arthur said 1 week that date has passed so i would estimate aroud sometime in december to early january and this is gonna be released on our offical youtube
It's complicated. After we launch our kickstarter, we're hoping to get funds for our character modeler so we can start making the episodes. If we don't succeed, we'll try out 2D animation. Worst case scenario, it'll be a audio fanfiction until someone can afford to do something with it.
well still a teaser is better then nothing atleast teasers will keep there brains patient and u know ps2 was legendary so if we get ps2 graphics im not gonna complain its all about good story line
It's complicated. After we launch our kickstarter, we're hoping to get funds for our character modeler so we can start making the episodes. … moreIf we don't succeed, we'll try out 2D animation. Worst case scenario, it'll be a audio fanfiction until someone can afford to do something with it.
Anyway, if everything goes well, January/February is the way to go. We'll upload all of our episodes here:
arthur said 1 week
That's for our teaser Leh. ^-^ And it's still coming out.
Hey guys remember me?
Sorry about bailing so early after my audition, I was afraid I did bad and got embarrassed..
I now am very excited… more for this project! I will be following news and what not daily.
The music you guys created is magnificent! I especially liked "Getting by"
Anyways, good luck with your project and I hope it succeeds beyond belief!
If you guys need any extra help, I'll be here!
It's been a while since I've been here. The stuff looks great and I'm excited for this. But I have a small question. I noticed that my character's name is spelt different now. May I ask why?
It's been a while since I've been here. The stuff looks great and I'm excited for this. But I have a small question. I noticed that my character's name is spelt different now. May I ask why?
Also, LaoderBot approves of this project.
We had to change Domenick from Italian to African-American so we could fit him with his Voice Actor. We tried changing the least we could and the character remains the same, some of the guys thought Domenique would fit better with him now. Hope you understand.
It's been a while since I've been here. The stuff looks great and I'm excited for this. But I have a small question. I noticed that my character's name is spelt different now. May I ask why?
Also, LaoderBot approves of this project.
It's been a while since I've been here. The stuff looks great and I'm excited for this. But I have a small question. I noticed that my character's name is spelt different now. May I ask why?
Also, LaoderBot approves of this project.
Looks awesome guys so far cant wait to see where my idea i started on a post takes us to a fully hard working project that will have a actual fanbase that will be awesome to see
Yeah, we forgot to adress it.
We had to change Domenick from Italian to African-American so we could fit him with his Voice Actor. We tri… moreed changing the least we could and the character remains the same, some of the guys thought Domenique would fit better with him now. Hope you understand.
Looks awesome guys so far cant wait to see where my idea i started on a post takes us to a fully hard working project that will have a actual fanbase that will be awesome to see
Can I please ask where you are getting this information from? Even if we all were a bunch of teens working on this project, look how far we have come. These "teens" as you call them are dedicated and consistently worked our butts off to try and turn this into a reality.
P.S. Most of the people in The Walking Creativity are adults. Those who are not, are very mature
Can I please ask where you are getting this information from? Even if we all were a bunch of teens working on this project, look how far we … morehave come. These "teens" as you call them are dedicated and consistently worked our butts off to try and turn this into a reality.
P.S. Most of the people in The Walking Creativity are adults. Those who are not, are very mature
What happened?
nothing i just got too inactive so i put legendary in charge now and i perfer writer anyways
Little teaser shot #GETREADY
wow that's amazing
Another Teaser shot for you guys
what program do you guys use?
It's beautiful.
We use Source Filmaker (A.K.A SFM). Props to Keighor, our awesome animator.
Speaking of writers.. @legendary12 do you mind if i become a writer? I have some good idea I can suggest and build on.
Well, we have our Season 1 script finished. But you can still share your idea, maybe we'll use it anyway. =D
Just PM me or Legendary.
Yeah like arthur said if ur ideas are great and creative enough well write em done for later use
So is there a release date for this? And if so where is it released
Lol it looks like a cutscene from a playstation 2 game
and ps2 had the best games ever so no big deal
arthur said 1 week that date has passed so i would estimate aroud sometime in december to early january and this is gonna be released on our offical youtube
PS2 Opening cutscenes used to blow me away. That was one powerful console.
If you want to be a troll, at least be good at it.
It's complicated. After we launch our kickstarter, we're hoping to get funds for our character modeler so we can start making the episodes. If we don't succeed, we'll try out 2D animation. Worst case scenario, it'll be a audio fanfiction until someone can afford to do something with it.
Anyway, if everything goes well, January/February is the way to go. We'll upload all of our episodes here:
That's for our teaser Leh. ^-^ And it's still coming out.
well still a teaser is better then nothing atleast teasers will keep there brains patient and u know ps2 was legendary so if we get ps2 graphics im not gonna complain its all about good story line
PS2 is awesome,thanks for the nice words
Hey guys remember me?
Sorry about bailing so early after my audition, I was afraid I did bad and got embarrassed..
I now am very excited for this project! I will be following news and what not daily.
The music you guys created is magnificent! I especially liked "Getting by"
Anyways, good luck with your project and I hope it succeeds beyond belief!
If you guys need any extra help, I'll be here!
To all people asking to be writers unfortunately all writer positions are closed for season one. Apologies but the script has already been finalised.
Here's our picture of the day.
We're trying to finish the teaser this week. No promises
interesting nice!!! gonna subscribe on yah!!!!!! ^^
It's been a while since I've been here. The stuff looks great and I'm excited for this. But I have a small question. I noticed that my character's name is spelt different now. May I ask why?
Also, LaoderBot approves of this project.
Ewww it looks good
Yay, now we have Loader Boat's official seal of approval
Yeah, we forgot to adress it.
We had to change Domenick from Italian to African-American so we could fit him with his Voice Actor. We tried changing the least we could and the character remains the same, some of the guys thought Domenique would fit better with him now. Hope you understand.
We also lacked black characters and we saw Dom as the character to change on. Everything about him mentally is the same.
man the animator we got is awesome i cant believe he shares his talent for free hes so awesome
Looks awesome guys so far cant wait to see where my idea i started on a post takes us to a fully hard working project that will have a actual fanbase that will be awesome to see
Am I the only one you changed? Or are there others as well?
One or two characters had minor changes to fit in with the plot. I'm sorry we had to change yours a bit more.
I don't think a bunch of teens working on something that looks like a dodgy college project counts as a "fully pro project"
Yes man please delete all criticisms you have of this project, I think i know enough about it to judge it on my own
Can I please ask where you are getting this information from? Even if we all were a bunch of teens working on this project, look how far we have come. These "teens" as you call them are dedicated and consistently worked our butts off to try and turn this into a reality.
P.S. Most of the people in The Walking Creativity are adults. Those who are not, are very mature
Just ignore him, we are working hard and I would rather we focus our attention on the project rather then on one troll.
Indeed legendary words cant really hurt us since its only 1 person so anyways on with the project