Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Thx bruh :>

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeah, of course you can :P

  • Gortys: Hey Dad, I made a new friend (Badass Bruiser behind her)

    Rhys: (not even looking up from whatever he's doing) Did you clear it with your mom?

    Gortys: uhhh yeah!

    Rhys: Alright have fun and be safe

    Rhyiona's child: Can I go play with the bandits? Rhys: Yes

  • "Just make sure you come back with both arms and legs... or something."

    Rhyiona's child: Can I go play with the bandits? Rhys: Yes

  • I'm personally gonna pass on this chat thing if that's okay.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Pipas did give me permission to make a chatzy, he also suggested I could use two other chat websites also. So that's why I'm planing on maki

  • correct.

    Rhys, especially with all that zig zag nonsense and ice cream....

  • i was sitting on my chair and my cat jumped on me i had a hearth attack iam dying seriusly its 5 pm. halp!

    Now there's a raccoon messing with some shit outside.....great.....

  • edited September 2015

    I found somthing


  • edited September 2015

    Okay :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm personally gonna pass on this chat thing if that's okay.

  • It's 10 pm where I am m8, stop being scared of pussy.

    i was sitting on my chair and my cat jumped on me i had a hearth attack iam dying seriusly its 5 pm. halp!

  • We can't post Rhyiona all 24 hours everyday, but we became rather close here and going there now is more like meeting each other as best friends. We want to know each other and spend more time together is it that bad? Besides we've had several chat rooms, but it's absolutely not the same. Spamming is bad though, I agree.

    Also 'literally no rhyiona posts' isn't that literal, but that's just my opinion.

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    I kinda agree though. This thread literally has no Rhyiona posts. It's not like "Stealing" that we should just use a chatzy chat from the Rhysha's but their way is way more efficient. It's why we have so many comments and they don't.

  • I have to agree with this completely.

    buntingsir posted: »

    We can't post Rhyiona all 24 hours everyday, but we became rather close here and going there now is more like meeting each other as best fri

  • very very cute. <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I found somthing Source

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I have to agree with this completely.

  • Pretend I'm posting a gif cause this tablet is evil and I can't. ;-;

  • edited September 2015

    Soo anyone got some prompts? I'm still writing some things but it never hurts to have some extra ideas sooooo...

    EDIT:Probably shouldn't ask when 90% of people are sleeping.

  • edited September 2015

    Yeah, I know your pain, I'm on a tablet too right now ;~;

    It's okay. And isn't it that time when you usually go to sleep? Sweet Rhyiona dreams, Wolfie! ;3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Pretend I'm posting a gif cause this tablet is evil and I can't. ;-;

  • I might stay for another fifteen minutes but thanks in advance. <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    Yeah, I know your pain, I'm on a tablet too right now ;~; It's okay. And isn't it that time when you usually go to sleep? Sweet Rhyiona dreams, Wolfie! ;3

  • nice find .

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I found somthing Source

  • iam still here big brotha

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Soo anyone got some prompts? I'm still writing some things but it never hurts to have some extra ideas sooooo... EDIT:Probably shouldn't ask when 90% of people are sleeping.

  • iam not scared just shocked to death -,-

    It's 10 pm where I am m8, stop being scared of pussy.

  • My bad

    Shocked to death by pussy*

    That sentence can go two ways ;>

    iam not scared just shocked to death -,-

  • edited September 2015

    Rhyiona and their gang meeting Lilith's gang in Sanctuary.

    Only if you played all 3 games or at least Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Soo anyone got some prompts? I'm still writing some things but it never hurts to have some extra ideas sooooo... EDIT:Probably shouldn't ask when 90% of people are sleeping.

  • seriusly I need CPR

    My bad Shocked to death by pussy* That sentence can go two ways ;>

  • Sounds difficult to write but I'll attempt it and see how it goes, thank you!

    Rhyiona and their gang meeting Lilith's gang in Sanctuary. Only if you played all 3 games or at least Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel

  • guys i going home going bed (i miss my bed :"< ) soo see ya all <3

  • bai

    guys i going home going bed (i miss my bed :"< ) soo see ya all

  • np matey

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Sounds difficult to write but I'll attempt it and see how it goes, thank you!

  • I'm going to Penang for 4 days. There doesn't have TV and internet whatsoever.

    Thank goodness, I got my iPhone 4S, If I didn't have it or I'll be bored to death.

    I'll check on you guys as soon as possible.

  • edited September 2015

    Whoever made that did a good job

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I've got you fam :^)

  • Fiona is sick and has to stay in bed. So Rhys has to take care of her and whole house or they both become ill and have lovely time together.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Soo anyone got some prompts? I'm still writing some things but it never hurts to have some extra ideas sooooo... EDIT:Probably shouldn't ask when 90% of people are sleeping.

  • edited September 2015

    Good morning, guys! ~-^

    Omfg I have a headache from school. This is the worst day of my life ;-; Only Rhyiona can heal me ;-;

    How are you all, today? <3

  • Good

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, guys! ~-^ Omfg I have a headache from school. This is the worst day of my life ;-; Only Rhyiona can heal me ;-; How are you all, today?

  • i think i'm gonna start drawing some rhyiona:)

  • That's cool!

    Caoline posted: »

    i think i'm gonna start drawing some rhyiona:)

  • Ohh, thank you, you always give great prompts!

    Janek95 posted: »

    Fiona is sick and has to stay in bed. So Rhys has to take care of her and whole house or they both become ill and have lovely time together.

  • Nothing's changed much since last night.......oh

  • Story time

    I was going home and one guy walked up to me on the street out of nowhere. He said that I looked charming and was rambling something about the nice weather, his work and asked me where I was going. I think he wanted to get my phone number, but I was so confused and embarrassed, the only thing I could tell him was "Good luck with your work!" and then I ran away, because traffic light on my way started. I'm a horrible horrible person...

    Got me thinking that Rhys totally would be that kind of guy who starts a conversation with some girl and then just waits for her to realize that he needs her number.

    Moral of the story: HOLY SHIT RHYS just ask Fiona out already she won't ever assume that you want to be with her unless you say that looking straight into her gorgeous divine green eyes omg i'm so done goddammit

  • edited September 2015

    you dun goofed

    buntingsir posted: »

    Story time I was going home and one guy walked up to me on the street out of nowhere. He said that I looked charming and was rambling som

  • Lol nice story xD

    Moral of the story: HOLY SHIT RHYS just ask Fiona out already she won't ever assume that you want to be with her unless you say that looking straight into her gorgeous divine green eyes omg i'm so done goddammit

    Tfw Rhys is a craven ;-;

    enter image description here

    Just do it, Rhys, goddamn it ;___;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Story time I was going home and one guy walked up to me on the street out of nowhere. He said that I looked charming and was rambling som

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