Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Hey there, Clem! How's it hanging?

    Everyone has left to talk GOT and I'm left here... alone

  • Hey joey, glad you're here ^-^ pretty good how about you? (my real name is rose btw :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hey there, Clem! How's it hanging?

  • I'm good too, woke up early though (not a morning person). Yeah, I knew that but I wasn't sure if you were comfortable with me using your name.

    Hey joey, glad you're here ^-^ pretty good how about you? (my real name is rose btw

  • Ugh me neither I just want to crawl back into bed like a duvet monster

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    Don't worry, I'm fine with people using my name :3 are you okay with me using yours???

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    I'm good too, woke up early though (not a morning person). Yeah, I knew that but I wasn't sure if you were comfortable with me using your name.

  • Problem is I was at the sea a week ago and woke up early every day to go to the beach. Now my entire schedule is turned over, and I want to sleep late but I can't.

    Sure, go ahead, Rose!

    Ugh me neither I just want to crawl back into bed like a duvet monster Don't worry, I'm fine with people using my name are you okay with me using yours???

  • Beautiful name, Rose. :)

    Hey joey, glad you're here ^-^ pretty good how about you? (my real name is rose btw

  • Aww that's so sweet :3 your name is cool too

    Beautiful name, Rose.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • That is some serious tongue action right there!! XP

    rhonu posted: »


  • I let Asher live, I wanted a real man of action to be the saving grace of House Forrester. Also, having Asher man up and become a Lord would be interesting to see...

    Poor Rodrik though :(

    Kruzii posted: »

    It was a really hard choice.. but I let Rodrik survive in my main game.. what about you?

  • I don't think walking in the rain is that bad :)

    It's when you have to sleep in the rain that I start complaining :P

    Constant rain in Hong Kong right now. It has been raining for five days. And I have to go out...

  • I love the beach but I still find sand everywhere from various holidays! >_<

    When I went to California (which Is super far if you live in Britain ^-^) I woke up at 6:00 every day. I was so tired I slept for 2 days when I got back home

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Problem is I was at the sea a week ago and woke up early every day to go to the beach. Now my entire schedule is turned over, and I want to sleep late but I can't. Sure, go ahead, Rose!

  • You live in Britain as well?! XD

    I love the beach but I still find sand everywhere from various holidays! >_< When I went to California (which Is super far if you live in Britain ^-^) I woke up at 6:00 every day. I was so tired I slept for 2 days when I got back home

  • Ughhhh, this week went by too quickly for my liking :(

    Plus I start a second job next week so I may be on here less as a result... Working 6 days a week (3 days are 3 hour shifts at Blenheim Palace, the other 3 are 6-8 hour shifts at what was my very first job to begin with: SubWay)

  • Thank you! I chose Dave because it resembles my true name. And Arakin because I like to use that whenever I am on forum. :)

    Aww that's so sweet your name is cool too

  • Good luck on your new job, once I get home from Hong Kong, I have to start looking for jobs because I am having a gap year, no use sitting at home playing games all day when I can work and earn some money to buy games :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ughhhh, this week went by too quickly for my liking Plus I start a second job next week so I may be on here less as a result... Working

  • That is logic in a nutshell :P

    Well I'm going back to my first job, which I left thinking I'd never go back to it... Life is strange sometimes :/

    Good luck on your new job, once I get home from Hong Kong, I have to start looking for jobs because I am having a gap year, no use sitting at home playing games all day when I can work and earn some money to buy games

  • Ahaha, I see what you did there. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    That is logic in a nutshell :P Well I'm going back to my first job, which I left thinking I'd never go back to it... Life is strange sometimes

  • Lol, I still haven't played that game yet :P

    Is it any good???

    Ahaha, I see what you did there.

  • If you are looking for good dialogue, good characters and good story, I'd say that Telltale is clearly superior. Life is Strange doesn't have as good dialogue system as Telltale.

    Where Life is Strange is appealing to me, it is the extremely charming atmosphere, soul touching soundtrack and the more free-roaming gameplay. Personally, the story is a basic time traveling story with some really clever ideas. And when the scenes hits you emotionally, it really hits you emotionally.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Lol, I still haven't played that game yet :P Is it any good???

  • Oohhh I like the sound of it! :D

    Square Enix made it right? And the episodes take ages to be released?? XP

    I'll give it a go when I have some other games out the way first... Like Far Cry 4 and InFamous First Light.

    If you are looking for good dialogue, good characters and good story, I'd say that Telltale is clearly superior. Life is Strange doesn't hav

  • Nightwish - Planet Hell live

    So I was listening to this song by Nightwish (which happens to be the very first song of theirs I heard) and I will openly admit that this live version is better than the album version, it's more intense for a start :D

    Anyways, I feel that this song describes Pandora as a planet. And the song's name is Planet Hell so yeah :P

    Also, this is with their first singer, Tarja Turunen.

  • Square Enix publish the game, Dontnod is the developer. But to give Square Enix some credit, they were the only publisher who allowed Dontnod to follow their original vision with making the protagonist a girl.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oohhh I like the sound of it! Square Enix made it right? And the episodes take ages to be released?? XP I'll give it a go when I have some other games out the way first... Like Far Cry 4 and InFamous First Light.

  • Interesting...

    What is so wrong with a female protagonist? I swear the gaming industry can be so weird sometimes :/

    Square Enix publish the game, Dontnod is the developer. But to give Square Enix some credit, they were the only publisher who allowed Dontnod to follow their original vision with making the protagonist a girl.

  • yeh, both sides have their up and downs :/ but no choice is really satisfying

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I let Asher live, I wanted a real man of action to be the saving grace of House Forrester. Also, having Asher man up and become a Lord would be interesting to see... Poor Rodrik though

  • Aye, it is totally weird. Anyway, I'd say the story fits way better with the protagonist being a female.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Interesting... What is so wrong with a female protagonist? I swear the gaming industry can be so weird sometimes

  • By that point, Rhyiona will be confirmed, and there will be so many screenies of them together, the thread should be in overload! :D

    Guys? What happens when TFTB ends? Does this thread just die? (((

  • Actual sweet Rhyiona dreams! :o

    rhonu posted: »

    i don't remember all of it clearly, but it seems i really wanted those toys x)

  • Thank you so much!


  • Asher's death is more emotional cuz of Beskha imo :(

    Kruzii posted: »

    yeh, both sides have their up and downs but no choice is really satisfying

  • That's good at least...

    Aye, it is totally weird. Anyway, I'd say the story fits way better with the protagonist being a female.

  • Thank you! I've been missing this thread so much! ;-; Feels good to get a dose of Rhyiona again!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there Gold! It's been awhile since I've seen you around here. Welcome back!

  • Oh my, I've missed so much! :o

    Beautiful fanart, fanfics, the cute gif of the boy with a chicken, drama (!), page 400, Wolf's birthday!

    So even though it's a little late: Happy Birthday Wolfie! :)

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  • Thank you so much! <3

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Oh my, I've missed so much! Beautiful fanart, fanfics, the cute gif of the boy with a chicken, drama (!), page 400, Wolf's birthday! So even though it's a little late: Happy Birthday Wolfie!

  • I'm seeing some conflicting opinions on FNAF:

    On the one hand people admit that the game is creepy, suspenseful and has brilliant jumpscares (and apparently a bigger story judging by some of the comments on this thread)

    On the other hand, it is heavily criticized for having a horrible fanbase of whiny 10 year old's, and for being too simple to complete :/

    Opinions anyone? I am considering buying this game on Steam...

  • What is FNAF, if you don't mind me asking.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm seeing some conflicting opinions on FNAF: On the one hand people admit that the game is creepy, suspenseful and has brilliant jumpsca

  • Five Night's At Freddy's

    What is FNAF, if you don't mind me asking.

  • edited July 2015

    The fandom is horribly whiny. Can confirm.

    But the game itself? It seems like people think it's "in" and "hip" to hate popular things these days. The games are point and click and they're really not bad. At all.

    I like them, personally.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm seeing some conflicting opinions on FNAF: On the one hand people admit that the game is creepy, suspenseful and has brilliant jumpsca

  • edited July 2015

    the fandom is horribly whiny. can confirm.

    i can confirm that too! The fandom is just so fucking annoying. Even users like "human Freddy" are most likely to be kids who gets raged so easily.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The fandom is horribly whiny. Can confirm. But the game itself? It seems like people think it's "in" and "hip" to hate popular things these days. The games are point and click and they're really not bad. At all. I like them, personally.

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