I hate Bonnie more than any other character ever
I don't care what you say. I've tried to like her but she's a worthless weak junkie who fucks things up for everyone and not just the robbing thing. I hated that stupid junkie ginger ever since 400 Days. She got two people who laid down their lives to help her killed. I fail her story just to see her die over and over again. You know how people say there is at least one thing decent about every character? They weren't talking about Bonnie. I can't find one decent thing about her and this is coming from someone who has defended Nate, Vernon, The Stranger, Handsome Jack and Ramsay Snow. She's a weak, stupid junkie who depends on others to survive. Out of all the 400 Days Characters we got her. FUCK! I'm glad her frozen reanimated body is sunk deep into frozen water in butt fuck no where where it can stay for all eternity for all I give a fuck. Glad I let her die, FUCK HER!
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So Carver is more likable than Bonnie because he isn't a junkie?
You have strange priorities.
Carver was an intelligent survivor who led an entire pretty loyal community. Bonnie doesn't have any of these qualities she's an idiot and a horrid person.
You and me both my friend. I made the mistake of forgiving her after her bullshit at the lodge, I thought I could trust her, and I thought she truly cared, but I was wrong. When Clem gets shot, all she does (in my game) is says she's sorry, but she still runs off like the coward she is. She has betrayed every group she has ever been in, she relies on the people around her to survive, and has gotten several people killed because of her actions. She is definitely number one on my list, even beating out Arvo.
Sounds like this might makes right ideology gives Carver a free pass to torture and murder people over the slightest thing, yet a woman who overcame her drug addiction in the past, gets tangled up in Carver's dictatorship, and help the group escape from his grasp makes her Hitler?
There's a lot of double standards brewing here.
She's done more harm than good. She murdered a woman and admitted to liking her husband (determinant) then lying to him and leaving him to die and got Walt and Alvin killed, and got the rest of the group captured, tried to make Clem crawl through a ticket booth and showed zero care when she nearly got nabbed and robbed the group. Its pretty pathetic how you have to compare her to the main antagonist of the game in order to make her look good
But Troy? C'mon how is she worse then him?
If you played the 400 Days and put the clues together, you'll find out that it was Dee that stole from Shel's group and caused them to hunt them down in the first place. During the crop field confusion the killing of Dee was clearly accidental since Bonnie mistook her for one of the pursuers. In the end, Bonnie's scenario happened all because of Dee's theft, so she's to blame not Bonnie.
The lying to Leland and liking him is entirely up to the player's actions, not Bonnie. Simply making her perform these actions in order to demonise her is ridiculous.
At the time of her reappearance she was under Carver's control who directly had Walter killed and directly/indirectly had Alvin killed, Bonnie had no say or control over it, it was all down to Carver as a leader and he killed them with no remorse, not Bonnie. Making Bonnie look the guilty party over Carver of all people because she can't or didn't control her boss' actions to prevent him from needlessly killing people is also ridiculous.
Couldn't agree more. I never trusted that bitch. I was done with her immediately after she played the "hopeless mother" role in episode 2, took our food, and came back 5 minutes later with Carver pointing guns at us. No matter how nice she was to me I refused to tell her about Luke coming back to save us from the camp. I also didn't go under that roll-up door at the museum and made Bonnie unlock the door herself out of fear she'd lock me in the room or pull some other kind of bullshit plan. She'd act all sweet, innocent and regretful of her past actions, but once the shit hit the fan she'd show her true colors and ditch you without thinking twice. I was finally starting to come around to her until she blamed me for Luke's death and then tried to steal the truck and suggested leaving Clem after she was shot. If we meet in season 3, there's no way she's joining back with me and given the circumstances I wouldn't mind shooting her. Arvo, well, don't get me started lol.
Bonnie didn't make it any easier. Showing that she lied to the couple and caused their death is showing what she is capable of. Bonnie brought Carver to the group anything that Carver did at the lodge wouldn't have happened. People give her a pass because she has "good intentions" well Kenny has "good intentions" but he's the only one getting shit for his actions. Some people on this form hold characters to an unfair standard that they don't hold others to its bias bull shit. But you're comparing her to Carver who is made out to be an antagonist, there is no moral ambiguity there so its not a fair comparison.
Both terrible people in their own way. Both deserve a bullet in the head imo. Although not saying I would 100% kill Bonnie, it depends on the circumstances.
Wow that was a very emotional post I just read.
At the end of the day I gotta say that I don't like her, because of the horrible decisions she has made around Clementine. In 400 days she was fine, in fact I think I liked her story the most, but in S2 it was just one bull shit thing after another. The straw that broke the camels back was (in my first play-through) offering a cigarette to Clem, I thought welp your dead to me Bonnie. Just after that, the betrayal and I couldn't care less where Bonnie was going or why.
Again, you can make her lie, which is more. Preventing her from being honest is due to the player's actions, not her. If you made her lie to ruin the couple's life, that's really on you, not Bonnie.
Since you claim that 'Carver is an intelligent survivor who led an entire pretty loyal community', I find it silly that you blame Bonnie again for Carver having his 'loyal' subjects to do what he asks so he can capture a group that fled from him and kill Walter, as well as having a hand in Alvin's death. Bonnie had no reason to disobey or betray Carver who at the time seemed like 'intelligent survivor' at the time before finding out what he planned to do from the start that didn't sit right with Bonnie.
Thank you and like I said I can empathize with the most brutal, sadistic villains but a stupid junkie who messes up everything and puts people's lives in danger gets zero compassion from me. I feel more empathy for The Origami Killer and no that isn't a joke
Would you still hate her if she had lobster claws for hands?
I'd hate her even if she had a snake for a tongue
That's a serious level of hate.
I've always hated Larry the most just because he took direct action to kill Lee especially after all Lee went through to save his life.
Bonnie I never let Clem trust, not because I felt Bonnie would try to harm her, but because Bonnie tend's to flip loyalty easily. I can't really blame her for this because in a ZA, one must do what's best for themselves in the moment. This just mean's Bonnie can't be trusted to be reliable or loyal to the group. However, in my origional play through, Bonnie drowned with Luke so she really doesn't matter to me anymore!
Bonnie was my favorite character lol.
I wouldn't say she had no control over the situation. Bonnie, Troy and the other Carver brought with him were all armed. Any one of them could've shot Carver at anytime and ended his reign of terror, but they didn't. I don't think she's the worse character in the game, but she certainly isn't trustworthy and that's the number 1 quality group members need.
I can't agree with you more, I literally made an entire page thread on the things she fucked up and my thoughts about it. She fucked up, yes but everyone trying to say "oh give her sympathy it was one mistake" if Kenny or Luke or something close to that then I wouldn't like them, I wouldn't like them at all, if they literally looked into Clems face and said "I've got a little girl like you" when we all know that's bullshit then no FUCK HER. She got Walter killed undeterminately he dies, yes you can say that Carver did it, but we saw Bonnie first and she could have easily said, "run, we're after you and your group he said something about a little girl and I'm guessing that's you so get out of here now!" but noooooo she didn't did she? NO she lied to Walter, Kenny, and Clems face without hesitating. To make it even worse she got angry as fuck to me about Lukes death, so what if i didn't do what you said, I did what Luke wanted not you, what I was thinking was.. "Atleast if he dies he knows that Clem followed his orders for the last time and not someone elses" that's what I was thinking, and she continues to run her mouth at me about me being a little girl, WELL FUCKING SORRY FOR BEING BORN WHEN I WAS...
Sorry if their was corse language in there but yeah, that's only half of what I think of her... I really do dislike her a lot and I'm glad someone agrees with me, Have a good day
I'm also like you, I liked Bonnies story in 400 days the most, but as soon as she said to me in the lodge "I have a little girl like you." then I was like, well fuck there goes a character that I probably would have liked in the future but I don't trust anymore because she just lied to Clems face...goodbye
I liked Bonnie. She made mistakes, but always showed remorse afterwards. It's not right to just hate her because she's got drug problems.
Yeah, she showed a lot of remorse when she told Mike to leave Clem to die so they could escape. Even in the other version, where she does seem sorry, she still leaves instead of trying to help her.
Clem didn't know that at the time though.
Carver was a monster, but at least he was an obvious monster. Assholes like Bonnie are all too common, exactly because they can sneak under your radar.
Bonnie was panicked and didn't want to stay around before Kenny showed up and possibly killed them.
How could any of them be sure that the others wouldn't shoot them down for shooting Carver? Trust, the fact that many members of Clementine's group have left her for dead on several occasions shows just how much trust can be in groups.
I can easily forgive Bonnie for her actions, mostly due to the fact that I know if people made mistakes, many of them would want another chance and deserve one. Honestly if I told myself to hate Bonnie, I'd have to hate other characters for doing worse.
I'm under the impression if someone can lie, cheat, betray others and take advantage of their kindness. They can and will do it again, without hesitation. In Bonnie's case, I knew she'd fuck us over again. It was just a matter of when.
She's a cancerous snake in the grass whose not above trying to steal everything Clem and the group worked so hard for. And then, telling someone to not even bother trying to revive an eleven year old girl who was shot? I just don't understand people's reasoning for her, she's such a piece of shit.
I liked Bonnie in 400 Days, she was one of my favorites. But then she appeared in season 2 and did a lot of things I didn't approve of. Now I'm just indifferent to her.
Mike didn´t help neither
And I hate him for that too, but I hate Bonnie more because of her stupidity and the fact that she's done this shit twice.
when did they leave bonnie for dead? I'm not saying they didn't, but I don't recall them ever blatantly leaving her behind
I hate Mike more because i don´t know i shit about him :P. Also , in AHD i think she thought she would be killed by Carver if she didn´t told them about the sky lodge and he would find the group either way. And the only people she could be betraying with that is the cabin group and Walter , because Clem , Kenny and Sarita didn´t knew her and she kew the cabin group and Walter gave her supplies u.u
They're both in my top 5
In mine are:
2/1. Jane and Kenny
I made Bonnie an easier to like Bonnie. You´re welcome.
I didn't care for her even all the way back during 400 days. I had sort of forgiven her after the events of Episode Three, but clearly that was a mistake. She was just kind of... selfish and two faced.