After Bonnie says she got the rest of it there is an option for Clementine to ask why they're leaving with all the supplies and the truck and leave her and Kenny and little AJ to starve. So yeah, after I read that option and chose to ask it my next order of business was yelling for Kenny and Jane and hoping they'll kill those traitors! I was massively disappointed in Mike especially. He showed so much compassion to the shitbird Arvo, but doesn't mind letting me and AJ starve?? WTF!?!? I didn't like Arvo from the beginning. I did not take his supplies. I was nice to him. His group ambushed us and got one of my favorite characters (Luke) shot - and that's why Luke ultimately drowned! Because of his bum leg. Arvo's group was nasty and should die a hundred times over. And I was STILL nice to Arvo and felt bad for him when Kenny beat him up. Had I known what a shitbird he really is then I would've helped Kenny to kick him around. And don't even get me started on Bonnie! What a bitch! Always putting Clem in danger as if Clem is the strongest adult in the group. Clem do this, Clem do that. And then when BONNIE gets Luke killed she blames it on Clem! Just because she had the hots for Luke. She got us all caught into Carver's camp in the first place!! Everybody who tries to defend her and/or Arvo should remember that Kenny lost his new lady because of the Carver situation! They were happy In the big cabin with a Christmas tree and all. If it weren't for the escaped Carver group then that nice group of Kenny with Walter and Mathew and Serita would still be alive. So nobody can blame Kemny! It's me and Kenny to the end!
I know this is an old post, but if Mike's alone with Arvo it only shows the one bag, yet Clem can still accuse them of stealing all of the supplies and we never see any of the bags ever again.
Yeah that was it though. He just seemed nice, a blank slate of a character, meaning that the writers could do whatever they wanted with him,… more leading to his runaway with Arvo. While I do get that he and Bonnie probably saw some similarities between Kenny's behavior and Carver's, especially when he began beating Arvo up, it definitely wasn't cool for them to take all the supplies.
On another note, when Bonnie is escaping with Mike, she says "I got the rest of it." So when Mike escapes alone with Arvo, does he only take half the groups supplies?
When i played and saw Clem getting shot. I wanted to kill them all. And believe me if i ever have the chance i will do it gladly. I may spar… moree Mike but Bonnie and Arvo... I am so going to hunt them down. I hope there will be an encounter. OH, GOD PLEASE.
I would have shot Mike in spite. I've always hated Bonnie ever since her first appearance she ruined the lives of two people helping her drug addled self. I let her die first chance I could and was happy to do it she over stayed her welcome. As for Arvo meh... I know most people like him but I don't really care or hop on the band wagon I don't hate him but I don't feel bad for him. I think he did what he did for a reason but enjoyed it... a little too much
The whole situation was just dreadfully poor writing that betrayed most of what the characters had been presented as earlier (not even the first time characters jumped ship on their own characterization mind you). But I'd have to disagree on blaming Kenny, he can be blamed for many things.
After Bonnie says she got the rest of it there is an option for Clementine to ask why they're leaving with all the supplies and the truck an… mored leave her and Kenny and little AJ to starve. So yeah, after I read that option and chose to ask it my next order of business was yelling for Kenny and Jane and hoping they'll kill those traitors! I was massively disappointed in Mike especially. He showed so much compassion to the shitbird Arvo, but doesn't mind letting me and AJ starve?? WTF!?!? I didn't like Arvo from the beginning. I did not take his supplies. I was nice to him. His group ambushed us and got one of my favorite characters (Luke) shot - and that's why Luke ultimately drowned! Because of his bum leg. Arvo's group was nasty and should die a hundred times over. And I was STILL nice to Arvo and felt bad for him when Kenny beat him up. Had I known what a shitbird he really is then I would've helped Kenny to kick him around. And don't even ge… [view original content]
I don't mind Mike as he was genuinely nice. But Arvo and Bonnie can just jump off a cliff into a pit of chainsaws for all I care- they were detestable and absolutely despicable.
After Bonnie says she got the rest of it there is an option for Clementine to ask why they're leaving with all the supplies and the truck and leave her and Kenny and little AJ to starve. So yeah, after I read that option and chose to ask it my next order of business was yelling for Kenny and Jane and hoping they'll kill those traitors! I was massively disappointed in Mike especially. He showed so much compassion to the shitbird Arvo, but doesn't mind letting me and AJ starve?? WTF!?!? I didn't like Arvo from the beginning. I did not take his supplies. I was nice to him. His group ambushed us and got one of my favorite characters (Luke) shot - and that's why Luke ultimately drowned! Because of his bum leg. Arvo's group was nasty and should die a hundred times over. And I was STILL nice to Arvo and felt bad for him when Kenny beat him up. Had I known what a shitbird he really is then I would've helped Kenny to kick him around. And don't even get me started on Bonnie! What a bitch! Always putting Clem in danger as if Clem is the strongest adult in the group. Clem do this, Clem do that. And then when BONNIE gets Luke killed she blames it on Clem! Just because she had the hots for Luke. She got us all caught into Carver's camp in the first place!! Everybody who tries to defend her and/or Arvo should remember that Kenny lost his new lady because of the Carver situation! They were happy In the big cabin with a Christmas tree and all. If it weren't for the escaped Carver group then that nice group of Kenny with Walter and Mathew and Serita would still be alive. So nobody can blame Kemny! It's me and Kenny to the end!

I know this is an old post, but if Mike's alone with Arvo it only shows the one bag, yet Clem can still accuse them of stealing all of the supplies and we never see any of the bags ever again.
I agree! I probably spare Mike, but Arvo and Bonnie have to die a thousand deaths!
I would have shot Mike in spite. I've always hated Bonnie ever since her first appearance she ruined the lives of two people helping her drug addled self. I let her die first chance I could and was happy to do it she over stayed her welcome. As for Arvo meh... I know most people like him but I don't really care or hop on the band wagon I don't hate him but I don't feel bad for him. I think he did what he did for a reason but enjoyed it... a little too much
The whole situation was just dreadfully poor writing that betrayed most of what the characters had been presented as earlier (not even the first time characters jumped ship on their own characterization mind you). But I'd have to disagree on blaming Kenny, he can be blamed for many things.
Another post that is declaring Kenny as the devil himself.
What a fucking suprise.
Arvo was a dumbass
Carver might have murdered people, and been horribly abusive but can you blame him? No, and here's why......................
i don't hate mike but i did kill bonnie off and in season three i want to killlllll arvo when i get the chance
Bonnie is hated for what she's done so far. She caused Carver to kill Walter (the one she betrayed).
Arvo's sister doesn't seem sick at all so he was obviously lying. He also held a grudge on Clementine by those 2 glares throughout episode 5.
I have nothing on Mike though. He was aware of Kenny's attitude.
I don't mind Mike as he was genuinely nice. But Arvo and Bonnie can just jump off a cliff into a pit of chainsaws for all I care- they were detestable and absolutely despicable.
I completely agree
I left this place for god knows how long , Hell, I have even deactivated my account, and came back to find it exactly as it was. Nice.