Nocturnal Academy (Interactive story)



  • Name: Michael Williams

    Gender: Male

    Age: 29

    Occupation: Teacher of P.E

    Ethnicity: African-American

    Personality: Jealous , Envious , Dumb , Emotional , Polite

    Hairstyle: Very short heddle

    Hair colour: black

    Eye colour: brown

    Skin tone: Dark Brown

    Facial features: (facial hair, scars, tattoos etc)

    Clothing: Usual P.E Teacher uniform

    Backstory: He was born in a rich family. His parents were killed in a robbery and Donald was the first to arrive to the scene. Don helped him throw hard times and her sister taking all the money of her parents and nothing for him.

    Other details: He likes fruit

  • Name: John Lottmann

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity: Irish-American

    Personality: Smart, polite, envious,

    Hairstyle: straight,

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye color: Hazel

    Skin tone: Pale,

    Facial features: Not much

    Clothing: normal Shirt and Jeans.

    Backstory: His parents got divorced when he was 11, then grew up like normal.

    Other details: He likes fruit and vegetables.

  • Name: Mallory

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity: Caucasian-Spanish

    Personality: Funny , Happy , Talkative , Nervous.

    Hairstyle: medium curly

    Hair colour: brown

    Eye colour: brown

    Skin tone: Dark White

    Facial features: None

    Clothing: Blue jeans , white t-shirt , black slippers ,

    Backstory: She was separeted from her twin when he (not Zach). He was later adopted by Michael and Donald. She respect them and his adoptive silbings

    Other details:

  • Drake Neilson

    Gender: male

    Age: 17

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Personality: Hard headed, Jerk, Hot headed, Does what he wants, power hungry, Abusive.

    Haircut: Crew cut

    Hair color: Light Blonde

    Eye color: Dark Green

    Skin tone: Pale

    Facial Features: Small scar on his left eyebrow

    Clothing: Black hoodie with the words 'What are you looking at?', jeans, sunglasses (occationally)

    Backstory: As the self declared school bully Drake likes beating people to a pulp. He is constantly late for class.He abuses students constantly. He is known as the strogest kid in the scholl and (supprisingly) one of the smartest. Eventhough he aces almost every test he continuesly fights teachers and students. He has an obssesion with demonstrating hes better than everyone else. His past is mostly unknown since he is an orphan.

    Other details: He mostly hides his inteligence. He is a jerk to anyone who he doesent like.

  • edited January 2015

    Name: Burt Aframian

    Gender: Male

    Age: 38

    Occupation: Detective

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Personality: Burt is arrogant and very self-centered. He believes that he is the best at everything he does and has a problem listening to others. He is short-tempered with people who are lying to him and generally treats other people like crap. On top of that he his a cynic. However, he does what he does in order to help other people and would always put his personal problems aside in order to save lives. He has a strong obsession with solving crimes and would never back out from a case as long as it isn't solved. He also suffers from a light case of PTSD and as a coping mechanism, he can get violently angry towards anyone who hurts innocent people. One of his more quirky traits would be, that he is prone to hold unnecessary monologues.

    Hairstyle: Short, back-kempt

    Hair colour: Brown

    Eye colour: Dark Blue

    Skin tone: Slightly tanned

    Facial features: Clean-shaven, with a small scar on his chin and a more visible on his cheek. The scar on his chin comes from a time when his father hit him with a bottle, the one on his cheek comes from a bullet that grazed him during war

    Clothing: He always wears an old-fashioned brown suit and a brown fedora

    Backstory: Burt was born into a dyfunctional family. His mother left the family when he was eight years old, leaving him at the mercy of his brutal father, who would often beat the boy. When Burt was sixteen, his father died due to a heart attack, while watching TV. Burt saw this and did not call the ambulance until it was already too late to save him. Afterwards he joined the army and served several years in a war, during which he saw many friends and civilians die. When he returned from war, he was a changed man. Obsessed with solving crimes, he became a detective, often delivering horribly violent beatings to the criminals he caught. Once, he caught a serial rapist in the act and even though the rapist surrendered immediately, Burt shot him to death and later claimed that it was self-defense. Ever since that, he is deeply afraid that he might be on a way to become worse than a criminal

    Other details: He is an occasional drinker and a chain smoker who is usually seen smoking expensive cigarettes. When talking to others, he has a habit of blowing the smoke into their face, often accompanied by a smug grin

    Name: Phil Bishop

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Personality: Phil is usually friendly, trying to get along with other students. He is also charismatic and makes friends easily. He is sarcastic and sometimes seems to be mean, but usually he apologizes after he says something that could have hurted others. That said, he does not apologize if he was right with what he said. He is a braggart, who likes to do things his way and also comes off as a bit of a jerk at fist, but people around him usually notice that he is quite nice very quick. He is very protective towards weaker people and goes out of his way to beat up bullies. That said, he believes in second chances and usually ends up befriending the bullies and the victims alike, trying his best to make them get along. He also tends to be caring and comforting towards anyone who needs his help.

    Hairstyle: Shoulder-length, always a bit disheveled

    Hair colour: Blonde

    Eye colour: Brown

    Skin tone: Fair skin

    Facial features: He has a short stubble

    Clothing: He usually wears blue jeans and a black t-shirt

    Backstory: Phil was born into a very rich family. His father, who is a successful businessman, went to Nocturnal Academy and sent his son there too, in the hope that he could continue the family business. Much to his father's chagrin, Phil liked sports way more and also failed to inherit his fathers more ruthless personality traits. He got very popular at his school pretty quickly and nowadays spends a lot of time there or hanging out with his friends.

    Other details: He is very athletic and muscular, since he is a member of a sports team at Nocturnal Academy

  • edited January 2015

    Clint Anderson


    Age 23

    Occupation: Deputy sheriff

    Ethnicity: Latin American

    Personalliry: Dimwitted, Inexperienced, Friendly.

    Haircut: Normal hair cut

    Hair color: Blonde

    Eye color:Light Blue

    Skin tone : Pale

    Facial Features:none

    Clothing : Normal police uniform with deputy tag

    Backstory: He studied all his life to be the sheriff.Now hes nearly there. He might still have a few things to learn but hes gonna try to do better.

    Other: He has very bad luck (he once handcuffed himself to a pole and lost the key so he had to wait for hours till they found the backup one).

  • thanks again liquid

    Name: Burt Aframian Gender: Male Age: 38 Occupation: Detective Ethnicity: Caucasian Personality: Burt is arrogant and very se

  • Name: Zachary

    Gender: Male

    Age: 16

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity Irish-American , Caucasian

    Personality: Blunt , Agressive , Mean , Smart , Sad

    Hairstyle: short curly

    Hair colour: brown

    Eye colour green

    Skin tone: Fair

    Facial features: Some Scars from her mother´s abuse

    Clothing: Red t-shirt , blue pants , white shoes , white socks.

    Backstory: His father left his mother because she was a drug addict. She abused of Zachary and he ended up in an orphan when she died in a overdose. He was adopted by Donald and Michael. He is Drake´s best friend.

    Other details:

  • Name: Tamara

    Gender: Female

    Age: 14

    Occupation: Student

    Ethnicity: African American

    Personality: Happy , Funny , Polite , Nervous , Talkative , Smart

    Hairstyle: long heddle

    Hair colour: black

    Eye colour: brown

    Skin tone: black

    Facial features: (facial hair, scars, tattoos etc)

    Clothing: violet t-shirt , blue shorts , white slippers , black socks.

    Backstory: Her mother died in Tamara´s birth and her father died of cancer. She was adopted by Michael and Donald. She likes Herman in secret

    Other details:

  • Name: Eric Ramos

    Age: 32

    Occupation: detective

    Ethnicity: Puerto Rican

    Personality: smart, solid, lone-wolf

    Hairstyle: crew cut

    Hair color: black

    Eye color: brown

    Facial features: none

    Clothing: black suit with a different colored tie every day.

    Back story: Eric had always been interested in solving things, puzzles, problems, equations, crime. It just came natural to him, his mind works different than others. He can see things normal people would over look.

    Other: has family in Puerto Rico.

  • edited January 2015

    Name: Allison Bennet


    Age: 44

    Occupation: Police

    Ethnicity: Asian

    Personality: Serious , Cold , Caring , Overprotective , Smart

    Hairstyle: medium curly

    Hair colour: black

    Eye colour: blue

    Skin tone: Fair

    Facial features: None

    Clothing: Usual police uniform

    Backstory: She is Herman´s adoptive mother. She lived in [town where Nocturnal Academy is].She is the only female cop in the city.

    Other details: She likes programs like C.S.I

  • edited January 2015

    Name: Sarah Gregory

    age: 17

    occupation: student

    ethnicity: Caucasian

    personality: serious, dosent give up, finishes what she starts.

    hair style: medium length

    hair color: dyed bright red.

    eye color: hazel

    skin tone: White/tan

    body features: butterfly tattoo on left arm

    clothing: ripped up jeans, dark purple T-shirt, leather boots.

    backstory: She dosent really like her family, her dad is always in and out of jail and her mom is a drug user. Her older brother was killed by a drug dealer. She's tried to get out but she cant, she always ends up coming back.

    other: likes to be alone, recently broke up with her girlfriend but still likes her.

  • Name: Cameron Turner

    Age: 35

    Occupation: police

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Personality: easy going, friendly, smart, jokester

    Hairstyle: buzz cut

    Hair color: dark brown

    Eye color: green

    Body features: NRA tattoo on right arm

    Clothing: standard police uniform

    Back story: he grew up in a small town, raised on traditions of living off the land and using what you have. He grew fond of the towns people and decided early on he wanted to help protect people, so he followed a career in law enforcement.

    Other: hopes to work for FBI someday.

  • edited January 2015

    Thank you @mr.quality @supersagig @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed @zachiscool3 @finlander for the awesome characters .

  • thanks i hope this ends up being an awesome story :)

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Thank you @mr.quality @supersagig @Lord_EAA @LiquidChicagoTed @zachiscool3 @finlander for the awesome characters .

  • Fun fact: I got the names "Midnight Hollow" and "Bridgeport" (The city Nocturnal Academy is set in) from The Sims 3.

  • lol. So witch fic are you gonna write for next?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Fun fact: I got the names "Midnight Hollow" and "Bridgeport" (The city Nocturnal Academy is set in) from The Sims 3.

  • Probably Nocturnal Academy because I'm really pumped to start writing it.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    lol. So witch fic are you gonna write for next?

  • edited January 2015

    Lord , teacher of what is Leroy?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    thanks i hope this ends up being an awesome story

  • I'm getting all of the characters introductions ready

    What happened to Pandoras Box?

  • What happened to Pandoras Box?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Probably Nocturnal Academy because I'm really pumped to start writing it.

  • Science : chemestry, biology, that stuff

    supersagig posted: »

    Lord , teacher of what is Leroy?

  • My comment about Pandora's Box didn't show up on this thread so:

    Concerning Pandora's Box: The nex part will appear soon as I am still writing its characters introductions

  • Hah, I knew it! Next one: Sunset valley

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Fun fact: I got the names "Midnight Hollow" and "Bridgeport" (The city Nocturnal Academy is set in) from The Sims 3.

  • Name: Sebastien Donatello.

    Gender: Male.

    Age: 16.

    Occupation: Student.

    Ethnicity: Caucasian.

    Personality: Kind and witty, a little bit sarcastic.

    Hairstyle: Short hair.

    Hair color: Blonde.

    Eye color: Left eye is green, right eye is blue.

    Skin tone: Light.

    Facial features: Small amount of stubble.

    Clothing: Light jacket, blue jeans.

    Backstory: Both his parents died when he was 14, he doesn't know how or why, he moved in with his uncle in the town of (wherever it is) where he soon joined the school.

    Other details: Loves making cookies.

  • Thanks!

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Name: Sebastien Donatello. Gender: Male. Age: 16. Occupation: Student. Ethnicity: Caucasian. Personality: Kind and witty, a l

  • I will start the first episode tomorrow. I'm planning on making this story much darker than Midnight Hollow.

  • Is Clint related to Frank?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Clint Anderson Gender:Male Age 23 Occupation: Deputy sheriff Ethnicity: Latin American Personalliry: Dimwitted, Inexperienced

  • Well let me be honest....... that was a mistake... But you can make them be related if you want. If so make him his nephew

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Is Clint related to Frank?

  • edited April 2015

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1

    December 8th 1987 4:37 AM

    The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout the streets of Bridgeport. Several police cars were racing through the thick amount of snow that encrusted the streets. The ear-piercing parade of sirens ended when the police had arrived at Tornar Hill. Anthony Hill and Brian Smith trudged through the everlasting snow to the crime scene. The faces of Donald Sanchez, Alison Bennet and Cameron Turner were hollow from what they saw. Deputy sheriff Clint Flint leapt over the lines circling the scene and vomited.

    "Clint! Get back here!" exclaimed Sheriff Frank Anderson.

    "What's the situation sheriff?" asked a familiar voice.

    Frank turned around to see detectives Burt Aframian and Eric Ramos.

    "Detectives, good to see you made it here. It seems that the Bridgeport Ripper has struck again" informed Frank. His face was solemn.

    Burt and Eric waded through the snow and carefully stepped over the police lines. Sprawled on the ice was a teenage boy. His skin was abnormally pale, his eyes were lifeless. The Bridgeport Ripper had turned the poor kid into a mere husk of a human being. The murders had been going on for 10 years.

    December 8th 1987 5:14 AM

    Sebastien Donatello's sweat soaked through the pillow. He pulled the cover over his head. The night terrors weren't going away. He could hear the screaming of his classmate Max Timothy. He could see blood seeping the ceiling. Bloodshot eyeballs on the wall were staring at him. Eventually it stopped. Sebastien pulled the cover off him. What he saw standing at the foot of his bed made his heart thunder again his ribcage. Max was standing there. His skin was extremely pale. The iris in his eyes were gone. Max's jaw stretched down. Sebastien could he a non-human sounding noise emanating from his mouth. He could then hear a distorted cry for help. Blood emerged from his tear ducts.

    "Leave me alone!" cried Sebastien.

    Once a year he would see his classmates in the same way, and they would be announced dead later that day.

    December 8th 1987 6:45 AM

    The eyes of 16 year old Jake Kutcher cracked open as his alarm clock made a racket. Jake grabbed the clock and hurled it across the room. He rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

    "Better get up" he thought.

    Jake heaved himself down the stairs. He looked at the kitchen table. The parents evening letter was due in today. Jake opened the storage cupboard. Mr Kutcher lay there. His eye sockets were empty, his flesh had rotted. A family of maggots ate away at remainder of organs that were visible from the incisions on his chest that Jake had put there.

    "Don't think he's going to appear at that parents evening" Jake coughed. The stench burned into his nostrils.

    He then opened the basement door. The fly infested corpses of Chris Evans, Tom Bills and Owen Fiver were piled into the corner.

    "It was anti-bullying day" Jake chuckled.

    This chapter was an introduction to a few of the characters. There will be choices in the next chapter!

  • So Jake is an SK?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • Awesome Start!!!

    PS: I thought this will be in a different time. That´s why i made thr gay couple

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • You thought what?

    supersagig posted: »

    Awesome Start!!! PS: I thought this will be in a different time. That´s why i made thr gay couple

  • Great start! I like your writing style.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • D:

    This is creepy, but still very good. Awesome start!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • Great start :>

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • Awesome start!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Nocturnal Academy Episode 1: Night Terrors Chapter 1 December 8th 1987 4:37 AM The endless sounds of police sirens echoed throughout

  • Are there still spots open or am I too late?

  • i THINK theres spots open.

    Are there still spots open or am I too late?

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