Overall, the episode portrayed American high school life pretty well when it came to how the students acted and spoke. High school drama at its finest.
I liked the game, it felt like a spin on the Telltale formula for sure (a good spin). Max is a decent protagonist with a strong personality. At times it felt like playing as Clem with the monotone voice (I think that's a good word for it) as to not add too much excitement or exaggeration in her voice so the player can continue to feel like you're the one making choices for her and a sense of doing right or wrong to shape the character's image.
Although I don't really like how she's constantly referring to herself as a nerd. It's cool that she is proud of it, but it gets to a point where it becomes a little lame lol. The time power is neat, but can feel kinda silly with just a simple redo you can get everyone to love you yay! and there is really no pressure in conversations. By the end a premise has been set and it's a good start to some crazy dramatic teenage adventures.
How is this girl not freaking out at the fact that she has super powers. I would be so self-focused if I was her. Wondering what else I could do. Question if all magic is real or not. Researching on all myths and legends with relevant powers, putting a whole new perspective on religion. Using my powers for evil...etc.
Well, it pretty much surpassed TTG in every aspect. Sense of liberty, pacing, exploration, animation, music placing, duration, interactivity.
Graphically it's not even comparable at all.
TT dialogues and twists are still the best, though.
But now it will be very difficult for TT to stay on-par with Dontnod, at least technically.
It could be a chance for them to refresh that old engine.
It's probably for the best if she didn't majorly freak in the classroom or hallway. Wouldn't want that strict security guard coming into her life more than he has to.
How is this girl not freaking out at the fact that she has super powers. I would be so self-focused if I was her. Wondering what else I coul… mored do. Question if all magic is real or not. Researching on all myths and legends with relevant powers, putting a whole new perspective on religion. Using my powers for evil...etc.
It's probably for the best if she didn't majorly freak in the classroom or hallway. Wouldn't want that strict security guard coming into her life more than he has to.
Well, it pretty much surpassed TTG in every aspect. Sense of liberty, pacing, exploration, animation, music placing, duration, interactivity… more.
Graphically it's not even comparable at all.
TT dialogues and twists are still the best, though.
But now it will be very difficult for TT to stay on-par with Dontnod, at least technically.
It could be a chance for them to refresh that old engine.
Well, it pretty much surpassed TTG in every aspect. Sense of liberty, pacing, exploration, animation, music placing, duration, interactivity… more.
Graphically it's not even comparable at all.
TT dialogues and twists are still the best, though.
But now it will be very difficult for TT to stay on-par with Dontnod, at least technically.
It could be a chance for them to refresh that old engine.
I didn't like it as much so I'll be more critical.
The soundtrack is decent to good depending on your taste. You might want to look up on it in advance.
I wasn't a fan of the story tbh. The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama, I've long grown out of that kind of stuff. This constitutes about 80% of the first episode. I had trouble relating to any of the characters but maybe that's just because I'm old. Most of the in-between stuff felt pretty pointless. it seemed mostly like filler. I hope that the future episodes focus more on the plot that was only teased at the start and end of this episode.
The time rewind mechanic was underwhelming. It's basically just a check point. You do something wrong? Don't worry, just rewind time and do it again the correct way. It's basically reloading the game at the last check point after doing something wrong.
So my advice is if you're not interested in high school teenager drama then don't get it. I hope by the next episode they focus less on it and if not, I may just drop this game.
Thanks for that! I'll probably wait for more to come out before I make a decision on buying, im not intrested in High School Girl Simulator. I can imagine what you mean by the timey wimey being a checkpoint mechanic.
I didn't like it as much so I'll be more critical.
The soundtrack is decent to good depending on your taste. You might want to look up on… more it in advance.
I wasn't a fan of the story tbh. The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama, I've long grown out of that kind of stuff. This constitutes about 80% of the first episode. I had trouble relating to any of the characters but maybe that's just because I'm old. Most of the in-between stuff felt pretty pointless. it seemed mostly like filler. I hope that the future episodes focus more on the plot that was only teased at the start and end of this episode.
The time rewind mechanic was underwhelming. It's basically just a check point. You do something wrong? Don't worry, just rewind time and do it again the correct way. It's basically reloading the game at… [view original content]
It's more like just High School Simulator with a dark subplot behind it. It's a good story and I loved the game although it is just an opinion as I am in High School and I can connect and relate to some of the characters or even relate them to my friends.
Thanks for that! I'll probably wait for more to come out before I make a decision on buying, im not intrested in High School Girl Simulator. I can imagine what you mean by the timey wimey being a checkpoint mechanic.
High School Girl Simulator
It's more like just High School Simulator with a dark subplot behind it. It's a good story and I loved th… moree game although it is just an opinion as I am in High School and I can connect and relate to some of the characters or even relate them to my friends.
Yep I can completely get behind with everything you're sayin. I'm looking at this game with an adult's point of view and I guess that's why I'm not into this game as much as I would hope. Still it was worth the shot and hey if anybody is hesitant about this game, try the demo to gauge whether it be for you.
I didn't like it as much so I'll be more critical.
The soundtrack is decent to good depending on your taste. You might want to look up on… more it in advance.
I wasn't a fan of the story tbh. The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama, I've long grown out of that kind of stuff. This constitutes about 80% of the first episode. I had trouble relating to any of the characters but maybe that's just because I'm old. Most of the in-between stuff felt pretty pointless. it seemed mostly like filler. I hope that the future episodes focus more on the plot that was only teased at the start and end of this episode.
The time rewind mechanic was underwhelming. It's basically just a check point. You do something wrong? Don't worry, just rewind time and do it again the correct way. It's basically reloading the game at… [view original content]
Lemme rephrase. She's not really a bad character or anything, I just didn't think she was particularity that memorable. Nothing really stood out that much about her.
The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama,
Even though I haven't played the game, so I'm not really allowed to judge it, I feel like that's kind of a major reason why it's being so well praised. People find it so relateable so they like it so much
I didn't like it as much so I'll be more critical.
The soundtrack is decent to good depending on your taste. You might want to look up on… more it in advance.
I wasn't a fan of the story tbh. The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama, I've long grown out of that kind of stuff. This constitutes about 80% of the first episode. I had trouble relating to any of the characters but maybe that's just because I'm old. Most of the in-between stuff felt pretty pointless. it seemed mostly like filler. I hope that the future episodes focus more on the plot that was only teased at the start and end of this episode.
The time rewind mechanic was underwhelming. It's basically just a check point. You do something wrong? Don't worry, just rewind time and do it again the correct way. It's basically reloading the game at… [view original content]
As a senior in high school I didn't find the cast that relateable. A majority of the cast are generic as high schoolers on TV drama's get and the story took a bit too long to kick in, and once it does kick in the episode decides to end. I still enjoyed it, but I look more forward to the mystery aspect that there going for rather than the high school DRAMA.
The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is … morefairly accurate high school teenager drama,
Even though I haven't played the game, so I'm not really allowed to judge it, I feel like that's kind of a major reason why it's being so well praised. People find it so relateable so they like it so much
As a senior in high school I didn't find the cast that relateable. A majority of the cast are generic as high schoolers on TV drama's get an… mored the story took a bit too long to kick in, and once it does kick in the episode decides to end. I still enjoyed it, but I look more forward to the mystery aspect that there going for rather than the high school DRAMA.
So.... I have a question.... is Chloe supposed to be a lesbian? I get that feeling by the way she talks about Rachel and how they were gonna leave together.
This game was kind of interesting despite having some awful dialogue and music, but it has great replay value.
On the one hand, I'm interested in finding out the little tweaks you can discover, such as when you can hide in Chloe's room closet, or not. If you do and reveal yourself, she reveals that she took the gun, but doesn't if you don't hide.
On the other, there was no option to just outright slap Victoria and then rewind, but I guess that's just me. Max seems to me more in the lawful neutral cap, whereas I tend to go for the chaotic neutral.
And then there are the questions of whether or not Max herself goes back in time when she rewinds, or is she slowly aging incrementally each time and hasn't noticed yet. Maybe she'll get better at rewinding to compensate, or find some way to reverse herself so she forgets everything and yet does the one thing that prevents the whole coming catastrophe. I guess we'll find out in March.
The game was awesome, I disagree with you the music was pretty good (I usually disliked indie music, but I liked it this game). And the dialogue wasn't awful, it was realistic and normal dialogue like how people really talk.
well i played the first part of the game it was cool but have to wait bcuz i still dont know if it will become more good or average but my hopes are high its have a good first episode of introduction every character and i think story will start from 2nd episode hope it is as good as telltale games
The game was awesome, I disagree with you the music was pretty good (I usually disliked indie music, but I liked it this game). And the dialogue wasn't awful, it was realistic and normal dialogue like how people really talk.
Overall, the episode portrayed American high school life pretty well when it came to how the students acted and spoke. High school drama at its finest.
I liked the game, it felt like a spin on the Telltale formula for sure (a good spin). Max is a decent protagonist with a strong personality. At times it felt like playing as Clem with the monotone voice (I think that's a good word for it) as to not add too much excitement or exaggeration in her voice so the player can continue to feel like you're the one making choices for her and a sense of doing right or wrong to shape the character's image.
Although I don't really like how she's constantly referring to herself as a nerd. It's cool that she is proud of it, but it gets to a point where it becomes a little lame lol. The time power is neat, but can feel kinda silly with just a simple redo you can get everyone to love you yay! and there is really no pressure in conversations. By the end a premise has been set and it's a good start to some crazy dramatic teenage adventures.
How is this girl not freaking out at the fact that she has super powers. I would be so self-focused if I was her. Wondering what else I could do. Question if all magic is real or not. Researching on all myths and legends with relevant powers, putting a whole new perspective on religion. Using my powers for evil...etc.
I like everyone so far but Chole tbh.
Well, it pretty much surpassed TTG in every aspect. Sense of liberty, pacing, exploration, animation, music placing, duration, interactivity.
Graphically it's not even comparable at all.
TT dialogues and twists are still the best, though.
But now it will be very difficult for TT to stay on-par with Dontnod, at least technically.
It could be a chance for them to refresh that old engine.
It's probably for the best if she didn't majorly freak in the classroom or hallway. Wouldn't want that strict security guard coming into her life more than he has to.
Chloe's use of slang is hella annoying with her Hella dumb dad and her hella hella HELLA!
To tell you the truth, I would freak out. If only to do it and then reverse time, then keep my cool.
That's a pretty clever way to go about it. XD
I liked the music so damn much.
TT still masters the art of lip-syncing and face animation tho.
The dialogue has been a bit weird at times.
IKR! Im a teenager and ive never heard another teenager in real life actually use hella.
This game is AWESOME!

wait why I am at school?

Ok... now I wana to go back.

Wow, just played and it's reallyyyyy cool. The soundtrack and the art direction are so beautiful. Every Telltale's fan should play it.
I was going to ask if this is worth getting but I know I will get like a thousand yeses...
I didn't like it as much so I'll be more critical.
The soundtrack is decent to good depending on your taste. You might want to look up on it in advance.
I wasn't a fan of the story tbh. The start was good and the end was good but everything in between seemed to be mostly high school teenager drama and although I agree it is fairly accurate high school teenager drama, I've long grown out of that kind of stuff. This constitutes about 80% of the first episode. I had trouble relating to any of the characters but maybe that's just because I'm old. Most of the in-between stuff felt pretty pointless. it seemed mostly like filler. I hope that the future episodes focus more on the plot that was only teased at the start and end of this episode.
The time rewind mechanic was underwhelming. It's basically just a check point. You do something wrong? Don't worry, just rewind time and do it again the correct way. It's basically reloading the game at the last check point after doing something wrong.
So my advice is if you're not interested in high school teenager drama then don't get it. I hope by the next episode they focus less on it and if not, I may just drop this game.
Thanks for that! I'll probably wait for more to come out before I make a decision on buying, im not intrested in High School Girl Simulator. I can imagine what you mean by the timey wimey being a checkpoint mechanic.
It's more like just High School Simulator with a dark subplot behind it. It's a good story and I loved the game although it is just an opinion as I am in High School and I can connect and relate to some of the characters or even relate them to my friends.
I'll stick to shooting zombies for now. I know I will get this eventually its too hyped for me to not get it but im in no rush.
Completely fine, it's not for everyone.
Yep I can completely get behind with everything you're sayin. I'm looking at this game with an adult's point of view and I guess that's why I'm not into this game as much as I would hope. Still it was worth the shot and hey if anybody is hesitant about this game, try the demo to gauge whether it be for you.
Lemme rephrase. She's not really a bad character or anything, I just didn't think she was particularity that memorable. Nothing really stood out that much about her.
Thread: Life is strange
Did you play it and if so, what did you think about it? Also, how does it, in your opinion, compare to twd and twau?
Grrr! Is it March yet? Must......Have.....episode 2!!!!!
Already a thread on this buddy
Even though I haven't played the game, so I'm not really allowed to judge it, I feel like that's kind of a major reason why it's being so well praised. People find it so relateable so they like it so much
As a senior in high school I didn't find the cast that relateable. A majority of the cast are generic as high schoolers on TV drama's get and the story took a bit too long to kick in, and once it does kick in the episode decides to end. I still enjoyed it, but I look more forward to the mystery aspect that there going for rather than the high school DRAMA.
Well thats what makes her unique. Chloe is an interesting character I think. And she's badass.
Strange because I'm in high school and I found the cast...Most of the cast...Very relatable.
Maybe on these forums. May I ask what you didn't like about it?
So.... I have a question.... is Chloe supposed to be a lesbian? I get that feeling by the way she talks about Rachel and how they were gonna leave together.
Am I the only one who just didn't like it?
No, there's a lot of people on Youtube complaining.
I personally loved it but I can say that this won't be for everyone.
This game was kind of interesting despite having some awful dialogue and music, but it has great replay value.
On the one hand, I'm interested in finding out the little tweaks you can discover, such as when you can hide in Chloe's room closet, or not. If you do and reveal yourself, she reveals that she took the gun, but doesn't if you don't hide.
On the other, there was no option to just outright slap Victoria and then rewind, but I guess that's just me. Max seems to me more in the lawful neutral cap, whereas I tend to go for the chaotic neutral.
And then there are the questions of whether or not Max herself goes back in time when she rewinds, or is she slowly aging incrementally each time and hasn't noticed yet. Maybe she'll get better at rewinding to compensate, or find some way to reverse herself so she forgets everything and yet does the one thing that prevents the whole coming catastrophe. I guess we'll find out in March.
No, but a vast majority of people loved it.
The game was awesome, I disagree with you the music was pretty good (I usually disliked indie music, but I liked it this game). And the dialogue wasn't awful, it was realistic and normal dialogue like how people really talk.
well i played the first part of the game it was cool but have to wait bcuz i still dont know if it will become more good or average but my hopes are high
its have a good first episode of introduction every character and i think story will start from 2nd episode hope it is as good as telltale games 
yes music was sure very good and game is cool too i wanna see what gonna happen next