Can TTG ever replace Lee in our hearts?



  • No. Lee was a great character. You can't replace him. But you CAN develop new characters to where they're similarly lovable.

    The thing is, Telltale's got to acknowledge the fact that he's dead. Not just physically, but plot-wise. Lee is DONE. Throughout the entirety of Season 2, he was constantly brought back up as some kind of cheap ploy to get Feels. Instead of relying on a character who's arc is finished, they need to work towards making us feel more attached to new characters, and make us feel emotional about THOSE relationships.

    There IS potential for us to feel strongly about new characters, and get attached to them like we did Lee. But they need to get out of Season 1's shadow, first. Hopefully by Season 3 they'll have figured that out.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited January 2015

    There IS potential for us to feel strongly about new characters, and get attached to them like we did Lee. But they need to get out of Season 1's shadow, first. Hopefully by Season 3 they'll have figured that out.

    After Season 2.... I just don't see myself personally caring about anyone other than the main protag (@whatever care level.), because everyone else always ends up dead. After Nick/Sarah, other people... Its just expect it now. I expect everyone to die, in every season except Clementine, because of her plot powers. I don't expect there to be any awesome episodes like Starved for Help, unless they seriously fix the issues whatever they may be.

    I'm not really into rehashing the same story over and over. I agree with you there, Lee is done, but so is Clementine imo.. She is somewhere safe, depending on the players choices, now let see what they do. Will they milk Clementine's character for another predictable plotline?

    skoothz posted: »

    No. Lee was a great character. You can't replace him. But you CAN develop new characters to where they're similarly lovable. The thing is

  • Another thing that contributes to your argument is how badly overexposed and redundant Kenny's role was in Season 2, which is equivalent to Telltale refusing to move on from Lee and open up to new ideas.

    skoothz posted: »

    No. Lee was a great character. You can't replace him. But you CAN develop new characters to where they're similarly lovable. The thing is

  • I swear sometimes playing these games is like watching a Wile E Coyote Cartoon, you know the outcome is going to end badly before the road runner even appears on camera.

    Case in point, crossing the frozen lake. Who didn't see that coming.

    I'm sorry that was just so terrible writing.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Another thing that contributes to your argument is how badly overexposed and redundant Kenny's role was in Season 2, which is equivalent to Telltale refusing to move on from Lee and open up to new ideas.

  • I agree.

    So many logic and common sense broken just so Luke must die.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I swear sometimes playing these games is like watching a Wile E Coyote Cartoon, you know the outcome is going to end badly before the road

  • It didn't just 'not work' it backfired spectacularly.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    With the ways how things turned out, one could say Season 2 tried to have Kenny replace Lee, not Luke. Either way, it didn't work.

  • They tried to with Kenny, but it backfired.

    Lee filled a certain niche in the series that can't be filled again.

  • They already did. Clementine.

  • Clementine replace on my heart i cant wait for season 3

  • Same here

    Deventh posted: »

    Lee and Clementine both are irreplaceable characters.

  • Nah. The only one possibly close to coming to this would be Kenny, but that rests too much on the player's individual opinion of Kenny, their actions towards Kenny as Clem throughout the game, and the choices they make. The same could be said of Lee in Season 1 with Clem...but I think he automatically takes a more active role in protecting Clem than the others.

  • No, Lee could never be replaced. However, he/she could be on par with Lee when it comes to being emotionally attached to a character.
    For me it's Clementine. In fact, thinking about it I would go so far as to say, I feel a greater attachment to her than to Lee.

    I think it's because I have seen her come so far as a character, seen her develop. And while my Clementine isn't one to be messed around with, I still see glimpses of that sweet, innocent eight year old that we first came across. That in my opinion, makes her a better character even than Lee.

  • Yes they gave us Kenny hes better then Lee

  • Yes, if lees brother lived and became the new clementine caretaker at the end of season 1.

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