Alright, I finally finished the first episode. I'm impressed, and I'm excited for the next episode.
-1. I really hope they step up Max's character (mainly her monotone voice). I understand she is supposed to be a blank slate, but I cannot stand the monotony of a boring PC. If the game were based completely on the choices then I may have less apprehension for it, but since it is nearly entirely based on her character, her story, and her relations I don't want to spend my time playing a piece of cardboard. (Like her ripping up her picture without my say so, she has good and interesting character of her own, but they need to let it shine or I'll lose interest.)
-2. The characters are cliché as fuck, almost annoyingly so at times. The jock, the bitch, the geek, I get that it's high school but you can't have an entire cast of single dimensional people, especially when these stereotypical characters have been portrayed so many times before. The differences between the different jocks and bitches? Fuck if I know. Give them separation, give them depth, give them meaning.
-3. The detective nature going on now is very intriguing to me, the storm is meh. I hope this situation with Amber takes center stage and not the "omg-global-warming-ocean-tornado", but I doubt that will happen. In all honesty I'm more interested in this detective-ish story more after one episode than I was TWAU after 3 episodes (never could force myself to play the last two episodes, bleh). I'm not sure if that is setting of what, but I digress.
-4. The time traveling is an interesting implementation, the effects of your choices are obviously not limited to the few seconds/minutes after you've chosen (like TWD S2) so I get the impression that what seems good now and what makes Max (and you) feel happy/worthwhile now won't necessarily stay true when it comes full circle. It's actually very nice to see all the potential outcomes of your choices without feeling like you're cheating by restarting from the last checkpoint (which is what you're doing, it's just a mechanic of the game so it feels... right). I chose 3 of the possible choices when it came to being in the room with Chloe and her dad, and I finally went with the choice that sat best with me, though this could have much more negative implications in the future than the choices that didn't sit well with me. So the old debacle of "path less traveled," and "path of least resistance," come into play, and how what seems best now hardly means it will be the best later. I really like the approach.
Those were just a few opinions I came to on my first play. What I've seen so far: 6-7/10. Potential I see in future episodes: 8-9/10.
A few other random notes:
Nathan is a fucking asshole. Keep an eye on him, he has a huge part to play in this madness.
Chloe's stepdad is an ass, but he isn't wrong. He is hot on a trail, and taking some notes from his notes isn't a bad idea (though I may suggest doing it in secret). I'm going to rattle his cage by the end for doing what he did to Chloe, though I ended up going with a choice that he didn't do it... but it's the thought that counts.
Warren is awesome!
I want to get closer to Dana, she seems interesting.
Kate (I think that's her name?) has something to hide. As Mr. Security pointed out. I think this ties back in with Nathan and what he attempted with Chloe. I don't think what she has to hide is necessarily bad, just that she is hiding something.
The demo kind of sucks in my opinion its literally just the first 20 minutes of the game which is arguably the worst part of the episode. I decided to take a shot in the dark and bought the first episode and overall it was pretty decent.
I played the free trial on Xbox, and well...this is not for me. What is this: Awkward unpopular teenage girl:The Game? It was just some girl… more babbling on about her insecurites "oh what if someone read my diary how embarassing" "oh I'm so ugly" "I love you random guy on my locker" "I'm going to travel back in time so I don't look silly infront of the teacher km crushing on". Maybe it'd got better as the episode proceeded, but I'm not spending money or wasting my time to find out, based on what I've played.
It was.... okay.
Max was pretty boring and everyone else was pretty cliche.
The gameplay was a nice twist on a story game with the lon… moreg lasting consequences being often more important than the short term. I hope this actually ends up mattering though.
I know girls that age will find it relatable but I found it pretty over the top with soem of the character stc
I think he has something, yes, but I don't think he even knows what he has. Metaphorically speaking I think he's sitting under a tree pulling at the vines hanging down with no idea what they're attached to. HBU?
I hate when I see people call the characters cliche....the game is supposed to be representive of real life and real people are like that and cliche.... But I'm with you I honestly think David (security guy) might actually be on too something and Kate is hiding something.
Well I think he could be useful, I didn't sign the petition so those cameras might help us later. I think he has something but doesn't know it yet. I doubt Kate has ANYTHING to do with this.
I think he has something, yes, but I don't think he even knows what he has. Metaphorically speaking I think he's sitting under a tree pulling at the vines hanging down with no idea what they're attached to. HBU?
I hate when I see people call the characters cliche....the game is supposed to be representive of real life and real people are like that an… mored cliche.... But I'm with you I honestly think David (security guy) might actually be on too something and Kate is hiding something.
They definitely weren't at my school, and the many schools I've been to. People are all different, and the game has done a very lackluster job of showing any differences. All the skaters are thrasher skater bro's, all the jocks are "bruh back up y'aint footballin", and the bitches are all bitches (though some do have subtle differences, which is what I want to see more of with the other characters, but for the most part they might as well be clones too). There is a difference between realistic expression of a certain "type" of person and the would-be expression of a certain "type" of person relegated to the wholly basic points that make them that "type" of person to begin with. To me this game didn't reach any higher standard of characterization than could be readily labeled as cliché. Again all my opinion, if you feel they were deeply fleshed out, completely realistic and believable characters then so be it, I wasn't convinced.
I hate when I see people call the characters cliche....the game is supposed to be representive of real life and real people are like that an… mored cliche.... But I'm with you I honestly think David (security guy) might actually be on too something and Kate is hiding something.
I Finished!
An incredible game, it greatly explores the theme of high school and everything ... drama and blablablah.
The rewind system is cool, the story is great, the characters are charismatic.
The game is worth.
Well I think he could be useful, I didn't sign the petition so those cameras might help us later. I think he has something but doesn't know it yet. I doubt Kate has ANYTHING to do with this.
That definitely could be it. I just think the puzzle pieces fit together rather well. Nathan tries to.... score..... with Chloe and she mentions him showing up with camera before she makes her escape. Kate is a rather religious person (or so can be inferred) who happens to get caught doing the naughty on camera, and then that film makes it back to Victoria who hassles her about it (which makes her discontent with the situation and her lack of motivation to talk about it that much more engaging). Chloe's stepfather is chasing down leads (which we aren't even exactly sure what he is trying to resolve) and happens to come across Kate, so that leads me to believe he's tracking down something that leads back to Nathan, whom is rather untouchable. Kate doesn't want to talk to him about the situation for obvious reasons which leaves us (Max) in a rather peculiar predicament. Much (if not most) of this is conjecture, though, and it could all be chalked up to Victoria spreading rumors, but in a gaming universe I just don't think it would be that simple.
That definitely could be it. I just think the puzzle pieces fit together rather well. Nathan tries to.... score..... with Chloe and she ment… moreions him showing up with camera before she makes her escape. Kate is a rather religious person (or so can be inferred) who happens to get caught doing the naughty on camera, and then that film makes it back to Victoria who hassles her about it (which makes her discontent with the situation and her lack of motivation to talk about it that much more engaging). Chloe's stepfather is chasing down leads (which we aren't even exactly sure what he is trying to resolve) and happens to come across Kate, so that leads me to believe he's tracking down something that leads back to Nathan, whom is rather untouchable. Kate doesn't want to talk to him about the situation for obvious reasons which leaves us (Max) in a rather peculiar predicament. Much (if not most) of this is conjecture, though, and it could all be chalk… [view original content]
This game has a "collectible" mode where you can go back to get the collectibles and not worry about the choices you make. If telltale made this mode for their games I would be sooooo happy.
Who do you hang out with? You answered me with roughly the same thing and I'd have to disagree with you here as well. The characters are so stereotypical it hurts.
Who do you hang out with? You answered me with roughly the same thing and I'd have to disagree with you here as well. The characters are so stereotypical it hurts.
And I've been to public and home school. There may be certain likes shared amongst a clique, but the people in them are far from steriotypical, cliché people. In my inferences, actually, steriotypes of a clique are often nothing more than manifestations in the minds of people from other cliques.
In retrospect perhaps this contributes to the natural segregation of cliques to begin with, why venture deep inside another group of strangers when you're already sure of what all of them are like. Anyways I digress, cliché is not realistic, especially what "cliché" applies to nearly all of the characters.
I think a big part of the problem is that this is just the first episode. The game is obviously trying to set up the clique-y highschool backdrop along with other elements, making it hard to do much for the background cast. There's also the fact that you don't usually get a lot of the good character revelations and twists out of the first couple episodes of tv shows. There's got to be something left for later in the season, when things start to ramp up.
Also, I really don't see Max as boring. Her inner monologues and item descriptions seem pretty expressive and revealing of her character. I guess I just don't mind her more monotonous voice.
They definitely weren't at my school, and the many schools I've been to. People are all different, and the game has done a very lackluster j… moreob of showing any differences. All the skaters are thrasher skater bro's, all the jocks are "bruh back up y'aint footballin", and the bitches are all bitches (though some do have subtle differences, which is what I want to see more of with the other characters, but for the most part they might as well be clones too). There is a difference between realistic expression of a certain "type" of person and the would-be expression of a certain "type" of person relegated to the wholly basic points that make them that "type" of person to begin with. To me this game didn't reach any higher standard of characterization than could be readily labeled as cliché. Again all my opinion, if you feel they were deeply fleshed out, completely realistic and believable characters then so be it, I wasn't convinced.
Maybe because it was the debut episode, the developers wanted to play it safe. Who knows? Maybe they start branching out in future episodes and the characters get more depth. I loved the game and the characters but, I do understand your point. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
They definitely weren't at my school, and the many schools I've been to. People are all different, and the game has done a very lackluster j… moreob of showing any differences. All the skaters are thrasher skater bro's, all the jocks are "bruh back up y'aint footballin", and the bitches are all bitches (though some do have subtle differences, which is what I want to see more of with the other characters, but for the most part they might as well be clones too). There is a difference between realistic expression of a certain "type" of person and the would-be expression of a certain "type" of person relegated to the wholly basic points that make them that "type" of person to begin with. To me this game didn't reach any higher standard of characterization than could be readily labeled as cliché. Again all my opinion, if you feel they were deeply fleshed out, completely realistic and believable characters then so be it, I wasn't convinced.
This game looks decent, but, square Enix, are they trying to copy telltale and other successful games, trying to earn easy money?
Since they have launched 'final fantasy 7- ps4 version'(it was most horrible thing happened last year's game market), they look like they only care about earning money, worsely, earning only easy money.
This game copies famous franchises without a grain of shame.
I don't like it.
This game looks decent, but, square Enix, are they trying to copy telltale and other successful games, trying to earn easy money?
Since t… morehey have launched 'final fantasy 7- ps4 version'(it was most horrible thing happened last year's game market), they look like they only care about earning money, worsely, earning only easy money.
This game copies famous franchises without a grain of shame.
I don't like it.
This game looks decent, but, square Enix, are they trying to copy telltale and other successful games, trying to earn easy money?
Since t… morehey have launched 'final fantasy 7- ps4 version'(it was most horrible thing happened last year's game market), they look like they only care about earning money, worsely, earning only easy money.
This game copies famous franchises without a grain of shame.
I don't like it.
Oh, then... is Dontnod trying to copy telltale games without a grain of shame? I know games inspire each other, and telltales can't claim copyright of their 'game system', but this kind of copy is a bit 'low' I think. just my opinion.
Oh, then... is Dontnod trying to copy telltale games without a grain of shame? I know games inspire each other, and telltales can't claim copyright of their 'game system', but this kind of copy is a bit 'low' I think. just my opinion.
I think its fine if a developer takes influence from another developer, as along as they add something interesting. Case in point Life is Strange's rewind mechanic.
Oh, then... is Dontnod trying to copy telltale games without a grain of shame? I know games inspire each other, and telltales can't claim copyright of their 'game system', but this kind of copy is a bit 'low' I think. just my opinion.
Max maybe, though she seems to be overly sarcastic and with the teacher crush etc just been given things to be "relateable" but comes across as the opposite
Chole- Hella, not to mention every rebel note in the book
Victoria- No one is that mean to everyone, Girls can be bitches but its not that obvious
Then there's the drone girl, the nerdy girl, the art guy, the other art guy, the skaters, the fanfiction girl., the jocks there all just bland stereotypes that were over the top and just didnt feel real at all
Warren wasnt too bad, and they way Max friendzones him is actually the one human relationship i thought was there
Kate was again better and the bullying of her from the girls crew at least felt more like what would actually happen
The step dad was typically angry, sexual predator and violent
The principal is taking money cuts again just a big stereotype that everyone in charge is cruel.
Nothing beats the atypical psycho kid Nathan, really?
Also sorry but your saying that you have no experience of school so you cant really know. When I tell friends about people I tend to exaggerate a bit. These people all exist but just not to that level, people dont talk and act like the characters do not only are they stereotypical but often the dialogue is just off even if its been translated.
Alright, I finally finished the first episode. I'm impressed, and I'm excited for the next episode.
-1. I really hope they step up Max's character (mainly her monotone voice). I understand she is supposed to be a blank slate, but I cannot stand the monotony of a boring PC. If the game were based completely on the choices then I may have less apprehension for it, but since it is nearly entirely based on her character, her story, and her relations I don't want to spend my time playing a piece of cardboard. (Like her ripping up her picture without my say so, she has good and interesting character of her own, but they need to let it shine or I'll lose interest.)
-2. The characters are cliché as fuck, almost annoyingly so at times. The jock, the bitch, the geek, I get that it's high school but you can't have an entire cast of single dimensional people, especially when these stereotypical characters have been portrayed so many times before. The differences between the different jocks and bitches? Fuck if I know. Give them separation, give them depth, give them meaning.
-3. The detective nature going on now is very intriguing to me, the storm is meh. I hope this situation with Amber takes center stage and not the "omg-global-warming-ocean-tornado", but I doubt that will happen. In all honesty I'm more interested in this detective-ish story more after one episode than I was TWAU after 3 episodes (never could force myself to play the last two episodes, bleh). I'm not sure if that is setting of what, but I digress.
-4. The time traveling is an interesting implementation, the effects of your choices are obviously not limited to the few seconds/minutes after you've chosen (like TWD S2) so I get the impression that what seems good now and what makes Max (and you) feel happy/worthwhile now won't necessarily stay true when it comes full circle. It's actually very nice to see all the potential outcomes of your choices without feeling like you're cheating by restarting from the last checkpoint (which is what you're doing, it's just a mechanic of the game so it feels... right). I chose 3 of the possible choices when it came to being in the room with Chloe and her dad, and I finally went with the choice that sat best with me, though this could have much more negative implications in the future than the choices that didn't sit well with me. So the old debacle of "path less traveled," and "path of least resistance," come into play, and how what seems best now hardly means it will be the best later. I really like the approach.
Those were just a few opinions I came to on my first play. What I've seen so far: 6-7/10. Potential I see in future episodes: 8-9/10.
A few other random notes:
Nathan is a fucking asshole. Keep an eye on him, he has a huge part to play in this madness.
Chloe's stepdad is an ass, but he isn't wrong. He is hot on a trail, and taking some notes from his notes isn't a bad idea (though I may suggest doing it in secret). I'm going to rattle his cage by the end for doing what he did to Chloe, though I ended up going with a choice that he didn't do it... but it's the thought that counts.
Warren is awesome!
I want to get closer to Dana, she seems interesting.
Kate (I think that's her name?) has something to hide. As Mr. Security pointed out. I think this ties back in with Nathan and what he attempted with Chloe. I don't think what she has to hide is necessarily bad, just that she is hiding something.
The demo kind of sucks in my opinion its literally just the first 20 minutes of the game which is arguably the worst part of the episode. I decided to take a shot in the dark and bought the first episode and overall it was pretty decent.
Sorry the characters are supposed to be realistic and real people are boring and cliche.....
You think Mr. Psycho Security Veteran actually has something and isn't being paranoid?
Yeah the lip-synching was pretty off but it didn't bother me. I loved the first episode and most people did too.
I think he has something, yes, but I don't think he even knows what he has. Metaphorically speaking I think he's sitting under a tree pulling at the vines hanging down with no idea what they're attached to. HBU?
I hate when I see people call the characters cliche....the game is supposed to be representive of real life and real people are like that and cliche.... But I'm with you I honestly think David (security guy) might actually be on too something and Kate is hiding something.
Well I think he could be useful, I didn't sign the petition so those cameras might help us later. I think he has something but doesn't know it yet. I doubt Kate has ANYTHING to do with this.
Agree 100%
They definitely weren't at my school, and the many schools I've been to. People are all different, and the game has done a very lackluster job of showing any differences. All the skaters are thrasher skater bro's, all the jocks are "bruh back up y'aint footballin", and the bitches are all bitches (though some do have subtle differences, which is what I want to see more of with the other characters, but for the most part they might as well be clones too). There is a difference between realistic expression of a certain "type" of person and the would-be expression of a certain "type" of person relegated to the wholly basic points that make them that "type" of person to begin with. To me this game didn't reach any higher standard of characterization than could be readily labeled as cliché. Again all my opinion, if you feel they were deeply fleshed out, completely realistic and believable characters then so be it, I wasn't convinced.
I Finished!
An incredible game, it greatly explores the theme of high school and everything ... drama and blablablah.
The rewind system is cool, the story is great, the characters are charismatic.
The game is worth.
I think she does, I think her "porno" ties into the story (specifically with Nathan).
Hmm, I didn't even think of that, I thought Victoria was just being a bitch and spreading rumors.
That definitely could be it. I just think the puzzle pieces fit together rather well. Nathan tries to.... score..... with Chloe and she mentions him showing up with camera before she makes her escape. Kate is a rather religious person (or so can be inferred) who happens to get caught doing the naughty on camera, and then that film makes it back to Victoria who hassles her about it (which makes her discontent with the situation and her lack of motivation to talk about it that much more engaging). Chloe's stepfather is chasing down leads (which we aren't even exactly sure what he is trying to resolve) and happens to come across Kate, so that leads me to believe he's tracking down something that leads back to Nathan, whom is rather untouchable. Kate doesn't want to talk to him about the situation for obvious reasons which leaves us (Max) in a rather peculiar predicament. Much (if not most) of this is conjecture, though, and it could all be chalked up to Victoria spreading rumors, but in a gaming universe I just don't think it would be that simple.
Hmm, this is a good theory and might make me a bit more helpful to Mr.Commando later.
This game has a "collectible" mode where you can go back to get the collectibles and not worry about the choices you make. If telltale made this mode for their games I would be sooooo happy.

The lip-synching made me laugh, It was horrible. XD
Who do you hang out with? You answered me with roughly the same thing and I'd have to disagree with you here as well. The characters are so stereotypical it hurts.
The story was good, my only complaint is the acting was horrible.
I miss =3 :_(
I may have been home schooled but I know how high school is. I have friends that knew people just like the people in the game.
Pretty solid first episode with garbage lip sync, a kind of cliche cast, a really cool time reversal mechanic, and of course a sick soundtrack.
And I've been to public and home school. There may be certain likes shared amongst a clique, but the people in them are far from steriotypical, cliché people. In my inferences, actually, steriotypes of a clique are often nothing more than manifestations in the minds of people from other cliques.
In retrospect perhaps this contributes to the natural segregation of cliques to begin with, why venture deep inside another group of strangers when you're already sure of what all of them are like. Anyways I digress, cliché is not realistic, especially what "cliché" applies to nearly all of the characters.
If they can fix the lip-synching next episode then it is perfect.
Does anyone know what the main theme song is called? Its really nice.
Which one? The one that plays as soon as you get out into the hall? If so it's this:
Yes thats it. Thanks!
I think a big part of the problem is that this is just the first episode. The game is obviously trying to set up the clique-y highschool backdrop along with other elements, making it hard to do much for the background cast. There's also the fact that you don't usually get a lot of the good character revelations and twists out of the first couple episodes of tv shows. There's got to be something left for later in the season, when things start to ramp up.
Also, I really don't see Max as boring. Her inner monologues and item descriptions seem pretty expressive and revealing of her character. I guess I just don't mind her more monotonous voice.
=3 is back though...
Maybe because it was the debut episode, the developers wanted to play it safe. Who knows? Maybe they start branching out in future episodes and the characters get more depth. I loved the game and the characters but, I do understand your point. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
This game looks decent, but, square Enix, are they trying to copy telltale and other successful games, trying to earn easy money?
Since they have launched 'final fantasy 7- ps4 version'(it was most horrible thing happened last year's game market), they look like they only care about earning money, worsely, earning only easy money.
This game copies famous franchises without a grain of shame.
I don't like it.
Square Enix are just the publishers. The game was made by DONTNOD the same people who made Remember Me
Every video game is a copy of something lol. And this isn't a square enix game, they only published it.
Oh, then... is Dontnod trying to copy telltale games without a grain of shame? I know games inspire each other, and telltales can't claim copyright of their 'game system', but this kind of copy is a bit 'low' I think. just my opinion.
I don't think they are trying to copy them. They are just wanting to try a new formula (for them) and some competition for Telltale, which is good.
I think its fine if a developer takes influence from another developer, as along as they add something interesting. Case in point Life is Strange's rewind mechanic.
Telltale doesn't own episodic, Interactive and graphic adventure gaming. Their not copying Telltale.
No people dont act like that
Also sorry but your saying that you have no experience of school so you cant really know. When I tell friends about people I tend to exaggerate a bit. These people all exist but just not to that level, people dont talk and act like the characters do not only are they stereotypical but often the dialogue is just off even if its been translated.
Oh god yes.... (wakes up in a storm with chaos everywhere) "oh god.... where am i" ...... "how did i get here"