There are 2 ways luke can come back (one scientificly, other one not so sure)
Well its obvious luke drowns but in a certain amount of time you can be saved. i believe at the most you can survive is 12 hours but youll be in the vegetation stage and have lots of brain damage if its 3 hours you can survive but have slight less brain damage. There have been a few cases of this happening to kids and some have survived so this could be a way luke could come back BUT its incredibly rare for this to happen so there is still a chance. wont go into detail on how this works too much.
2nd therory is the alien theory (said this in a comment on another thread) we can see an ufo in shels story so what if luke gets randomly picked up and they bring him back to life (0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 could happen xD
The first theory is the way i think luke could come back
Alien theory is the most possible one...
You also forgot...
There is only one way that Luke could come back.
Season 3 writers throw their arms up and say "Fuck it! Who even cares about this anymore? Let's bring Luke back, and throw in some dragons."
Then the game series would end for sucking so much and those specific writers would never be allowed to work in the industry again, as they would have destroyed a beloved series.
Sorry cant name em all xD
the denial is real
You sure it was a UFO you saw? Could have been just a floaty piece of wood that was poorly designed when crashing through that gate.
Search it on youtube
*There are no ways Luke can come back
He looks pretty dead to me.
You might think this is funny, but sorry it is not.
Topic for today: Luke is dead.
Homework for today: Write "Luke is dead" one hundred times in your notebooks. Hope that helps.
i trusted you lee
Did you do your homework, Sheriff? No? That's what I thought. Snow White is gonna hear about that.
this is a legitimate way he can come back i dont believe he will come back i think he is dead but this is the only way and the scenario has happened before
Lee pls you're taking away Snow points.
Me: Here we go [cracks open a beer] This'll be good T.T
And those times are a little crazy. There have been incidents of people surviving cold water drowning, but for Luke to get real lucky he'd have to be fished out below the hour to have a shot, because there isn't a hospital around with doctors or nurses who know what to do with cold water drownings like that.
Also I told you, for the last time! Paul is not going to fly down and save Luke's booty! Aliens and zombies do not mix! Nor do Dinosaurs in space, but enough about that.
Luke is a popsicle, the only way he's coming back is as an delicious treat.
I can't find 'I got lucky, real lucky' meme...
Even if he could live for hours without breathing he would die from hypothermia long before that. He is so dead.
Don't worry, I have it tagged on my tumblr. Now let me just look thorugh my page and-
[370 results for TWDG Luke] f**k.
No wait! I found it!
Sorry it's uh, a little smaller than the original.
Luke died in a dream of the visual representation of Luke. In my stupid theory, Luke is still alive because he never died, only in Clementine's dream. The entire Season 2 didn't happen, and S3 will start where Clementine is waking up from bed, with everyone starring at her saying, don't move you almost drowned!
Fallindarwill remember that
Luke is a merman. He will become an angel. He will get lucky, real lucky. Deal with it.
Plus the alien theories stupid. What the hells wrong with you people....
ayy lmao
Wait... Are you serious?
Luke is actually the Doctor. So, do not worry, he will regenerate.
Damn, I sure do feel sorry for that Luke cosplayer that fell inside the lake.
What a shame.
No not Luke cosplayer, Luke's stunt double! >.> that's why he's not in the rest of the episode, he couldn't afford to take anymore risks since Telltale couldn't find a replacement.
Damn it, I wish this would happen!
Luke will come back. Like Jesus.
Praise Luke
rolls into a ball and cries because he will obviously never come back