Where do I start? Oh! In my first play through of "Amid the Ruins" when I first saw Arvo I was completely nice and decided not to rob him for the medicine, later when he shows up with his gang I was also benevolent towards him l. Hell, I even stopped Kenny from beating him up when I had the opportunity and what does Arvo do to repay my gratitude towards him? HE SHOOTS ME IN THE FUCKING SHOULDER! I must ask the developers of this game about why they made Arvo shoot Clementine even if you just so happen to be kind to this prick. Oh yeah I think I remember Arvo's motivation of firing the bullet at Clem's shoulder, it was because Clementine shot his sister who was a ZOMBIE! and what he thought that Clementine shot her when Natasha was alive, I'm sorry but wake the fuck up Arvo... She was already dead in the beginning of the episode and even you saw her bleed out when you were trying to resuscitate her and what!? You thought that Natasha would wake up and crawl 5 feet towards one person if she is normal?! God! if Arvo had actually checked his sister's body especially the face and eyes then it would be obvious that Natasha was a walker and needed to be put down but noooo... You don't even get to mention that she turned to Arvo whenever you talk to him because "The plot demands it" man fuck that.
So I was nice all the time towards him, didn't steal his painkillers and I stopped Kenny from beating him up. He also lied about the painkillers for his sister because Natasha looked in pretty good shape to me... God I regret not stealing from him and not giving those painkillers to Rebecca.
If I were you and I see Arvo in season 3... I advise you shoot him on the spot.
I hated him before he shot Clem, he was just a whiny annoying kid imo.
Then again, I would still like to see him in s3. There might be a chance for redemption.
Yeeeeah no, after he put a bullet in Clem's shoulder... There's gonna be a shitload of Arvo hate.
#Make it happen telltale
Still wondering why Kenny didn't just kill him and say "plan don't change".
#Fuckin' Commie Piece of Shit!
Not just fuck Arvo, but fuck Mike and Bonnie.
Plot didn't demand it, that's why.
When he shot Clem, I was like:
I was like, What the FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
No #FuckBonnie because she is dead in my play through
Well in my play through, she is alive and I will take great satisfaction in killing her, even more than killing Arvo. And what's weird is that I went to go help Luke, so she was nice to me. Imagine how much I would hate her if I didn't help Luke.
My reaction (just without the shirt ripping).
I agree with you on that. You would hate her more than Sarah and Sarah was unlikable by many fans.
I liked Sarah, sure she was annoying, but I felt bad for her. She just wasn't built for this world because her dad sheltered her. The reason she was weak wasn't Sarah's fault, it was Carlos' fault. I wanted to teach her how to be strong and how to survive, but the writers didn't give me the chance.
Yeah that's my play through. She is a mega-cunt. But personally I want to kill Mike more. He left Clem for dead. Saw her get shot, could've helped her, but just left. For all he knows she is dead. So yeah, Mike gets 2 in the chest, bleeds out. Arvo gets 1 in the head, fuck him. And Bonnie gets Luke's machete, right in her stupid face/brain.
I remember when everyone loved Mike... Seems like a long time ago.
Well that's the reason I hate Bonnie, she expresses sorrow over what just happened but then just leaves me to die. For me:
Mike: quick and easy, bullet to the head (I don't hate him enough to make him reanimate).
Arvo: rifle to the chest and a bullet to his good leg, let him bleed out (alternative would be crowbar to the face, Kenny-Carver style).
Bonnie: call her a junkie, tell her I hate the jacket she gave me, stab her in the back twice (because that's what she did to us) and put her next to Arvo's corpse and wait for him to turn (alternative would be just let her bleed out and turn).
Hell yea.
I liked him too, but no one betrays me and gets away with it, I've learned that after forgiving that bitch Bonnie and having her betray me again.
Is it me or it uncharacteristic for Mike and Bonnie to abandon Clem? Bonnie was trying to make it up to Clem for what she done. And mike was trying to earn the respect of the group from the beginning,plus, he's a good guy.Why would he suddenly just steal the supplies from Clem,supplies that they need to survive? It was just bad writing to me.
How is Arvo even alive? Kennny could had easily just killed him the first chance he got.Also, why keep Arvo around? They should had left him behind like the lily thing.
No, it is completely in Bonnie's character to betray someone, she's done it to every group she's ever been in. She betrayed Dee, she betrayed the 400 Days group, she betrayed Luke and the cabin group (twice), she betrayed Carver, and then she betrayed Clementine again. Betrayal is in her nature, and I've had enough of her bullshit.
Mike is just a gullible piece of shit who felt bad for a guy who tried to get them all killed and protected him from the only man thinking rationally. Sure he wanted it to work out, but when he saw how "crazy" Kenny acted towards Arvo, he decided to up and leave.
I think you forgot a, "fuck that guy," in there.
I like Arvo, one of the better characters in my opinion.
I remember what it felt like when everyone hated Nate, I feel your pain and support Arvo as well.
I think Arvo was just pushed to the point that he snapped. When people are sad they don't make sense.
It's all Arvo now...
Arvo and Nate... Add Carver to this list and I'm with you guys.
Ah yes, Kill 'Em All...
...A Classic, one of Metallica's best.
hashtag #hashfag
My favorite is and always will be Master of Puppets, but Kill em All will always be considered a metal classic, an album that ushered in a new age of heavy metal.
Man, haven't heard Master of Puppets in about three years. I would like to go back and give it another fair shake, cause I remember not caring for it all that much. I've always liked Kill 'Em All and Ride the Lightning though.
Master of Puppets was the one that had Battery on it right?