Ep 1 Release Date Discussion - Out Now PC/Mac/PS3/PS4/XboxOne/360/Android



  • I still hope it comes out during the event.

    Lets also hope we get a "surprise mofo" moment from Telltale tomorrow and we can actually end up buying the game Tuesday onwards

  • Fingers crossed too!!

    I can't wait to enter GoT world.

    FIrst week of December does seem really likely Fingers crossed

  • The books are great. You get a LOT more backstory. I recommend skipping a few paragraphs when food starts being described, unless you're really into that sort of thing for some reason.

    ata95 posted: »

    Started with the first book yesterday. I feel like i needed more than the show i watched. And even though i know the events in the first book it is still awesome as hell. CANT WAIT FOR THE GAME.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2014

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things.


  • Thank God now people will stop whining about the length all the time lol.

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • Alt text

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!


    .-. .... @-@ ...

    Alt text

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • I'm sure they'll find something to complain about, they always do.

    Thank God now people will stop whining about the length all the time lol.

  • o shit o shit o shit o shit o shit

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • 2 HOURS!!!! I think we are definitely going to be playing as multiple characters within each episode now!

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • ...It's official.

    That's coming from the same FAQ that is still claiming episodes will be released 4-6 weeks apart.

  • That's coming from the same FAQ that is still claiming episodes will be released 4-6 weeks apart.

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • This looks pretty damn awesome. Can't wait!

  • 2 hours per episode?! YES!!!

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  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator


    They said the same in TWD S2 FAQ, hopefully they stick to it as i love long episodes.

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • edited November 2014

    Folks, the faqs for Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead Season 2 say the same regarding two hour episodes. I think A Game of Thrones (possibly borderlands too) could be longer due to the extra characters and depth, but please don't get your hopes up. It leads to disappointment, and complaining on these forums which doesn't make it a very nice place to be. Besides, with lower expectations, there's a greater chance you'll enjoy the titles.

    So, just try to temper expectations and expect episodes around an hour and a half? The usual length, for both games. If they're longer, then it's a bonus for everyone.

  • PS: I just looked at the trophies for Borderlands, though I know this isn't the relevant thread.

    6 chapters again and then a trophy for completing the episode. Chapter 2, however, seems like it might be the place where people's demos have ended, which I believe have been around 30 - 45 minutes long. Or certainly chapter 3 anyway, by the sounds of it. Hopefully it gives people an idea of possible length for Borderlands, though chapters always do vary in length.


    Rob_K posted: »

    Folks, the faqs for Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead Season 2 say the same regarding two hour episodes. I think A Game of Thrones (possibly bo

  • You ruined my moment I was having! :P

    OzzyUK posted: »

    EDIT: OH MY GOD TWO HOUR EPISODES CONFIRMED! TELLTALE LISTENED! They said the same in TWD S2 FAQ, hopefully they stick to it as i love long episodes.

  • Yeah, I recall some of the chapters for the middle episodes of Wolf Among Us wildly varied in length. Some of the first acts would be minutes long for Episodes 2-3, while Episode 4 had a longer first act.

  • edited November 2014


    Rob_K posted: »

    Folks, the faqs for Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead Season 2 say the same regarding two hour episodes. I think A Game of Thrones (possibly bo

  • edited November 2014

    Ah, you're a charming individual. Perfect representation of some of the problems here and on other forums.

    I didn't presume to make it seem like I was ordering anyone to think anything, nor was I rude in the slightest. I 'suggested' (hence a question mark), because we all know what happens on release. People complain, partly because of dashed hopes. You are free to ignore me if you wish.

    And I'm quite aware I'm no-one special, thank you very much, though I do hope I'm somewhat sensible which is something that people seem to lack at times.

    I suppose you win now, because I replied? And I'm not entirely sure why you chose to pick a fight with me, or how anyone could take offense with what I said.

    Edit: There's a bit of a difference between this kind of post and what I said: http://steamcommunity.com/app/330840/discussions/0/617320168070468520/. People should really stay away from the threads on Steam too, unless they want to read a lot of complaining.

  • Oh my Gawd, I so can't wait for this!!!

  • edited November 2014


    Rob_K posted: »

    Ah, you're a charming individual. Perfect representation of some of the problems here and on other forums. I didn't presume to make it se

  • You definitely picked a fight with him dude. You think you're clever behind your keyboard don't you? Pitiful...

  • [removed]

    beguiler posted: »

    You definitely picked a fight with him dude. You think you're clever behind your keyboard don't you? Pitiful...

  • edited November 2014

    Right, thanks for making yourself look even more like an asshole.

    And I'm not sensitive at all. I'm just jaded with society, thanks to people like you and the one I linked to in that thread, amongst other things.

    Honestly, if you think you've gotten to me, you're wrong. I'm quite calm. I just enjoy people like you, because you're really amusing, sad individuals.

    And by the way, 7 people say thanks. None seem to have found your post helpful. So, you must enjoy making yourself seem smart. Hence proving my point about making yourself look like an asshole.

    Edit: You know what's even more funnier than your current attitude right now? If the episodes aren't two hours long, you'll be one of the ones here complaining, I bet. It makes it hard to discuss things. So yes, forgive me if I want to try to minimise all of the inevitable complaining by making a harmless, friendly suggestion.

  • edited November 2014

    Says the child who is resorting to name calling. lol, If the internet is affecting your view of society then you need to get off the computer. Point blank.

    LMAO! Are you really using "likes" to make yourself right? Wow...that's indescribably pathetic. Fine, I'll play your ridiculous game. Lets see...you have 548 Likes Received and you joined Dec 7, 2010. While I have 733 Likes Received and joined on Nov 3, 2013. According to your idiotic logic, that means my opinion matters more than yours. Glad we could clear that up.

    Edit: You know what's even more hilarious than that? The fact that you are pretending that I haven't gotten to you. When you are constantly hopping back on here to "edit" your comments and try to come out ahead. It's adorable to say the least.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Right, thanks for making yourself look even more like an asshole. And I'm not sensitive at all. I'm just jaded with society, thanks to pe

  • edited November 2014

    I believe you were the one who threw names first, calling me a hypocrite. And yes, I tend to have a low view of society. Because of people like you. If it comes across in my post, I apologise, but it was not intended. Nor am I generally smug.

    I just know what's going to happen is all. There will be a shit load of complaints, some for non-sensical reasons, some valid.

    I'm done explaining myself, even though it shouldn't have been needed. Nor should I need to apologise for what I said. Yet I have, despite it seeming like you're the only one who had an issue with my words.

    So, I'm done. Be happy I'm big enough to let you 'win an internet argument' and leave it here. The thread shouldn't really be derailed over something so trivial.

    Says the child who is resorting to name calling. lol, If the internet is affecting your view of society then you need to get off the compute

  • Alt text

    Says the child who is resorting to name calling. lol, If the internet is affecting your view of society then you need to get off the compute

  • @Prince_Charming I don't have time to read you're longwinded attempts to "win" an internet argument. (I'm too busy with all the Star Wars Teaser buzz on the internet) You picked a fight and thus a fight is what you got. Admit it and move along. Stop getting this thread off topic.

  • edited November 2014

    Who asked you to read anything? Your vapid opinion means nothing to me. (The Star Wars teaser doesn't drop until this weekend, that's literally all the buzz there is)

    beguiler posted: »

    @Prince_Charming I don't have time to read you're longwinded attempts to "win" an internet argument. (I'm too busy with all the Star Wars Te

  • harrisonpinkharrisonpink Telltale Alumni

    This image absolutely slayed me.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    2 hours per episode?! YES!!!

  • A dev talked to me! I can die happy now!

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    This image absolutely slayed me.

  • edited November 2014

    What anime character was that anyway? Recently started watching anime, but haven't come across that one yet.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    A dev talked to me! I can die happy now!

  • Joey Wheeler from the original Yugioh series. I know because I used to love watching yugioh till Zexal came out. I can't stand Zexal. GX is the best though :)

    Rob_K posted: »

    What anime character was that anyway? Recently started watching anime, but haven't come across that one yet.

  • Oh, great! I actually have Yu Gi Oh on my to watch list for Netflix. Just want to finish off Stein's Gate first. I remember watching it when I was kid though. I just didn't recognise the character.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Joey Wheeler from the original Yugioh series. I know because I used to love watching yugioh till Zexal came out. I can't stand Zexal. GX is the best though

  • 2 hour episodes! Oh yeah!

    Alt text

    Telltale just updated their game page for Game of Thrones. They have an FAQ and a few other new things. EDIT: TWO HOUR EPISODES (possibly) CONFIRMED!

  • Starting to think we won't get ep 1 for GOT on Dec 2nd since TFTBL will only just be hitting Xbox 360 and PSN Europe on Dec 3rd...

  • Same, that's not probably likely. I hope they announce the release dates at Playstation Expo next week and we will get it the week of Dec. 8 - Dec. 12

    beguiler posted: »

    Starting to think we won't get ep 1 for GOT on Dec 2nd since TFTBL will only just be hitting Xbox 360 and PSN Europe on Dec 3rd...

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