Potato Jim was Cotter's lover until Jim caught him with potato Dave! That's why Jim is such an asshole to everyone! He even made sure that Cotter would get sent to the Wall for that! It's all connected!
I think we should team up and create our own spinoff story of the Game of Thrones following the story of potato Jim and his companions and how he strugles to claim the Iron Sack... hmmmm... I think this could be the start of something great!!!???
Potato Jim was Cotter's lover until Jim caught him with potato Dave! That's why Jim is such an asshole to everyone! He even made sure that Cotter would get sent to the Wall for that! It's all connected!
GoT Episode 4 - Cut lines (this time no spoilers)
It's possible that some of them were in the game and I just haven't noticed them.
… more* Lady Forrester saying that she killed all the ravens herself. Damn. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Gx6jW6yXYd
* While discussing if Duncan/Royland is a traitor, Rodrik mentions Maester as one of the suspects. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0CEpB5AXHlp
* When is Rodrik leaving Highpoint, Ludd mentions Ramsay. In the game it's "Boltons" in the same sentence. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0jcnO0v3tB8
* Rodrik mentions to Ludd that Gryff is okay (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1J32wcaoPaW) or that he was blinded (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1d8BV32B3h8)
* Cotter brings Gared his last meal. There are 2 versions of this dialogue. Cotter either brings honeycake (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1OKZmLyBv9k) or... yeah, you guessed it. Potatoes! (http://vocaroo.com/i/s0egNqqdNm1A)
* Finn complaining. I should mention that this dialogue happens after the Ga… [view original content]
GoT Episode 4 - Cut lines (this time no spoilers)
It's possible that some of them were in the game and I just haven't noticed them.
… more* Lady Forrester saying that she killed all the ravens herself. Damn. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1Gx6jW6yXYd
* While discussing if Duncan/Royland is a traitor, Rodrik mentions Maester as one of the suspects. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0CEpB5AXHlp
* When is Rodrik leaving Highpoint, Ludd mentions Ramsay. In the game it's "Boltons" in the same sentence. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0jcnO0v3tB8
* Rodrik mentions to Ludd that Gryff is okay (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1J32wcaoPaW) or that he was blinded (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1d8BV32B3h8)
* Cotter brings Gared his last meal. There are 2 versions of this dialogue. Cotter either brings honeycake (http://vocaroo.com/i/s1OKZmLyBv9k) or... yeah, you guessed it. Potatoes! (http://vocaroo.com/i/s0egNqqdNm1A)
* Finn complaining. I should mention that this dialogue happens after the Ga… [view original content]
No. Get out with your TV spoilers. I haven't seen season 5, and I barely escaped your spoiler. I can't tell it's going to be about an TV episode if it's spoilered, so I clicked it.
Could be ice under the snow? since that's what happens when snow melts in the day and re-freezes at night right? (Glaciers! Yay!) and we know from the show that the ground outside castle black is decently flat.
(Fun fact: People have also survived falling immense heights onto power lines, hay bales (SUPER lucky), water and this one russian guy survived falling 400 feet into some snow. but it messed him up pretty bad )
Dude people have survived falling from planes landing on snow. If the snow was deep enough and the ground wasn't completely straight his body should be just fine
I noticed that most people (myself included) didnt snitch on Cotter about the knife... Whether you lie or tell the truth, in the beggining o… moref Ep.3 Cotter or Finn will be nice to you and one will be a massive dickhole...
If you wanna see what happens if you are an enemy with Finn, you can find it in pretty much every playtrough on youtube... But here is what happens if Cotter is an arsehole to you (after 12 mins):
So, you know, (puts on a whiny voice) "Choices dont matter"! Sorry, no offense meant to anyone...
Also I wanna say that for me in Ep.2 I liked Cotter and hated Finn but in the third episode I kinda felt the other way around...
Oh dear god, someday's I love the random stuff people on the internet post. I guess somebody liked Cotter enough to make that, good to see there is a fanbase for the guy.
What if they Rodrik's dreams weren't memories of the Red Wedding, but rather he was actually a greenseer and the dream the future battle of the Whitehills and the Forresters?
What if they Rodrik's dreams weren't memories of the Red Wedding, but rather he was actually a greenseer and the dream the future battle of the Whitehills and the Forresters?
Oh dear god, someday's I love the random stuff people on the internet post. I guess somebody liked Cotter enough to make that, good to see there is a fanbase for the guy.
Cotter might die of his wound and Finn gets killed by the White Walker, or maybe by Cotter, after the White Walker resurrects him as a Wight.
With Sylvi being introduced I have a feeling she rather than Cotter is going to be the guide to the North Grove. Which probably means at the very least that Cotter will die.
Yep, I don't remember them ever being references as extinct, but I don't remember them being credited as still being around either. It's nice to see Telltale using lesser known Houses that do exist.
Oh dear... I didn't think of that. First off, should have guessed he was threatening the older brother with the same knife he killed the younger brother, and, yeah, he seems to really like that knife. Same knife he flays people with?
In Episode 4's Mira part, you can eavesdrop and hear one of the ransoms say 'spared no expense' a Jurassic Park reference, not sure if inten… moreded.
Whitehill's other sons:
Karl - dead from I think what Shirren had.
Ebbert - at Citadel
Torren - Under Roose's command
Interesting thing to note. Gwyn says her mother died soon after that picture was painted, and the other sons didn't like him. Is it possible that like Tyrion, Gryff's mom died birthing him?
Highpoint has that shield with the Forrester and Whitehill things united. I think this may have to do with how the Whitehills became Bolton banner man 5 centuries before the game. Highpoint is at least 1000 years old, '1000 years of Whitehill history in these walls'
If you are polite to Ramsay, saying 'Greetings, Lord Ramsay', he is like to Talia 'I see you get your manners from your brother'
Morgryn's first name is Rickard.
Some interesting comparisons:
House Whitehil… [view original content]
When Mira sneaks into Tommen's Coronation Feast, Mira has the option of speaking to Lord Andros before Morgryn. If she does this, Andros will accuse her of working with Morgryn and of being friends with him. He'll tell Mira to give a message to Morgryn, threatening to do worse than driving him out of the Ironwood business if he doesn't stop bothering him. You can later mention this threat to Morgryn, where he'll sigh and explain all of the drama between them because Mira's been dragged into it already.
Also, after your first argument with Andros by talking to Lymann Lannister, Morgryn will say that everybody's talking about her/the fight. This, in my opinion, is really bad news for Mira if she was counting on Margaery not finding out that she attended the feast.
Question: Does anyone know what happens if Mira drinks the wine?
Haha, I don't know why I found this so funny. I guess I just have a hard time picturing him bumping off Damian with a rock. I still think it would've been better if it had been a lump of coal =p.
I'd better make sure there are no rocks about, just in case Mira upsets him.
If you dont kill Damien then the coal kid still turns up and says he managed to kill him with a rock, hes also a little pissed you ran but apart from that its the same
When Mira sneaks into Tommen's Coronation Feast, Mira has the option of speaking to Lord Andros before Morgryn. If she does this, Andros wil… morel accuse her of working with Morgryn and of being friends with him. He'll tell Mira to give a message to Morgryn, threatening to do worse than driving him out of the Ironwood business if he doesn't stop bothering him. You can later mention this threat to Morgryn, where he'll sigh and explain all of the drama between them because Mira's been dragged into it already.
Also, after your first argument with Andros by talking to Lymann Lannister, Morgryn will say that everybody's talking about her/the fight. This, in my opinion, is really bad news for Mira if she was counting on Margaery not finding out that she attended the feast.
Question: Does anyone know what happens if Mira drinks the wine?
Elaena’s beta model can be seen in the choices screen. The only difference is that her hair is... bigger?
I think I actually like the old version more.
Current version for comparison:
After Rodrick is done with Gryff his words are always the same - "Confine the Whitehills to the cellars. No one gets in or out.". However, his voice changes, depending on how badly he has beaten Gryff. I think, there are three, or even four variants of this phrase. He is totally calm if he didn't touch Gryff or only punched him once, sounds more firm if he has beaten him three or four times, sounds really angry if he gave him all the hits he was able to give, and sounds very, very fierce if he has knocked him out in the end.
After Rodrick is done with Gryff his words are always the same - "Confine the Whitehills to the cellars. No one gets in or out.". However, h… moreis voice changes, depending on how badly he has beaten Gryff. I think, there are three, or even four variants of this phrase. He is totally calm if he didn't touch Gryff or only punched him once, sounds more firm if he has beaten him three or four times, sounds really angry if he gave him all the hits he was able to give, and sounds very, very fierce if he has knocked him out in the end.
If you stay quiet when Cersei asks if you have a problem with not being at the wedding, she mentions Ilyn Payne...
At 17:10
lol!!! I was just lurking around the GOT wikia when I randomly stumled upon this wikia page made by some random dude:
I don't know if this is the same person who made this page but this is getting a bit weird now...
She only wanted to hug the horse....and the air...
No harm done.
Potato Jim was Cotter's lover until Jim caught him with potato Dave! That's why Jim is such an asshole to everyone! He even made sure that Cotter would get sent to the Wall for that! It's all connected!
I think we should team up and create our own spinoff story of the Game of Thrones following the story of potato Jim and his companions and how he strugles to claim the Iron Sack... hmmmm... I think this could be the start of something great!!!???
OMG, it sounds like they're doing dirty things to the guard in the asher croft and beskha scene
Turned into mashed potatoes?! Man, that must have been some intense love-making.
She's Mashing it.
Wow, I love the one from Malcolm. I hope he gets to say that to Dany next episode.
I thought they'd never mention it.
No. Get out with your TV spoilers. I haven't seen season 5, and I barely escaped your spoiler. I can't tell it's going to be about an TV episode if it's spoilered, so I clicked it.
Only for the game.
Could be ice under the snow? since that's what happens when snow melts in the day and re-freezes at night right? (Glaciers! Yay!) and we know from the show that the ground outside castle black is decently flat.
(Fun fact: People have also survived falling immense heights onto power lines, hay bales (SUPER lucky), water and this one russian guy survived falling 400 feet into some snow. but it messed him up pretty bad
Does Cotter still save you in ep.4? Even if you're a complete douche to him
yup... but Finn either covers for you or gives you up to Frostfinger depending on your relationship with him.
Oh dear god, someday's I love the random stuff people on the internet post. I guess somebody liked Cotter enough to make that, good to see there is a fanbase for the guy.
Is there room for two under your tinfoil hat? PTSD Rodrik is best Rodrik
What if they Rodrik's dreams weren't memories of the Red Wedding, but rather he was actually a greenseer and the dream the future battle of the Whitehills and the Forresters?
Cotter's a good character.
They both might die.
Cotter might die of his wound and Finn gets killed by the White Walker, or maybe by Cotter, after the White Walker resurrects him as a Wight.
With Sylvi being introduced I have a feeling she rather than Cotter is going to be the guide to the North Grove. Which probably means at the very least that Cotter will die.
Sera Durwell... apparently the Durwells were renowned cattle thieves during the reign of the Targaryens.
Damn right! I liked him the moment the first thing he said wasn't a threat.
Yep, I don't remember them ever being references as extinct, but I don't remember them being credited as still being around either. It's nice to see Telltale using lesser known Houses that do exist.
Ramsay uses the same knife to:
Kill Ethan
Threaten Rodrik
Fight Yara's crew
Oh dear... I didn't think of that. First off, should have guessed he was threatening the older brother with the same knife he killed the younger brother, and, yeah, he seems to really like that knife. Same knife he flays people with?
I think I heard an unused audio file from this episode, where Gwyn actually says that her mother died of childbirth. Might be imagining things though.
Lord Forrester and Duncan Tuttle have the same voice actor....for those of you who don't know.
(I don't know if this was already mentioned)
Because they have the same voice actor.
So that's why he trusts Duncan so much.
Who wouldn't trust a man who has the same voice actor as you?
The Night King's brooch is shaped like a Crow's skull
When Mira sneaks into Tommen's Coronation Feast, Mira has the option of speaking to Lord Andros before Morgryn. If she does this, Andros will accuse her of working with Morgryn and of being friends with him. He'll tell Mira to give a message to Morgryn, threatening to do worse than driving him out of the Ironwood business if he doesn't stop bothering him. You can later mention this threat to Morgryn, where he'll sigh and explain all of the drama between them because Mira's been dragged into it already.
Also, after your first argument with Andros by talking to Lymann Lannister, Morgryn will say that everybody's talking about her/the fight. This, in my opinion, is really bad news for Mira if she was counting on Margaery not finding out that she attended the feast.
Question: Does anyone know what happens if Mira drinks the wine?
Haha, I don't know why I found this so funny. I guess I just have a hard time picturing him bumping off Damian with a rock. I still think it would've been better if it had been a lump of coal =p.
I'd better make sure there are no rocks about, just in case Mira upsets him.
I think I remember Mira just drinks wine. Nothing really special.
While Morgryn is happy about it, I agree, I don't think our fight with Andros is going to go unpunished.
Elaena’s beta model can be seen in the choices screen. The only difference is that her hair is... bigger?
I think I actually like the old version more.
Current version for comparison:
I'm not sure, but the old model doesn't have the braids on the sides.
After Rodrick is done with Gryff his words are always the same - "Confine the Whitehills to the cellars. No one gets in or out.". However, his voice changes, depending on how badly he has beaten Gryff. I think, there are three, or even four variants of this phrase. He is totally calm if he didn't touch Gryff or only punched him once, sounds more firm if he has beaten him three or four times, sounds really angry if he gave him all the hits he was able to give, and sounds very, very fierce if he has knocked him out in the end.
I noticed that too I thought it was really awesome that they bothered to do that.