Most anticipated episode ?
What episode were you most anticipating throughout the whole WD series and why? Which episode just had you dying to play/download? The episode that you kept checking the net/app/forums for ? Etc.
For me it was episode 2 for both seasons. Reason being: 1. when season 1 ep. 2 came, I was SOOOO broke (college student at the time). Didn't have the $5 for the episode and I couldn't even buy it when it was out so it killed me to wait a whole 2 weeks for my next pay check and I was too prideful to ask to borrow $5 for a video game at that. 2. Season 2, the fate or Pete and "I thought you were dead" really had me wondering.
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Definitely S2 E5. The stupid cliffhanger with the Russians left me so on edge thinking about who would die. But no they decided to cop-out and change everyone's positions and guns (seriously, kill Luke there and make Bonnie determinant and nothing would really change, Mike could stop Kenny killing Arvo, Mike could drown at the river and make Bonnie if she lived go in after him and die, Kenny still beats Arvo, Arvo still shoots Clem, Jane+Kenny still fight. The only difference would be no amazing campfire scene but they could have thought of something).
All of them and any future episodes.
Well the endings of episodes 2 and 4, from S2, and episodes 2, 3, and 4 from S1, left me at the edge of my seat. But for me, every episode was highly anticipated.
Episode 1 of Season 2. Had to find out what Telltale was going to do with the story, especially after that reveal trailer of Clem running from a zombie.
A House Divided, because "I thought you were dead" and Carver
No Going Back. Firstly, because of it's rather ominous episode slide (I found that one more interesting than episode 4's actually), and secondly, because of Amid The Ruins' To'hajiilee-level cliffhanger.
No Time Left, because let's be honest, why wouldn't you be hyped about this one?
Season 2 finale, I was excited, anxious, freaking out, etc, thinking what could happen with the shootout and how that episode was so going to blow everything out of the water and just be a step up from the previous two before it...
I was so anticipating an awesome finale...and now look at me:
Now I wallow in disappointment before a massive poop to have plugged up my toilet of hype and expectations for Season 3. Just nuke it, I can't bear to empty my bowels and bladder into that thing anymore.
Well I'm sorry you didn't have the same experience I had with the finale (second favorite overall episode for me), but don't you think that's a bit of an over exaggeration to say you didn't like one episode so much that you won't even play Season 3. Don't judge something that's not even out yet, better yet, don't judge something you know nothing about.
It's called being dramatic darling >.> please pickle just roll with my humor here, I'm not that shallow of a gamer. I don't judge before I see, I'm just simply not looking foward right now to the unknown, and the unknown frightens me at this point. And it wasn't really one episode, there were a handful of things in the season that concerned me for what will come next.
Season 2 of episode 3. Goddamn i was so excited for that episode and i fucking loved it. I feel like im the only one who actually loved episode 3
Trust me, you are not. I loved Episode 3, my 4th personal favorite. Was it perfect, no, but it had some great moments that I enjoyed.
Alright, sorry if I came off harsh. I agree the unknown can be scary, but this is Telltale we are talking about, I have no doubt S3 will be great.
I like to look at it this way: Jurassic Park happened, and that game was regarded as a "miss" by quite a few people to say the least, but what ended up coming out not long after that? TWD S1.
It's fine...
Can I still eat your liver? >.> kinda hungry.
S2EP3. God damn I was so fucking hyped for it. Carver really got me interested and I wanted what the fuss was about at Carver's camp. Plus, 400 Days characters. But I was disappointed about the 4oo Days people, but I loved everything else.
Would you like some fava beans and a nice chianti.
Seems like more things ended up sinking instead
ok I made myself sad
Both episode 4s
Amid The Ruins. Although it didn't turn out how it originally looked like it would have, I still enjoyed it immensely. Unlike 98% of the forum
(you can imagine how lonely it feels at times >.>)
I know how you feel, I often feel like the only guy on here that will defend Episode 3 when 98% of the forums hate that episode.
I would say S2 E4.
I actually had never even heard of the game until S2 was just about to release E2, so I didn't anticipate any of S1s episodes. But Amid the Ruins caught my eye the most and then No Going Back and In Harm's Way. (I wont get into whether or not I was disappointed or not)
I remember being pretty hyped for Around Every Corner on this forum a while ago.
There were some pretty crazy theories back then.
episode 5 for season 1&2 for me
Fortunately for me,I didn't get season 1 and season 2 until xmas just gone, so I didn't have to wait for any of the episodes.That being said, I am full of anticipation in how telltale games are going to tackle 5 different endings. So for me, episode 1 of season 3 and any news of who (if anyone) will be back in season 3.
Amid the Ruins. Too bad it sucked though.
Season 1 Episode 3, Even though it let me down completely and Jolene's little cliffhanger wasn't used at all what-so-ever. I still loved it and I anticipated it highly
Ha, Yeah, there were. There still is!
I enjoyed it too, I might be one of the Two precent that feel like the episode was done perfectly, Kawaii lord Green
My second favourite of Season 2 (behind 'A House Divided')
Ha, More like put things into the water. I miss luke, He was super Chill and Cool, it was quite sad to see his Frosty cool character to be given the cold shoulder so badly.
Bruh, I thought you hated Amid The Ruins :P
I hated episode 5,1, and 2. Amid the ruins and In Harms way were the best. But I changed my mind about a lot of shit. I've had a long 2 months to think about life off these forums, and I realized being a bully and hating shit was not a good way of life, I replayed the game and all episodes are my favs now.
I'd say Starved for help too.
I wonder why people hate episodes 3, 4, 5...
I wonder why people liked Season 1?
Mainly, S2 E1, E2, and E5. I'd say the one I was most anticipated for was E1 of S2, because I was literally counting the days until it released.
S2E4 after cutting off Srita's arm at the end of episode three I was dying to see what Kenny would do.
A House Divided, came here everyday for news.
I didn't play S1 until like a week before S2E1 launched, so I guess none of those episodes count (though it was one of those games when I started I just couldn't stop).
In S2 I was most anticipated for S2 E3 and S2 E5.
I enjoyed the episode as well, though it's still my least favorite as it contains the only scene in the series that I've ever felt the need to complain about.
I also understand your loneliness, I think I'm one of five or six people who still likes Arvo around here.