Not a very hard choice after all...
I don't know if anyone agrees with this, but choosing between
Kenny and Jane was a fairly easy choice. If it was Kenny or Luke,
now it would have been extremely more difficult!
I was Kenny's best friend back in season 1 and even though I
still like him, his actions in season 2, albeit understandable,
were not always easy to agree with. However, the guy is
very protective over those he loves and I don't think he
would hesitate to do what's gotta be done in order to
protect Clem. Also, Kenny is reluctant about strangers
as we have seen with Bonnie and the cabin group in
S2 episode 2, so he wouldn't endanger Clem's life by
welcoming a fucked-up person in their group.
Luke literally saved Clementine the moment he was introduced
and did very little to be disliked. Having sex with Jane was a
mistake, but he's still a good guy. We all saw his determination
to save his whole group by following them to Carver's camp.
He also risk his life to save AJ during the shootout if you don't
do it yourself. Difficult not to trust him with your life honestly.
Now, if you take these two and compare them to Jane, why in the
holy mother of Saltlick would you even go with her? I mean, what
did she do for Clem?
Teached her a zombie-killing trick she already knew.
Proved her that she would leave a child behind to save her own skin.
Forced her to kill an old friend to prove a point (Determinant, but still).
Now to be fair, she did save Clem from the frozen lake, but that's
like the only grateful thing I can recall from her.
With Kenny and Luke however, we both know they would do
anything to save her and they would never abandon her.
So why making us choose between Kenny and Jane, telltale?
I don't know about you, but I shot Kenny.
Telltale doesn't like to be predictable
I picked Jane.. after seeing this I feel bad for doing so..
From the start of season 2, i knew there was something wrong with kenny and over the episodes, he only made it worse for himself. He was just full of hate and slowly turning into carver 2.0, so i knew i had to put him down. The moment Jane showed up without the baby, i knew that she was planning to provoke Kenny into fight, to prove that kenny isnt safe to be around (since clem would have to choose between Kenny and Jane) and i was ok with that.
I like the way telltale made people make decision between old friend, who had gone crazy, or new friend, who was pretty much perfect at surviving zombie apocalypse. Go for irrational choice (Kenny), or think about whats best for your own survival (Jane). I didnt actually even care about the baby, and if there was an option, i would just leave it behind, it would simply be too much trouble in world like that.
Season 1
Season 2
Anyone else do this much for Lee and Clem?
It was easy for me, I didn't shoot Kenny, and did you say "why in the holy mother of Saltlick" -I like Saltlicks...
Eh kenny was a complete A hole to me in season 1 so see ya kenny
Each to there own Kenny will always be Family no matter what hes done!
''Hes my friend, and we dont leave friends behind"
I did say that![:) :)](
Yeah, sure he did good things, but he did a lot bad things also, and if you didnt agree with him most of the times, he didnt come join you to find Clem (unless you helped his family and mention that)
Kenny is ready to let innocent people die and is ready to kill innocent people, because of a mistake.
And his history doesnt matter that much in 5th episode in 2nd season, because he clearly is becoming a burden to the group and must be left behind, very much like he wanted to leave Lilly, Ben and Omid behind.
So irl, would you let your old, unstable friend murder your new friend?
IRL doesn't work is video games. After all, IRL, I could've just killed Arvo on the observation deck and none of this shit would've happened. Otherwise, I could've just shot in the air or Kenny's foot or hand.
Well obviously irl is different from game, but no sane person would pick Kenny over Jane in zombie apocalypse.
I actually think that its good that Kenny dies in the game. He has caused so much harm to others already and now he is actually only becoming violent and angry in last few episodes. He would've just ended up like Carver sooner or later, and Jane knew that, so she had to show that side to Clem so she could keep her safe.
Was this a choice?! Did the game actually expect me to pick Jane over Kenny? My favourite character and least favourite character go head to head and they honestly think I'm even thinking about it. Kenny made season 2! He was unhinged, but he loves Clem. And Alvin Jr. And by darnit, he loves all of us!
She got them out of Carvers lair, you all know how bad that place is and if they stayed any longer Carver could've killed another member, raped, tortured? So she basically saved some lives here
She killed Troy while he had the group at gunpoint. Nobody else had a gun... Also she was smart enough to make Troy a dinnerbell ( Distraction ) to make their escape easier.
She saved Rebecca and Clementine from the herd.
She saved Sarah and Luke from the trailer park, nobody else would've gone out looking for them. She did wanna save Sarah but she knew Sarah wasn't gonna make it. Also when Clementine tries to get Sarah out she tells Clementine to come out because if she stays any longer she could've died with Sarah (She saves Clem 3 times now)
She found the observation deck which saved a couple lives
She protected Clem from Arvo, what if Jane wasn't there and Arvo saw Clem? Who knows what would've happend then.
She teaches Clem new survival skills
She gives Clem a nail file which saves her life in ep 5
She cares for the group to steal meds from some random guy who has a sick sister
She saves Kenny and the group from Vitali
She saves Clementine when she is about to freeze to death. She risks her life to save Clem, she ran on the ice lake which could've broke any minute. She made the fire for Clem and got her warm with HER NAIL FILE/MATCHES.
She saves Clem from Mike and Bonnie and Arvo ( Sure Kenny helped but if only Kenny was there they wouldve overpowered Kenny and stole the truck )
She takes care of the baby 2 times
She tries to do the best for Clem by revealing who Kenny really is and what he would if the baby died
If you let her live she will take you to Howes and you will find food and baby formula, plus the building is safe from any walkers.
She only met Clem for a couple of weeks and she already did more than Kenny would ever do. She did more to the group more than Kenny'd ever done. Infact Kenny always broke the group apart while Jane helped the group. Jane doesn't own anything to the group and she has the right to leave any time she wants but she came back for the group and that makes her family.
I probably missed some other points about Jane :P Please tell me if I forgot any.
well actually, she saved the whole group by killing Troy and advising them use the walker blood/guts as camouflage.
No point in repeating myself I'm sick of the Kenny vs Jane bs
Shit gets old fast
Thanks for the extra point. I mean I don't think anyone else had a gun to kill him XP. She was smart enough to use him as a distraction.
The better choice is to make Kenny die, he suffered too much and you're actually doing him a favour of a lifetime. The Jane ending is better anyway since everyone has a happy ending in the Jane ending.
Even if everyone keeps talking about how great Jane is and statistics suggest she's THE ONE I still... prefere Kenny over her. Sorry, I liked her until the baby trick. I really did.
But she left him in a car.. with the RISK of him freezing to death, with the risk of him not being found if he didn't cry... and as a sterile woman who's got TONS of maternal instinct this managed to upset me way too much. No excuses for her, not in my save filles, Kenny's always going to kill her.
I don't understand why people say she put AJ in danger, she put him in a locked car that was close to them. He was warm and he was safe. She made sure he was close to them so if he ever cries they could hear him. He was pretty safe is you ask me.
Team Jane until the end!!
Clementine learned how to use a nail file, why you should make sure Walkers are down and why you should check them, how to take out Walkers using a knee and how more efficient a screwdriver is than a hatchet with Jane's teachings, which she didn't have to teach her, as for the cover yourself in Walker guts trick, when did Clementine ever bring that up before Jane did?
Jane didn't owe the group a single thing, in fact, the group owed her for helping them escape when she could've just escaped on her own, which she did have a plan for doing so. Sure, Jane left Clementine to save herself, but tell me, what did The Cabin Group do to protect themselves? They locked a harmless girl in a shed, not knowing whether she was bit by a Walker or not and almost getting her killed and could've lead to her bite wound getting infected, Clementine herself can try to save her own life by leaving people like Sarah behind or by staying out of arguments so that she doesn't get hurt, even if it means someone's death, a.k.a. Alvin's both determinantly of course.
Jane didn't force Clementine to do anything, everything Clementine does is not forced upon her, but they are her own choice of actions in which we have influenced. Jane evidently had no intention of getting Kenny killed, she never got the chance to explain herself to Kenny and Clementine at all, even if she did say that AJ was alive, do you really think Kenny would believe her after she implied that AJ was gone? If you think Jane forced Clementine to kill a friend, then Kenny also forced Clementine to let a friend die, those two things hardly differ.
Kenny would never abandon Clementine? Kenny left Clementine in the middle of a Walker horde, sure he was angry, but he didn't try to help in any way at all, Luke would never abandon Clementine? Luke went off somewhere while Clementine was captured by Carver, Luke also focuses his attention on Sarah, thus abandoning Clementine in the middle of a Walker horde. Kenny doesn't even go back on the ice to try and save Clementine, while Jane does. Jane joined the group again and saved them as well because of her newfound affection towards Clementine, maybe seeing her as an equivalent to her deceased sister, Jaime. Jane didn't have to go back and save the group from what could've been their death sentence from Vitali. Sure, Jane was implied to have sex with Luke, but that's on both of them, and sure she lied about AJ's whereabouts, however, compare that to the dangers Clementine has been put in by Kenny and Luke. A main thing you need to consider in liking a character is how long they have appeared for, doesn't it seem odd that Kenny, the most well known of the three has the most attention while Jane, the less known of the three has the least attention? While Luke sits in the middle.
Thank you so much, im glad the Jane fans are overpowering the Kenny fans! You are absoulotely right about everything.
She knew she couldn't come back, she's the one who took out the knife, if she died and the baby didn't cry it'd be over for him.
Also, she never mentions the baby is alive during the fight and when it's over clementine finds AJ only because he cries. NOT because she told her.
I spent most of the fight crying for AJ and I got the strong impression she somehow wanted, if clem didn't find him, to leave even AJ behind.
Always one that doesn't get the F***ing message haha
To be honest, I'm not really trying to get Jane fans domination over Kenny fans, I'm just pointing out that people shouldn't constantly talk about how Jane is a bad person without comparing her to everyone else.
She didn't know that she would die. She probably knew she'd get beaten up but not killed. She did take out the knife but she put it right back, she showed that she didn't want a fight but she showed that she was ready for one ( just incase he started one ). Even if she mentioned the baby was alive, Kenny wouldn't have believed her, after all he said he's done talking. He didn't even let her explain how she lost the baby, he immediatly assumed she killed the baby. When it's over she can't believe she almost died, she would've told Clem the baby was alive like immedialty after the fight. If she wanted to kill the baby she would've but she didn't.
Darling... point is she knew it was a chance. And I didn't want to start a war and heck talking with jane extremists or kenny extremists is pretty much the same.
I see things ad I do as a woman who'd LOVE to be blessed with a child and will never have this luck, how Jane acted was, in my opnion, unforgivable. And that's my opinion, I'm sick of this stupid, shildish fights all over the fandom. I really am. What
Kenny was ready to kill Jane because of anger, while Jane was ready to kill Kenny to ensure Clementine stays with her instead, thus increasing her chance to survive longer.
It was hard for me. I shot Kenny after thinking about it for a while. The timer nearly ran out I think.
I think they both really fucked up, actually. Badly. And, sorry, as I know I'll not being able to change your opinion mine won't change either. Everyone's got their own ending... And I'm pretty content of my ending in wellington so, yeah, it's okay for me anyway. glad you got a choice to pick JAne if that's what you wanted, thought.
Well ive been debating with irrational people a lot over the years, so i do understand why some would pick Kenny and still try to justify his actions.
I think it's great that our experience of the end can be so extremely similar: Favourite character Vs. Least favourite character.
Yet be so completely opposite, as in does the game actually expect me to choose psycho-Kenny over this capable and trustworthy girl?![:) :)](
But don't lick them. They're gross.
Kenny is NOT Carver.
"There is no telling what that bastard would have done to you" - Kenny.
Acctually as a Kenny fan I must say I liked Jane a lot. That's before she wanted to kill Kenny. You don't mess with family, no matter what.
Jane will RIP by the weird guy. oops spoiler.
But she didn't want to kill Kenny, she just wanted to show Clem who he really was. After Kenny tried to kill her she tried to kill him in self-defense.