'Shoutout' to the people who hate Bonnie, Mike, and Arvo...
How can you hate them? Yes, they did leave you behind, only saying 'sorry' after Arvo shot you, but can you really blame them? No, and here's why:
Arvo, yes, he did do some unforgettable + unforgivable decisions, but can you blame him? All he did was tell his group that he was robbed (if you decided NOT to take the medicine, Jane still takes his gun. So "they" did steal something) by two strangers, (bad decision) come to us in a hostile manner for all of our stuff, probably for payback, he lost his sister, beaten senseless by a strange man, but then, before he believes he's lost all hope, a man in the group was nice to him. When they were planning to leave back at the house, he thought this would be a chance to get away from all of this, to start a new life without being hit in the face every day. When he saw Clem, he probably didn't want her to tag along for killing his sister (purpose or accident) so he did what he thought was best, even thought it was wrong, and he shot her to get what he wants. If you really think about all that has happened, really put yourself in his shoes instead of just assuming right away 'he had no right! he's gonna die when i find him ima break every bone in his body and leave him for the walkers!'. At least inform yourself before making a decision on him.
As for Mike, he was doing what he thought was best. He knew Kenny would start to break soon, so he probably would've left when he got to Parker's run, when he really saw who he was, to which I don't blame him. Who would want to get their face beat in by a psychopath? Or even fear it? When he still tagged along, he felt sorry for the kid who lost his sister, he wanted to get out, so he decided to give him an opportunity. Even after being yelled at by Arvo, he still asks, because he was being nice. The kid already got his punishment from getting hurt once, but when Kenny beat him senseless at the house, he had enough. He took him with him, along with Bonnie.
And for Bonnie, her past wasn't all unicorns and rainbows either. She was getting over some kind of drug addiction, which makes you go off-task easily, and she probably thought joining Carver would be the best option too keep her safe. When she joined our group, she automatically saw the little sparks of evil within Kenny, and took good notice. She probably already had a 'close' relationship with Mike after Howe's, and maybe she also had enough of Kenny's bullcrap, so she wanted in on it too.
So before you make a 'final decision' on these three, please just take these facts into mind and just try to re-think them, you may just change your mind on them.
(I made this discussion because I was on the facebook fanpage too, and I have seen so much hate towards them, and I probably only met one other person who supported the three)
on seeing this i started hating them more!!!
I hate them because they left Clem and AJ with none of the supplies, for a boy they literally met yesterday (or a few days ago). Sure they were running from Kenny, but they could have at least told Clem, or left them with some stuff, they're easily the most selfish people I've seen in TWD yet.
It felt really out of character, especially for Mike.
The thing with Arvo is, he was always up to something, remember his english at the observation deck? It wasnt that bad, then when he meets us with his group, his english is perfect, his group dies and now his english breaks. His ''I dont want to see more people dead'', i dont believe that, remember during the lake when he was trying to run and fell in and Kenny had to pick him up? He was running away because he had stashed guns around the house.
We later see when Mike, Arvo and Bonnie (determinant), he pulls out a rifle. The group did not have a rifle, i wonder where it came from huh?
Like Kenny said he was trying to save his skin, heck even when he was trying to hide the meds in that trashcan, you could tell that he and Natasha were gonna ditch Buricko and Vitali.
About Mike i might forgive him, its not his fault being so gullible.
What does his English have to do with anything?
He is abusing the language barrier to his advantage, compare the way he talks when he is with his group and without it. He is obviously feigning not being able to speak it.
there's always...
I never hated Mike. I totally understand why he, and by extension Bonnie and especially Arvo, wanted to leave the group. Kenny was becoming unstable and dangerous and they felt that they had to leave in order to survive. I get that, I really do.
Why I hate Bonnie? She's a total bitch to Clem if Clem decides to cover Luke. Bonnie blames Clem for his death, when Bonnie was the one who gets him killed in that scenario! Then she rips Clem over not doing anything for the group, when Clem has been doing everything for the group for the entire Season! The fuck, Bonnie?
With Arvo? Fuck him. I didn't steal his medicine. I did my best to try and peacefully settle shit between the groups. I stood up for him every time Kenny started beating him or insulting him. I tried to comfort him about his sister's death. I didn't even yell for Jane or Kenny when Mike, Bonnie, and Arvo were leaving. I just let Clem peacefully put her gun down so that those three could be on their way. And how am I repaid for my trust and humanity? With a bullet. Getting shot for being a good person tends to build slight resentment toward the one who shot you, y'know?
Or he could have been traumatized and therefore his English speaking skills dropped as a result. Whenever I have to speak in front of people in German class I get very nervous. (I'm probably not the best example because I could hardly be considered fluent to begin with so maybe it is different for people who are fluent.) Arvo's situation was far more traumatic than just getting nervous though.
When Kenny grabs him while he's trying to revive his sister, he is asking Kenny to let him go but he talks completely in Russian. It would have been in his benefit to speak English then, but he didn't because he was panicked and couldn't think straight. The following days where his English has a drop in quality are probably still because he's still very distraught and Kenny's behavior probably didn't help much because whenever Kenny speaks to him it is pretty much always to beat him, insult him, or tell him to 'say it in American.'
But then again, I've heard plenty of stories of bilingual people pretending to be bad at English to frustrate people so I'm not saying that him planning something is completely out of the question, but I think his declining English ability had more to do with trauma and the abuse making it hard for him to think straight.
Of course, they take food and left a child and a baby with nothing... pretty right, I really don't know why people don't like they...
And it's determinant, just if you help Luke. Yeah.
ayy lmao
Of course I can. My Clementine did everything she could to be nice to him. (As little as the writers would allow. They can't actually allow Clementine to be nice, or talk to him, or do anything of major importance because that would get in the way of their story. Even if it goes against nearly everything my Clementine stands for. GG TTG.) I don't buy he shot her on account of him thinking she shot his sister, as stated in many other threads.
I agree about Mike. All I wish is he would have had to the decency to invite me before they left.
I don't feel as strongly one way or the other about Bonnie. I don't blame her, but I don't really like her in any form. She would need to really work for her forgiveness.
I hate Mike but i don´t hate Arvo or Bonnie
I agree. Forgetting even the simplest things is very popular phenomenon. This is natural when we deal with stress, fear or any other factor what causes an invisible blockade in thinking and/or speaking.
I love/hate BAM (Bonnie, Arvo, Mike)
I hate Arvo. I love Mike. I am indifferent to Bonnie,
The only reason I'm not huge fans of Mike and Bonnie is because they just wanted to run after Arvo shot Clem, instead of facing what they did. I hate Arvo because all the fucker did in his two episodes is cry and shot 11 year old girls.
try all you like but the communities burning hatred of that harry potter looking fuck and his scooby doo gang of douchebags will never subside. What? my hatred of arvo, bonnie, and mike....
I like them. I feel like they all did what they thought was right, and that's good enough reason for me to like them.
Seek and destroy!
I don't like them, especially Mike. Bonnie and Arvo are both undergoing mental trauma from Luke and Natasha dying, and they obviously just wanted to remove themselves from the group because they thought it would ease some of the trauma. It was not the smartest thing to do, to leave the rest of the group with little supplies and to head out into the freezing weather without shelter, but they weren't thinking straight. Mike on the other hand, had NOTHING bad happen to him, he just met Luke, and felt no emotional connection to anyone who perished. Mike in some playthroughs did not even care when a little girl gets shot so he can escape. Why does Mike feel such a need to escape, with just Bonnie and Arvo? It makes literally no sense. If they were all so afraid of Kenny, why did they not want to ya know, take the rest of the group with them? I can excuse Bonnie and Arvo, since they aren't thinking clearly, but Mike is just a complete self concerned jerk.
"He did what he thought it was right" so you should just forgive them? it's pretty naive and stupid. Everyone's done mistakes but that does not mean they are RIGHT and should be FORGIVEN. Some people do not deserve second chance, and with Bonnie it already was 2nd. Honestly I couldn't care less if Arvo runs off but shooting Clem heatless?! And now you expect everyone to love him. I'd be okay if they told us they are leaving but they probably couldn't because they were 'afraid' of Kenny. I don't understand why are they so scared? I mean Mike and Bonnie. They are cowards for just running away like babies when problems show up.
"Arvo, yes, he did do some unforgettable + unforgivable decisions, but can you blame him?" HELL YES I CAN. I don't even understand your thinking. It's like someone kills your mother and then you forgive them because they did wrong thing?! He was beaten by Kenny, yes he was a piece of shit (Arvo) but I wouldn't do the same as Kenny did I'd just leave his sorry ass. Yes he had the right to come back to chase us if I stole his medicie, and Jane stole his gun and told him something. But at the end it's HIS, MIKE'S AND BONNIE'S FAULT. I'm mostly mad at that Bonnie. All she ever did was following Luke like some sheep and I'm sick of her. None of them is angel nor innocent and how could you even say that? Because nobody in this game is innoocent.
By the way thanks for the shoutout.
Our brains are on fire
with the feeling to kill,
and it won't go away
until our dreams are fulfilled.
There is only one thing
on our minds.
Don't try running away,
cause you're the one we will find.
On our way.
You will pay.
One thousand deaths.
On our way.
You will pay.
One thousand deaths.
Glad you caught the reference!
If we can kill them in Season 3, I will literally pause my game, start playing this song, resume the game, and kill them to Seek and Destroy.
Arvo shot Clementine all based on a assumption that she killed his sister. He thought that his sister was still alive and not zombified when Clementine shot her. That's why he yelled "NOO" and cried a little. It was stupid of him to shoot an unarmed girl, just because of that thought that she killed his sister.
He hated her for something that wasn't even true. and he shot her on purpose obviously.
You can basically say that he was being a stupid fuck.
For Mike and Bonnie; Those fucks didn't care about the rest of the group. If your sneaking out because of Kenny, then don't take all of the fucking food. You would basically kill all of them. And they could at least talked some sense into Kenny, instead of Mike's comment to Clementine: "You better talk some sense into him." how about you talk some fucking sense into him? stop hiding your emotions from Kenny, and be a fucking man.
Even when Clementine is standing up for the shitbird Arvo, he still decides to shoot her in the end. all based on a assumption...
She stood up for Ben before. and when Clementine needed help, Ben be all like: "I don't know". Lee had to fucking convince him that he owes it to her. Ben is as irrational as Arvo.
south park reference
Clem was actually armed with her handgun and even if you try to give up your weapon to mike arvo shoots her before she can give it to him. I agree with your point just had to point this out
I very much hate all three of them, hell if everyone just listened to Kenny we'd all be happy, near wellington waiting for some spots to open up, and Shitbird 2.0 would be rotting.
Just want to correct you here:
Arvo shoots Clementine after she got disarmed.
Actually Clem DOES give the gun up before Arvo shoots her. She puts it on the ground after Mike walks over to her, and then the two smile at each other for a few seconds before Arvo decides to let his inner douchebag reign and pull the trigger.
btw if you agree, a +1 would be appricated
Yeah basically the same point. +1 would be more simple and less time consuming
But it's your choice after all.
Pretty easily.
I like them also. The only thing that was a little jerky was taking all the supplies, i don't see why everyone hates Bonnie. She was obviously emotionally upset. If the player chooses to help Luke, she seems sympathetic. I never had a beef with mike, because he was a good guy, and Arvo played him. Anyhow. Here... It is dangerous to go alone, take this you might need it.