What games are considered "Well-written"?
I'm just curious to know what games do you consider being "Well-written"? I'm asking here because I've seen a lot of comments here complaining about the bad writing of the episodes?
For my part it has to be: this game, Outlast (main game and dlc) and TLOU.
What about you?
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Uhhhh...this game
Mass effect trilogy, until the very end..
Alpha Protocol is pretty good. Buggy gameplay though.
My favorite game is Dragon Age: Origins.
This one, TLOU, Mass Effect, Mafia 1, Deus ex 1
The Uncharted trilogy, Batman Arkham games (except Arkham Origins), Sly 2, Red Dead Redemption, and this game (season 1)...
Wolf Among Us is also pretty good.
Jak and daxter series and uncharted series
Wolf Among Us, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead (Season 1, Season 2, 400 Days,)
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct.
Uh.. Captain Bible, The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. They're the first that come to my mind.
Captain Bible XD please tell me thats not a real game!
Red Dead Redemption for me.
It is a real game.
... Its a fucking space game too! What!
Half Life series. Maybe story is simple and typical linear, but it have something that I really like.
Ahhh, and The Walking Dead of course, but that everyone knows.
And if you want to look at a bad example, just look at any Metal Gear game!
Actually, it's pretty amazing.
Action 52
Well-written? TWD, TWAU, GTA V, TLOU, Mass Effect Series, Dragon Age Origins and Gothic series (until Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods and Gothic 4), Knight of the Old Republic series too.
GTA V isn't really great story-wise, I guess it was okay, but...
Planescape Torment. Considering the the two you put up I'm assuming you're not a huge gamer, at least of story games (I don't mean for that to sound condescending it's just those two are really recent) and I urge anyone who values well written, emotional, powerful games to actually play Planescape Torment, it's old but trust me when I say it's easily the best story in a video game, far more than any other game listed here and I've played all of them (even Action 52 gulp) And it better than all of them by goddamn miles.
Season 2? No. it isnt well written...
I admit, maybe I exaggerated with that. Anyway I enjoyed the story so I put it here too but like I said maybe I exaggerated.
I meant season 1, but i could see what they were going for in season 2, but there were problems along the way.
THIS ^^^^^
Never played it, but I'll make sure to try it when it comes out for ps4.
It's really fun, and the characters are great. But the overall story just gets a bit meh, still worth playing just for the experience
Season 2 is written better than season 1. My opinion.
Yeah I agree
You're hurting me Big B, you're hurting me deep.
Metal Gear's story isn't bad, it's just every cutscene is 3 hours.....
Don't you mean series (cuz let's be honest we all know the fourth one is gonna rock) naughty dog hasn't failed us yet
It depends which one you play, 1 and 3 have a really good ratio of gameplay to cutscene, 3 especially. It's really 4 that was the main offender.
I haven't played Uncharted 4 yet, but it could be good, I'll just wait. P.S. Uncharted 3 is pretty underrated though.
Opinions m8
I consider a story to be 'well written' if it has...
-An engaging and original premise
-Well-developed, relatable characters that the player cares about
-A coherent and entertaining and emotional plot (not just sadness; joy, anger, tension, etc.)
-Dialogue that's consistent with the character's personality/situation (Luke's behavior in 'Amid The Ruins' was NOT this)
Games I consider well written: TWD (generally), TWAU, Mass Effect trilogy, Dragon Age: Origins, Red Dead Redemption, Spec Ops: The Line, Bioshock series, Fallout series, Brothers In Arms series.
Note that a game doesn't necessarily have to be well-written, if the gameplay is entertaining enough to stand on its own.
Not really, unless you like one-note characters, lots of melodrama and of course wacky Japanese high-jinks then I'd say it's pretty bad. It's convoluted as hell AND ITS STILL GOING. Kojima, just stop already! We both know you don't like working on Metal Gear anymore which explains why Solid Snakes transformed into Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell!
This. I can't believe you're the first to say it. I guess it's a game before a lot of peoples time ITT