Forum Users Among The Walking Dead Season Two!



  • I know Azlyn was definitely dead, as was Puncake. Yet they're both in the story. That's all I meant. And I mean, like in Lord of the rings, you think a character is dead, but it turns out they survived. That's all I meant. Like I said, no big deal though.

    I didn't resurrect anybody? (If I did please tell me their names, I probably have an explanation). And the only person that got revived in LoTR was Gandalf I'm pretty sure.

  • douche canoe move

    I lol'd.

    Awww shits, Luis is alive! I wonder if whoever went to refuel would've survived too? Atleast that traitor Ben is dead...

    Pretend to be with them. If I've seen anything so far, being in one of those clans is gonna end up with nothing but death.

    Larry [Go help Greg] He rushed through the brush, foliage, and trees to aid his drunken friend. He didn’t deserve to die, that would b

  • Okay about the Azlyn thing... :/ I wanted her character back, and let's just say her powers resurrected her, I know it sounds kind of stupid, but I did go along with her character, so she is allowed to do that kind of stuff, and no she won't be able to revive again. If you want a better reason then just magical powers, then maybe some small piece of horn inside was strong enough to block the bullet, or the scientists did experiments on her that made her more resistant against bullets preparing her to use her as a war weapon. Hopefully this works out for you.

    Puncake lived because we were watching through Jordan's eyes, Jordan was dying and he was probably hallucinating, or his vision was just blurry and he mistook Puncake as someone else.


    maxbear29 posted: »

    I know Azlyn was definitely dead, as was Puncake. Yet they're both in the story. That's all I meant. And I mean, like in Lord of the rings,

  • Luis was just... A bit occupied at the moment, I never said he was dead. Yeah, whoever refueled would survive, and be in the same position Luis would be in. :O If Ben went then.... That would have changed everything :p.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    douche canoe move I lol'd. Awww shits, Luis is alive! I wonder if whoever went to refuel would've survived too? Atleast that tr

  • He opens the trunk, and begins filling. Then a gunshot is heard, and a the fall of Luis’ body can be heard from outside.

    “We will use all of your ideas. One will be a dog, the other will be feed, one we leave, and one we kill. That one who jumped out would be a pretty mean look guard dog. We’ll take him. As for the feed… The first one we got the least of the hits. We can take him to feed them.

    But he ends up with Jaguar? Doesn't he hate the guys that attacked Randy and Co? How'd be end up there and not feed?

    Luis was just... A bit occupied at the moment, I never said he was dead. Yeah, whoever refueled would survive, and be in the same position Luis would be in. :O If Ben went then.... That would have changed everything .

  • This was the Barrus clan talking. Jaguer is from Unjiib, and he saved them XD

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    He opens the trunk, and begins filling. Then a gunshot is heard, and a the fall of Luis’ body can be heard from outside. “We will use

  • No problem, the reasoning behind Puncake's living is perfect, and I'm glad it has an explanation, and honestly, the horn story works the best out of your possible reasons for Azlyn living. Your story, your choices, I'm not here to judge.

    Okay about the Azlyn thing... I wanted her character back, and let's just say her powers resurrected her, I know it sounds kind of stupid,

  • Thanks, I know it's pretty supernatural, and a bad explanation for Azlyn, but she submitted the character, and I accepted, I'm the one at fault here if there's a problem. Sorry and thanks :D

    maxbear29 posted: »

    No problem, the reasoning behind Puncake's living is perfect, and I'm glad it has an explanation, and honestly, the horn story works the best out of your possible reasons for Azlyn living. Your story, your choices, I'm not here to judge.

  • Luis will pretend to be with them, and then leave.

    Larry [Go help Greg] He rushed through the brush, foliage, and trees to aid his drunken friend. He didn’t deserve to die, that would b

  • edited September 2014


    [Go immediately to Gustav]

    Without hesitation he tackled Craig down. Gustav got back, and was breathing heavily, Devyn clinging on to him. Spark was on top of Craig, kneeing his stomach, and punching his face. Blood was leaking from his nose, and in his eyes were flames of anger. The engine of the car could be heard from inside the shed. Spark brought down his elbows fiercely upon Craig’s head, and his head tilted to the side motionless. Spark stood up and saw Jewfreeus kicking in Blue’s face, and slamming his head against the wall.

    Spark rushed towards him and jumped. He punched Jewfreeus as hard as he could in the back of the head, and Jewfreeus fell. He turned over and was about to kick him, but Spark jumped to the side and shot Jewfreeus in the nuts. Jewfreeus screamed, and cried. Spark holstered his gun and helped Blue up. “Unstable piece of shit. Why did we let those guys in…”

    At this point, Emily had driven the car out the shed, and broke the walls, as the car shrunk from sight. Blue was beaten badly. His face was covered in dirt, and purple, and red marks, Spark could bet he had a concussion. Spark looked closer, and Blue was knocked out. Rafael and Clarice had woken up and were now outside, helping Craig, Jewfreeus, Blue, and Gustav inside. Devyn followed closely beside Gustav, and Spark just stood there, watching his life slip through his fingers, the boat now out of sight.


    It was Crawfish’s doing, Ian knew it. He always had that look in his eye, especially when he saw Jennifer. Everyone was outside, it was a wonderful day, and then they heard the gunshot. Jennifer was dead. After that they left, Crawfish was the only one that wasn’t there and most likely killed her and ran. “Bastard…” Ian muttered. Rylee had tears in her eyes, and Allena seemed surprisingly calm, and collected about the situation.

    They were now in a neighborhood walking down the street. Miles was crying, and Rylee was trying to calm him down. They settled down in a quaint house that was almost untouched by the biters. “We need a plan…” Puncake Jr suggested, not even sure what was going to come next, or if Allena had an idea. Allena nodded and paced the room. “Well… Any ideas?” She asked.

    [Submit what you think they should do next!]


    [Pretend to be with them then leave]

    “Alright. I’ll join you.” Luis said hoping his plan would work. Jaguer’s eye seemed to twinkle as he stared into his soul. It seemed like he knew exactly what Luis was thinking. Jaguer sat back and his chair and smirked. “Then you must prove yourself.” Jaguer said motioning for the door. They both got up from the chairs and exited the room. Luis followed Jaguer down a beautiful hallways filled with intricate drawings, art, and luxurious items. Many people bustled around, carrying things, the rare guard with a gun passing them by.

    Jaguer lead him to a helipad, where a helicopter lay there. “I want to see you drive it. And any wrong moves and I’ll kill you.” He says. Luis gets in, and after a few minutes, Jaguer is pleased and they land. Luis didn’t dare try to escape at that time; Jaguer was in the back, ready with his gun. Then he took him to a shooting range, where Luis hit most of the targets, with ease. Jaguer seemed to be pleased, and told him he had one last test

    They stopped at a small courtyard, with shrubbery, and flowers lining the sides. Pillars held up the building above. The sun let a lot of light making it a wonderful, and serene place to be. “Bring them out.” Jaguer said. Two huge red doors swung open. Three men with bags on their heads were tied with rope, and kneeled before them with the help of one of Jaguer’s men.

    “Let us see if you have the stones to pull the trigger on something real.” Jaguer said as he takes off all their bags, and Luis felt a pang of something, hate, confusion, or surprise he did not know. But one of them was Ben. His face, and chest were scorched. He had a limp in his leg, and he stared at Luis blankly. Another was a girl, her hair had been cut, and her mouth was gagged. She looked dirty, and partially roughed up. The last was a man, his eyes were downcast, and he had a black eye. Two of his fingers were cut off, and there was a cut mark down his lip.

    There was also a zombie but kept a little farther away from them.

    “One of the dusters. The two are innocent lovers, and one is your friend, a traitor. Show to me that you are truly strong and you may leave, or stay with us if that is your wish.” Jaguer said smiling, as he handed him the gun.

    Luis easily shot the duster down. But these three… He looked at Ben, still staring blankly at him, with no expression, like the fire had made him mute. The other two had fear and sadness in them. The man seemed to accept his fate, and the woman was beginning to cry. Ben pulled a note out of his back pocket, and left it on the ground in front of him. Luis picked it up. “You can read it after you do the deed. Kill them and you are free to leave. If you don’t… You can be one of our workers.” Jaguer says.

    [Shoot them all and leave.]

    [Try to shoot Jaguer]

    [Don’t shoot them and become enslaved along with them]

    [Shoot self]

  • [Sleep]
    [Shoot self]

    Spark [Go immediately to Gustav] Without hesitation he tackled Craig down. Gustav got back, and was breathing heavily, Devyn clinging

  • I haven't seen you around here before :p. How did you find this place? o.O

    Sorry, lol, thanks for being here.

    Nice choices, very unique :p

    supersagig posted: »

    [Sleep] [Shoot self]

  • I haven't seen you around here before . How did you find this place? o.O Sorry, lol, thanks for being here. Nice choices, very unique

  • I'm not sure what I want to do. I'M INDECISIVE, DAMNIT.

    Don't shoot them. I still want to hear why Ben attacked Randy. He's not getting out that easily...

    Spark [Go immediately to Gustav] Without hesitation he tackled Craig down. Gustav got back, and was breathing heavily, Devyn clinging

  • [Try to shoot Jaguer]

    High risk, high reward. That's the mood I'm in.Risky and stupid, but damn, if this works, we're set for a while. Plus, Jaguer must die.

  • Damn! Advertising actually works! :P Thanks for joining, and I hope you enjoy! :)

    supersagig posted: »

    i found this place because i found the link here

  • Larry

    He returned to the truck beaten and exhausted. But… Nobody was there, he searched for an hour, but he never found Gengar or Ashley. He saw signs of a car maybe they were kidnapped. Larry sighed, and began to follow the tracks. This was not good. During the march he wondered who took them, if they were still alive, and where they would go after he saved them, if he did save them. As leader, Larry knew he wasn’t doing very well right now.

    The road seemed endless, and the trees the same. It was like he was walking in circles. He was so bored, that he pretended to play drums with his arrows while walking for a while. Like anyone else, he tried to forget the past, but now that he had almost nothing to think about, he recalled the old days.

    (Short Summary / History Lesson for the new people. Only Larry's story.)

    There was a guy named Pavel, who was obsessed with security, building a big fort, which was very secure. He was always on watch, and he had help from his friend Kordas. The group was fairly big, and things were nice. But it all began when a drunken man in their group named Jake tried to assault Rylee. Shu intervened, and him and Jake had a fight of both words and fists. Eventually Jake was kicked out.

    Shu left for a long time, and Larry was always on the outside. But Larry had found two new people, WeMissYouCarley, and David. David joined them, and his friend WeMissYouCarley reappeared and joined them as well. Shu returned and didn’t trust them. Kordas then found Pavel dead in his bed, his special riot armor he wore all the time on the floor. On the wall something about the place not being safe was written in blood.

    The group decided on who the culprit was. She said WeMissYouCarley, or David, or both. Some said Larry because he was away, and others said Shu. Shu was chosen for being the most suspicious and was about to be thrown out, but the fort fell. A huge herd attacked them and everyone was separated. Larry was with Shu, and WeMissYouCarley.

    They journeyed to New York, and Shu, and WeMissYouCarley began fighting. WeMissYouCarley was winning, as he was a professional boxer, but some man with a sniper (Kharkand) shot him. Larry escaped, with an injured Shu, to Calvin’s camp with the help of Spark. Larry began hunting once more, scouting out the area, and scavenging for food. Calvin, and Shu were killed, Spark saying Lenny did it and executing him. Spark became the leader, and no one really objected.

    AWESOMEO was also murdered, and Larry knew the killer still lived it was not Shu.
    A few days’ later, Larry encounters one of the worst situations he has been in. A young girl, and a little boy are being held hostage by bandits. Larry was a statue, frozen the whole time. Randy, Kharkand, and James were on one side. Sebastien and Tyranitar in the other. Kharkand shot at one, and the bandit “killed” Azlyn. Sebastien saved Ruby and they escaped. Randy had disappeared and James was severely injured. Tyranitar killed Kharkand, and killed himself, leaving Larry with James. Larry brought James to the camp and got him fixed up, and that’s when the whole bandit gang in the area decided to attack.

    Larry managed to escape, and got to a new community, his third. He saw it coming, the place, fell and he ended up here. He lost the group he escaped with, and he was searching for them now. Larry sighs, “Maybe no place is safe…”

    Emily James

    She ran as fast as she could without looking back. She heard yelling, guns, and the monsters but he kept on running, forward as fast as she could. She didn’t care about where she was going just anyplace but there. She hoped the group would be okay, especially Rafael, he was her closest friend.

    At this point she was in a forest, lost, but away from the danger. She suddenly ascended up a hill and found a small house hidden amongst the trees and foliage. She peeked through the windows, making sure it was safe. She could see nothing, so she quietly opened the door. It was dark, but warm, the house seemed well kept, and she walked a little closer to the middle of the room, her footfalls echoing off the wooden floor.

    A man opens a door and looks at her shocked, he doesn’t move. Another man jumps up from the couch facing away from the door, he had a metal leg, and looked confused. A final man appeared behind the first and he locked his gaze on her. They then hugged. She didn’t know him that much, but he was at least a familiar face. Maybe they could help her get back to Rafael, and maybe find Jennifer. Emily tells him the whole story and he smiles. “Don’t worry Emily. Everything will be alright!” He said happily, squeezing her a bit tighter, as Puncake, and Randy watch them in awe.


    Nobody had any medical experience except Emily, and Blue. Emily was gone, and Blue was… Not able to. It was up to Devyn, Clarice, and Rafael to figure out, while Spark brooded on his future. He knew he had to do it, Eli was serious, and fooling him would end up getting him killed. Zaphaeus and Ellie had returned and everyone was now resting, and the next day Spark told them to meet.

    “I have to go do something, and I cannot promise your safety. It will be dangerous and if I don’t do it then I will die, it may be a suicide mission, and I’m not forcing you to do anything.” Spark announced. Everyone looked at him, confused, yet understanding. Craig sneered, and looked away. Jewfreeus was staring at the table. Gustav put his arm around Devyn and shook his head. “I’ll go with you.” Zaphaeus said standing up. Spark smiled. He had the least experience, and he owed him nothing, but Zaphaeus… He was loyal, Spark was glad to have him. Zaphaeus grins.

    [I won’t let you die for me. Stay here.]

    [Let’s go.]

  • Tied between shoot self, shoot Jaguer, and don't shoot. Need a tiebreaker please.

    Spark [Go immediately to Gustav] Without hesitation he tackled Craig down. Gustav got back, and was breathing heavily, Devyn clinging

  • [Let's go.]

    Larry He returned to the truck beaten and exhausted. But… Nobody was there, he searched for an hour, but he never found Gengar or Ashley.

  • [I won’t let you die for me. Stay here.]

    Larry He returned to the truck beaten and exhausted. But… Nobody was there, he searched for an hour, but he never found Gengar or Ashley.

  • I won't let you die for me.

    Larry He returned to the truck beaten and exhausted. But… Nobody was there, he searched for an hour, but he never found Gengar or Ashley.

  • [I won’t let you die for me. Stay here.]

    Jewfreeus is a dirty bastard, I don't think I've expressed that enough. Craig is too, I know, but Jewfreeus injured the one with medical experience. Like a bitch. Also, I guess if there's a tiebreaker, I'll cooperate.....but the 2 options to break the tie are horrendous.....I'd rather die than become a slave, so I'm sorry Luis, but Shoot self I guess.

  • Alright thanks!

    maxbear29 posted: »

    [I won’t let you die for me. Stay here.] Jewfreeus is a dirty bastard, I don't think I've expressed that enough. Craig is too, I know, bu

  • Luis will shoot himself. R.I.P

    Spark [Go immediately to Gustav] Without hesitation he tackled Craig down. Gustav got back, and was breathing heavily, Devyn clinging

  • [I won’t let you die for me. Stay here.]

  • Is there 2 craigs or is that my craig i submitted just asking since im alittle not caught up with the story fully

    Alright thanks!

  • It's your Craig, hope it's not too bad.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Is there 2 craigs or is that my craig i submitted just asking since im alittle not caught up with the story fully

  • I just wanted to say thank you. Most of the reason I'm still writing is because of you. You're definitely an inspiration and my role model. It means a lot, and I'll remember your wise words. Again thank you so much. :)

    crawfish posted: »

    Hey no worries. It's easy for me to say things are this or that, because I've had 46 years to make a shit ton of mistakes, have a shit ton

  • i vote for Ian to sleep

    Damn! Advertising actually works! :P Thanks for joining, and I hope you enjoy!

  • It rocks my world thx for making him great

    It's your Craig, hope it's not too bad.

  • Thanks :D.

    Lehfeels posted: »

    It rocks my world thx for making him great

  • Terrence

    [We assassinate the leader]

    “Let’s just kill Jaguer. Maybe then they will fall apart. We can’t give up on this war, we’ve gone too far, and lost so much, we can’t just give up on it now.” Terrence said. Farell sighed, but seemed to be okay with it. The group was slightly content with his decision. They all had reason to hate the man, and after some fights among themselves, they had common cause to take him down, and work together.

    “As well all know, we can’t risk everyone at once. Are there any volunteers?” Terrence asked. The room was silent, everyone looking at each other, wondering who would be the one to do the deed. It seemed as if no one wanted to do it. It was a shame that would mean they would have to choose someone. “If no one volunteers I will choose.” He said. Still nothing, I guess they were prepared to take their chances.

    Terrence considered whom he should send. Heron was the most experienced. She was good with a bow, and he could bet she could get in there easy, by stealth, or disguise. Caroline wanted to avenge her father; she was brave, and smart just like him. Darnell was no good in there; he’d be caught, or killed easily, but if someone else went with him... Jackson might have wanted vengeance for their leader, might even want to impress Caroline, and be the hero of the group, he had skills, but were they good enough? Farell was the muscle. He’d probably run in guns blazing, maybe if he sent him he could make a mess of the place, but he wouldn’t be much of an assassin.

    [Send Heron] (Experienced, Guileful.)

    [Send Caroline] (Revenge, Smart, Brave)

    [Send Darnell] (Dead meat.)

    [Send Jackson] (Heroic, Vengeance, Skilled)

    [Send Farell] (Strong, Tactful, Chaotic.)

    [Go Yourself] (Strategic, Trained, Battle hardened)

    [Other] (In comments you can choose a combination. Example: All of them, Heron, and Jackson, or Terrence and Darnell. Etc.)


    He couldn’t stop thinking about Ruby. He was afraid he would never see him again. He couldn’t sleep; Ruby was on his mind at every moment. Stephany was quietly asleep. She was amply supplied, so he quietly snuck out the door, and closed it. Running into the darkness of the woods, he begins his search. With no regard to the roamers near him, he endlessly calls Ruby’s name, hoping he would find him. It was no use, but he still continued, and he wouldn’t stop until he found him.


    They heard gunfire from the town ahead. After a quick peek, Azlyn had saw a war going on. One side had bombs, and the whole place looked like it was going to explode. Azlyn was trying to bring Ruby to Wellington, and this war was blocking their way. Going around would take days. And Azlyn couldn’t waste time, winter would come soon, and the more they were slowed down, the less time they would have.

    Hesitantly, Azlyn leads Ruby into a house. Waiting until the fighting was over would be their best bet. They went upstairs and got settled in, Azlyn with her gun ready. Ruby went to sleep, and Azlyn guarded the house. And then she heard the door close… A figure sits down on a couch with something in his arms. “It’s going to be okay. Shhhh. Shhh. It’ll be okay.” He whispered.

    He looked up and saw Azlyn standing there with her gun behind her back; pretty sure he was not a threat. “Who… Who are you?” Azlyn asks.

    “Angelo… This is Hope.” He said revealing himself, and the baby he held. A baby! Azlyn had never seen a baby in years!

    “You can stay with us if you want.” Azlyn said. Angelo’s eyes lit up.

    “Us?” He said confused. His answer ran down the stairs, and he gave a curious look at the baby. He moved closer to it, and made a silly face. The baby laughed, and Ruby was happy. “We were just headed to Wellington. We’ll have to wait this fight out, and then we’re going to move on.”

    “We’re actually heading the same way! You could come with us!” Azlyn said.

    Angelo smiled. Maybe together they would have more chances of making it…

  • Caroline Heron and Terrance

    Terrence [We assassinate the leader] “Let’s just kill Jaguer. Maybe then they will fall apart. We can’t give up on this war, we’ve gon

  • Cool :p

    supersagig posted: »

    Caroline Heron and Terrance

  • Send Jackson

    He's gonna kill him, and may even save Luis if he gets there in time, as in, before he shoots himself. Not gonna happen, but meh, it's worth a shot.

  • Spark is going to go alone.

    Larry He returned to the truck beaten and exhausted. But… Nobody was there, he searched for an hour, but he never found Gengar or Ashley.

  • Lets send in Heron, Caroline and Jackson.

    Terrence [We assassinate the leader] “Let’s just kill Jaguer. Maybe then they will fall apart. We can’t give up on this war, we’ve gon

  • edited October 2014

    Ugh I'm finding it harder and harder as I continue this. I really really want to continue, but it's just so much... It's hard to explain, and I'm sorry I bringing this down on you guys, but I feel the exact way I did about the old post I made. The feeling left for a while, but it's back, and I'm determined to keep on going, but it just feels so bad, it sucks :/. I hate doing this to you guys, and I probably seem like a wreck, but I just needed to write this down. It's like I'm walking down a rope, and it's getting thinner the farther I go. I feel like this fan fiction has run it's course just like the Travelier Motel. It's good in it's prime days at the beginning, but soon it's done, rusty, old, and I think we just need to move on.

    There are plenty of other fan fictions better then mine (imighthavebrokenit, Gustav_Kenny's, sardines, LeeTheProfessional's) and so many more that you could join. Sometimes I regret making this, and I hate myself for thinking that. When I started, writing was great, but now I just don't feel like I'm doing it right, and I'm failing to deliver. I guess it's just me bringing myself down, but I would appreciate it if you have anything to bad to say, just so I know, because I really hate disappointing people.

    Life is a pretty rough patch for me from here on out, and it's not going to be easy. I'll try my best to continue for you guys, I just hope I'm doing okay, and I have more time for this. Sorry, and thank you for being here and co-operating with me.

  • edited October 2014

    No, thank you for co-operating with us. This fan fiction gives me life and inspiration, without this fan fiction mine wouldn't even be around.

    You have done so much for us and for the community and you are just amazing.

    Thank you so much.

    Ugh I'm finding it harder and harder as I continue this. I really really want to continue, but it's just so much... It's hard to explain, an

  • There are plenty of other fan fictions better then mine



    Does not fit into the same sentence, and I have two fanfics xD

    Ugh I'm finding it harder and harder as I continue this. I really really want to continue, but it's just so much... It's hard to explain, an

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