If Clem is on her own at the end...
Where do you think she is going? Or is she just surviving with no destination in mind?
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Where do you think she is going? Or is she just surviving with no destination in mind?
Gonna meet up with Christa.
It looks like she's going South since there isn't any snow. I don't think she has a real destination other than South where it's warmer.
It looked like Clem was in the plains again like at the end of Season 1. I think Clem isn't sure where she's going, but is determined to keep on moving until she finds a better place. Or maybe she's just going to Mexico to get that taco.
If they rehash Christa i will seriously stab myself in the eyes and post it on tumblr.
She is going to the beach I think she said she liked the beach in Season 1.
We don't need another Kenny story. What is funny is i liked Kenny sorta. The whole drama between Kenny and Jane, killed my love for Kenny. Now i don't want to see him ever again. I am quite content with him walking off in the sunshine with Clementine. I don't need to see him anymore, as for Christa i hated her from the start of the game. I never liked her, and if they rehashed her back into the story it would be Kenny 2.0.
They don't have to rehash her story, they can make a new one for her. And it's not Kenny 2.0 because her situation was much more survivable than his. (two guys with one weapon in an open area as opposed to a gazillion walkers in a closed space.) And they would be able to find each other because they both started in the same place, and were headed to the same place. They might have taken the same route to get there. I mean, if we did meet up with her, it would be at Wellington.
Honestly I have no idea, but if I had to make a guess it would be Wellington, but is completely lost since she does not where exactly it is or is still trying to get there since she is by herself taking care of a baby.
I'm with you, I don't know why so many people like Christa, she's never been one of my favorites and I'm perfectly fine with her being kept out of the story.
Clementine finding Christa just seems another I got lucky situations.
It does, and I agree with the writers that they should just keep her unknown and out of the story. They already brought Kenny back, no need to do it again.
She will keep going south until she reaches the tip of south america, she will then find Kenny's lost fishing boat which had drifted all the way down and waited for her, she will then get onto the boat and go to Antarctica
I dont know but i am excited on season 3 the waiting its killing me
That's the dumbest idea ever.
That was the point, it's sarcasm.
Earlier in the episode, Clementine can show an interest in heading to Mexico.
That might be where she's heading... Somewhere nice and warm.
I hope Christa is not in it again too, she is the reason Clementine is so miserable throughout S2.
I don't want Kenny also to get omid'ed so that would be another reason why i don't want him in S3. I liked the ending where they walked out in the sunset together.
Partly, imagine taking that emotional abuse
Ever been to mexico? LOL
Because she has always been a strong character who only became stronger in the few moments we saw of her in season 2, where we learn that she has suffered the deaths of Omid and her child, and nevertheless has kept Clementine alive for sixteen months on their own, not counting all the time she had with her when Omid was still alive. She's kept her alive for longer than anyone in the post-apocalyptic era, including Lee. I understand her fandom a lot more than I do Nate's, that's for sure.
She had an interesting setup, and then she got sidelined forever. Not too surprising, granted, considering the modus operandi of season 2 appeared to be: "quickly, cut out the interesting characters after a bit of development so we can put the lion's share of focus on the least interesting characters!" But that doesn't change the fact that it was an insult to cut her story short in order to resurrect a story that was finished and complete already.
If the writers truly hold to that stupid "sometimes we just don't know what happens to some people" line of thought, I'll roll my eyes so hard I'm liable to get a painful headache. It's an excuse for laziness disguised as "realism", nothing more.
She wants to be a drug warlord in Mehico.
It should've been christa at the lodge and not kenny. Choosing between her and jane woulda been more interesting to me. Christa and Jane are very similar, but christa was more maternal. I could see them butting heads over Clem and the group's future
I thought christa was better for Clem and she could've been a great character for the series
She easily could.
And AJ could be her drug mule...
Clem would go to Russia
She could have it set in her mind that the whole "cold slows the walkers" theory is false, thus she could be heading somewhere south. I mentioned in a thread somewhere that it would be cool if Clem ended up back in Georgia at her old house. The setup could be like this:
Clementine is dirtier than ever, exhausted, frustrated, and broken. She has had the longest journey of her life. She acts as if she doesn't know where she is going, but her heart knows where exactly. She trudges through a forest. She sees an old, abandoned, top-sided police cruiser. Next to it are skeletal remains in a police uniform. Her heart is now racing. She picks ups her pace. A walks turns brisk. Her brisk stride increases. She is now jogging. Her heart is screaming. Clem doesn't know why, but she is now in a full sprint. There is no one... nothing around her. She sprint towards a fence. Clueless as to why, she knows she must climb it. She climbs over the fence and falls in its back yard.
Clem desperately tries to regain her breath. She looks and notices the house, a pool, a tree, and on top of the tree, a worn out treehouse that is barley standing. It sets in. Clem starts to grab a hold of what just happened. She closes her eyes as her heart speaks. "I'm home." This is the first time in years she has every truly meant that simple phrase.
She opens the sliding door. The pungent smells over powers her from the corpse that laid before it. Still, however, her heart pushes her onward. The first step through the door floods every fiber of her being with old memories and emotions. Her heart rate rises yet again. Her throat becomes tight. Her eyes burn. It's clearly evident that this house has been untouched since the day she left. She walks onward, slowly.
As she makes her way though the living room, she spots something on the ground. It's the family photo. Tears run down her face as she runs her dirty rugged fingers across the dusty picture frame. Deep within her soul, she tries to rekindle her the warmth of her parents love and embrace. Her heart interrupts her. She is pushed onward. She must go up the stairs.
Every step becomes harder as she climbs the stairs. Every step is a memory. Every memory brings backs a sensation. The smells, the sounds, the tastes, the textures; it all becomes more and more alive. Clem finally reach to top. She sees her parents room, still untouched as it was when they left for Savannah. The bed is neatly made. Her mom's forgotten lipstick still sits on the dresser. Her dad's work bag still is in the corner. She can hear all the loving voices of her parents again. She struggles to enter the room. As she touches the bed, her mind is refreshed of all the times she came in and slept with her parents during storms and how she would jump on them early on Saturday mornings just to wake them up and say "I love you." Clementine weeps. She questions why she is even torturing herself will all of this. But, it's what her heart wants. And, what her heart wants is down the hall from her parents room.
She moves slowly. It is as if a gust of wind is blowing, trying to prevent her proceeding. Her heart takes over. She fights the repression, the doubt, the fear, and the regret. She touches the door handle connected to the white door with two pink and one yellow flowers painted on the front. Clem groans in pain as she turns the handle. Painful memories bombard her as she rotates her hand clockwise. This is a moment she needs. To move beyond the pain that has been built up and suppressed all these years, to tear down this wall of empty emotions that has isolated her heart, she must open this door.
The door slowly creeks open. Clementine becomes weak, almost to the point where she can't even stand on her own two feet. Her heart cries out as her enters her room. Untouched, it is completely untouched. Everything is exactly where she left it. All her old toys, personal belonging, and clothes just sit there, awaiting her return. Clem can barely breath as she observes her personal belongings. While tears flood her face, she laughingly looks at her old clothes, noticing how small they are now that she has grown significantly since then. She looks on her dresser and see two pictures: one is a picture of her family she drew in class and the other is a photograph of her and her parents at her last birthday party. She grabs the two pictures and heads to her bed. On her bed is a teddy bear she used to sleep with when her parents weren't home. She clutches the bear and the pictures as she lies down. The walls are gone. Her heart is no longer suppressed. It can be heard, and it cries out. Every emotion that has been built up over the past years rushes out. Clementines cries become screams. She screams not to be heard, but to be unheard of... to be invisible. To just for for one moment vanish, vanish away from this world and to feel. To feel safety. To feel love. To feel, just one last time, what it is like not be in hell, but to be in heaven.