Wow, that's some powerful shit. I hope your uncle is okay and doesn't have first-responder sickness.
Flight 93 crashed not too far from where I lived, but I was quite young (9) and dumber than a bag of hammers, so the horror of what happened didn't really register with me until well after the fact.
In a strange way, I owe my interest in foreign policy to the attacks and theevents that followed. Eventually, I started asking questions like "why do they hate us?", "why did the Taliban help Bin Laden?" Those question lead me down the rabbit hole of politics and Middle Eastern history and shaped my outlook on the world.
I know it's been fourteen years, but I still get emotions from the attacks. My mother's family is from New York. My uncle is NYPD detective… more. He dug through the rubble for six months. Every time he came home he took some of debris home for his garden. Every time he came home my mom told me he was always dusty, and his shower drain also got clogged, but he didn't know why. He called the plumber and he fixed it for a week. It got clogged again and my uncle yelled at the poor plumber. My aunt apologized for his behavior and the plumber said he would take it and unclog it every time because he couldn't do what my uncle was doing. He also privately told my aunt that the dust was that of people who died in the towers and the towers themselves. Once they finished the clogs stopped happening.
My grandfather, my uncle's dad, was FDNY. Since so much of the leaders was lost he was called back up, the then 65 year old man, He was position at a station… [view original content]
My uncle doesn't seem to have much problems, physical at least, but it shook him up definitely. He and his partner found this certificate of a woman who worked in the towers, and informed the daughter. They went to the company of the girl, and everyone was there to see them give the certificate, all that remained of her to the daughter. They didn't understand why everyone came.
Wow, that's some powerful shit. I hope your uncle is okay and doesn't have first-responder sickness.
Flight 93 crashed not too far from … morewhere I lived, but I was quite young (9) and dumber than a bag of hammers, so the horror of what happened didn't really register with me until well after the fact.
In a strange way, I owe my interest in foreign policy to the attacks and theevents that followed. Eventually, I started asking questions like "why do they hate us?", "why did the Taliban help Bin Laden?" Those question lead me down the rabbit hole of politics and Middle Eastern history and shaped my outlook on the world.
Thanks, ehh boxing isn't my thing but I am physically fit for my age and gender(I pass above average on all my physical exams in Physical education for as long as I've been in school, probably because in the past few summers me and friends used to go to the park for "exercise" or something related to that). I hope all these thoughts vanish completely now that I have advice from you guys .
I'm sorry I taught you were a guy that's why I was so harsh on the sister part and I wish you the best of luck being a boxer myself girls wh… moreo can box and protect themselves are awesome
You should do boxing to to get that anger out
You seem smart and know how to protect yourself you going to do great you will learn just make sure to only talk to people you completely trust on the feelings which trouble you some people just want the gossip more to spread then actually helping you so really important to learn how to but with the right people in your life
Yeah I think you will be fine and do awesome things in the future you will get over all this and be a happy person
Well......I do have a friend I really trust but at the same time she doesn't understand stuff like this. Doctors nowadays don't do shit, if … morethey get paid by the hour then they'll probably just do an examination and say "Oh just rest a couple of days". I didn't get any type of medicine when I went to the hospital but I did drink this "stress reliever" thing as my mom said. It's called Ultra Doceplex. I started to drink it daily, within a month I actually started to feel better. Later I got back onto the forums for a cheer-up. It's been better without the issues. When I had the issues me and my dad didn't talk for a month, I was really upset about it. Everytime I went to a public area I used to get really pissed off by people who weren't even talking to me.
As long as you feel okay, that's all that matters. But if you have a feeling it'll come back or does, I hope you are able to seek therapy.
Good luck. If you need to talk to anyone, I'm available.
You feel you are entitled to something, and you aren't going to get it.
Someone has done something to hurt you or someone you care about.
You're mad at yourself because of something you did badly, when you thought you should have been able to do better.
And there may be a couple others that I missed.
The next time you get angry, pause and see if you can figure out which category your anger's cause falls within. If your anger has no apparent cause at all, maybe it was caused earlier in the day by something else, and it's only manifesting itself now.
If you figure out the cause, then you have a way forward.
Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state.
Around late Mar… morech I was overweight and I didn't really care since I wasn't like very overweight, until one day in May my friend pointed it out. He said "Have you gained weight?" I said "No" because I didn't know I was that overweight. After this I did realize I was getting more overweight. I decided once summer started I will try to lose weight, so I did and I lost around 5 pounds from June to August. Was it wrong I listened to him? I know being extremely overweight is bad for you health but I listened to one person and that changed my lifestyle for a bit. What if it was more than one, if one person can basically change one thing about me what if I had to change more than one thing just because someone called me out on it. I would do military curls ups for christ around 50 a day. I know it's good I lost wei… [view original content]
Here are the "normal" reasons to get angry:
* You feel your rights have been violated.
* You feel you are entitled to something, and y… moreou aren't going to get it.
* Someone has done something to hurt you or someone you care about.
* You're mad at yourself because of something you did badly, when you thought you should have been able to do better.
And there may be a couple others that I missed.
The next time you get angry, pause and see if you can figure out which category your anger's cause falls within. If your anger has no apparent cause at all, maybe it was caused earlier in the day by something else, and it's only manifesting itself now.
If you figure out the cause, then you have a way forward.
Thanks, it helped me a great deal.
The log is something I kept going even after I got off the offending medications. I try not to let it… more show here, but I've always been a bit of a combative asshole. Keeping a journal has been vital in helping me keep Angry Max from shitting on all my personal relationships.
You want to take your anger out on something inconsequential? Play some Dynasty Warriors. That game is GREAT for relieving stress. Just remember not to play for too long or you'll get burned out.
Well I've never really told anybody about this but I might as well say it now. It's about my self-image and mental state.
Around late Mar… morech I was overweight and I didn't really care since I wasn't like very overweight, until one day in May my friend pointed it out. He said "Have you gained weight?" I said "No" because I didn't know I was that overweight. After this I did realize I was getting more overweight. I decided once summer started I will try to lose weight, so I did and I lost around 5 pounds from June to August. Was it wrong I listened to him? I know being extremely overweight is bad for you health but I listened to one person and that changed my lifestyle for a bit. What if it was more than one, if one person can basically change one thing about me what if I had to change more than one thing just because someone called me out on it. I would do military curls ups for christ around 50 a day. I know it's good I lost wei… [view original content]
Got one of those mini controllers for my xbone because it was cheap than found out the fucking thing doesn't have any way to plug your mic in so now if i want to talk online i'll have to shell out 60 buck for a brand new controller and another 20 for a mic god damn i could buy a lot more with that money
I'm not one to usually rant, but I feel like getting it out of my system. It's rather controversial. Now, yesterday Capcom announced a new Resident Evil based game (spin-off mind you) for it's 20th anniversary. Umbrella Corps. A multiplayer shooter with a Resident Evil theme as the backdrop, a silly fun low budget game for friends to play on. I for one find it interesting. However, not so much when it comes to the rabid dogs of the fan base. Right off the bat, I see people bitching and whining about it. Saying it's not the old school style, it's survival horror, Capcom hasn't learned it's lesson, fuck you Capcom, it's not this, it's not that, blah blah blah!
I swear I've never seen such immaturity of this scale in my life. It has to be THEIR WAY, Capcom can't have any control of their projects. When it comes to abusive relationships between fans and a company, people point fingers at the company, but they never look at themselves. It's true people can have their opinions, but it doesn't mean they're always right. Capcom has every right to choose a game they see fit for production. The real problem is much of the Resident Evil fandom. Stuck in the past, selfish and unappeasable nostalgia fanatics. Capcom has given the people what they're looking for with REmake Remaster, RE0 Remaster, and REmake , even the Revelations series. And yet that doesn't seem to be good enough. It always has to be one way, it has to be the old school way. Such self-centered entitlement. There's also something ironic, some called this game "Call of Evil" a mock of COD. These people make fun of Call of Duty which never changes its gameplay throughout each title, yet the make fun of a game that has differences in gameplay when it's Resident Evil. Such hypocrisy. They should glad Capcom even thinks about them. Capcom has to cater to all kinds of fans, not just one category. People need to accept change, accept the past is over, the present is now. And you wonder why Albert Wesker hated people so much. Like...
I think people are just frustrated with capcom, because they had a series like resident evil, and it turned to shit after four. I personally don't care what they do anymore. I lost pretty much all interest in this series. In my opinion, i think they should just focus on re releasing the games the fans want, like a resident evil 2 remake, possibly three. Megaman Legends, etc.
I'm not one to usually rant, but I feel like getting it out of my system. It's rather controversial. Now, yesterday Capcom announced a new R… moreesident Evil based game (spin-off mind you) for it's 20th anniversary. Umbrella Corps. A multiplayer shooter with a Resident Evil theme as the backdrop, a silly fun low budget game for friends to play on. I for one find it interesting. However, not so much when it comes to the rabid dogs of the fan base. Right off the bat, I see people bitching and whining about it. Saying it's not the old school style, it's survival horror, Capcom hasn't learned it's lesson, fuck you Capcom, it's not this, it's not that, blah blah blah!
I swear I've never seen such immaturity of this scale in my life. It has to be THEIR WAY, Capcom can't have any control of their projects. When it comes to abusive relationships between fans and a company, people point fingers at the company, but they never look at themselves. It's tru… [view original content]
I'm not one to usually rant, but I feel like getting it out of my system. It's rather controversial. Now, yesterday Capcom announced a new R… moreesident Evil based game (spin-off mind you) for it's 20th anniversary. Umbrella Corps. A multiplayer shooter with a Resident Evil theme as the backdrop, a silly fun low budget game for friends to play on. I for one find it interesting. However, not so much when it comes to the rabid dogs of the fan base. Right off the bat, I see people bitching and whining about it. Saying it's not the old school style, it's survival horror, Capcom hasn't learned it's lesson, fuck you Capcom, it's not this, it's not that, blah blah blah!
I swear I've never seen such immaturity of this scale in my life. It has to be THEIR WAY, Capcom can't have any control of their projects. When it comes to abusive relationships between fans and a company, people point fingers at the company, but they never look at themselves. It's tru… [view original content]
Pretty much , they're doing a Konami right now. They should of realised by not listening to the fans, it will cause them to go bankrupt. I think last year they were pretty close to bankruptcy. Then they came out with the RE Remake for steam, and made some money off that.
Maybe it's cultural. In America, "the customer is always right" is the cornerstone of business. I'm not sure sure if the same attitude prevails in Japan.
Pretty much , they're doing a Konami right now. They should of realised by not listening to the fans, it will cause them to go bankrupt. I… more think last year they were pretty close to bankruptcy. Then they came out with the RE Remake for steam, and made some money off that.
I'm not one to usually rant, but I feel like getting it out of my system. It's rather controversial. Now, yesterday Capcom announced a new R… moreesident Evil based game (spin-off mind you) for it's 20th anniversary. Umbrella Corps. A multiplayer shooter with a Resident Evil theme as the backdrop, a silly fun low budget game for friends to play on. I for one find it interesting. However, not so much when it comes to the rabid dogs of the fan base. Right off the bat, I see people bitching and whining about it. Saying it's not the old school style, it's survival horror, Capcom hasn't learned it's lesson, fuck you Capcom, it's not this, it's not that, blah blah blah!
I swear I've never seen such immaturity of this scale in my life. It has to be THEIR WAY, Capcom can't have any control of their projects. When it comes to abusive relationships between fans and a company, people point fingers at the company, but they never look at themselves. It's tru… [view original content]
Mortal Kombat X is cancelled for Xbox 360 and PS3.
What's infuriating is that the game was developed with Unreal Engine 3, which enables the game to be ported to last-gen consoles.
I'm pissed right now ;_;
Fair enough. Perhaps I was overzealous (is that the word?) considering my history with immature people so it makes me bitter. I do agree Capcom has made some questionable decisions, as much as I wanted the scary approach with RE5 (beta was very interesting) and witnessing some mishaps in RE6, I still managed to enjoy them because I accepted them. I try to be a fair critic when it comes to video games. I just find it tedious as soon as a game's announced people shit on it. Otherwise I have no real problem if the person has a different taste in a genre or a game, etc. I try to be fair in other's opinions unless I think it's complete bullshit. I think at least the best thing to do play it to try it (if a demo is available, or you have someone who has it) or give time to learn more about it first before the bashing.
They're offering a product that the majority of their customers don't want
While that may seem like the case on the internet, we should also count the community outside the internet. I'm certain most people who like this genre just doesn't use the internet as much and doesn't comment considering how toxic it is. Haters tends to bark the most in many occasions. Anyway the simple matter of fact is that this is a shooter with Resident Evil as the backdrop. It's not meant to be directly tied to the series. There's no big deal out of it. It's just like every other game, if you don't want it, don't get it. You can't expect a company to make a game you'll like all the time, and you can't force a company into cancelling a project if it's not in your tastes. This game will sell regardless, Capcom needs the money to keep going as they work on bigger projects. This game is only filler, no big deal. Would I have wanted a better announcement? Perhaps, but I just accept what they're doing. And besides, what if it sells well by surprise? That money can be used into the production of projects such as REmake 2.
Only relations it has is the concept of playing as professionally trained Umbrella soldiers and that it has multiplayer, a shooter genre with grittiness in a Resident Evil theme. :P But if they have the cast from ORC as unlockable characters then that'll bind the ties with ORC (I enjoyed the story and cast but didn't care for its multiplayer). ORC wasn't the best game, but it wasn't the worst either.
Only relations it has is the concept of playing as professionally trained Umbrella soldiers and that it has multiplayer, a shooter genre wit… moreh grittiness in a Resident Evil theme. :P But if they have the cast from ORC as unlockable characters then that'll bind the ties with ORC (I enjoyed the story and cast but didn't care for its multiplayer). ORC wasn't the best game, but it wasn't the worst either.
Okay, fair point. It does seem a bit like it. I'd try it myself but I got no PS4 at the moment (saving up for one next year), the multiplayer does seem pretty okay. I heard the cover system is sorta like how Watch Dogs does it, and they got some neat weapons (with the classic cheesy style in the names). It could be fun, even better than ORC's multiplayer. But I'm holding onto my chips until it comes out since I could be wrong.
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a internet video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. Maybe she'll feel something when someone kills themselves after watching one of her hate videos.
She a attention whore and everyone feeds her even the media and you can see on her face she loves it mission successful she hit a nerve and now got the attention she craves and the money from the views
There is a thing called thin preveilge where they are PC
She won't and make more edgy videos as it worked last time, gain more attention, gain more views and subs = More money the best thing people can do is ignore her and her videos this was all planned to get famous as long as the money keeps rolling in she don't give a f**k how.
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a interne… moret video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. M… [view original content]
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a interne… moret video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. M… [view original content]
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a interne… moret video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. M… [view original content]
If you're talking about the video where the first thing the girl says is she has semen in her hair, that's where I stopped watching. She's obviously one of THOSE people.
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a interne… moret video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. M… [view original content]
I haven't really been on here often but I just remember about this thread and I think it's a really good time to vent right now. The followi… moreng might be to long:
This year might probably be one if the worse years of my life as in now. Everything has gone to shit and I feel like I am trap in a situation that's either never gonna end or it's gonna end in a bad way. You see, I wrote on here that my anxiety was controlling my school life...well unfortunately it won. I had to drop out of school because it gotten to the point were I was afraid to go to school. I am planing to go to a once-a-week school cause I am doing a bit better thanks to therapy and meditation. I thought everything was gonna be alright but nope. I got a even bigger problem that I can't control. My family has been having issue mainly because of my dad. He accuses her of cheating even though she is not and I know this because she is always with me. We were always use to him thi… [view original content]
I don't know man, i just know that the things i've done wrong in my life, the older i get i have regrets. I'm sorry, but this girl if she ever got in my way i would destroy her emotionally, every way i could that i could get away with.. I would give her a verbal assault that would leave her PTSD traumatized, i hate this shit so much.
This is the shit that pisses me off, and you don't want to piss off a PTSD vet.
enter link description here
She a attention whore and everyone feeds her even the media and you can see on her face she loves it mission … moresuccessful she hit a nerve and now got the attention she craves and the money from the views
There is a thing called thin preveilge where they are PC
She won't and make more edgy videos as it worked last time, gain more attention, gain more views and subs = More money the best thing people can do is ignore her and her videos this was all planned to get famous as long as the money keeps rolling in she don't give a f**k how.
Wow, that's some powerful shit. I hope your uncle is okay and doesn't have first-responder sickness.
Flight 93 crashed not too far from where I lived, but I was quite young (9) and dumber than a bag of hammers, so the horror of what happened didn't really register with me until well after the fact.
In a strange way, I owe my interest in foreign policy to the attacks and theevents that followed. Eventually, I started asking questions like "why do they hate us?", "why did the Taliban help Bin Laden?" Those question lead me down the rabbit hole of politics and Middle Eastern history and shaped my outlook on the world.
My uncle doesn't seem to have much problems, physical at least, but it shook him up definitely. He and his partner found this certificate of a woman who worked in the towers, and informed the daughter. They went to the company of the girl, and everyone was there to see them give the certificate, all that remained of her to the daughter. They didn't understand why everyone came.
Thanks, ehh boxing isn't my thing but I am physically fit for my age and gender(I pass above average on all my physical exams in Physical education for as long as I've been in school, probably because in the past few summers me and friends used to go to the park for "exercise" or something related to that). I hope all these thoughts vanish completely now that I have advice from you guys
As long as you feel okay, that's all that matters. But if you have a feeling it'll come back or does, I hope you are able to seek therapy.
Good luck. If you need to talk to anyone, I'm available.
Thanks, I never knew there were this many good people on the forums
Here are the "normal" reasons to get angry:
And there may be a couple others that I missed.
The next time you get angry, pause and see if you can figure out which category your anger's cause falls within. If your anger has no apparent cause at all, maybe it was caused earlier in the day by something else, and it's only manifesting itself now.
If you figure out the cause, then you have a way forward.
It used too be out of no reason, I was/still am impulsive. I'll take y'all advice and see how it goes from now.
Mortal Kombat X is cancelled for Xbox 360 and PS3.
What's infuriating is that the game was developed with Unreal Engine 3, which enables the game to be ported to last-gen consoles.
I'm pissed right now ;_;
Just be careful , my best friend shot himself in the hand when we were kids.
I gave all my anger to god. It was poisoning me to the core.
You want to take your anger out on something inconsequential? Play some Dynasty Warriors. That game is GREAT for relieving stress. Just remember not to play for too long or you'll get burned out.
Got one of those mini controllers for my xbone because it was cheap than found out the fucking thing doesn't have any way to plug your mic in so now if i want to talk online i'll have to shell out 60 buck for a brand new controller and another 20 for a mic god damn i could buy a lot more with that money
I'm not one to usually rant, but I feel like getting it out of my system. It's rather controversial. Now, yesterday Capcom announced a new Resident Evil based game (spin-off mind you) for it's 20th anniversary. Umbrella Corps. A multiplayer shooter with a Resident Evil theme as the backdrop, a silly fun low budget game for friends to play on. I for one find it interesting. However, not so much when it comes to the rabid dogs of the fan base. Right off the bat, I see people bitching and whining about it. Saying it's not the old school style, it's survival horror, Capcom hasn't learned it's lesson, fuck you Capcom, it's not this, it's not that, blah blah blah!
I swear I've never seen such immaturity of this scale in my life. It has to be THEIR WAY, Capcom can't have any control of their projects. When it comes to abusive relationships between fans and a company, people point fingers at the company, but they never look at themselves. It's true people can have their opinions, but it doesn't mean they're always right. Capcom has every right to choose a game they see fit for production. The real problem is much of the Resident Evil fandom. Stuck in the past, selfish and unappeasable nostalgia fanatics. Capcom has given the people what they're looking for with REmake Remaster, RE0 Remaster, and REmake , even the Revelations series. And yet that doesn't seem to be good enough. It always has to be one way, it has to be the old school way. Such self-centered entitlement. There's also something ironic, some called this game "Call of Evil" a mock of COD. These people make fun of Call of Duty which never changes its gameplay throughout each title, yet the make fun of a game that has differences in gameplay when it's Resident Evil. Such hypocrisy. They should glad Capcom even thinks about them. Capcom has to cater to all kinds of fans, not just one category. People need to accept change, accept the past is over, the present is now. And you wonder why Albert Wesker hated people so much. Like...
End rant.
I think people are just frustrated with capcom, because they had a series like resident evil, and it turned to shit after four. I personally don't care what they do anymore. I lost pretty much all interest in this series. In my opinion, i think they should just focus on re releasing the games the fans want, like a resident evil 2 remake, possibly three. Megaman Legends, etc.
As unpleasant as the fandom is, it's ultimately Capcom's fault. They're offering a product that the majority of their customers don't want
Pretty much , they're doing a Konami right now. They should of realised by not listening to the fans, it will cause them to go bankrupt. I think last year they were pretty close to bankruptcy. Then they came out with the RE Remake for steam, and made some money off that.
Maybe it's cultural. In America, "the customer is always right" is the cornerstone of business. I'm not sure sure if the same attitude prevails in Japan.
Well let's have a little perspective here. This new game they announced is basically Operation Raccoon City.
I was about to say, "Did I travel back before Operation Raccoon City was released"
Maybe they just changed the name to Umbrlla Corps from Operation Raccoon City 2: Raccoon Harder.
youre fucking kidding me i cant even afford a ps4 now im super pissed
Maybe it won't be so bad. I played Operation Raccoon City, and that game sucked.
I don't even have a PS4 or a XBOX One.
But the devs were able to make an iOS port.
i dont know why they made an ios port but not ps3/xbox its ridiculous
that game was crap and the spec ops missions werent any better but i got it for dirt cheap preowned so im not complaining
Fair enough. Perhaps I was overzealous (is that the word?) considering my history with immature people so it makes me bitter. I do agree Capcom has made some questionable decisions, as much as I wanted the scary approach with RE5 (beta was very interesting) and witnessing some mishaps in RE6, I still managed to enjoy them because I accepted them. I try to be a fair critic when it comes to video games. I just find it tedious as soon as a game's announced people shit on it. Otherwise I have no real problem if the person has a different taste in a genre or a game, etc. I try to be fair in other's opinions unless I think it's complete bullshit. I think at least the best thing to do play it to try it (if a demo is available, or you have someone who has it) or give time to learn more about it first before the bashing.
While that may seem like the case on the internet, we should also count the community outside the internet. I'm certain most people who like this genre just doesn't use the internet as much and doesn't comment considering how toxic it is. Haters tends to bark the most in many occasions. Anyway the simple matter of fact is that this is a shooter with Resident Evil as the backdrop. It's not meant to be directly tied to the series. There's no big deal out of it. It's just like every other game, if you don't want it, don't get it. You can't expect a company to make a game you'll like all the time, and you can't force a company into cancelling a project if it's not in your tastes. This game will sell regardless, Capcom needs the money to keep going as they work on bigger projects. This game is only filler, no big deal. Would I have wanted a better announcement? Perhaps, but I just accept what they're doing. And besides, what if it sells well by surprise? That money can be used into the production of projects such as REmake 2.
Only relations it has is the concept of playing as professionally trained Umbrella soldiers and that it has multiplayer, a shooter genre with grittiness in a Resident Evil theme. :P But if they have the cast from ORC as unlockable characters then that'll bind the ties with ORC (I enjoyed the story and cast but didn't care for its multiplayer). ORC wasn't the best game, but it wasn't the worst either.
Yeah, I got it for like 12 dollars.
Right, so it has the same concept. We'll just have to wait and see how it turns out.
Okay, fair point. It does seem a bit like it. I'd try it myself but I got no PS4 at the moment (saving up for one next year), the multiplayer does seem pretty okay. I heard the cover system is sorta like how Watch Dogs does it, and they got some neat weapons (with the classic cheesy style in the names). It could be fun, even better than ORC's multiplayer. But I'm holding onto my chips until it comes out since I could be wrong.
Love gears of war hate the online community all your aloud to use the gnasher and if use any weapon other than that you get screamed at
Boltok or nothing.
This is something i don't really do often, but i'm going to talk about something that i saw and it bothers me in a way. There was a internet video of this girl who was "fat shaming people to be edgy/for subscribers.
Is this really who we are becoming? Personally, maybe because i lived a hard life when i was younger that make me more i guess sympathetic to people. I don't really feel good about this, her gaining subscribers, it just blows my mind. Maybe i am the one who is crazy, maybe it is ok to sell the world out to make yourself Rich. I don't know man, i just have a real problem with everyone hating on bigger people, when everyone is all PC about everything else. It feels like such a double standard, and it makes me wonder why society lets this happen?
That girl has some serious mental problems, and she is just projecting her pain onto others, plus to make herself famous.
I don't know when i got older, i had a lot of guilt. Maybe she'll feel something when someone kills themselves after watching one of her hate videos.
enter link description here
She a attention whore and everyone feeds her even the media and you can see on her face she loves it mission successful she hit a nerve and now got the attention she craves and the money from the views
There is a thing called thin preveilge where they are PC
She won't and make more edgy videos as it worked last time, gain more attention, gain more views and subs = More money the best thing people can do is ignore her and her videos this was all planned to get famous as long as the money keeps rolling in she don't give a f**k how.
I've seen that video. Bitch should mind her own business, not everyone can be a rail-thin twig like her.
If you're talking about the video where the first thing the girl says is she has semen in her hair, that's where I stopped watching. She's obviously one of THOSE people.
Your mom got arrested because she defended herself? What the hell is that!?
Just got braces and they're fucking killing me at the moment.
I don't know man, i just know that the things i've done wrong in my life, the older i get i have regrets. I'm sorry, but this girl if she ever got in my way i would destroy her emotionally, every way i could that i could get away with.. I would give her a verbal assault that would leave her PTSD traumatized, i hate this shit so much.
This is the shit that pisses me off, and you don't want to piss off a PTSD vet.