There are 2 ways luke can come back (one scientificly, other one not so sure)

Well its obvious luke drowns but in a certain amount of time you can be saved. i believe at the most you can survive is 12 hours but youll be in the vegetation stage and have lots of brain damage if its 3 hours you can survive but have slight less brain damage. There have been a few cases of this happening to kids and some have survived so this could be a way luke could come back BUT its incredibly rare for this to happen so there is still a chance. wont go into detail on how this works too much.

2nd therory is the alien theory (said this in a comment on another thread) we can see an ufo in shels story so what if luke gets randomly picked up and they bring him back to life (0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 could happen xD

The first theory is the way i think luke could come back



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