Do You Like AJ (and your thoughts on his possible role in Season 3)?




    That is because IN season 1 Clementine was a integral part of the story, she felt like a little girl. She was portrayed realistically, she said things/did things that made you believe she was a eight year old girl.

    AJ was nothing more than a plot device, for season two. It had zero lines, and forced the story to be "all about AJ." It makes me laugh that Kenny would become Obsessed with some woman's kid he barley knows.

    Why some people say that Telltale forced us to take care of AJ, but they don't say a thing about Clemmy?

  • Do You Like AJ


    thoughts on his possible role in Season 3

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  • And neither do I...

    Clemenem posted: »

    I couldn't care less. He's a plot device for chaos and a very bad one at that. I don't have any reason to want to protect him.

  • I rather like AJ even if I'm not deeply attached. Of course he has no personality and he’s a total liability, but we can’t blame him for that, it’s normal as he’s just a baby. I understand that people don’t want that he stays with the group because it’s true he could cry anytime and make everyone killed. And Telltale made AJ a very unreal baby as he rarely cries and doesn’t seem to suffer from cold or from being hungry, which kinda take off some humanity from him. And the fact they don’t let us any choices concerning what to do with him is frustrating as it’s a game based on choices. But it’s not the baby’s fault if he was born in a ZA, if Sarah had just been killed, if he is a total liability or a potential danger. He didn’t ask for it and doesn’t even realize the problems he can cause. So he’s not to blame, and I don’t understand how people can feel HATRED towards him. That’s unfair to bore a grudge against him just for being born.

    Personally I was not happy with the idea of a baby in a world like that at the beginning, when Rebecca was pregnant (even though I would never have abandoned him). I thought he could put us in danger or/and could die in a horrible way. But when AJ was born he gave me hope. I had the feeling that we hadn’t find a shelter for nothing, that Sarah and Alvin didn’t die for nothing, that Rebecca didn’t suffer delivery for nothing, that Kenny would have a reason to live again and that beautiful things could still happen even in a ZA. I shot Rebecca without any hesitation when she transformed to protect the baby from being eaten by his own mother, and saved him instead of getting with Luke. I was happy when the baby smiled to me. I was worried when Jane came back without him. I was relieved when I had confirmation he was safe. I chose to enter Wellington in the end, largely because I thought it was AJ’s best chance to stay alive. I was moved by Kenny’s last words before leaving and by the fact he gave him his cap. I already felt responsible for AJ before the ending, but now Kenny has gone, I feel it’s up to me to protect him and I want to do it even if I don’t truly love him for the moment. Partly for Rebecca, Alvin and Kenny, but mainly because I care for him.

  • I know, its absurd, I mean he hardly interacted at all with either Alvin or Rebecca but when he feels utterly useless after Sartia's death and then finds a new purpose in life in helping deliver AJ, his entire relationship with the baby is artificial, its not out of love but simply to drive the story forward, to have Kenny lose control and beat that scumbag Arvo, and then eventually go feral on Jane, all because of AJ, who's just always there with no life to him whatsoever and yet we're somehow supposed to care for him, a stranger's baby?

    I know Alvin and Rebecca interacted with Clem but they never seemed to be especially close unless the story forced it otherwise. And Kenny wasn't close to either of them at all, I don't even know why he named the baby Alvin Jr, when did those two ever have any memorable interactions?

    AJ was not introduced well, in fact he came into the game in one of the worst ways possible, I'd have much preferred it for him to have died during birth, its difficult to feel any emotion for him, I mean its not like it was Lee's child, I mean then I'd definitely feel something and willingly protect the baby, but it belonged to Alvin and Rebecca, two characters I have generally lukewarm feelings towards, their not particularly special to me and their role in the story was brief.

    Really I would have held nothing but disdain for Rebecca had she not been pregnant, even before birth AJ is a plot device to incite feelings of sympathy towards a woman whose otherwise either a jerk or liability towards Clem.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    SIMPLE. That is because IN season 1 Clementine was a integral part of the story, she felt like a little girl. She was portrayed realistic

  • I'm starting to think the people calling for Clem and AJ's executions are secretly death-porn addicts. This seriously needs to stop.

  • are secretly death-porn addicts.

    What's that?

    Also they aint real, so it hard to be all that concerned about peoples opinions about pixels.

    Not to mention for the most part people dont want them dead they just are not all that interested in continuing with them, in fact I'm sure the majority of the games fanbase actually like clementine (and to keep playing as her). I personally could take or leave her in the story at all but dont really want to play as her

    I'm starting to think the people calling for Clem and AJ's executions are secretly death-porn addicts. This seriously needs to stop.

  • That’s unfair to bore a grudge against him just for being born.

    How do you think kids feel that are born out of cheating, that is life. Life isn't fair. What do you want me to say. I don't want nothing to do with AJ, luckily for him, he isn't a real person.

    Noctali posted: »

    I rather like AJ even if I'm not deeply attached. Of course he has no personality and he’s a total liability, but we can’t blame him for tha

  • What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution?

    I love Clem, even after TT stonewalled her in No Going Back, and I want her to live... just not AJ.

    I'm starting to think the people calling for Clem and AJ's executions are secretly death-porn addicts. This seriously needs to stop.

  • What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution?

    I believe Kenny had one. Fucking baby killer!

    What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution? I love Clem, even after TT stonewalled her in No Going Back, and I want her to live... just not AJ.

  • ummm....he's a baby

    Yeah, one that doesn't cry or whine like 100% of babies do and doesn't even flinch to loud deafening sounds like gun shots or screaming, doesn't get sick from the blistering freezing temperatures even after not having any vaccines making his immune systems open to death from so much as a sneeze.

    Yeah, what a believable baby.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    someone as unbelievable and useless as AJ. ummm....he's a baby

  • Fucking baby killer!

    I can live with that. Besides, Kenny is a decomposing corpse frozen now in my story. So he's opinion is void to me, hehehe.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution? I believe Kenny had one. Fucking baby killer!

  • Fair enough.

    Fucking baby killer! I can live with that. Besides, Kenny is a decomposing corpse frozen now in my story. So he's opinion is void to me, hehehe.

  • Pretty sure I heard him cry a few times in my game. Maybe we played different games idk? Also how would we'd know what AJ feels? He could be freezing his ass off, that might be the reason why he was crying after the fight between Jane and Kenny was over. The thing is this is a video game based off a comic book about zombies, nit-picking over if he feels like a real baby seems silly.

    ummm....he's a baby Yeah, one that doesn't cry or whine like 100% of babies do and doesn't even flinch to loud deafening sounds like

  • edited March 2015

    Telltale is a lot like John Hammond. They were so concerned they could do something, they never stopped to think if they should.

    It's not about "nit-picking," it's about crafting a story that people can not only understand, but feel connected to. Why do you think so many people loved Clementine in season one? It's because she seemed like a girl you could bump into in the grocery store or a mall. She had a range of emotions and relatable quirks about her. Now, sure, AJ is just a baby but goddamnit I want a baby that is annoying and reacts to shit that happens like is relative to all babies.

    It couldn't be any more obvious that he was written only to serve the final conflict between window-dressing survivor Jane and flip-flop development bug Kenny. He is lazy and no matter how many "he's a baby so he gets a pass" arguments you or anyone else throws out, it doesn't change the fact he wasn't a sensible ideal. They had no plan for him, no notion of a reason as to what he could do to service Clementine's character or anyone else's for that matter, and never even considered that pushing him as a relative plot point for a drunkenly staggered episode would, naturally, alienate some people toward him.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Pretty sure I heard him cry a few times in my game. Maybe we played different games idk? Also how would we'd know what AJ feels? He could be

  • Well we had a whole season to bond with Clem, I'm sure Telltale will have plans for AJ in the next season since he is in every ending.

    I would say he does react to the given situations he is in. He cries, he eats, he goo goo ga gaas. To tell you the truth I like how the story didn't focus that much on AJ at the end there (I mean interacting with him, the plot was all about finding him and Clem a safe place). If it was just constantly worrying about AJ we would never talk to any of the other characters during the campfire scene or at the unfinished house.

    Having a baby isn't about how the baby could serve your purposes. It's a responsibility that Telltale wanted the players to have. I know some people won't want that, but Clementine (her character) is not at that point to just kill a baby for her own gain.

    Telltale is a lot like John Hammond. They were so concerned they could do something, they never stopped to think if they should. https://

  • You mean Jane/Crazy Kenny right.

    Kenny Season 1 was Amazing,
    Kenny Season two was crazy. Personally that was the biggest troll of all.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    Hate the prop/device/AJ thing loool ,i expect that it will have a huge role in season 3 just for Telltale to troll everyone like they did with Jane.

  • i liked crazy Kenny,i think Jane was telltale in game form telling everyone who was seen as weak that you should do this/do that,it stunk!

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    You mean Jane/Crazy Kenny right. Kenny Season 1 was Amazing, Kenny Season two was crazy. Personally that was the biggest troll of all.

  • I didn't like how kenny went crazy, but i still liked him more than no personality jane.

    Clemmy1 posted: »

    i liked crazy Kenny,i think Jane was telltale in game form telling everyone who was seen as weak that you should do this/do that,it stunk!

  • Considering we don't know the particulars of Omid JR's death, it's almost safe to say AJ will be around for awhile.

  • I hope not,

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Considering we don't know the particulars of Omid JR's death, it's almost safe to say AJ will be around for awhile.

  • Neither do I.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I hope not,

  • After the ending of Season 2 the only thing I care about is Clem's survival, AJ does not give MyClem any 'will to live' he's just part of HER journey for now, until I can hopefully get rid of AJ eventually, as Clem's situation will automatically improve without AJ in her life, I feel nothing for that baby and wasn't particularly close to its parents either, AJ is just an annoyance that I'll have to bear for now... until hopefully the game can present an opportunity to dispose of him (give him away, sacrifice his life for Clem's, etc, I'd feel no guilt).

    What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution? I love Clem, even after TT stonewalled her in No Going Back, and I want her to live... just not AJ.

  • I don't dislike Aj, but honestly, when we're originally supposed to think Aj was dead, I was actually kinda relieved....I felt sad that he died, but on the flip side, we won't have to take care of him anymore.

  • Call me a monster if you like, but I really don't feel anything towards AJ, apart from amazement that he didn't die somehow from lack of food or clothing. And I'm not very keen to see him play a big role in S3 either.

    It might be interesting to see Clem take on a more adult role with AJ as he gets older, but for S3 I'd like to focus on Clementine's development, which is fully completed.

    They should fix Clem's character first before jumping to AJ. And besides, they can take Clem's story in so many directions they'd be foolish not to use her.

  • So far for me, AJ is fine. There's really not much to opinionate him on, since he is still a baby. It is a pain though, to realize how much he needs for supplies and food and care.
    But Telltale did say that the game would be perceived from a different angle in season 3, so I'm starting to wonder who that could be.
    AJ is a cute little guy, but I'm not that excited for his return in season 3, if he does return.
    BUT Keep in mind that Clem can use him to her advantage, and that could or could not be a bad thing.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited March 2015

    I have a soft spot for babies (well, until they start crying and shitting everywhere. Some people might get on Telltale's case about how AJ doesn't scream or cry enough, but I am almost 100% certain they did that for the sanity of everyone playing. Acceptable breaks from reality, I suppose)

    So yes, I like AJ, and I don't feel comfortable in any way, shape or form with something brutal happening to a baby, thinking about doing something brutal to a baby, or actually doing something brutal to a baby, real or not

    Also, seeing a bunch of horror movies in my earlier years that had depictions of babies being brutally killed probably didn't help my case either

  • To be honest, and not to be rude, but I really dislike threads like these.
    Stop thinking the game is 'forcing' you to have liabilities or to do certain things, don't think of it as a plot device, don't think of it as telling TellTale what they should far as I am concerned, you are 'playing' it wrong.
    This is an interactive STORY, you shouldn't even be thinking of things like this, Rebecca has had a baby, that is all there is to it. Your role as Clementine, is logically, to look after this baby as best as you can. It is what it is, the zombie apocalypse is running in the midst and you are a poor girl with nothing but a baby to look after it, and that is all there is to it.
    It reminds me of all the threads made saying 'I should've been able to save Luke/Sarah/etc for every death'. Or, 'how come when I replay with a different choice I get the same outcome!'. When I play TWD, I am IN that game. I am in the story, I am so invested in it just as others would to movies or novels. Don't think about what TellTale is getting you to do, think about what you have to do to look after a baby in an apocalypse. These forums are nothing but a way to share our stories with the game.
    The thread I remember most when it comes to this side of the debate is one on 'Saving Sarah'. Writing in that thread, many people were shocked that I could leave Sarah (even Luke lol ;)), but you have to think. My response was true, that many people chose to save her, simply because they knew Clementine was canon to the story and could not be killed early on, so, screw it, might as well try. I play as if in that situation, it is almost suicidal to try, the walkers were literally at the door, and I couldn't risk it, so I didn't. I would actually like TellTale, when it comes to these choices, not give us a left or right answer. Imagine if choosing to try and save Luke, for example, ended in Clementine dying and an End Game? That could very well have happened, she took a major risk etc,
    I hope you understand the point I am getting at. Clementine is Clementine, AJ is AJ, an innocent, poor baby stuck in a crap world. What would you honestly do, without mentioning plot devices or where the story should head? What would you do?

  • Whether or not I should base my choices off how I would act in real life versus acting on the premise that I am playing a character in a game is moot. AJ was a poorly written plot device, which held back the overall story and development of our main character. And besides, if given the choice in real life I would abandon AJ the first chance I got. Yeah, he's a baby, but the offspring of two characters I barely liked and got stuck with because of their stupid choices and personal drama. As Clem, it's hard enough trying to survive myself as a fully-formed character and able-bodied person; why the **** would I want to take on the burden of someone else's?

    The irony is that while AJ is intended to be a symbol of hope and innocence, all he does is make me lose hope and cause characters to die and/or make morally questionable decisions in order to protect said innocence.

    Chilled posted: »

    To be honest, and not to be rude, but I really dislike threads like these. Stop thinking the game is 'forcing' you to have liabilities or t

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited March 2015

    What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution?

    a dead man

    and/or dead woman

    (okay, maybe before i get flak for this, i should clarify that i'm joking)

    What would you call someone that just called for AJ's execution? I love Clem, even after TT stonewalled her in No Going Back, and I want her to live... just not AJ.

  • Indifferent, but don't really want to have to lug him around.

  • Exactly! AJ is more trouble than he's actually worth, and the game didn't exactly do the best job in getting me to personally care for Alvin and Rebecca to any real significant degree.

    The only characters I really felt attached to in the cabin group were Luke and Pete, they were likable and kind to Clem.

    Rebecca was a total jerk to Clem, I even blackmailed her into being nicer (Who's Baby is it?) but her whole pregnancy felt like a cheaply added plot tool to the story to force some sympathy for an otherwise generally unlikable character (oh, she's pregnant, so that explains her mood swings and why she does a complete 180 on Clem, from hating and distrusting her, to suddenly becoming all close and reliant on her, its cheap convenience and I really expected better than this from Telltale).

    AJ hardly even eats, and just has a thin blanket for protection in the cold, yet he somehow survives and Rebecca dies (even if you save the water and steal the medicines).

    I don't understand why people could actually like AJ, don't they see what a blatant plot device he is and how practically speaking he's a bigger liability that Ben and Sarah combined (even Nick is marginally better to have around than AJ, at least he can shoot).

    Yes, you can't expect a baby to do anything, its a baby, you have to do everything for it, but when did the game ever make you feel personally close to either Alvin or Rebecca? AJ just jumped into the game and killed off a good chunk of the group in the process, and then somehow Clementine is forced to have the baby, no matter what, even if her actual odds for survival would be better without it around.

    I just wish Telltale killed off AJ, he would have still been a plot device regardless, but his death would have been good for adding some extra emotional impact. Surviving in the zombie apocalypse is all about pragmatism and cutting your losses, I didn't feel attached to AJ's parents, therefore I felt very little to no emotions for a baby that's pure trouble and shouldn't even be alive when the others are dead and how the game just assumes AJ and Clem have a growing connection, that should be up to player choice but its not....

    Whether or not I should base my choices off how I would act in real life versus acting on the premise that I am playing a character in a gam

  • i bet you five dollars he gets omided hard in Season 3 episode one.

    His plot role has vanished, so why what reason would it be to keep him alive?

    Zero. TTG loves killing off characters other than clementine.

    Harian96 posted: »

    Exactly! AJ is more trouble than he's actually worth, and the game didn't exactly do the best job in getting me to personally care for Alvin

  • I'll take that bet!

    Because I have a feeling that despite what a total and unrealistic and unwanted (plot) tool AJ is, Telltale will force him into story, it would have been better if AJ died in S2, considering he didn't I think Telltale will make him live (as terrible as a decision as that would be, not like Telltale cares for doing such a bad job with regards to AJ... Season 2 could have been better had the baby died).

    Better yet in the Alone Ending where you leave Kenny after he kills Jane, I wish the game didn't force you to take AJ with you, since its Kenny who clearly loves him (in his own, violent, twisted and mentally unstable way).

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    i bet you five dollars he gets omided hard in Season 3 episode one. His plot role has vanished, so why what reason would it be to keep him alive? Zero. TTG loves killing off characters other than clementine.

  • Y'know, here's the thing. Although I personally don't like babies at all, using a baby (or a death) to gauge an emotional reaction could work without much effort. I remember playing Max Payne as a young fourteen year old. And the beginning had you going through your house only to find that your baby had been suffocated and your wife impliedly raped and shot to death by some fucked up drug heads. Did I even know the kids' name? Nope, but shit was it a rough start to a game and that baby carried me throughout the game.

    Emotional weight is weighed by how much is relatable. AJ was born from a stressed mother in the barren cold hellscape and lived without any medication or vaccines to help stabilize his immune system, never has any birth defects as a result, goes through a shootout without so much as crying, etc. He's not relatable, that's why AJ is disposable in my opinion and the first chance I'm given, I'm getting rid of him.

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