Who will return for S3?

After Kenny's return in S2, I'm one of those people who believes that TT shouldn't try the same trick again in S3, or they'd risk ruining the realism of TWD and becoming too predictable. However, there are multiple candidates who could all make appearances in S3, so it'd only be fair to review their chances of coming back.

A lot of people would talk about Arvo and Mike as possible characters who will return, and I could see both making another appearance. For a start neither were confirmed dead, and TT themselves removed an option to shoot Mike when you find him trying to leave with Bonnie and Arvo. Unlike a lot of people I really liked Mike, and although I'd rather not see another character return Kenny-style I would be happy enough to see him again. As for Arvo though...

People also mention the possibility of Bonnie returning, but I'm not sure she will. She can die in S2 E5 and, unlike with Mike, they didn't remove that option. That indicates to me that, even if you don't let her drown, she won't make an appearance (she might appear in a DLC, but it's unlikely in my view that she'd return).

Another possibility is, of course, Christa, and if any of the listed characters was to make a return I'd rather it was her. Not because I like her, but just because she's not been gone too long or too short for it to seem unrealistic that she was trying to find Clementine. Personally I don't particularly like Christa but it'd be more realistic for her to return (though any character returning is unrealistic in itself).

An outside option for a return would be, of course Lilly. And though I hated her, seeing Lilly return would actually be very interesting, considering she as left behind in S1 E3 and, unlike Kenny, hasn't made an appearance. It's been so long that I'd be doubtful whether TT would ever bring her back, but (again, if they were t bring anyone back) she'd be the most intriguing return, especially if you were with Kenny at the time.

What do you guys think? Who's likely to make a return and who isn't? And do you want to see anyone return at all after Kenny?



  • I believe they said your ending will have some affect on your Season 3 beginning, so that could play into either Kenny, Jane, or no one returning.

  • I'm hoping Christa or Lilly come back as the PC. And your in game decisions dictate whether or not you run into Clementine during your play through (wherever she may be after your ending)

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I hope Mike, Bonnie and Arvo return as they are the most likely possibility and Arvo's one of my favorite characters. Unless they bring them back just for a stupid revenge scene and never use them again even if it is determinant, then I hope they remain unknown.

  • No Returning Unknown Characters for Season 3.

  • I really want Lilly to return mostly cause I want to see a Lilly VS Kenny ark, like Kenny makes his way back to Wellington and they realize that Lilly is it's leader.... maybe Christa for when Clementine is alone.... and Bonnie, Mike and Arvo go back to Howe's and we choose their fate, Jane would probably attack them though....

  • Walkers confirmed for season 3

  • edited March 2015

    A new PC is not happenng. sorry. (maybe in DLC, not in main.)

    Black-Op1 posted: »

    I'm hoping Christa or Lilly come back as the PC. And your in game decisions dictate whether or not you run into Clementine during your play through (wherever she may be after your ending)

  • I know Molly was more of a one-off character in season 1, but I wouldn't mind her returning. She was capable, but still had a human nature about her, unlike Jane. She even said that Clem reminded her of herself when she was younger and I am inclined to agree. Would be interesting to see how she's changed, if at all. Also, would she even remember or recognise Clem? After all, she was only there for a day and it's been a long time.

  • Dammit! I was hoping Lurkers would be confirmed..... :(

    Walkers confirmed for season 3

  • How is Arvo one of your favourite characters? He shot Clem :/

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I hope Mike, Bonnie and Arvo return as they are the most likely possibility and Arvo's one of my favorite characters. Unless they bring them

  • I agree completely, but unfortunately there's a lot to indicate that at least one character will re-appear

    No Returning Unknown Characters for Season 3.

  • Yea, I'd be interested to see Kenny and Lilly re-united to see what happened- would Lilly have forgiven him or would she just try to kill him?

    prink34320 posted: »

    I really want Lilly to return mostly cause I want to see a Lilly VS Kenny ark, like Kenny makes his way back to Wellington and they realize

  • I really hope not, Telltale should really just focus on new characters.

    I agree completely, but unfortunately there's a lot to indicate that at least one character will re-appear

  • That's someone I forgot to add. Yea, she was more human than Jane and I definitely liked her more. But unfortunately, like Lilly, it's unlikely :/

    I know Molly was more of a one-off character in season 1, but I wouldn't mind her returning. She was capable, but still had a human nature a

  • Agree completely. But after the whole success of the Kenny return, they will likely try the same thing again :(

    I really hope not, Telltale should really just focus on new characters.

  • No one. I loved Kenny but his return clearly overshadowed the development of the Cabin Group I was really starting to love. I would like Telltale to actually focus on brand new characters and develop them before killing them.

  • I was happy with Kenny returning, but the Cabin group could certainly be developed more and, yes, I agree that no one should return this time round.

    No one. I loved Kenny but his return clearly overshadowed the development of the Cabin Group I was really starting to love. I would like Telltale to actually focus on brand new characters and develop them before killing them.

  • edited March 2015

    Hopefully no one. I just want to start fresh. I originally wanted Clementine back but they'll just put her in worse positions than before. Better to leave her where she is at the moment.

  • [Heard sobbing something about the Luke over in the UK.]

  • Now that the cabin group is dead, I think the lurker legacy died with them.


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Dammit! I was hoping Lurkers would be confirmed.....

  • I think Lilly had begun to forgive Kenny...

    Yea, I'd be interested to see Kenny and Lilly re-united to see what happened- would Lilly have forgiven him or would she just try to kill him?

  • My returning characters list:

    1. Lilly
    2. Molly
    3. Mike
    4. Bonnie
    5. Fcuking Arvo
    6. 400 days group (???)
  • Its okay, hopefully it will be summer this time, so no frozen lakes to fall through must think positive, must think positive, must think positive

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Heard sobbing something about the Luke over in the UK.]

  • I don't really care anymore at this point.

  • I honestly don't see telltalegames adding 10 more characters to the game that will last many episodes and respond on your choices.

    they might make 10 characters or more, but they will kill them off quick or send them away from the PC. they will just be NPC's.

  • No one else should return, in reality Kenny shouldnt have returned because the chances of really finding him after Savana were 1 in a million

  • Hopefully no one.

  • I'm not sure what would happen with the 400 Days group- it'd be interesting if they did another DLC with those characters (who survived) after Howe's fell

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    My returning characters list: * Lilly * Molly * Mike * Bonnie * Fcuking Arvo * 400 days group (???)

  • True, though I liked his return. But after that high-profile return they shouldn't try the same trick twice.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No one else should return, in reality Kenny shouldnt have returned because the chances of really finding him after Savana were 1 in a million

  • I want see lilly and christa

  • He shot Clem because she killed his sister.
    I think he must have thought his sister had regained consciousness and was trying to get behind cover, and that clem just shot her like that.
    I don't think Arvo knew that his sister was a walker at that time.
    I think him shooting Clem was his way of revenge, or he was afraid that she would get Kenny's help and that Kenny would kill him.

    That's what I think.

    How is Arvo one of your favourite characters? He shot Clem

  • Eddie and Nate could return for S3.

  • Telltale loves taking away free will in the game. You will play as Arvo. All roads will lead to you killing Clementine.

  • Molly christa lilly

  • If TT actually did that... :(

    Kennyftw posted: »

    Telltale loves taking away free will in the game. You will play as Arvo. All roads will lead to you killing Clementine.

  • edited March 2015

    his sister was already dead. she was a zombie. 1st he lied about his sister being sick and blamed us ''me'' i didnt take away his meds, . then tried to frame me by taking away his meds? plus i was nice to him and yelled at kenny for being mean to arvo. are you serious he is your favourite character? i dont care about his sister all of us lost our entire families, clem has no one! basically she is an orphan since she was 9!!!!!!!!! and then this arvo who i was nice to and sided with him against kenny/jane, he then betrays me and they steal our only food which is basically a 010 from arvo. and then he shoots me?! we had no food and we are dead already with the cold. but no, he also steals our car! OMG. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! i cant. Bye kid.

    DyingWhale posted: »

    He shot Clem because she killed his sister. I think he must have thought his sister had regained consciousness and was trying to get behind

  • edited March 2015

    why should we care about the ''400 days group'' when telltale themselves didnt care to give them proper storyline and development? idk, but i really dont care at this point. i know that i wont see their faces in season 3 so why bother with their story when i know i wont see them again.

    I'm not sure what would happen with the 400 Days group- it'd be interesting if they did another DLC with those characters (who survived) after Howe's fell

  • edited March 2015

    If Season Three does in fact end up following Clementine's story once again (I really don't think it will), then the only character that I would care to have make a return is Kenny. Even in the case of leaving him and deciding to stay at Wellington, I think it's definitely possible that he could end up with Clem again. Especially if he stayed around the area or was eventually let into the community.

  • I think TT will carry on with Clem's story, to be honest. Why do you think they wouldn't, out of interest?

    When Kenny leaves Clem, I sort of get the feeling that he's gone for good: he's fulfilled his final purpose, protecting Clem and AJ, and he has nothing left to live for. I get the feeling that, if you left him, he'd probably kill himself and later in the series you might find his body.

    Belan posted: »

    If Season Three does in fact end up following Clementine's story once again (I really don't think it will), then the only character that I w

  • Did you even bother to read what I had said in the previous comment? Obviously not.
    And I think that he on stole the car to get away from Kenny who kept beating him . I don't even see why I'm even trying to tell you this because you obviously won't read this.

    Mercyva posted: »

    his sister was already dead. she was a zombie. 1st he lied about his sister being sick and blamed us ''me'' i didnt take away his meds, . th

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