Technically every character is pointless if you think about it :P the whole deal with how people join groups is they just happen to be in the right place at the SAME time.
I'm ready for 'em saltlick attacks! YOLO BEYOTCH!!!
* I loved to play as Lee more than playing as Clementine.
* I don't like Christa.
… more * I hated the fact that Clementine spend 2 years with Christa while she spent only 4 months with Lee. No point being Lee Everett there.
* Even though I'm not a hardcore Luke fan, before the "No Going Back" I was expecting to see a Luke ending.
* Jane is a pointless character.
* Even though I hated his off-screen death (just like Chuck's. Irony, huh?), I didn't care about Nick that much.
* Dream sequence in "No Going Back" was the best emotional scene in the entire second season for me.
* I don't like Chuck's character. Way back in S1, telling Clementine she's going to die like Duck, pisses me the f**k off. WTF is wrong with you, old douche? I was disappointed that there was no "[SMACK THE S--T OUT OF CHUCK USING HIS GUITAR]" option.
* I used to care about Clementine a lot in S1, but now... not so m… [view original content]
I mean, i do agree with you that without Kenny (along with Nick and Sarah), i wouldn't have finished season 2. but everyone else does have different preferences and doesn't think the same as us. its not a bad thing they don't either, just dont speak for other people even if some do agree with you.
And no matter how much i adore Kenny with all my heart, i still think the other characters needed at least a little more screen time (especially the cabin group, who were all supposed to be main characters)
Warning: the following are all my honest opinions.
* I hate Luke. He is a Mary Sue at his best and an unlikeable tool at his worst. GOO… moreD LOOKS DON'T WARRENT A GOOD CHARACTER! Would have gladly had him take Nick's place.
* Clem should have never been a playable character. It killed her personality from the first game, made all the events of Season 2 unbelievable and stupid, and generally made me stop caring about Clem.
* I liked that Kenny came back and stole everyone's screen time. He was Season 1's most developed character and all of Season 2's good characters were killed off/backgrounded anyway. He saved Season 2 from being unplayable.
* There should have been a way to have Clem die at the end of Season 2. I don't want to play as her again and seeing her in Season 3 will just remind me how badly they messed up Season 2.
* Jane is my most hated character of The Walking Dead full stop. I'm not sure if this is really considered unpopu… [view original content]
I mean, i do agree with you that without Kenny (along with Nick and Sarah), i wouldn't have finished season 2. but everyone else does have d… moreifferent preferences and doesn't think the same as us. its not a bad thing they don't either, just dont speak for other people even if some do agree with you.
And no matter how much i adore Kenny with all my heart, i still think the other characters needed at least a little more screen time (especially the cabin group, who were all supposed to be main characters)
I mean, i do agree with you that without Kenny (along with Nick and Sarah), i wouldn't have finished season 2. but everyone else does have d… moreifferent preferences and doesn't think the same as us. its not a bad thing they don't either, just dont speak for other people even if some do agree with you.
And no matter how much i adore Kenny with all my heart, i still think the other characters needed at least a little more screen time (especially the cabin group, who were all supposed to be main characters)
* I dislike Nick very much (impulsive, angry, tried to kill Clementine and killed Mathew) and found it hard to see why people loved him so m… moreuch.
* I thought Kenny vs Jane was a great choice and much more difficult than Kenny vs Luke (I would choose Luke in a heartbeat).
* I think Lilly was a great person (I replayed Season 1 and began to see all the good things in her), and she did something bad, but I have completely forgiven her for killing Carley/Doug.
* I loved Amid the Ruins, and can't see why people hate it (if it's because of the deaths of Nick and Sarah, I still can't see how ot would ruin the entire episode).
* I always liked Mike, and still do even after the Arvo thing (if he's without Bonnie, he won't take all the supplies).
Not really, because no one is evil one hundred percent of the time. It just isn't realistic, it made the character boring for me. MR SUPER BAD GUY, with no redeeming qualities., ok.
Everyone has redeeming qualities. From the most vile human, to the most revered.
IMO Carver was seen through a perspective, as a evil dude. People aren't evil. People are just people. I feel like we were robbed of a chanc… moree to get to know the character, and we were only shown one side of him.
To be fair, given that we're a bunch of prisoners and dissenting ex-members of his community, it makes sense that we would only really see him from that perspective. These characters have pretty much cemented themselves on his bad side.
Was that for me xD. Well here you go if you want a Saltlick's opinion :P
I loved to play as Lee more than playing as Clementine
I agree with that sometimes
I don't like Christa.
I wouldn't say I "Don't like" her but I'm definitely not a member of her fan club
I hated the fact that Clementine spend 2 years with Christa while she spent only 4 months with Lee. No point being Lee Everett there
Her relationship with Lee was the most special, Her relationship with Christa was very cold after Omid's death and nothing happened (Even though in that 2 Year Period they could have made like 3 Seasons out of that)
Even though I'm not a hardcore Luke fan, before the "No Going Back" I was expecting to see a Luke ending.
I was expecting to see a Luke ending but I'm in a small group that never really cared about Luke that much (He was kewl but I think he was over rated)
Jane is a pointless character
Depends what you mean by "pointless" but I didn't like that she resembled to Molly so much.
Even though I hated his off-screen death (just like Chuck's. Irony, huh?), I didn't care about Nick that much.
I didn't care about him until it was too late......Now I like him but back then I didn't care for him.
Dream sequence in "No Going Back" was the best emotional scene in the entire second season for me.
Think it was for a lot of people, And agreed.
I don't like Chuck's character. Way back in S1, telling Clementine she's going to die like Duck, pisses me the f**k off. WTF is wrong with you, old douche? I was disappointed that there was no "[SMACK THE SHIT OUT OF CHUCK USING HIS GUITAR]" option.
A little harsh from my view but he's a character (Like Luke) that a ton of people love and I liked them but I didn't seem to care as much as everyone else.
I used to care about Clementine a lot in S1, but now... not so much.
I still care for her A LOT and when she was shot I flipped out but I will admit I don't care about her as much as I did for Season 1 Clem (The hate begins...)
Vince is the only 400 DAYS character that I actually cared about. I wanted him to join Clem's group instead of Bonnie The Female S**tbird.
I liked Russel a lot, And for joining Clem's group;400 days wasn't really that important
I was expecting to see Lee critisizing Clementine's choices in that dream sequence in "No Going Back"
I was thinking that was possible, Depending on the choices
Sarah and Pete are the only Cabin Group members I cared about. But of course they're dead! (THANKS OBAMA... I mean... THANKS TELLTALE!)
The only person I cared about in the Cabin Group was Pete, then when I came to like Nick (After a second play through and his shitty death in EP4), And I thought Luke + Alvin were nice but I didn't care about them that much.
I'm ready for 'em saltlick attacks! YOLO BEYOTCH!!!
* I loved to play as Lee more than playing as Clementine.
* I don't like Christa.
… more * I hated the fact that Clementine spend 2 years with Christa while she spent only 4 months with Lee. No point being Lee Everett there.
* Even though I'm not a hardcore Luke fan, before the "No Going Back" I was expecting to see a Luke ending.
* Jane is a pointless character.
* Even though I hated his off-screen death (just like Chuck's. Irony, huh?), I didn't care about Nick that much.
* Dream sequence in "No Going Back" was the best emotional scene in the entire second season for me.
* I don't like Chuck's character. Way back in S1, telling Clementine she's going to die like Duck, pisses me the f**k off. WTF is wrong with you, old douche? I was disappointed that there was no "[SMACK THE S--T OUT OF CHUCK USING HIS GUITAR]" option.
* I used to care about Clementine a lot in S1, but now... not so m… [view original content]
* I have always liked Kenny, from the moment I first saw him in the barn in A New Day.
* I actually liked Jane until the end of Amid The Ru… moreins.
* I feel Carver was a very good character.
* I did not like Clementine in Season 2.
* I hate the alone ending.
* Mark was wasted.
* Luke was vastly underdeveloped.
* I hate Sarah.
* I hate Carlos.
* I hate Lilly.
* I like Larry.
* I like Nick more than Luke.
* I thought Amid The Ruins had a good ending.
* I hate No Going Back.
* A House Divided is the best of Season 2.
* Around Every Corner is vastly underrated.
* I did not like Long Road Ahead Christa.
* I still like Mike.
FRACK! I GOT SALTREKT! Good saltlicking, @Saltlick123! My urban powers... I'm... dying... before I go to the "Urban Heaven" t... take... THIS GIF AND SHOVE IT UP YO A- diesand died
I'm ready for 'em saltlick attacks!
Was that for me xD. Well here you go if you want a Saltlick's opinion :P
I loved to play a… mores Lee more than playing as Clementine
I agree with that sometimes
I don't like Christa.
I wouldn't say I "Don't like" her but I'm definitely not a member of her fan club
I hated the fact that Clementine spend 2 years with Christa while she spent only 4 months with Lee. No point being Lee Everett there
Her relationship with Lee was the most special, Her relationship with Christa was very cold after Omid's death and nothing happened (Even though in that 2 Year Period they could have made like 3 Seasons out of that)
Even though I'm not a hardcore Luke fan, before the "No Going Back" I was expecting to see a Luke ending.
I was expecting to see a Luke ending but I'm in a small group that never really cared about Luke that much (He was kewl but I think he was ov… [view original content]
I think people overreacted when Kenny yelled at Clem.
I don't get why people like Luke. Ever since episode 1, I never got why he was so s… morepecial. He was bland, weakly developed, and we basically didn't know the guy from a hole in the ground. It was the same throughout the entire season and overall, I couldn't care less when he died. Sure, he was a nice guy... But that was probably it for me. Didn't hate him... Didn't like him either.
Sorry, I went on far too long with the Luke thing. Every goddamn time someone says they love Luke I just- I just don't get it!
I actually liked Arvo. Sure, I was never actually nice to him in-game, but I can't hate him. I just can't. I don't know why. I respect him for shooting me, since I was a really big dick towards him. He took a stand, made his mark on Clem... Literally. You know, probably left a scar... Nvm. Just don't ever shoot her again, pls.
That's it, I think.
Oh, and I love… [view original content]
FRACK! I GOT SALTREKT! Good saltlicking, @Saltlick123! My urban powers... I'm... dying... before I go to the "Urban Heaven" t... take... THIS GIF AND SHOVE IT UP YO A- dies and died
Why does Arvo deserve a worse death than Carver? He shot one girl he thought had murdered his sister in cold blood, while Carver killed people based on what he thought they might do to his community in the future.
Honestly, I don't think anyone deserves a horrible death.
I don't mean this to come off the way it sounds, but I'm just curious. If you hate Clementine as much as you say you do, it just seems surprising that any episode from Season 2 is your favorite from the series. I'm not insulting you in anyway, frankly I'm with you in that I love the episode (not my overall favorite but my 2nd favorite), I was just curious.
* Kenny is my favorite character in the game and I always save him.
* I was never a huge fan of Luke.
* I don't want Clementine in The Wal… moreking Dead Season 3.
* I liked Amid The Ruins.
* No Going Back is my favorite episode of the game.
* Walking Dead is not my favorite Telltale game.
* I was fine with Sarah's death.
* I never liked Rebecca.
* I really like Becca from 400 days.
* I am still a fan of Bonnie's and I don't hate her.
* As I said earlier I really don't like Clementine.
In Harm's Way gets way more flak than it deserves. It makes mistakes, and it has quite a few consistency problems when it comes to its cast, sure, but it's really not that bad.
In Harm's Way is the most underrated episode of the season and is my personal favorite of the season (along with A House Divided). I also was not a big fan of No Time Left, the only memorable moment being the ending of course.
Nate is also overrated as fuck and I don't understand why people try to sympathize with him. If he never returns in the series, it'd be too soon for me.
Pete is not exactly my favorite character. Yeah, he is nice and all but I just din't care enough about him, probably because we din't spend enough time with him and the fact that he can die at the end of episode 1 or live only at the beggining of episode 2.
As I said Kenny is my favorite character, so his scenes in No Going Back really knocked it out of the park for me. Plus I didn't find Clementine quite as annoying in episode 5.
I don't mean this to come off the way it sounds, but I'm just curious. If you hate Clementine as much as you say you do, it just seems surpr… moreising that any episode from Season 2 is your favorite from the series. I'm not insulting you in anyway, frankly I'm with you in that I love the episode (not my overall favorite but my 2nd favorite), I was just curious.
Why does Arvo deserve a worse death than Carver? He shot one girl he thought had murdered his sister in cold blood, while Carver killed peop… morele based on what he thought they might do to his community in the future.
Honestly, I don't think anyone deserves a horrible death.
Well, this is the unpopular opinions thread, friend.
It's got opinions... In the name. You think Arvo should be killed brutally? Okay. Whatever floats your boat.
You can't trust a woman as much as you can't trust a man. Women can be rapists and pedophiles too, not to mention the freedom that comes with a Zombie Apocalypse.
Pete is not exactly my favorite character. Yeah, he is nice and all but I just din't care enough about him, probably because we din't spend … moreenough time with him and the fact that he can die at the end of episode 1 or live only at the beggining of episode 2.
its the fact hes reffering about underage girls that made me say that, woulda been the same if he had said Nick or Luke instead of Sarah
Technically every character is pointless if you think about it :P the whole deal with how people join groups is they just happen to be in the right place at the SAME time.
I mean, i do agree with you that without Kenny (along with Nick and Sarah), i wouldn't have finished season 2. but everyone else does have different preferences and doesn't think the same as us. its not a bad thing they don't either, just dont speak for other people even if some do agree with you.
And no matter how much i adore Kenny with all my heart, i still think the other characters needed at least a little more screen time (especially the cabin group, who were all supposed to be main characters)
Okay, bad use of words. I in no way meant to say my opinion overrules and apologise nevertheless.
I liked S2 Kenny
Vanilla ice...
its ok yo, dun worry about it
That opinion is very popular.
Hardly a rarity. as you can observe above.
Ohhhh woops, I thought you were making a joke about Luke's death :P
Nope haha. Those are overused.
Yeah, they definitely are!
Funnily enough, Clem can still accuse both of them for taking all of the supplies, even when she only sees the one bag.
I don't want anything to do with it.
Not really, because no one is evil one hundred percent of the time. It just isn't realistic, it made the character boring for me. MR SUPER BAD GUY, with no redeeming qualities., ok.
Everyone has redeeming qualities. From the most vile human, to the most revered.
She still thinks babies comes from Kissing Stuff LOL "WUT A MAROON"
Was that for me xD. Well here you go if you want a Saltlick's opinion :P
I agree with that sometimes
I wouldn't say I "Don't like" her but I'm definitely not a member of her fan club
Her relationship with Lee was the most special, Her relationship with Christa was very cold after Omid's death and nothing happened (Even though in that 2 Year Period they could have made like 3 Seasons out of that)
I was expecting to see a Luke ending but I'm in a small group that never really cared about Luke that much (He was kewl but I think he was over rated)
Depends what you mean by "pointless" but I didn't like that she resembled to Molly so much.
I didn't care about him until it was too late......Now I like him but back then I didn't care for him.
Think it was for a lot of people, And agreed.
A little harsh from my view but he's a character (Like Luke) that a ton of people love and I liked them but I didn't seem to care as much as everyone else.
I still care for her A LOT and when she was shot I flipped out but I will admit I don't care about her as much as I did for Season 1 Clem (The hate begins...)
I liked Russel a lot, And for joining Clem's group;400 days wasn't really that important
I was thinking that was possible, Depending on the choices
The only person I cared about in the Cabin Group was Pete, then when I came to like Nick (After a second play through and his shitty death in EP4), And I thought Luke + Alvin were nice but I didn't care about them that much.
It's liked now due to me :P
Say that one more time! I dare ya! I double dare ya!
FRACK! I GOT SALTREKT! Good saltlicking, @Saltlick123! My urban powers... I'm... dying... before I go to the "Urban Heaven" t... take... THIS GIF AND SHOVE IT UP YO A- dies and died
How can you not hate Arvo? He deserves a more brutal dead than Carver.
Lol... Maroon. I know it was a joke man. XD
.... Shrugs I just think it would be cool. I feel no man can be trusted, ZA or Not, so having a woman if you're a woman is better.
Well, this is the unpopular opinions thread, friend.
It's got opinions... In the name. You think Arvo should be killed brutally? Okay. Whatever floats your boat.
I'm glad you remember bro. Good times, eh? And... don't worry...
Sometimes I think of bringing it back. All of them, The Kool Kenny Krusaders, Lee's Urbans, all of them. It would give TWD Forum something to do.
Why does Arvo deserve a worse death than Carver? He shot one girl he thought had murdered his sister in cold blood, while Carver killed people based on what he thought they might do to his community in the future.
Honestly, I don't think anyone deserves a horrible death.
I don't mean this to come off the way it sounds, but I'm just curious. If you hate Clementine as much as you say you do, it just seems surprising that any episode from Season 2 is your favorite from the series. I'm not insulting you in anyway, frankly I'm with you in that I love the episode (not my overall favorite but my 2nd favorite), I was just curious.
In Harm's Way gets way more flak than it deserves. It makes mistakes, and it has quite a few consistency problems when it comes to its cast, sure, but it's really not that bad.
In Harm's Way is the most underrated episode of the season and is my personal favorite of the season (along with A House Divided). I also was not a big fan of No Time Left, the only memorable moment being the ending of course.
Nate is also overrated as fuck and I don't understand why people try to sympathize with him. If he never returns in the series, it'd be too soon for me.
Pete is not exactly my favorite character. Yeah, he is nice and all but I just din't care enough about him, probably because we din't spend enough time with him and the fact that he can die at the end of episode 1 or live only at the beggining of episode 2.
As I said Kenny is my favorite character, so his scenes in No Going Back really knocked it out of the park for me. Plus I didn't find Clementine quite as annoying in episode 5.
He didn't just shoot a girl. He shot little CLEMENTINE. Whoever does that, deserves to die.
Yea, it's the unpopular opinions thread. You liked Arvo, I hate Arvo. You probably don't think he deserves to die, I want him dead.
You can't trust a woman as much as you can't trust a man. Women can be rapists and pedophiles too, not to mention the freedom that comes with a Zombie Apocalypse.
I just don't like his character. I like his story for the same reason; Nate.
I feel the exact same way about him. When he died, I was just like "Aw, well, it was bound to happen."