Can TTG ever replace Lee in our hearts?
Do you thing that TTG could ever top the emotional attachment to Lee with a new character?
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Do you thing that TTG could ever top the emotional attachment to Lee with a new character?
Lee and Clementine both are irreplaceable characters.
I dunno, I had next to no connection with Lee anyway he was the playable character, its the same with clementine this season. i just feel there me for the most part
Better to have another great original character, I don't want them to replace anyone.
Hopefully they add a new character that i can get attached to, like Lee or Kenny.
No way.
Not with the writing team these days >.>
I think they tried with Luke.
So no.
I doubt it.
We can get someone that we get attached to like they did with Kenny have us get emotional when they die but no one will ever replace Lee
EVER hear that TellTale?? NO ONE!
I have a feeling that Telltale well try to replicate the same feels with AJ as we did with Lee next season. But I'm pretty sure they'll just force it down are throats.
No and I don't want them to either.
oN? What do you mean?
? What do you mean by oN?
With the ways how things turned out, one could say Season 2 tried to have Kenny replace Lee, not Luke.
Either way, it didn't work.
Ummm... no but uh thanks for the new info? haha:P
Did you know being fat is illegal in japan?
no way they are ever gonna do that clem and lee are always my favs. I also loved Luke but we didnt get enough time to experience the apocalypse with Luke like we did with lee so if luke was lee i would love him. Also Kenny is love.
luke didn't last as long as lee with clementine and he had lots of other people to take care of so i think if luke was lee he would've took care of clem just the same way lee did.
I forgot about Lee so I don't know.
They have already made a better character that is Kenny.
Haha, i'm expecting us to get a lot of hate- but what can I say..I like Kenny more than anybody else in the game.
I dont think any characters will ever be able to be replaced. Like the top fan bases of the walking dead game who aren't Lee is Kenny, Clem, and Luke
He was being a smartass and saying 'oN' as in reverse of 'No' and he just wants attention
Fuck off this community obviously isn't for you ya 12'ie
First of all that's a bit rude , no? Secondly I'm not twelve , sorry to burst your bubble. Thirdly , simply is my friend. We were just having some fun. If we're not allowed to have fun here then I guess you're right , this site isn't for me.
AW HELL NAW! For me, Lee is/was the best TWD character ever! And he is the iconic character next to Clementine in TTG's TWD. But it was obvious that Telltale tried to replace Lee with Kenny this season. And to be honest, it worked for some people. It's understandable because in general, Kenny is the only character that appeared in every single episode of TWD next to Clementine. (Including Kenny's cameo in the opening scene of the 400 DAYS DLC and determinantly, he's going to appear in the future episodes of S3 with Clementine.) I saw Lee with Clementine pictures getting for example; 500 likes but Kenny and Clementine pictures getting; 1000 likes or favorites or stuff and thaaaangsss! So... yeah...
I don't really care about Clementine anymore. S2 killed that.
Yes. He gave us Clemintine
I just used this gif in another thread, but i think it still explains my thoughts and feelings on the topic at hand.
Clementine sucks.