This is a really ace game, and I'd definitely recommend it if you're the kind of person to be on a Telltale games forum. Especially if you're one of those people who craves more exploration and character interaction. There's tons to explore in LiS, with bits of conversation/character detail and small choices that you can completely miss if you power through it. You can easily clock in 3-4 hours and still miss a lot of stuff.
The developers are aiming to get their episodes out every six or so weeks, so times that by 4 and maybe add a few weeks and it should be out around then.
So I decided to buy the 1st episode and I thought it was pretty good despite nothing BIG happening until the last 20 minutes of the episode and that obvious cliffhanger. It was pretty damn long too (about 3 hours) but that could just be because I looked at a lot of shit. There were a lot of choices to make but for the most part they didn't have any impact this episode beside a character going "wow thanks for helping me out. Lets hang out later." And of course the dialogue had its fair share of CRINGE but hey overall I liked it. I'll definitely buy a season pass once it goes on sale.
So I just finished the episode and I have a thought.... if Max wants to prove to Chloe that the time powers are real then why not just have Chloe Do something(like shoot the gun) and take a picture of it so she can prove to Chloe she is telling the truth? (I suppose that is what they plan to do lol)
I saw the dead bird at first and rewound time (and I noticed some "other" things got reset from me snooping) and I saved it. But then it was inside. I didn't want anyone to know I was in there and rewound again to watch the bird splat on the window.
Yes I feel like shit over that decision, but I had already been making enough enemies (except I was caught later so, lol there went my "not there" plan).
The bird already came back. If you saved his life, at the lighthouse with Chloe, you can.find him on a rock and you can take a picture for one of the optional photos.
Maybe it was a glitch then because every time I opened the window for the bird he would come at it at full force and die, despite the window already being open.
I made exactly the same choices except for the Kate's slate.
Maybe if you don't water it, the plant will die next episode and everyone will be sad.
I didn't even see Kate's slate so I know nothing about it to be honest.
I know that feeling. I missed Victoria's photos and dirty RV choices. :P
I'm telling you. I've got the 411 on the future episodes. Saving that plant is going to have dire consequences.
I hope nobody kills me when I say that I've enjoyed this just as much if not more than any TTG (excluding TWAU of course
I've looked again and it seems the statistics are working now.
Took me almost 4.
But Mary I thought you will like this more than TWAU because of Victoria Jumps in car and tries to get away
This song is so great.
Thanks for letting my know, i updated my post with the fixed stats
This is a really ace game, and I'd definitely recommend it if you're the kind of person to be on a Telltale games forum. Especially if you're one of those people who craves more exploration and character interaction. There's tons to explore in LiS, with bits of conversation/character detail and small choices that you can completely miss if you power through it. You can easily clock in 3-4 hours and still miss a lot of stuff.
Anyone know what these could mean? It's behind the smaller building next to the lighthouse.
Max gives a really weird comment on it as well.
Any idea when the full release of this game will be out? I think i'll pick it up then.
The developers are aiming to get their episodes out every six or so weeks, so times that by 4 and maybe add a few weeks and it should be out around then.
So I decided to buy the 1st episode and I thought it was pretty good despite nothing BIG happening until the last 20 minutes of the episode and that obvious cliffhanger. It was pretty damn long too (about 3 hours) but that could just be because I looked at a lot of shit. There were a lot of choices to make but for the most part they didn't have any impact this episode beside a character going "wow thanks for helping me out. Lets hang out later." And of course the dialogue had its fair share of CRINGE but hey overall I liked it. I'll definitely buy a season pass once it goes on sale.
Triangle = illuminati, haven't actually played the game though but that's my guess ^_^
There actually is a drawing of the illuminati symbol in the bathroom.
I love it. Syd Matters is so talented.
Perhaps the Vortex Club is into the Illuminati?
I loved that.
I felt myself in most of the characters and it was weird. I cried at the end. Judge me all you want but...Fuck, that was amazing. Here are my choices:
Small choices:
The only choice I never found was the RV one.Where can you find that choice?
I never found the Victoria's pictures or Preggers test.
The RV is in the parking lot, before talking to Warren.
Thanks. I'll definitely look out for it once I start my not rewinding time playthrough.
It was so good, I will most likely play it through many times. Hats off to DontNod Entertainment. They have done an awesome job so far.
So I just finished the episode and I have a thought.... if Max wants to prove to Chloe that the time powers are real then why not just have Chloe Do something(like shoot the gun) and take a picture of it so she can prove to Chloe she is telling the truth? (I suppose that is what they plan to do lol)
I can't believe most of you let the bird die... That's just fucked up mayn.
I spent 10 minutes trying to save that fucking bird. That bird better end up saving the day!
I saved it, it would be funny if it has real consequences lol
I played the first episode and I thought it was decent overall. My only main issue is that the main character was kind of a cliche.
EVERYONE was a cliche.
It's supposed to be characters that are realistic to real of course it would be cliche. Life is cliche.
Just you wait... He's going to come back with an army of his feathered friends and stop that tornado. Never underestimate the power of birds.
I don't see how it took you 10 minutes... all you had to do was open a window lol.
I didn't have a problem with that but it did take me awhile to figure out how to get Victoria to move out of the way of the door lol.
My toothbrush is cliche
I saw the dead bird at first and rewound time (and I noticed some "other" things got reset from me snooping) and I saved it. But then it was inside. I didn't want anyone to know I was in there and rewound again to watch the bird splat on the window.
Yes I feel like shit over that decision, but I had already been making enough enemies (except I was caught later so, lol there went my "not there" plan).
The bird already came back. If you saved his life, at the lighthouse with Chloe, you can.find him on a rock and you can take a picture for one of the optional photos.
Maybe it was a glitch then because every time I opened the window for the bird he would come at it at full force and die, despite the window already being open.