Post Your Favorite Walking Dead Game Gif **Edit: Seriously, I love you guys and gals!**



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    Tinni posted: »

    Why, thank you! You are very strong and brave too though, not many people have the guts to come out as a Christian nowadays. Kenny doesn't care what people who don't know him think about him, he is very strong person imo.:)

  • At first I thought I screwed up and I was going to have to replay the scene...but then it kept going and I was like "Wait, Clem was supposed to get shot?!"

    When she got shot, I thought that was the end of Clem. Thank God she made it. Shes one damn tough little girl!

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    I'll never stop posting this. NEVER

    And many more gifs that I will probably post later.

  • Kenny and his glorious beard!

  • Hey, no need to say comments like that. They could easily lead to a heated argument.

  • This Ben gif is my favorite, next to this one.

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    Oh, wow...this is the best so far.

  • Yeah, to me when characters whom I believe have some sort of religious/spiritual beliefs die, I have a better feeling about it, thinking that they were able to pass on and see their loved ones again, when I think this a lot of the character deaths aren't so sad. Like Lee dying and seeing his family again, and Kenny and him seeing his family again if he dies.

    And it takes a lot more courage than it used to too speak up.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks about these things. As a Christian myself, whenever one of the characters says something like "W

  • Wait, they have the same voice actor? That's so cool.

    OMG Jack totally reminds me of Jane, I thought they even had the same voice actor! Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this. XD

  • What? Just talking about facts here... If people get offended by reality, its not my fault.

    Hey, no need to say comments like that. They could easily lead to a heated argument.

  • Learn the difference between opinion and fact...

    Facts? You mean your opinion.

  • Facts? You mean your opinion.

    zykelator posted: »

    What? Just talking about facts here... If people get offended by reality, its not my fault.

  • No they don't, I checked, but they sound SCARILY similar. XD

    Healoz posted: »

    Wait, they have the same voice actor? That's so cool.

  • My favorite scene from Season 2. If only Kenny said this. I wish we could get Gavin Hammon to say this for us. XD

  • Huh. Yeah they do have extremely similar voices, and their personalities are pretty damn similar.

    No they don't, I checked, but they sound SCARILY similar. XD

  • I know! Jane, Jack, names are scarily similar, voices, personalities!

    Hmm... TellTale... did you have a bit of inspiration from Jack?

    Healoz posted: »

    Huh. Yeah they do have extremely similar voices, and their personalities are pretty damn similar.

  • Yeah Gavin, hit us up with a tindeck link. lol.

    My favorite scene from Season 2. If only Kenny said this. I wish we could get Gavin Hammon to say this for us. XD

  • I could ask him to on his AskFM account. XD

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Yeah Gavin, hit us up with a tindeck link. lol.

  • Did you know in many parts of the world Atheists aren't allowed to even run in public office? Hell atheists are still getting killed for it in some parts of the world

    And you think you're being persecuted because people on the internet are mean to you? Give me a break! The internet are full of assholes for all sorts of reasons. I was called lovely little name of "faggot, bitch with autism" for saying I like Jane on Youtube. There are countless people attacking each other for what console they play their video games on for crying out loud! There are people crying out for Justin Bieber's head because they don't like his music!

    You are not special for people being mean to on the internet and its not because you are Christian. They'd do it if you were anything. The internet are full of dicks and most of them are dicks simply because they can get away with it.

    Tinni posted: »

    Sadly, this is just the world we live in today. We must stay strong, even though we are being attacked for our beliefs. I believe this is Go

  • That was uncalled for.

    I'm calling you out and I'm a Jane fan and an atheist. Stop making us look bad!

  • Again I say:

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    Rockworm posted: »

    Did you know in many parts of the world Atheists aren't allowed to even run in public office? Hell atheists are still getting killed for it

  • I don't discriminate against either choice y'all make, whether it be atheist or if your a Jane fan, and these are totally unrelated. I'd like to point out though, I'm a Kenny fan, and I don't go out and make people feel bad for shooting him and choosing Jane. And I don't go out and make atheist's feel bad, hell I have a lot of atheist friends. I understand what both of y'all are saying, but I don't generalize anyone of any kind of group.

    Rockworm posted: »

    That was uncalled for. I'm calling you out and I'm a Jane fan and an atheist. Stop making us look bad!

  • It will come to you naturally in time, brother.

    Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Ken Jr. Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds, now and in the hour of our bite. Amen.

    Hail Kenny, full of boats, the stache is with thee. Or something like that.

  • Kenny is Love

    Kenny is Life

    It will come to you naturally in time, brother. Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and ble

  • edited September 2014

    I was responding to zykelator. I know they're a Jane fan because I've seen them arguing in other threads and their comment here is making atheists look bad by starting a confrontation with ya'll for no reason.

    Nothing I hate more than hypocrisy. and a Atheist being disrespectful to other people's belief is like a Jew becoming a nazi or something. How should we expect religious people to respect us if we don't respect them?

    I don't discriminate against either choice y'all make, whether it be atheist or if your a Jane fan, and these are totally unrelated. I'd lik

  • LOL I just love it! And thank you, brother/sister

    It will come to you naturally in time, brother. Hail Kenny, full of boats. The stache is with thee. Blessed art thou among urbans and ble

  • Thank you for handling things maturely. I give you points for that. :)

    But just saying, I still don't generalize. This persons comments didn't change my opinions/make me view atheists in a worse manner.

    Rockworm posted: »

    I was responding to zykelator. I know they're a Jane fan because I've seen them arguing in other threads and their comment here is making a

  • Web Head posted: »


  • it's weird the previous link that i put becomes diff later

    [edit: i change the music anyways so..]

    TOO MANY FEELS EDIT: AHHH Hell NAW! I'm already crying just by looking at the gifs! With my super upbeat dance music!

  • the song is damn catchy -_-"" tbh

    In my head all I can hear is, "OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD HE REIGNS FROM HEAVEN ABOVE!"

  • Been playing coop with a friend. Its fun for a mindless action game. But I was under the impression Dead Space was supposed to be horror lol.

    I know! I never played the 3rd one but watched a cutscene movie, but I totally love the series. I really hope they make more, last time I checked they were not looking like they wanted to make more..

  • It really is, and it's just timed so perfectly in this video.

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    Mich19 posted: »

    the song is damn catchy -_-"" tbh

  • I find the third one cute. :)

    Green613 posted: »

    Here's all of the ones created by me rekt And many more

  • believe it or not i used to sing that in school because of that with no reason -_____-"""

    It really is, and it's just timed so perfectly in this video. Alt text

  • AWWW kenny fans everywhere xD

    Kenny is Love Kenny is Life

  • I can't tell if you think that's a good thing or bad thing. XD

    Mich19 posted: »

    AWWW kenny fans everywhere xD

  • i love kenny to but i had to shoot him in my game :( coz i don't want to see him more suffering like that... :'< rest in piece buddy you're with katjaa and duck, and sarita and the boat now :'/

    Nick had so much potential, and so did the whole Cabin group. Goodness I wish they would've focused more on the newbies. But, I love Kenny, so I was actually pretty happy with more of his story arc development too.

  • You've just proven my point. Y'all accept and tolerate everything under the rainbow, but if someone is a Christian? Attack them and insult them, because for some damned reason in your heads we deserve it. Take a note from Thumper, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

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