Things that were meant to shock but didnt
This is any moment in the game that was clearly intended to be a shock to the player but didnt surprise you, it can be moments that didnt shock anyone though clearly intended or a moment that shocked everyone else but that you saw coming.
For me
Kat shooting herself, I always thought kat would do that after duck (literally from her talks in ep 1) so much to the point I was actually saying to myself no dont go off into the woods alone with him (particularly after the gun and the talk how duck was better than life itself) as she left i still thought it would happen, still she did it anyway even when sent with Kenny.
Clem getting shot - That entire scene with arvo just hinted at it and then I realised they had to find a way to justify everything Kenny did and to give the player the "Lee dream" everyone had been asking about.
Jane coming back- Always felt they were going to switch up the molly plotline
Michelle shooting omid- The moment omid came in it was obvious what would happen
St johns being cannibals/Marks legless- Suspected on way to the dairy, got tipped off on farm several times and mark couldnt be seen.
Bonnie being with carver -Obvious liar is obvious
Kenny coming back - I hoped they'd shock me and it wouldn't be Kenny but it was....
Arvo returning- I stole from him but even in that scene I could just tell he'd be back with friends to rob us.
And for me it was unexpected, I even thought at first that she was shot by Kenny.
So things don't shock you when they happen because you figure out they will happen 5 seconds before they happen?
I'm very interested in knowing your thought process for 2- Clem getting shot.
Did you just think "Ok Arvo is holding a gun and we haven't seen the 'Lee dream' scene everyone has been asking for so there's a 100% chance that Arvo will shoot Clem at this point and gives us the 'Lee dream' scene plus that will also create a way that players will be able to justify everything Kenny did". ???
or are you sure you didn't think that up a day or two later after finishing the episode? If not then holy shit that's some insane analytical skills.
4, 1, 5 for me
Luke's death. As soon as they began walking on the ice I knew someone would fall in and then I saw Luke struggling so I guessed he would fall in so I wasn't shocked when I saw the ice cracking around him. But I was surprised that with both choices he died.
Definitely Michelle killing Omid, I kind of saw that coming as soon as he entered the restroom.
I knew the St. John's were up to something as soon as I saw them, but not cannibalism, not until Brenda said I couldn't see Mark, so that's not shoccking either.
To be honest, Carley getting killed. I knew as soon as she started standing up to Lilly and after seeing the look in Lilly's eyes that she was going to kill her. Doug's did surprise me, but Carley I saw coming.
Yes honestly, they'd confirmed a lee dream in some comment, despite saying their would be no spoilers Clementine is shown with a bullet wound in the teaser. It wasn't too hard to figure out.
Oh yes Shawn, though to be fair that wasn't necessarily a shock as they knew comic fans would know his fate.
And I had the same issue with the two jump scares. The danny one and the walker in ep 4 with the TV were minor suprises but the stranger one actually got me.
I wasn't surprised that Arvo was the one to shoot Clementine, when you had no choice but to shoot Natasha it was obvious, then they kept reinforcing it with Arvo's looks of pure hatred (which are honestly really chilling, I mean that's one look of hatred). I personally thought it was a bit convoluted, but it did work, though I sometimes feel it was just because they wanted to get rid of Mike and (determinately) Bonnie from the final choice and have a Lee dream sequence (which I didn't see coming). I would have liked to an option to just let them leave and just have Clem sleep and get a different dream with Lee, but that's just me.
One moment I'd say is in Starved For Help, when you open the stall door and Danny's just pointing a gun at you. It's not that I expected or knew it was coming (I didn't), it's that I didn't really have a reaction to it. Most other people always seem to flip their shit and end up dying the first time, I was like "oh, that's nice" and grabbed the gun right away, compared to the stranger jump scare in episode 4, where I flipped the fuck out when I first saw that.
Nick's second death, solely because he's determinant. This is exactly why Telltale needs to switch up the formula here. It's gotten to a point where we write off characters as soon as they become determinant, because we know they're just going to eventually die. I want them to prove us wrong.
Shawn dying. Since I read the comics, I already knew he was doomed by canon, so it didn't surprise me that he wound up dead, nor that he would even if I tried to help him.
Two attempted jump scares in episode 4; the infamous broom one when you're checking the house. That one just unintentionally comes across as funny when Lee angrily puts it away like "stupid fucking brooms". The second is when you're in the sewers and the one walker grabs your leg. It's just the same deal as the Danny one above; I didn't really have a reaction to it.
The St John's being cannibals is an easy answer, but the reveal completely makes up for the predictability. I feel that's what matters in the end; it's not cliches themselves that are the problem, it's the execution. And when a cliche is executed well, that wholly makes up for however predictable it might have been.
All Determinant deaths
I forgot about that TV walker one. Yeah, that one didn't get me either, and it didn't help in how awkwardly it played out; suddenly a random walker, you push it off, it gets killed by a TV. You're just sitting there like "...alright then, I'm not sure what just happened, but okay"
The stranger is the one that really got me, though
The following shocking events that failed to shock me in Season 2 are:
I honestly predicted Omid's death when telltale tweeted before season 2 came out the pic of Omid saying a familiar face returns
The Luke choices determined whether it was Mike or Bonnie who begged the other to leave Clem.
I was pretty shocked when Sarah actually died after she fell off the observation deck.
Yes I agree with that, the fact it was young clementine with omid and then older clementine for everything else made me wonder
Was I meant to be grossed out? Shocked? This was only put in to further separate TT from their Sam & Max days and was just filler to make Kenny look like a "badass." Completely pointless scene, with a completely pointless choice.
This. I'm surprised more people didn't figure it out, or at least the notion that someone would fall through the ice. Him getting shot was the first major hint.
Also, Lee and Omids' deaths had been spoiled for me beforehand.
Kenny's return, Luke's death, and Arvo's return did not shock me.
Nothing shocked me, I knew everything! lol jk
I easily deduced that the St. Johns were cannibals way before the reveal with Mark. Almost every apocalyptic game has em (Fallout 3 comes to mind) and it's funny to see how far the main characters will go with blinders on their eyes before realizing the truth.
I think everyone figured out that the St. Johns were cannibals.
Jane wanting back into the group in EP5, I just rolled my eyes.
i knew luke was going to die but not in episode 5.
1.: The saint johns being cannibals.: they did not even try to hide this.
2. Christa being pregnant: Nuff said.
3. Kenny's return: If telltale did not make such a big deal about someone comeing back during the teaser this might have not happend.
4. The scene with lee after clem is shot being a dream: altho at the time i thought it was a dying dream.
Oh, that's another one I forgot. I knew Christa was pregnant as soon as she threw up.
I knew in ep 3 when her and omid were talking. Yet given the reveal it wasnt really meant to be a "shock"
Nick's death in Ep.4. More than shocked I was just like "really? That's how your gonna play a determinant character out?"
Luke sleeping with Jane was attended to be a shock because fans of Luke thought he was trustworthy but I knew that he'd crack.
It's funny how people will criticize Kenny fans for still being fond of him after all that "shit" his done, yet Luke bright as daylight betrayed the groups trust and didn't give a rats ass about a almost in labour woman being attacked by walkers, and was more focused on getting some chick jumping his bones.
I guess it's true, that the more of an asshole you are, the more you're accepted lol.