It works out good for me that you made this thread and that you guys all post updates in here, because I don't want to use the Bioware forums, and I don't really keep up with the news elsewhere since I don't use Twitter, Facebook, etc.
I'll romance Josephine in my other playthrough, I think. Perhaps as a dwarf... lol. Romancing someone as a dwarf was a bit problematic in vanilla Origins, so I wonder if that is fixed in any way for DA:I.
I'll romance Josephine in my other playthrough, I think. Perhaps as a dwarf... lol. Romancing someone as a dwarf was a bit problematic in vanilla Origins, so I wonder if that is fixed in any way for DA:I.
Blackwall is the most interesting to me. None of the male romances in the series thus far have remotely interested me, but Blackwall has a lot of potential.
I'm playing a female Qunari first, so it's probably down to him or Iron Bull, so same dilemma as you. Maybe Bull, because there's some diabetes-sweet fanart out there that has begun to convince me that a female dwarf works best with Blackwall. :P
There are also Sera and Josephine, but I'll save them for another character.
Yeah, they've gotten better. There are still a lot of undesirables on the BSN here and there, but at this point I'd say it's a nicer place to be than here. Well, the TWD section anyway.
What's your alias on there? If you ever run into a 'Snook' that's me. :S
Why not use the bioware forums?
They are really stable. This isn't the recently-post-me3 days.
They are CERTAINLY more pleasant than these forums. The discussion is far, far more civil in general.
Yeah, they've gotten better. There are still a lot of undesirables on the BSN here and there, but at this point I'd say it's a nicer place t… moreo be than here. Well, the TWD section anyway.
What's your alias on there? If you ever run into a 'Snook' that's me. :S
I'm deciding to go for an openly gay romance with Dorian. It's interesting because I myself am not gay but in a way I want each of my main characters stories to feel unique and not the same (Although you could argue all the romances are mages But I see that as just a coincidence)
Male Human Gray Warden: Morrigan
Female Hawke: Anders
Male Elf Inquisitor: Dorian.
I just like to experiment with my stories and allow them to be unique. My Grey Warden originally wanted to just have a fling with Morrigan, but the more he talked with her, the more he saw something in her that he never expected. It go to a point where he truly fell in love with her but he knew she was trying to resist from doing the same. After making out before the battle she was determined to tell the warden that this was to be their final day together; but the Wardens love for her was too strong and through his own determination (Witch Hunt) he tracked her down and walked through the Eluvian with her to face whatever the future may hold.
Hawke was another favourite character of mine to create. She's a female rouge so she's adept at sneaking and being quick to the point. But even with her quick lifestyle she could never keep on moving without her family. She holds a special bond with her sister as they both share common interests. But she grew more and more sympathy for her and other mages when she saw how unfair they were being treated. Even after trying so hard to hide her in Kirkwall even Bethany was taken and Hawke felt empty inside for not being able to save her from being taken, she felt as though she betrayed the mages as much as she betrayed he sister. Then along came Anders (Yes I know he's a badly written character in DA2, but the other options weren't really to my liking) who was a mage fighting to stop the oppression of mages, and Hawke instantly felt a connection to him, as if he could be the person to help her save her sister. The only point my Hawke really couldn't agree with Anders is when he blew up the chantry (Cause you know, to free mages and prove they aren't all evil, you have to blow up a goddamn chantry and kill innocent priests. God the writing for DA2 sucks so much) But even then, it came to a point in which she was being selfish, her love for him was too strong, she couldn't ignore what he did, yet neither could she let him die. Hawke spared Anders only out of selfish love, which I think makes her character that much more realistic (She's not a complete savour, she makes mistakes, but she just couldn't let go of Anders)
I'm interested to see how a gay romance with Dorian will play out. I think I'll play my Elf a little rough, he probably has issues with Templars and has lost family to the war. But he'll probably open up a bit more as he progresses down the line.
You guys must think I'm quite sad to go into so much detail with my characters, but I just love the stories in Dragon Age and how most of the time it can be left up to your interpretation.
I'm deciding to go for an openly gay romance with Dorian. It's interesting because I myself am not gay but in a way I want each of my main c… moreharacters stories to feel unique and not the same (Although you could argue all the romances are mages But I see that as just a coincidence)
Male Human Gray Warden: Morrigan
Female Hawke: Anders
Male Elf Inquisitor: Dorian.
I just like to experiment with my stories and allow them to be unique. My Grey Warden originally wanted to just have a fling with Morrigan, but the more he talked with her, the more he saw something in her that he never expected. It go to a point where he truly fell in love with her but he knew she was trying to resist from doing the same. After making out before the battle she was determined to tell the warden that this was to be their final day together; but the Wardens love for her was too strong and through his own determination (Witch Hunt) he tracked her down and wal… [view original content]
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
If I do get them to give out I'll either give them to the first person who asks for hold a competition, not based on whether I agree with their views on morality.
I prefer to see my Hawke as someone who won't let emotions get in the way of preventing more death.
She does make mistakes, as necessitated by the story.
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
If I do get them to give out I'll either give them to the first person who asks for hold a competition, not based on whether I agree with their views on morality.
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
Actually, some guy on the wiki said he looked up the Keep's website, and, apparently, the beta sign-up is now closed. Everyone who didn't have a chance to get signed up to beta will have to wait till the DA Keep is released, which is supposed to be soon.
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
Why not use the bioware forums?
They are really stable. This isn't the recently-post-me3 days.
They are CERTAINLY more pleasant than these forums. The discussion is far, far more civil in general.
Who're you guys planning on romancing?
I'm stuck between bull and blackwall.
If I ever make a male inquisitor he'll romance dorian, though.
Well, he could have romanced bull :P
If I ever make a straight male inquisitor I think I'd always go for Josie over Cass. She looks so pretty, and I love her voice
That was pretty obvious, actually.
If I ever make a straight male inquisitor I think I'll always go for Josie over Cass
I'll romance Josephine in my other playthrough, I think. Perhaps as a dwarf... lol. Romancing someone as a dwarf was a bit problematic in vanilla Origins, so I wonder if that is fixed in any way for DA:I.
Now imagine romancing Iron Bull as a dwarf.
I plan to romance Cassandra first. Then Bull or Dorian, don't know yet... I guess I'll flip a coin. :P
Bioware just released new Q&A about crafting and customizations. You can read it HERE.
EDIT: 2 new screens showing Cass and Blackwall were released.
Lol, I wanted to mention that originally, but decided not to. Bull will just roll over the dwarven Inquisitor, should they ever end up in bed.
"Oh, it's been a good one. Didn't have a good "rest" in years... Hey, are you there?... Shit, ain't breathing... Guess I gotta go!".
Blackwall is the most interesting to me. None of the male romances in the series thus far have remotely interested me, but Blackwall has a lot of potential.
I'm playing a female Qunari first, so it's probably down to him or Iron Bull, so same dilemma as you. Maybe Bull, because there's some diabetes-sweet fanart out there that has begun to convince me that a female dwarf works best with Blackwall. :P
There are also Sera and Josephine, but I'll save them for another character.
Yeah, they've gotten better. There are still a lot of undesirables on the BSN here and there, but at this point I'd say it's a nicer place to be than here. Well, the TWD section anyway.
What's your alias on there? If you ever run into a 'Snook' that's me. :S
I have two accounts, Flog the Undying and ManchesterUnitedFan1
I actually recognize both of those names I think, so I've probably seen you around there.
Haha probably, don't post much any more
I've definitely seen you on there though haha
I'm deciding to go for an openly gay romance with Dorian. It's interesting because I myself am not gay but in a way I want each of my main characters stories to feel unique and not the same (Although you could argue all the romances are mages
But I see that as just a coincidence)
Male Human Gray Warden: Morrigan
Female Hawke: Anders
Male Elf Inquisitor: Dorian.
I just like to experiment with my stories and allow them to be unique. My Grey Warden originally wanted to just have a fling with Morrigan, but the more he talked with her, the more he saw something in her that he never expected. It go to a point where he truly fell in love with her but he knew she was trying to resist from doing the same. After making out before the battle she was determined to tell the warden that this was to be their final day together; but the Wardens love for her was too strong and through his own determination (Witch Hunt) he tracked her down and walked through the Eluvian with her to face whatever the future may hold.
Hawke was another favourite character of mine to create. She's a female rouge so she's adept at sneaking and being quick to the point. But even with her quick lifestyle she could never keep on moving without her family. She holds a special bond with her sister as they both share common interests. But she grew more and more sympathy for her and other mages when she saw how unfair they were being treated. Even after trying so hard to hide her in Kirkwall even Bethany was taken and Hawke felt empty inside for not being able to save her from being taken, she felt as though she betrayed the mages as much as she betrayed he sister. Then along came Anders (Yes I know he's a badly written character in DA2, but the other options weren't really to my liking) who was a mage fighting to stop the oppression of mages, and Hawke instantly felt a connection to him, as if he could be the person to help her save her sister. The only point my Hawke really couldn't agree with Anders is when he blew up the chantry (Cause you know, to free mages and prove they aren't all evil, you have to blow up a goddamn chantry and kill innocent priests. God the writing for DA2 sucks so much) But even then, it came to a point in which she was being selfish, her love for him was too strong, she couldn't ignore what he did, yet neither could she let him die. Hawke spared Anders only out of selfish love, which I think makes her character that much more realistic (She's not a complete savour, she makes mistakes, but she just couldn't let go of Anders)
I'm interested to see how a gay romance with Dorian will play out. I think I'll play my Elf a little rough, he probably has issues with Templars and has lost family to the war. But he'll probably open up a bit more as he progresses down the line.
You guys must think I'm quite sad to go into so much detail with my characters, but I just love the stories in Dragon Age and how most of the time it can be left up to your interpretation.
My female hawke has a tragic romance with anders where she kills him at the end.
Any other people in the keep beta here?
If I get codes to give out I may give some away here, but I'm not sure if people need them or want them or whatever.
I'm not in the beta. I'd definitely want one, but I doubt you'd (if you could) give it to a Kenny fan like me.
I would also like one if you have one flog.
I like to keep him alive, as it shows Hawke isn't perfect. She let her love for him keep her from doing the right thing.
I prefer to see my Hawke as someone who won't let emotions get in the way of preventing more death.
She does make mistakes, as necessitated by the story.
If I do get them to give out I'll either give them to the first person who asks for hold a competition, not based on whether I agree with their views on morality.
The whole final act of DA2 is a mistake :P
Hehe, basically
I would love one, however, give them to everyone else before you give one to me.
Well, if it is the first person who asked for, that would be me. Yay!
However, I'd rather if you give everyone a chance at getting it. I can wait till it gets public, If I don't.
Yep, I'm already in. I was actually gonna give some codes out, but then BioWare gave me none.
Actually, some guy on the wiki said he looked up the Keep's website, and, apparently, the beta sign-up is now closed. Everyone who didn't have a chance to get signed up to beta will have to wait till the DA Keep is released, which is supposed to be soon.
Well, it was worth a shot.
Around 20th of October, according to the guys from wiki. Though, it's still hasn't been officially announced, so, it's just a guess at the moment.
Anyone got a good guess on when Keep will actually be out?
Yeah, it should be around a month before the release of the game, so 20th October is a good guess.
There are still quite a few bugs to be ironed out, but I imagine it'll be ready to go by the end of the month at least.
...Or they can just fix the most noticeable ones and leave the rest inside. Both are possible.
I'm not convinced it will be out before November, especially with the narration thing.
I would absolutely love one.
The team behind the Keep works pretty hard, and there are a lot of beta testers.
The new build they released caused a slew of new bugs for me, but they're well aware of them, and most of them are problems they've fixed before.