Your Favorite Name For The Walking Dead Zombies?

KennysucksKennysucks Banned
edited October 2014 in The Walking Dead

So throughout the series of the walking dead we have heard many different name for the zombies. which one is your favorite? and what would you call them if you had to pick a name?

to name a few:

  • Walkers

  • Roamers

  • Lurkers

  • Geeks

  • Biters

  • Lame-Brains

  • Floaters

  • Meat-Puppets

  • Empties

  • Skin Eaters

(the list goes on for quite a bit so im not going to write them all)



  • Vanilla Ice....

    For all those Nick walkers.

  • shouldnt there be a zombies one

  • Meat puppets? Dont remember that one haha

  • Its from the comics I think, this is on the wiki for the description


    • used by a Savior. Since he is part of The Saviors, it is presumed that the nickname is a common one amongst the group. The name most likely originated from the fact that the zombies' intelligence levels are very low, so they are just considered mindless puppets of meat.

    sprocket23 posted: »

    Meat puppets? Dont remember that one haha

  • Lame-Brains, lmao. Don't think I've heard of that one, must be in the comics but I love it already.

  • LoneWoIfLoneWoIf Banned
    edited October 2014


  • I like Lurkers, sounds creepy.

  • walkers, bitters, lurkers.

  • It was in the tv series.

    Twistee posted: »

    Lame-Brains, lmao. Don't think I've heard of that one, must be in the comics but I love it already.

  • Walkers and Zombies

  • I would pick walkers. I always call them walkers when playing the game(^o^)/

  • Nope , you never call a zombie from TWD "zombie" is a rule, along with, no happy endings,there will never be a cure and they'll never explain how the outbreak began.

    shouldnt there be a zombies one

  • Rotters. I think its pretty good.

  • Lee calls his brother's zombie a zombie in Episode 1, I very clearly remember him saying something about the keys being in that zombie over there or something, I just really clearly remember the use of the Z word not the rest of the line.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Nope , you never call a zombie from TWD "zombie" is a rule, along with, no happy endings,there will never be a cure and they'll never explain how the outbreak began.

  • I'm partial to the term "walker" because of TWD, but if I lived in a world where the term "zombie" didn't exist, I'd be more likely to call them "biters" or "lurkers". I do like "empties" though, there's an ominous vibe to that word.

  • I like "lurkers" and "biters". Sounds simple but good.

  • Lurkers.

  • Really? Hmm, never did hear it. Thanks though.

    LoneWoIf posted: »

    It was in the tv series.

  • edited October 2014

    He did not call his brother a zombie. There is the real line. "I dont think Doug's confortable around zombies"

    kaleion posted: »

    Lee calls his brother's zombie a zombie in Episode 1, I very clearly remember him saying something about the keys being in that zombie over there or something, I just really clearly remember the use of the Z word not the rest of the line.

  • Oh that's was it!

    I haven't played it in a while must have gotten confused, but I was sure I heard lee say it somewhere.

    JMOREL posted: »

    He did not call his brother a zombie. There is the real line. "I dont think Doug's confortable around zombies"

  • Is 'Walkers' too mainstream now? :P

  • Biters or Walkers, they sound the best imo

  • My personal favourite , "Those fuckers..."

  • edited October 2014

    The sunshines

  • Lurkers. I dunno what it is, that word just sounds cool.

  • Undead Flesh Addicts

  • I think they have their own different circumstances in which they roll off the tongue, but I will always refer to them as zombies.

  • Zombies...

    Just call a damn spade a spade. =P

  • But what would the plural be? Undeads?

    LoneWoIf posted: »


  • For me...walkers just sounds too, I'm not sure I can't think of the word.

    I've grown accustomed to what the cabin group called them: Lurkers.

  • no, he does call his brother a zombie inside of the office after you've already checked with doug to make sure it was him, if you go back into the office and try and enter the pharmacy Lee will say "the keys are out on that zombie on the street."

    JMOREL posted: »

    He did not call his brother a zombie. There is the real line. "I dont think Doug's confortable around zombies"

  • no it would be 'the undead' then I think that makes sense doesn't it?

    "omg look at all the undead"

    But what would the plural be? Undeads?

  • I kind of like it when they just say "the dead." Because usually the times people call them that are powerful lines, like Jolene's in episode 2. "The dead don't kill their own. It's the living you gotta be afraid of."

  • Geeks and Lurkers.

  • Lickers o(^^o)

  • edited January 2015

    Hmm idk

  • Walkers and Lurkers

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