walkers in Clem's path..

  • I liked my ending. Why do you assume I don't like the fact my Clementine is heading to Mexico with AJ to start a new life on a beach?

    That sounds like a personal problem to me...

    You have fun with Kenny though.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Honestly, I really am sorry that you picked the wrong decisions and got a terrible ending as a result but that is NO REASON to behave abusiv

  • Spread the gif far and wide.

    It's important.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    This is my ending All hail Kenny... let it rain boats and destroy all walkers in Clem's path..

  • Kenny is dead, Kenny is death, at least in my play through and I'm happy with my ending.

  • Clem walking off with a gunshot to the chest like it's nothing. Lol

    Legendary12 posted: »

    This is my ending All hail Kenny... let it rain boats and destroy all walkers in Clem's path..

  • I don't know what all this Kenny stuff is about!


    Alt text

  • Incredibly sad a character with SO MUCH potential for season 3 is killed just to have some over-rated character come back..

    Lemoncakes posted: »


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