I don't know man, i just know that the things i've done wrong in my life, the older i get i have regrets. I'm sorry, but this girl if sh… moree ever got in my way i would destroy her emotionally, every way i could that i could get away with.. I would give her a verbal assault that would leave her PTSD traumatized, i hate this shit so much.
This is the shit that pisses me off, and you don't want to piss off a PTSD vet.
I feel your pain man, I endured them for 4 years.
I stopped feeling much pain a few weeks after the initial appointment, so don't worry about the pain for too long. Try not to think about it I guess.
I know it depends on the person, but if that makes you feel better, braces never bothered me so much. Yeah, the first days were tough, and using dental floss was a pain in the ass, but after I got used to it, it wasn't so bad, really.
And this is coming from a guy who had to wear braces for 4 years. :P
I'll try not to be biased so I'll imagine it in a different view snake and Diamond dog solders are all women in top of the range armor and weapons suddenly a male character appears with a sniper to join and just wears a speedo the whole game alongside you fighting a war?
Honestly I would think to myself that's pretty dumb and stupid in this game with that guy so I'd pick the dog as my companion for the game instead it would not stop me buying the game or be offended enough for me to attack anyone over it I just think yeah that element is pretty dumb in this game and laugh a bit then get over it and do the next mission not that big a deal to me
I love creativity and free speech let companies make their games to the best of their ability and if it has elements which you don't like or offends you DON'T PLAY IT don't support it vote with your wallet sales will always decide if they continue to make games like it. instead support a game which you enjoy the world is full of rules and regulations games are fun as their a chance to enjoy an adventure without any strings, rules or regulations which daily life brings so bringing in all this political correction and triggers will destroy this median imo. Creativity and imagination in games should have no chains attached it will only destroy stories and open a pandoras box of censorship.
This world isn't all raindows and sunshine I'm afraid either they need to use different elements on sensitive issues in this world sometimes to tell a story they want to tell
Some guys called it feminists propaganda because the girls in the film were so badass wtf how could you even come to that conclusion in an awesome action flick it's sexist because the girls are badass your the problem >:(
I'm going off topic keep it short I could rant for ages
Anyway what is your opinion on Quiet? and your opinion on censorship and political correctness in gaming?
Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet. I'm just curious because it's extremely odd.
Also, those who complain about the female leads being badass and dominant are just morons. Fuck them.
Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet. I'm just curious because it's extremely odd.
Also, those who complain about the female leads being badass and dominant are just morons. Fuck them.
Calls my question dumb then expects me to respect and answer your's
Lol. I wasn't calling your question dumb bro. It's a good question to ask others opinions on as it is a controversial topic. I was calling my question dumb because I haven't played MGSV yet and don't know anything about it.
So I'll retype it: Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet.
your opinion on censorship and political correctness in gaming?
I think it's a relevant question in modern gaming and I'm interested… more on peoples opinion on it
Dumb question and I haven't played MGSV, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I'm just curious because it's extremely odd.
Also, those who complain about the female leads being badass and dominant are just morons. Fuck them.
Calls my question dumb then expects me to respect and answer your's
I'm sorry then my fault I misinterpreted the comment
As for the question my nephew deleted my save 35 hours in by accident yesterday I never got to the part which explains it I probably won't try again for a while tbh XD But ingen explains it in his spoiler tag
Calls my question dumb then expects me to respect and answer your's
Lol. I wasn't calling your question dumb bro. It's a good quest… moreion to ask others opinions on as it is a controversial topic. I was calling my question dumb because I haven't played MGSV yet and don't know anything about it.
So I'll retype it: Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet.
I'm sorry then my fault I misinterpreted the comment
As for the question my nephew deleted my save 35 hours in by accident yesterday I ne… morever got to the part which explains it I probably won't try again for a while tbh XD But ingen explains it in his spoiler tag
Why is that chick going to war in a bikini? Christ.
Anyway, I'm anti-censorship in video games. I personally thought GTAV was quite sexist at times, but it's grand theft auto, it was never designed to be a shining example of egalitarian values.
I know it depends on the person, but if that makes you feel better, braces never bothered me so much. Yeah, the first days were tough, and u… moresing dental floss was a pain in the ass, but after I got used to it, it wasn't so bad, really.
And this is coming from a guy who had to wear braces for 4 years. :P
By the way, is it normal for them to brace only one side? Because my top teeth are the only ones braced at the moment. They said it's dangerous or some shit to put both of them on at the same time, so I'm getting my bottom teeth braced next month.
I know it depends on the person, but if that makes you feel better, braces never bothered me so much. Yeah, the first days were tough, and u… moresing dental floss was a pain in the ass, but after I got used to it, it wasn't so bad, really.
And this is coming from a guy who had to wear braces for 4 years. :P
By the way, is it normal for them to brace only one side? Because my top teeth are the only ones braced at the moment. They said it's dangerous or some shit to put both of them on at the same time, so I'm getting my bottom teeth braced next month.
Haven't encountered her yet, I'm only like 8% in. So speaking from ignorance, I can tell you she is a strong, independent woman and she can wear whatever she wants.
As for censorship and political correctness in general, I'm against them for the most part. Obviously something has to be done to protect the children from all the vileness, but I think that should be as far as it goes.
I just beat Metal Gear, and the ending didn't make any sense. So like you kill Skullface, and Pyscho mantis baby gives Liquid the doomsday ENglish virus.
It was stupid, stupid stupid. Who wrote this? After playing this game, it really gave me a appreciation for METAL GEAR 2. DIE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
Not like my usual edgy posts your used to but a personal post for once
Six months ago my Dad has been having pains and blood I won't go into detail but very obvious signs of cancer he went into the doctor and he said your fine take some pain killers and everything will be awesome come back in a month then his doctor took a holiday for a month he planned
My Dad doesn't trust doctors his a war vet with PTSD his experiences has been bad with them he thinks they are all full of sh*t tbh
Anyway through his contacts in the army he managed to get an immediate appointment in the hospital it was clear something was very wrong with him who then gave him a scan TURNED OUT HE HAD CANCER and not just that if he had waited a month for the doctor like he asked him to even if he waited a few weeks of that month it would of spread and he would of been dead.
He got an operation later and his kidney removed successfully lots of chemo he was getting weaker and sicker
I couldn't concentrate in my college anymore I was in a different city and my dad was very sick, So I told my college look I have to look after my dad his very sick the most important thing to me is family more important then anything else I have to go. They let me take a break as they like me in the college and didn't want me to leave forever I'm one of the top students in my class plus they understood my reasons so last 3 weeks I looked after my dad in his house who is very weak and sick
This week my brother stepped in to mind him and asked me to go back to college and come back for my breaks
So this week back in college everyone was delighted to see me but I still felt on edge plus first week I'm back the biggest exam of the year is on this week more pressure and I missed all the preparation for it minding my dad
I got news
My Dad got his test results he got the complete all clear on his cancer today he already feels stronger and happier now better then ever
I also studied and did the test this week and I knew it all I definitely got top marks
I don't like putting my problems on other people so I never told anyone only my family and college knew or wanted to post negative/Depressing stuff here or if people knew treat me differently so I waited till my story had a happy ending before I post it here and today is that day
Keep your head up endure stay positive and everything always turns out ok believe me
That's so great man, I'm glad your dad is all clear and hope that shit stays gone forever! Nothing is worse than the helplessness of watching a loved one go through that.
Not like my usual edgy posts your used to but a personal post for once
Six months ago my Dad has been having pains and blood I won't go i… morento detail but very obvious signs of cancer he went into the doctor and he said your fine take some pain killers and everything will be awesome come back in a month then his doctor took a holiday for a month he planned
My Dad doesn't trust doctors his a war vet with PTSD his experiences has been bad with them he thinks they are all full of sh*t tbh
Anyway through his contacts in the army he managed to get an immediate appointment in the hospital it was clear something was very wrong with him who then gave him a scan TURNED OUT HE HAD CANCER and not just that if he had waited a month for the doctor like he asked him to even if he waited a few weeks of that month it would of spread and he would of been dead.
He got an operation later and his kidney removed successfully lots of chemo he was getting … [view original content]
That's so great man, I'm glad your dad is all clear and hope that shit stays gone forever! Nothing is worse than the helplessness of watching a loved one go through that.
Congratulations on ace-ing that test, as well!
Great to hear he's doing better and that you did good on that test
My Dad doesn't trust doctors his a war vet with PTSD his experiences has been bad with them he thinks they are all full of sh*t tbh
That can be tough, my dad's also a veteran and he seems fine with PTSD and mental stuff but from time to time he has physical problems, it can really be tough watching a loved one go through issues.
Not like my usual edgy posts your used to but a personal post for once
Six months ago my Dad has been having pains and blood I won't go i… morento detail but very obvious signs of cancer he went into the doctor and he said your fine take some pain killers and everything will be awesome come back in a month then his doctor took a holiday for a month he planned
My Dad doesn't trust doctors his a war vet with PTSD his experiences has been bad with them he thinks they are all full of sh*t tbh
Anyway through his contacts in the army he managed to get an immediate appointment in the hospital it was clear something was very wrong with him who then gave him a scan TURNED OUT HE HAD CANCER and not just that if he had waited a month for the doctor like he asked him to even if he waited a few weeks of that month it would of spread and he would of been dead.
He got an operation later and his kidney removed successfully lots of chemo he was getting … [view original content]
Braces are the worst thing ever.
I feel your pain man, I endured them for 4 years.
I stopped feeling much pain a few weeks after the initial appointment, so don't worry about the pain for too long. Try not to think about it I guess.
Fair enough
My dad has ptsd his a war vet I know to never piss off a ptsd vet tbh believe me XD
I'm sorry to hear this I never had braces but I'm sure you will get used to them after a while and the pain goes
OMH, that sucks, I had them for a year a few years ago, talk about a living hell for the first few days.....
I'm glad I never had to endure that.
Damn 4 years! And I thought 2 years was bad.
At least you got through it.
Especially when they cut up your damn cheeks.
Yea everyone around me say I'll get used to it. I mean, my sisters endured them for two years, so why not?
Living hell for sure dude. At least we get straight teeth at the end.
I know it depends on the person, but if that makes you feel better, braces never bothered me so much. Yeah, the first days were tough, and using dental floss was a pain in the ass, but after I got used to it, it wasn't so bad, really.
And this is coming from a guy who had to wear braces for 4 years. :P
A controversy I seen this week was SJW Vs gamers on the Character quiet in MGS Phantom Pain
Whats your opinion on the character Quiet in MGS 5?(might be small spoilers)
enter link description here
enter link description here
I'll try not to be biased so I'll imagine it in a different view snake and Diamond dog solders are all women in top of the range armor and weapons suddenly a male character appears with a sniper to join and just wears a speedo the whole game alongside you fighting a war?
Honestly I would think to myself that's pretty dumb and stupid in this game with that guy so I'd pick the dog as my companion for the game instead it would not stop me buying the game or be offended enough for me to attack anyone over it I just think yeah that element is pretty dumb in this game and laugh a bit then get over it and do the next mission not that big a deal to me
I love creativity and free speech let companies make their games to the best of their ability and if it has elements which you don't like or offends you DON'T PLAY IT don't support it vote with your wallet sales will always decide if they continue to make games like it. instead support a game which you enjoy the world is full of rules and regulations games are fun as their a chance to enjoy an adventure without any strings, rules or regulations which daily life brings so bringing in all this political correction and triggers will destroy this median imo. Creativity and imagination in games should have no chains attached it will only destroy stories and open a pandoras box of censorship.
This world isn't all raindows and sunshine I'm afraid either they need to use different elements on sensitive issues in this world sometimes to tell a story they want to tell
enter link description here
Already seen games taken away in Australia over offensive content
Even Mad Max movie I won't single out anyone
Some guys called it feminists propaganda because the girls in the film were so badass wtf how could you even come to that conclusion in an awesome action flick it's sexist because the girls are badass your the problem >:(
I'm going off topic keep it short I could rant for ages
Anyway what is your opinion on Quiet? and your opinion on censorship and political correctness in gaming?
Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet. I'm just curious because it's extremely odd.
Also, those who complain about the female leads being badass and dominant are just morons. Fuck them.
From how far I've gotten she breathes through her skin and uses photosynthesis. Doesn't eat.
I think it's a relevant question in modern gaming and I'm interested on peoples opinion on it
Calls my question dumb then expects me to respect and answer your's
Lol. I wasn't calling your question dumb bro. It's a good question to ask others opinions on as it is a controversial topic. I was calling my question dumb because I haven't played MGSV yet and don't know anything about it.
So I'll retype it: Dumb question, but why is Quiet dressed that way in particular? I haven't played MGSV yet.
Wow... that's weird dude. Thx. They seem to have taken advantage of the sex appeal a lot hehe.
I'm sorry then my fault I misinterpreted the comment
As for the question my nephew deleted my save 35 hours in by accident yesterday I never got to the part which explains it I probably won't try again for a while tbh XD But ingen explains it in his spoiler tag
It's alright man.
God damn that sucks.
XD genius idea I wonder which came first the idea for a character like this or what she looked like and wore and how would they make it make sense
There's concept art of her wearing regular clothes so it was probably something that happened down the line.
So... She's a plant? :P
Why is that chick going to war in a bikini? Christ.
Anyway, I'm anti-censorship in video games. I personally thought GTAV was quite sexist at times, but it's grand theft auto, it was never designed to be a shining example of egalitarian values.
2 of the girl in that gta vid weren't bad
Duuuude I just saw gameplay of Quiet and she's a fucking badass! I love it!
Yeah, and it was all worth it in the end. If they cut up your cheeks use that wax stuff, and by the time they're off you'll be glad you had them lol
Yea I should put on that wax right now actually. Thanks for reassurance
I still can't floss the back of my teeth yet.
It's annoying af dude.
Jeez dude 4 years. Well thanks for the reassurance man.
By the way, is it normal for them to brace only one side? Because my top teeth are the only ones braced at the moment. They said it's dangerous or some shit to put both of them on at the same time, so I'm getting my bottom teeth braced next month.
Yep! It's completely normal. I got my top teeth braced first, and few months later, my bottom teeth. Good luck!
Thanks mate!
Haven't encountered her yet, I'm only like 8% in. So speaking from ignorance, I can tell you she is a strong, independent woman and she can wear whatever she wants.
As for censorship and political correctness in general, I'm against them for the most part. Obviously something has to be done to protect the children from all the vileness, but I think that should be as far as it goes.
I didn't think any were that bad really I just added that video in to break up the text tbh I didn't want a wall of text
I just beat Metal Gear, and the ending didn't make any sense. So like you kill Skullface, and Pyscho mantis baby gives Liquid the doomsday ENglish virus.
It was stupid, stupid stupid. Who wrote this? After playing this game, it really gave me a appreciation for METAL GEAR 2. DIE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.
"i can't do anything sexist if i can't get away fromh hear" Lolwat?
Not like my usual edgy posts your used to but a personal post for once
Six months ago my Dad has been having pains and blood I won't go into detail but very obvious signs of cancer he went into the doctor and he said your fine take some pain killers and everything will be awesome come back in a month then his doctor took a holiday for a month he planned
My Dad doesn't trust doctors his a war vet with PTSD his experiences has been bad with them he thinks they are all full of sh*t tbh
Anyway through his contacts in the army he managed to get an immediate appointment in the hospital it was clear something was very wrong with him who then gave him a scan TURNED OUT HE HAD CANCER and not just that if he had waited a month for the doctor like he asked him to even if he waited a few weeks of that month it would of spread and he would of been dead.
He got an operation later and his kidney removed successfully lots of chemo he was getting weaker and sicker
I couldn't concentrate in my college anymore I was in a different city and my dad was very sick, So I told my college look I have to look after my dad his very sick the most important thing to me is family more important then anything else I have to go. They let me take a break as they like me in the college and didn't want me to leave forever I'm one of the top students in my class plus they understood my reasons so last 3 weeks I looked after my dad in his house who is very weak and sick
This week my brother stepped in to mind him and asked me to go back to college and come back for my breaks
So this week back in college everyone was delighted to see me but I still felt on edge plus first week I'm back the biggest exam of the year is on this week more pressure and I missed all the preparation for it minding my dad
I got news
My Dad got his test results he got the complete all clear on his cancer today he already feels stronger and happier now better then ever
I also studied and did the test this week and I knew it all I definitely got top marks
I don't like putting my problems on other people so I never told anyone only my family and college knew or wanted to post negative/Depressing stuff here or if people knew treat me differently so I waited till my story had a happy ending before I post it here and today is that day
Keep your head up endure stay positive and everything always turns out ok believe me
That's so great man, I'm glad your dad is all clear and hope that shit stays gone forever! Nothing is worse than the helplessness of watching a loved one go through that.
Congratulations on ace-ing that test, as well!
Thank you so much bro for the nice words
Great to hear he's doing better and that you did good on that test
That can be tough, my dad's also a veteran and he seems fine with PTSD and mental stuff but from time to time he has physical problems, it can really be tough watching a loved one go through issues.
I am meant to be getting them sometime, so I am intentionally neglecting my dental hygiene! Or at least I was.