How can anyone pick J over K ?
Kenny was your pal since Season 1 ep 1 and Jane was some selfish loner you knew for 2 episodes. Ya Kenny was aggro but damn he cared about you. Also watching all the endings its pretty obvious to me that picking Kenny is the right choice as he cared and loved for you the most, and also leaving him for wellington with the baby is probably the canon ending cause its def the most emotional i still get teary eyed thinking about it.
Its human psychology that you feel more of an allegiance to the older friends you have than the new ones. Thats how it is for me. for instance there isnt a single new character in season 2 that i cared about all that much. Def not Bonnie or Mike or the Russian kid and i hope they never come back cause if they do i will shoot them. Ya i kinda liked Luke but i will pick Glenn even Lily over him any day.
Kenny wasn't friends with EVERYONE, many people didn't like Kenny.
C'mon... Another Kenny vs Jane thread? -.-
I think the eternal debate over Kenny and Jane has reached the same tiresome intensity of the recent Scottish referendum. Sometimes you don't need to understand someone else's choice, sometimes you just can't: the power of being an individual and feeling different, individual things.
I've played through the game three times and even with my different versions of Clementine, I killed Kenny with a variable of different feelings: mercy, anger, desperation. So compelling is his character that he can derive those dynamic emotions.
Blind Sniper has created a awesome Civil Character Discussion Megethread in order to ensure there is no drama and to keep all the Kenny/Jane discussions in one place, so i am going to close this one but please feel free to carry on your discussion in there