Which character did you hate to see die?



  • I shall remain embittered about how Sarah and Nick were written off.

  • For me, even though I'm still bitter about luke's death...Rebecca's was really heartbreaking..especially since it was after giving birth to A.J. So yea both luke and Rebecca.

  • Comic Spoiler! (Lol)

    Someone is going say 'comic spoiler!' I know it.

  • His death came out of nowhere as an excuse for Sarah to have some character development, when it never existed in the first place.


    Clemenem posted: »

    Carlos. Him dying had zero merit and I almost forgot he died

  • edited January 2015

    Carley in Season 1 and of course Lee. Lee's death makes me cry everytime. ;-;

  • Lee and Kenny
    I killed Kenny but i felt so bad

  • edited January 2015

    For me it was:

    TV show: Andrea

    Comics: Glenn

    Season 1: Lee

    Season 2: Luke (Cause Kenny didn't die in my play through)

  • game: carley
    tv:hershal andrea sophia and beth

  • Tv lory andrea Sophie games lee carley duck Sarah kajhaa

  • Lee of course I miss him so much :( We all miss him..

    In the tv series I had a bit of a moment when Beth died, but i think it's just because I thought she was hot. I liked her character and everything but, I don't know I hardly got into the tv series anyways so it didn't affect me as much as Lees did.

  • Spoiler

    when glenn died :'(

  • edited January 2015

    From the game, too many to list. I'm bitter over a lot of S2 character deaths.

    From the show, Gareth is probably the biggest, (I had no problem with his death itself, just the timing. I wish he wasn't killed off so early in the season.) followed by Randall, Milton, and Beth. All the ones I want to see more of die too early.

  • I hate how Lee and Kenny die.

    TeamKenny <3

    TeamLee <3

  • Season 1: Carley. I was so pissed off, since I saw her as my wingman and gunner. I know why it was done, from a writing perspective, but I was still very upset.

    Season 2: Luke. I knew it was coming as soon as he got shot, but I did throw my controller down for a bit after he bit it.

  • S1Game:Carley,Mark and Lee
    S2Game:Omid,Luke and Alvin
    Tv:Shane,Dale,Hershel,Jimmy,Andrea,Mia,Randall and Gareth

  • no one else?

  • Lee

  • Yeah.

    CHRISPS4 posted: »

    Tv lory andrea Sophie games lee carley duck Sarah kajhaa

  • TV Show is practically the same as comics except how they die (ex: Hershel)

    Anyway, I hated that Luke just dies like that. It's as if Telltale has to find an excuse to kill off Luke. He had it coming though. Had he stayed in cover, he'd be fine and not stuck for like 3 minutes.

  • Ben from Season 1. It's understandably unpopular choice, but for some reason I was overly upset even through Season 2. I guess it was because of how quickly they got rid of him for no reason.

  • edited April 2015

    * Mark
    * Chuck
    * Lee
    * Omid
    * Nick
    * Sarah (Her death is my most hated one)


    • Jim
    • Merle
    • Hershel
    • Bob
    • Beth
    • Tyreese
  • every person we loved i didn't like them seeing die like pete nick,LEE!,rebecca,luke,bonnie[unexcepted disappearence],e.t.c
    r.i.p to every one of them
    extremely excited for s3
    please folks release it

  • edited April 2015

    Arvo didn't die, wtf?

    Killah posted: »


  • By that i meant i want him to die.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Arvo didn't die, wtf?

  • Wish Ben didn't have to die. 8U; Sarah didn't deserve to die either.

    And Carley. WHY.

  • series 1: Doug and Lee

    series 2: Omid/Luke

  • Season 1: Lee, for sure.

    Season 2: Both Nick and Luke.

    I haven't watched the TV show or comics, so I don't name any of those. B)

  • Ugh, too many to name. Although Lee the most. he's the only time I cried. And it was like full on crying for a while till I had to distract myself.

  • Shawn (because I tried to save him and he still died, welp), Carley, Katjaa, Duck, Chuck, Ben, Lee, Omid, Christa (jk, she's alive, right? RIGHT?), Pete, Walter, Nick, Sarah, Luke.

  • edited April 2015

    Carley was determinant. Determinant characters don't live forever. Wish she and Doug had more roles in episodes but I think they had to die. What pained me so much was Sarah's demise

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Wish Ben didn't have to die. 8U; Sarah didn't deserve to die either. And Carley. WHY.

  • That is true... It's like, fine, kill her off, but did you REALLY have to give her the most horrific death in the entire game? Her screaming gave me nightmares, no joke.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Carley was determinant. Determinant characters don't live forever. Wish she and Doug had more roles in episodes but I think they had to die. What pained me so much was Sarah's demise

  • I must admit that there is no one character that actually has me extremely saddened all the time. Kenny's is not really relevant as I never picked that and Lee's was a worty sacrifice.

    But there are some, two that I don't like. Nick's second death just upsets me because of the absurd off-screen death.
    Lukes death when you don't attempt to go to him at first, when you break the ice after Bonnie and just see his dead body always saddens me, but when you go to help him he ends up saving Clem which puts a bit of a light on it.

    Omid's a bit iffy too, but that's mostly because it was totally random, it just felt like a drama set up.

  • True

    fayescarlet posted: »

    That is true... It's like, fine, kill her off, but did you REALLY have to give her the most horrific death in the entire game? Her screaming gave me nightmares, no joke.

  • Lee, Luke & Omid.

    Lee's death was so emotional and my Lee told Clem to find Omid and Christa. So I was happy when we started the new season and found out the two figures were Omid and Christa. Then less than 10 minutes into the new season Omid is shot dead! D: I then was really liking Luke and had hoped my Clem would be able to go off with Luke, Bonnie and Mike but nope all 3 of them got taken away from me too. =/

  • I'd say Luke and Lee. It was a shame that Pete died as you become quite close to him in the first episode. I don't think TellTale should've killed off Pete so soon. :/

  • Game: Lee and Omid
    TV show: Hershel, Tyreese and Noah
    Comic: Glenn, Lori (and Judith) and Tyreese

    RIP to them all ;^;

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