The scene for next time with Duncan and Roland discussing who should be leader after Ethan's death seems like a key point to figuring out who the fifth playable character is going to be. They wouldn't be arguing who will lead the forester household if we were playing as Rodrik or Asher during that scene. Also it seems like you may have to choose sides again like a typical telltale scenario making me believe Elissa might be the playable Forrester at Ironwrath before Asher arrives. Although the silhouette does look like her brother to me but that wouldn't fit if he already left. Even if he didn't go yet when you told him to his character isn't in a position to pick Roland or Duncan's side. What Malcolm would say wouldn't matter as much as well with what Talia has to say.
I kinda hope it'll be the Maester, and we'll get to send all the diplomatic messages, be part of the small counsil, etc.
Another option thats interesting in my opinion is if it is Gryff and he is in love with Talia or something and rebels against his father
Starting to think some of you may be right about the episode 2 preview showing us Ironrath, but what if instead of playing as Talia or Lady Forrester Rodrik comes back in the beginning of the next episode and Asher returning home is a much longer drawn out process. This would also set up a potential for Rodrik to become a PC that will later die (again) like Ethan. Then the seat of Ironrath would be open for Asher to bring it out of the "ashes' (I couldn't resist).
Imagine they got us attached to Ethan making us think we would have a few episodes of learning how to rule and wham he's gone. They could bring Rodrik in and immediately we would gravitate to him then I suspect he will be killed off as well. That would leave Mira, Gared, and Asher as PCs for the remainder. And who knows now that we know no one is safe one of them could potentially die.
I know it's a long shot, but I REALLY do not want to play as Talia or Lady Forrester. I mean I have nothing against females, but playing as Mira is hard enough and I can't imagine Talia doing anything interesting. Lady Forrester does have that Catlyn Stark drive about her, but again I don't see her really being a PC that can give us an enjoyable experience.
Also I just rewatched the ep2 preview and I'm starting to think that the preview shots are not all from a PC point of view.
The convo between Duncan and Royland cuts from shot reverse over the shoulder (They are seated so obviously our PC isn't int he room with them)
-Also apologizies for cropping the pics. I got them from a stream and cropped out the person playing
Also this shot tells me that there is 1 sequence that we will see in the game but might not play. I think it will start on a sequence memorializing Ethan in Ironrath then cut to another PC somewhere else.
Also I just rewatched the ep2 preview and I'm starting to think that the preview shots are not all from a PC point of view.
The convo bet… moreween Duncan and Royland cuts from shot reverse over the shoulder (They are seated so obviously our PC isn't int he room with them)
-Also apologizies for cropping the pics. I got them from a stream and cropped out the person playing
Also this shot tells me that there is 1 sequence that we will see in the game but might not play. I think it will start on a sequence memorializing Ethan in Ironrath then cut to another PC somewhere else.
What do y'all think?
Before you start the episode there are two silhouettes, one is quite clearly Asher. Then, once you've finished the episode he is revealed. So going by that trend, the other silhouette must be either Malcolm Branfield (which is who I thought at first glance) or, like others have been speculating - Rodrik.
Although it's doubtful, I would love to play as Rodrik because him and Gregor were the characters I was most hoping to play as, or at least interact with.
The character will be the POV at Ironrath so it can only be Talia, Elissa or somehow Rodrik. Malcolm is on his way to Essos and we already know that we play Asher.
I think Nonoobz idea will happen then yours Duruial.
Wait, I lied. I think Asher gives zero fucks about lordship. But they will have some bickering to do. If Roddy is alive that is.
It'd be cool if the next player character is the one you chose to be Sentinel, what we thought was choosing a right-hand man was actually choosing our next playable character.
Guys, I was examining Rodrik's face when he's under the horse. His model is different, he has a BADASS scar that A he never had before and B he didn't sustain in the fight with the Frey's. So I'm seriously convinced we have a new model for Rodrik's return! And his model changes in a matter of seconds from a clean face to a scarred one.
Wow! Great Find! You know I was skeptical at first that they would have used the new model but I checked it out and the scarring patterns even look different from this angle to the next
Just before the horse falls on him
Horse Falling...
Proper looking blood and what not on his face (though unnecessary)
Now blood is dry and they look like burns(survived the fire)...Which getting kicked by horse wouldn't do (I know it could always just be a mistake by TT not paying enough attention to detail..but that's not as fun)
Guys, I was examining Rodrik's face when he's under the horse. His model is different, he has a BADASS scar that A he never had before and … moreB he didn't sustain in the fight with the Frey's. So I'm seriously convinced we have a new model for Rodrik's return! And his model changes in a matter of seconds from a clean face to a scarred one.
Wow! Great Find! You know I was skeptical at first that they would have used the new model but I checked it out and the scarring patterns ev… moreen look different from this angle to the next
Just before the horse falls on him
Horse Falling...
Proper looking blood and what not on his face (though unnecessary)
Now blood is dry and they look like burns(survived the fire)...Which getting kicked by horse wouldn't do (I know it could always just be a mistake by TT not paying enough attention to detail..but that's not as fun)
I don't think Rodrik survived. Maybe there's a chance the fifth protagonist will be the guy seen at the Wall in the trailer at the end of the episode (I think it's Jon Snow).
But if it was him, he would've been revealed after finishing Episode 1, along with Asher (plus, there's already Gared at the Wall). So I think the fifth protagonist won't appear in Episode 2, maybe in Episode 3.
I doubt they'd let us play as Jon Snow, he already has an established character that shouldn't be messed with, with determinant choices and all the stuff.
I don't think Rodrik survived. Maybe there's a chance the fifth protagonist will be the guy seen at the Wall in the trailer at the end of th… moree episode (I think it's Jon Snow).
But if it was him, he would've been revealed after finishing Episode 1, along with Asher (plus, there's already Gared at the Wall). So I think the fifth protagonist won't appear in Episode 2, maybe in Episode 3.
Someone I'm a little surprised hasn't been suggested: Norren! Y'know, the warrior Bowen is/was squire to. Like Rodrik, he has longer hair and a beard; he could potentially have a similar silhouette. We don't see him die, and he runs back into the fray (no pun intended) of the Red Wedding to an unknown end. Maybe he saves (or attempts to save) Rodrik and tend to him while he recovers? Let's face it, Rodrik probably isn't going to be back on his feet in Episode 2 after being stabbed in the leg and having a horse fall on him. If Bowen is alive, he could serve as an ally (or nuisance, if you treat him poorly enough) and might be a pivotal factor in whether or not Rodrik survives. On top of all that, the narration at the start of the Episode 2 playthrough sounds like it's being spoken to an outsider... someone outside the household who wasn't present for recent events. Maybe he returns to the occupied Ironrath, undercover or otherwise, and influences events there? Judging by the preview, we need at least SOME representative at Ironrath to perceive the events there, and unless we control one of the female family members, he's probably our best bet to get eyes on the place.
Well, Lady Forresters says that "He saved Talia's life."
Now, she must be saying that to someone who was absent at the time when Ethan was killed AND close enough to reach Ironrath in the near future.
This could be Rodrick, Asher, Malcolm or possibly Mira in a letter.
Most likely not Gared, he is seen near the Wall.
Also I just rewatched the ep2 preview and I'm starting to think that the preview shots are not all from a PC point of view.
The convo bet… moreween Duncan and Royland cuts from shot reverse over the shoulder (They are seated so obviously our PC isn't int he room with them)
-Also apologizies for cropping the pics. I got them from a stream and cropped out the person playing
Also this shot tells me that there is 1 sequence that we will see in the game but might not play. I think it will start on a sequence memorializing Ethan in Ironrath then cut to another PC somewhere else.
What do y'all think?
Yeah, I mean the FAQ for the game makes it clear that you will encounter major characters, but not play as them. So Jon Snow is pretty much out as a POV.
I don't think Rodrik survived. Maybe there's a chance the fifth protagonist will be the guy seen at the Wall in the trailer at the end of th… moree episode (I think it's Jon Snow).
But if it was him, he would've been revealed after finishing Episode 1, along with Asher (plus, there's already Gared at the Wall). So I think the fifth protagonist won't appear in Episode 2, maybe in Episode 3.
Well, Lady Forresters says that "He saved Talia's life."
Now, she must be saying that to someone who was absent at the time when Ethan was … morekilled AND close enough to reach Ironrath in the near future.
This could be Rodrick, Asher, Malcolm or possibly Mira in a letter.
Most likely not Gared, he is seen near the Wall.
This is what I think
We can see Duncan and Royland argue about who should lead the house. Since the have to argue we can assume that their is no legitimate heir to be lord as far as they know, but we still have a perspective on the conversation. If the trailer is to be trusted, then we can exclude Rodrick and our 5th PC must be one of the female family member at Ironrath OR someone who is not member of the family.
Also I just rewatched the ep2 preview and I'm starting to think that the preview shots are not all from a PC point of view.
The convo bet… moreween Duncan and Royland cuts from shot reverse over the shoulder (They are seated so obviously our PC isn't int he room with them)
-Also apologizies for cropping the pics. I got them from a stream and cropped out the person playing
Also this shot tells me that there is 1 sequence that we will see in the game but might not play. I think it will start on a sequence memorializing Ethan in Ironrath then cut to another PC somewhere else.
What do y'all think?
I'm not sure the title "Lost lords" indicates anything about Rodrik's survival. After all, it could just be a reference to the fact that House Forrester lost its Lord (Gregor), who would have been its next Lord (Rodrik), and the one who became its Lord (Ethan). That's three dead lords, or should we say "lost" lords.
(Posted this in another thread)
Just ran across something interesting, which may add more credence to Rodrik being alive:
The point of interest isn't the review, but I just noticed what I assume to be episode 2's title at the bottom of it. 'Episode 2 - The Lost Lords'
It's the first time I've seen the next episode's name, as I don't believe the game states the episode titles on the PC
Cersei as an example makes no sense, as she was Queen Consort to King Robert, never a Queen Regnant in her own right.
House Forrester is a Northern House. A woman can most certainly rule in the North (see: Maege Mormont), and likely the South as well, since daughters come before uncles in Westerosi inheritance tradition. Nor should we forget that Dorne has no issue with female rulers.
On the other hand, based on Sansa's conversation with Septa Mordane, the tv series may have abandoned that bit of Westosi tradition (i.e., Sansa being told that the throne would pass to Tommen if she bore Joffrey only daughters).
Sentinal. You'd play as your Sentinal most likely since girls can't rule (sorry, but even Cersei couldn't rule without Joeffry being King fi… morerst) and all the boys of House Forrester are dead, taken or missing.
Just my thought, but I really don't see any of the girls being in power of House Forrester unless all the men/boys are killed.
It looks like a could be Malcom or anyone with long hair. It could be Rodrik, but it seems unlikely.
All the arguing at Ironrath can easily be done via montage as Lady Forrestor voice over writes a letter to Mira. We don't actually need a POV character there for those 2 seemingly short scenes.
After you beat the episode and are in the screen for ep2 the codex is updated. It says that Rodrik is thought died at the Red Wedding. Then if you look at the silhouette to the far right that is obviously Rodrik. The hair is right and the triple shoulder pads on both shoulders. When I see someone dead I want to see blood. Oh Telltale you sure love to give rewards to those who deserve it. When will he come back episode 3 or 4?
I think itd be easier to predict this via which major character we will interact with.
Mira will give us the entire Lannister family even… moretually.
Gerad will give us the Nightswatch and Wildlings.
Asher will most likely give us Daenerys and her army.
So I think there would be a character inside Dragonstone so we could meet Stannis, Davos and The Red Lady, and one more whos likely to be a traveling character and meet all the stragglers like Arya/Hound/Bran/Hodor/Rickon and so on.
I think it might just be a placeholder for now, Telltale has been known to use previously dead characters as silhouettes in episode slides such as TWD S2 "Amid The Ruins".
I'll be annoyed as hell if it's rodrik, i'm pretty sure he's dead, even if the horse didn't kill him the frey soldiers probably confirmed ki… morell or burned the corpses or some such, besides, dark silhouttes aren't reliable, the one in the amid the ruins picture was pretty much confirmed to be vince, yet he's nowhere to be seen.
Other than that, the fifth POV has to be someone who is currently at Ironrath, so the options are....well, everyone at ironrath, i personally hope it's talia and think it will be duncan.
Edit:Eddard bought me, i'm changing who i think will be the fifth one to Elissa, who's also second on the "who i hope" list.
I seriously doubt it is Duncan--or Royland for that matter.
A) Royland and Duncan both already have predefined personalities. Royland is … morereckless and Duncan is wise and calculates everything. It wouldn't make sense if they became PCs because then you could change and morph them into whatever you wanted them to be.
One of them is trying to make a power play in the next episode, or at least it appears that way in the trailer. That person is whoever you made sentinel while playing as Ethan.
The only way I can see you playing as either of them is if you play as whichever one becomes Sentinel, but even then...
I think it'll be Lady Elissa that we end up playing as. She just fits imho, and as everyone is already stating, we need someone at Ironrath.
I think we will be experiencing the North Grove plot through the PC of Gared, assuming we experience it at all. The fact that Duncan tells Gared; "become a Ranger, it will help," and that he will need Gared's help just gives me that vibe.
Could it be Joffrey? Otherwise another character we haven't seen in Episode 1.
Not Joffrey.
The scene for next time with Duncan and Roland discussing who should be leader after Ethan's death seems like a key point to figuring out who the fifth playable character is going to be. They wouldn't be arguing who will lead the forester household if we were playing as Rodrik or Asher during that scene. Also it seems like you may have to choose sides again like a typical telltale scenario making me believe Elissa might be the playable Forrester at Ironwrath before Asher arrives. Although the silhouette does look like her brother to me but that wouldn't fit if he already left. Even if he didn't go yet when you told him to his character isn't in a position to pick Roland or Duncan's side. What Malcolm would say wouldn't matter as much as well with what Talia has to say.
I kinda hope it'll be the Maester, and we'll get to send all the diplomatic messages, be part of the small counsil, etc.
Another option thats interesting in my opinion is if it is Gryff and he is in love with Talia or something and rebels against his father
Starting to think some of you may be right about the episode 2 preview showing us Ironrath, but what if instead of playing as Talia or Lady Forrester Rodrik comes back in the beginning of the next episode and Asher returning home is a much longer drawn out process. This would also set up a potential for Rodrik to become a PC that will later die (again) like Ethan. Then the seat of Ironrath would be open for Asher to bring it out of the "ashes' (I couldn't resist).
Imagine they got us attached to Ethan making us think we would have a few episodes of learning how to rule and wham he's gone. They could bring Rodrik in and immediately we would gravitate to him then I suspect he will be killed off as well. That would leave Mira, Gared, and Asher as PCs for the remainder. And who knows now that we know no one is safe one of them could potentially die.
I know it's a long shot, but I REALLY do not want to play as Talia or Lady Forrester. I mean I have nothing against females, but playing as Mira is hard enough and I can't imagine Talia doing anything interesting. Lady Forrester does have that Catlyn Stark drive about her, but again I don't see her really being a PC that can give us an enjoyable experience.
Its Hodor were going to play as Hodor. But holy crap the dialogue options will be intense!
Also I just rewatched the ep2 preview and I'm starting to think that the preview shots are not all from a PC point of view.
The convo between Duncan and Royland cuts from shot reverse over the shoulder (They are seated so obviously our PC isn't int he room with them)
-Also apologizies for cropping the pics. I got them from a stream and cropped out the person playing

Also this shot tells me that there is 1 sequence that we will see in the game but might not play. I think it will start on a sequence memorializing Ethan in Ironrath then cut to another PC somewhere else.
What do y'all think?
Calling Rodrik he looked knocked out. Not dead. He had a straight face for fucks sake!
True. 90% of the time in games: If there isn't a CLEARLY DEAD body, the person is alive.
Something I noticed...
Before you start the episode there are two silhouettes, one is quite clearly Asher. Then, once you've finished the episode he is revealed. So going by that trend, the other silhouette must be either Malcolm Branfield (which is who I thought at first glance) or, like others have been speculating - Rodrik.
Although it's doubtful, I would love to play as Rodrik because him and Gregor were the characters I was most hoping to play as, or at least interact with.
The character will be the POV at Ironrath so it can only be Talia, Elissa or somehow Rodrik. Malcolm is on his way to Essos and we already know that we play Asher.
Here's how I'd imagine Rodrik returns to Ironrath
I would love to see a LoTR ending, where they all think the bad part is over, only to expect more trouble at home.
cough Ken-Ken got lucky cough
It'd be cool if the next player character is the one you chose to be Sentinel, what we thought was choosing a right-hand man was actually choosing our next playable character.
Guys, I was examining Rodrik's face when he's under the horse. His model is different, he has a BADASS scar that A he never had before and B he didn't sustain in the fight with the Frey's. So I'm seriously convinced we have a new model for Rodrik's return! And his model changes in a matter of seconds from a clean face to a scarred one.
Wow! Great Find! You know I was skeptical at first that they would have used the new model but I checked it out and the scarring patterns even look different from this angle to the next
Just before the horse falls on him

Horse Falling...

Proper looking blood and what not on his face (though unnecessary)

Now blood is dry and they look like burns(survived the fire)...Which getting kicked by horse wouldn't do (I know it could always just be a mistake by TT not paying enough attention to detail..but that's not as fun)

Exactly! Here I started a thread on this!
I don't think Rodrik survived. Maybe there's a chance the fifth protagonist will be the guy seen at the Wall in the trailer at the end of the episode (I think it's Jon Snow).
But if it was him, he would've been revealed after finishing Episode 1, along with Asher (plus, there's already Gared at the Wall). So I think the fifth protagonist won't appear in Episode 2, maybe in Episode 3.
I love this scene.
I doubt they'd let us play as Jon Snow, he already has an established character that shouldn't be messed with, with determinant choices and all the stuff.
Someone I'm a little surprised hasn't been suggested: Norren! Y'know, the warrior Bowen is/was squire to. Like Rodrik, he has longer hair and a beard; he could potentially have a similar silhouette. We don't see him die, and he runs back into the fray (no pun intended) of the Red Wedding to an unknown end. Maybe he saves (or attempts to save) Rodrik and tend to him while he recovers? Let's face it, Rodrik probably isn't going to be back on his feet in Episode 2 after being stabbed in the leg and having a horse fall on him. If Bowen is alive, he could serve as an ally (or nuisance, if you treat him poorly enough) and might be a pivotal factor in whether or not Rodrik survives. On top of all that, the narration at the start of the Episode 2 playthrough sounds like it's being spoken to an outsider... someone outside the household who wasn't present for recent events. Maybe he returns to the occupied Ironrath, undercover or otherwise, and influences events there? Judging by the preview, we need at least SOME representative at Ironrath to perceive the events there, and unless we control one of the female family members, he's probably our best bet to get eyes on the place.
Well, Lady Forresters says that "He saved Talia's life."
Now, she must be saying that to someone who was absent at the time when Ethan was killed AND close enough to reach Ironrath in the near future.
This could be Rodrick, Asher, Malcolm or possibly Mira in a letter.
Most likely not Gared, he is seen near the Wall.
This is what I think
(Posted this in another thread)
Just ran across something interesting, which may add more credence to Rodrik being alive:
The point of interest isn't the review, but I just noticed what I assume to be episode 2's title at the bottom of it. 'Episode 2 - The Lost Lords'
It's the first time I've seen the next episode's name, as I don't believe the game states the episode titles on the PC
Yeah, I mean the FAQ for the game makes it clear that you will encounter major characters, but not play as them. So Jon Snow is pretty much out as a POV.
I'm pretty sure that's Mira talking about Ethan, not Elissa...
Oh, yea. Sorry, I didn't rewatched the preview, so I don't remember correctly.
Well then my whole theory is meaningless ._.
Oh, I got another idea.
We can see Duncan and Royland argue about who should lead the house. Since the have to argue we can assume that their is no legitimate heir to be lord as far as they know, but we still have a perspective on the conversation. If the trailer is to be trusted, then we can exclude Rodrick and our 5th PC must be one of the female family member at Ironrath OR someone who is not member of the family.
I'm not sure the title "Lost lords" indicates anything about Rodrik's survival. After all, it could just be a reference to the fact that House Forrester lost its Lord (Gregor), who would have been its next Lord (Rodrik), and the one who became its Lord (Ethan). That's three dead lords, or should we say "lost" lords.
Cersei as an example makes no sense, as she was Queen Consort to King Robert, never a Queen Regnant in her own right.
House Forrester is a Northern House. A woman can most certainly rule in the North (see: Maege Mormont), and likely the South as well, since daughters come before uncles in Westerosi inheritance tradition. Nor should we forget that Dorne has no issue with female rulers.
On the other hand, based on Sansa's conversation with Septa Mordane, the tv series may have abandoned that bit of Westosi tradition (i.e., Sansa being told that the throne would pass to Tommen if she bore Joffrey only daughters).
It looks like a could be Malcom or anyone with long hair. It could be Rodrik, but it seems unlikely.
All the arguing at Ironrath can easily be done via montage as Lady Forrestor voice over writes a letter to Mira. We don't actually need a POV character there for those 2 seemingly short scenes.
After you beat the episode and are in the screen for ep2 the codex is updated. It says that Rodrik is thought died at the Red Wedding. Then if you look at the silhouette to the far right that is obviously Rodrik. The hair is right and the triple shoulder pads on both shoulders. When I see someone dead I want to see blood. Oh Telltale you sure love to give rewards to those who deserve it. When will he come back episode 3 or 4?
The codex from when you finish ep1 gives you a hint. For real. It said he is thought dead. Until I hear or read IS DEAD he isn't.
Then there is that coal boy. ugh He has to be in one of the "cults"
We said the same thing about Kenny. We need to see blood and a body
not to be rude but it isn't a dark silhouette.
Duncan is the best choice as sentinel. He is the only one that I can tell that knows of the North Grove. He will strive to it.
Hmm how about North Grove Ep6? The Ice Dragon is its guardian. Hint to why Duncan would want a ranger? Possible yea but will it happen maybe.