Why destroy your fan base?
I doubt I will ever get an official response but hope that enough people talk about it, the people at Telltale will get the message.
In both the first, and second games virtually everyone you join up with dies. You form a type of bond with said characters, and they die. I understand the story is about Clementine, that's fine. I understand that zombie movies, and books in general are about survival, and death. That's fine. But to kill off so many characters the fans like baffles my mind. When playing the games I find that the most enjoyment is the social dynamics of your group, and the threats they face. When you kill off virtually everyone, you severe the connection a person feels for the game. You constantly have to start that connection over in the new game rather than having the roll over from the first. When playing the first game I found myself unable to stop playing it was so much fun.. The closer the game got to the end the less fun it was. By the end I almost felt sick. Season 2 came around. I bought it somewhat reluctantly but hoped it would be better. I wasn't. Although I found it entertaining it wasn't as fun, or entertaining as the first game. It felt more rushed, and more difficult to connect with the characters. One reason is because I already expected them to die, unlike the first game. When the third game comes out I will probably buy it. I guess that's because part of me see's so much potential in the story. I will probably feel it was worse than the others but hope drives me. I hope you guys will get it right.
I knew I'd end up using that picture again.
Did I ever tell you frozen lakes suck? >.>
The walking dead does this a lot
If they were concerned with "realism" Clementine would have been one of the first to die. Children, the elderly, the disabled, and the ill would be the first to die.
You may have mentioned it once or twice, maybe 1,956 times.
Honestly Luke is PERFECT example of in my opinion their stupidity. Ok I wasn't really much a fan of his. Didn't hate him, didn't love him, and preferred Kenny..... Then they all sat around talking. He opened up about his life before things went to shit. Bingo, I start liking the guy. He has become more real to me. Then they decide to kill him. When they do that over and over it's no longer entertaining. It's no longer meant to tug at your heart strings. What it does is build resentment. If it happens rarely it build suspense. "I hope this doesn't happen to so and so". But it doesn't. They do it constantly. Instead it turns into "I hate this shit, why do they do this?"... Eventually people like me who buy the games with the small hope they improve just get fed up and quite buying. Once that happens the game is toast. Its not just that. You don't just stop your walking dead fans. I mean I have already not bought any of their other games because of it... They have put me off of their entire game library.... Eventually enough people will say "They do this in all their games" and they will go under to be replaced by a company that creates story based games, but doesn't piss off their entire fan base.
I know I know.. There are die hard Clementine fans... But how many other Nick, Luke, Kenny, and Jane's deaths are you willing to take? If you are upset about Nick, or Luke dying, how many times are you willing to go through that? Because with TellTale's record you are going to experience it over, and over, and over again. It will not stop until the game stops being made.
Not expecting death in TWD doesn't make sense
Yes, and No... I was actually a much bigger fan of characters from the first game.
Oh, I was speaking for myself, haha. I will never shut up about Luke.
I´ll be 80 and I´ll still be whining about it.
I think Telltale think this with their characters:
Writer 1: "So what would surprise the players?"
Writer 2: "Oh! I know! We could kill off another character!"
Writer 1: "Great idea. Anyone want to make suggestions?"
Writer 3: "We could kill Nick off screen, save us some work."
Writer 2: "We could make Sarah determinant and still kill her in the same episode!"
Writer 4: "Guys, I have the best idea. I was just listening to 'In The Water' and I think we should drown someone! Maybe... Luke?"
Writer 1: "Great! This'll shock all the fans!"
Fan Base: "Come on! Are you serious? Telltale why can't we have nice things? I wasn't even shocked! It was just lazy!"
Writers: "We messed up..."
Writer 1: "So... Who's up to killing Kenny and Jane in the first episode of Season 3!?"
I have actually thought about writing fanfiction in which he survives. It would be unlikely based on perfect timing but lets just say it involves a certain woman from season 1, and searching for redemption because of a person she killed.
I was going to write one too but...I dunno, I think that´d just sting more because I´d remember he´s not actually alive.
It does. It really does. I have wrote about 31,000 words for my fanfiction now and every time I try to come up with a new plot, I just want to kill him off so I can stop writing because I just remember he's dead. I've tried everything to make it better but it makes it worse and so far writing a fanfiction is a close second for making it sting more.
See, that´s exactly why I gave up on the idea of writing anything. Maybe it helps in the moment you´re writing but the second you´re done you just go "well, what was this for? Season 3 is going to come and he´ll still be dead". It´s just a constant reminder of the worst part of this game (for me, hope no one takes this personal).
I write more because I spend 70% of my day on the forums, revising his death, watching my reaction to his death for the 1 millionth time and making pointless videos that make me cry internally. Writing the fanfiction helps at the time and then I cringe and cry and give up and seriously Luke's death has drove me insane. I didn't know I was obsessed until he was dead and now I'm crazy. So if I can give you any advice;
do not write a fanfiction because you will go insane
That's a little extreme saying they'll go under, more likely they'll lose out on a small percentage on sales if they're not careful, but it's a still a number. I will say the finale affected how I buy DLC episodes now. I didn't buy the disc version of Season 2 [despite previously planning to] and I haven't gotten Tales from the Borderlands yet, despite how much fun that's looking, because I'm currently praying the last three episodes don't become the doom of it, and just in general I don't trust paying in advance anymore with season passes if the same thing happens like with Season 2 where the quality dropped because of rushing things and really silly rewrites.
So me being eager to play the digital version first before buying the proper copy, it isn't going to happen anymore from me. I'll just skip, save money and get the disc copy if the game turns out good throughout. Good luck with the paying in hope thing though Kennyftw, but I'm not investing. Also I didn't buy the Resident Evil Relevations 2 episodes as they came out from Capcom, and I'm glad I didn't...because they ended up being kinda, meh. I'm saving money, weeeee =D
And I'm kinda treating Life is Strange the same way too. It's good start to finish I'll buy it.
Thank you, I really, really won´t. Having my favourite character (aside from the obvious Clem and Lee) getting shat on so hard when we all expected him to get at least an ending...well.
I´ve been whining about this on the forums since September. Wonder if I´ll ever stop.
You're welcome. ^.^ I'm always happy to help a fellow Lukeaholic.
You've made it this far, almost 7 months (oh god 7 months) you probably won't stop whining, give it time, lots of time; in fact give it 20 years, find me and then we can ask each other if we're over Luke. :P
You know the answer is gonna be "no". :P
I think it boils down to the quality of the writing and opinions. For me there aren't really any deaths in Season 1 that bother me, but there are a handful in Season 2 that do. Just because it's in a setting where characters die, doesn't allow a game or series to escape weak writing, and Season 2 did suffer with some of that in the later episodes at certain points
I wouldn't call it extreme. Game companies do go under. The best way to avoid that is to secure a solid fan base. You said it yourself "I will say the finale affected how I buy DLC episodes now". You are waiting to see how they turn out. If they don't turn out good, you won't buy. Guess what? I bet LOTS of people are doing the exact same thing. That means the fans are not giving the company the benefit of the doubt because they are losing trust in the company. That's BAD. As a company you want people to be pre-ordering your games because of their trust, and excitement.
Good point.
Chuck, by far the worst death in the whole game.
I think if in the tv show Carl was the only one left standing at the end of each season the show would've already been cancelled.
So, I have to agree.
Rick's group gains members and loses members, but it's still the same family throughout the seasons. It evolves instead of getting replaced.
But not expecting Clementine to die does?
As someone in the process of writing some twdg s2 fanfics, I am in total agreement; if you start writing you'll be trapped forever it is a dangerous addiction.
Travis's deaths were way worse than Chuck's death imo. Both times, they are absolutely mindbogglingly stupid. (I didn't like Chuck's death either though...)
I forgot about Travis. I guess his dad being special forces didn't mean he knew what he was doing.
This game is pretty much them trying to re-enact the end of the prison arc each season (the comic prison arc that is)
I can let S1 get a pass on having the cast die by the end of it. Shit happens, dwindling casts are depressing, yeah sure. But if they keep doing that same thing each subsequent season, it's going to be very difficult to take it seriously.
I think Jane's fingers are double jointed.
IMO, the TWD is a very limited universe. They can show character development and interaction, traveling different areas and being attacked by zombies. Considering that TT is placing 12-16 episodes (relative to the tv show) into only 5 eps, It kind of makes sense that there are deaths in every episode. I assume a cliffhanging season finale with numerous people in the group still alive does not make compelling enough for TT. Or TT think it would not sell if that's the case.
Here's another question...who is going to buy a full season pass this time around? The quality has definitely faded,one episode doesn't necessarily match the quality of the next, and with the shocking Russian shootout scene,I think its best I don't buy all in one go anymore,even if it is cheaper.
I don't think they care too much for customer satisfaction only how much they can make in as little time as possible,I couldn't believe they were making a DLC when there supposed to be in the middle of GoT???
Not me. I got the season pass for Season 1 when there was one episode to go, and I did it last time soon as Season 2 was out with the first episode. Never again.
And honestly, I'm more hopeful on a DLC than Season 3 at this point, but it'll probably end up being pinball =_= or a DLC on a bunch of random people who add nothing to the main storyline again...whoopee.
I'm still gonna get the season pass
No regrets
Think of it as a story. Not as 'TellTale is killing off all their characters'. If you were invested enough in it things like that shouldn't matter. I don't get why people keep saying the game is doing things or making them do stuff. No, that is not it at all. You are Clementine, an innocent girl who has been brought up in the wrong time, right in the middle of an apocalypse. End of story.
Don't go expecting stuff, go in there with an empty mind, no thought that you bought the game, just that you are here to make choices in events beyond your (generally) comprehension (clearly).
I think it worked okay in season one. Not everyone died, Omid and Christa were still out there looking for her. It was pretty shocking and original to have most of the characters, and the PC, die in a short amount of time on a nearly hopeless quest. Season two? Not so much. Saw it coming, the deaths were meh, and I never connected with any of their characters to care about their deaths to begin with.
Oh I am. I can't wait to see what happens next. So far Telltale has yet to disappoint.
I won't lie, i probably will get the game, because in all honestly, even Season two was still worth playing. It wasn't horrible. When you got nothing to play, you take what you can get.
That's like saying you'll buy something because it's there, rather than whether it's good or not T_T I can't think like that Georgie, I'm a careful buyer! I'm not going to just buy something because it says 'The Walking Dead' on it.