Also because you guys inspire me i wanna do my own fanfic/animated series too someday..
well here's my own theme/ost for my own The Walking Dead
Also because you guys inspire me i wanna do my own fanfic/animated series too someday..
well here's my own theme/ost for my own The Walking Dead
Awesome, we're honored to know that our work inspires at least one person
Also i'd ask for permission to the artist to use his song, or the video could get stricked for copyright
Before we started the project, we took character ideas from users. We tried using most of them, (You can still see our old scripts in the thread.) but after the rewrite, we ended up using the ones we liked the best.
As for the main character, antagonist and other supporting characters, we just kind of gave each other ideas until we had a satisfactory result.
Before we started the project, we took character ideas from users. We tried using most of them, (You can still see our old scripts in the th… moreread.) but after the rewrite, we ended up using the ones we liked the best.
As for the main character, antagonist and other supporting characters, we just kind of gave each other ideas until we had a satisfactory result.
okay thanks, but my original question was, how did you make your character? My family and I are into animation as well and need a good 3D model program. We use the sims 3, but yours seems good too .
You wouldn't happen to be accepting anymore songs, would you? I'm not sure if this would work well, but I was fishing through my files and found it. It's kind of repetitive but it's Walking Deady I guess.
okay thanks, but my original question was, how did you make your character? My family and I are into animation as well and need a good 3D model program. We use the sims 3, but yours seems good too .
You wouldn't happen to be accepting anymore songs, would you? I'm not sure if this would work well, but I was fishing through my files and found it. It's kind of repetitive but it's Walking Deady I guess.
Also because you guys inspire me i wanna do my own fanfic/animated series too someday..
well here's my own theme/ost for my own The Walking Dead
so who will be the Voice overs btw???
So? You want a cookie?
Hey Leh, could you add Pocketsizedkitsune to the VA list?
Sure thang buddy
Alrighty then
So...Any updates?
We'll have a teaser ready soon, and we've uploaded some new tracks to the youtube channel too
If you need an editor, let me know. I'll help out. I've got plenty of experience with Final Cut Pro X.
Its coming soon!
Guys, it looks like I accidentally left your chat on Skype. What do I do?
Just add legendary1259
Also because you guys inspire me i wanna do my own fanfic/animated series too someday..
well here's my own theme/ost for my own The Walking Dead
Cool , would you send me the link when it´s start? Or if you need help?
Awesome, we're honored to know that our work inspires at least one person
Also i'd ask for permission to the artist to use his song, or the video could get stricked for copyright
yeah i know
well yeah maybe, i'm still practicing..
Edit: uhh sketching my own characters.. sure i'll let you know..
May I ask how you made your character? A reply with be nice.
Before we started the project, we took character ideas from users. We tried using most of them, (You can still see our old scripts in the thread.) but after the rewrite, we ended up using the ones we liked the best.
As for the main character, antagonist and other supporting characters, we just kind of gave each other ideas until we had a satisfactory result.
Awesome and the picture you posted was made on photoshop?
Which one?
we hit over 666 comments half life 666 confirmed
the guy sitting on the wall with his head down picture above. Made on photoshop?
That's from our teaser trailer soon to be released, its the engine that the animation is running on.
okay thanks, but my original question was, how did you make your character? My family and I are into animation as well and need a good 3D model program. We use the sims 3, but yours seems good too
You wouldn't happen to be accepting anymore songs, would you? I'm not sure if this would work well, but I was fishing through my files and found it. It's kind of repetitive but it's Walking Deady I guess.
Our Modeller uses Autodesk Maya
sounds awesome. I'll try this out soon. Thanks
Okay, please don't advertise this here. I understand what your trying to do, but i don't think the people here want you to do this here.
uh theres already a thread for advertising its a sticky thread so he could always advertise a project of some sort on there
Thanks. ^-^
that'll be cool good luck! update us about it
okaay ^^
We're still working on that teaser.
We just started recording lines and editing it. Can't say when it'll come out, but we're trying our best.
Legendary, y u no answer me on Skype?
Hey,Leh could you add pardeepraj3d as a 3D Modeler?
Hi leh remember me?
yep sure ps3
i sure do bud