the real final choice for season 2

if you had the choice to leave AJ behind in that car by ignoring the scream would you?
I didn't hear anything.
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if you had the choice to leave AJ behind in that car by ignoring the scream would you?
I didn't hear anything.
If I was with Jane.
Not Kenny.
Well, out of a moral obligation I wouldn't. You don't let small children/babies just die. That's too cruel and barbaric for me. HOWEVER. If I hadn't heard AJ crying,I would have just carried on by myself. I did assume he was dead until that moment...
Or you think of something where you don't have to take care of AJ in the first place.
But I don't like to talk about "what could've changed".
It's not my thing.
all love for Kenny plot device.
No I would not.
You don't just leave a defenseless baby like that.
Well, they're ALL virtually alive... no matter how you look at it...
Really? Sarah? I'm sorry to say she was the person I connected to the LEAST in the whole of S2....
I don't get it, personally when they threw Clementine in the shed dying, I stopped caring about those people other than Sarah, she helps Clementine.
Why is it our responsibility? To take care of a child that parents wanted us dead ten days prior.
In my opinion it's a total loss of humanity. If we abandon small children then there is little to differentiate us from "Walkers".
I would have told Kenny to just take the baby and go as soon as he got the car fixed up. Wanted them both gone.
But leaving him in the car? A bullet in the head would have been a more humane option.
No fucking way. He's an innocent child, he has done nothing wrong other than simply be a baby. I don't care how old he is, he's still a human life, and in a world populated by the undead, we can't abandon one of our own like that. Lee said it best, "We need to stick together to get through this." If we just left him to die like that, we essentially have lost who we were and every ounce of our humanity is completely gone, we're no better than people like Carver. Imagine if Lee left Clementine in her treehouse.
Nope. I'd sooner kill Jane(whom I love) myself, than let AJ die.
[Whistles nonchalantly while walking the other way]
I hope we don't get a choice to abandon him in the future, just so I can point and laugh at everyone that wants to
You're stuck with him whether you like it or not, and by god you're going to learn to ENJOY it
I'd walk away.
Quite simple though, what hope is there for humanity if children die out?
Realisitically speaking we want to take care of children because of the survival instinct we have, since if there are no future generations then humanity is extinct and therefore your efforts to survive have failed, it's basic animal instinct, there are multiple more complicated moral reasons but this is just something that makes sense and most people can probably agree on even if they wouldn't save a kid or baby, but in any case in an apocaliptic situation like in TWD this instinct is quite likely to come up.
I don't like him and I think he's a total plot device, but as usual my Clementine can't use bad writing as an excuse so she's going to watch out for him. Unless there's an option to give him away to a family so he will be safer, but knowing telltale it's either abandon him to walkers or keep him with you so I guess I'm stuck with him.
Haven't we all endured enough though? How much frustration will we be asked to take before it's too much?
No! That's not true! That's impossible!
There's no way I would leave AJ behind. He could come in handy if I need to distract some walkers.
Well now that his plot role has been resolved with Kenny, i'm sure he will get Omid'ed in the first three minutes.
I am not worried. TTG knows how to kill off unwanted/needed characters, they got that handled, no problemo.
Yep, i laughed when most of them died, especially Alvin.
I am 80% certain that AJ is not going to die
They'll probably find a way to get him out of the story (pass him off to another group or something), but I honestly doubt that they'll kill a baby, especially on screen, because that'd most likely be hell to get through rating boards, not to mention all the controversy and hate it would stir up
Personally, I cannot justify leaving a baby to die under any circumstance, unless it's a situation where saving him would absolutely result in the death of both of us. Then and only then would I actually consider leaving him behind, and even then I'd still prefer to die right there rather than live with that on my conscience
Killing a baby is where you completely cross the line beyond redemption in my eyes, the mere thought of simply considering it is reprehensible to me
I just can't justify doing it, even if it's just a game and a fictional character we're talking about
Can't do it man
Can't do it bro
I like you even more everytime i read your posts
You mean the people who threw us in the shed to leave us to die ten days prior, their our people? The mother told Nick to kill Clementine, after they found out she was safe, she wanted a eleven year old girl who was just injured gone the next day, . I don't have anything for these people, and i don't understand this "loyalty" everyone seems to have.
The only person i liked besides Sarah was Walter, he died ASAP.
Here is the thing though, now that Kenny has been resolved one way or the other, AJ's role has left the building.... Methinks he is prime candidate for Omid death incoming for season 3.
Lets be honest here, TTG track record for killing people off for "feels" they do it all the time. Why do you think AJ is going to have a happy ending where he just gets to survive in the sunset. You really believe TTG will do that? Look back at the track records of Season 1 and 2.
You are telling me that you think AJ won't die in the first episode? Why don't we get a little realistic, and the baby dies because of either disease, hunger, or exposure to the weather. It doesn't get "killed."
Nah I'm not like that and I know my Clementine isn't either. I know AJ will be a bit of burden on Clem no matter what ending, but I gotta try. And who knows he may actually end up being useful (NOT zombie bait!). Telltale kept him alive for a reason and I'm sure there is a plan for him in S3, so I won't jump on the hate band wagon for him mindlessly.
And how was any of that AJ's fault. He didn't put us in the shed, he didn't force Clementine to stitch up her arm, why would you take your anger out on someone who doesn't deserve it. AJ had no role in any of that, so why you would try to get revenge on what the adults did to you by taking it out on him is beyond me. What they did was wrong, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to become like them. Just because others have lost their humanity doesn't mean you have to as well. You talk about Walter, he is the best example. We were two years into the apocalypse when we met him, but he didn't let the world he lived in change him. He tried helping out people who were in need, he looked for the good in people, and he always had a sort of optimistic outlook on a certain situation. And if you tell him Nick is a good guy, despite the fact that Nick killed Matthew, he still saves Nick from a walker. That's what I try to do with my Clementine as well, I can't let the situation we are in turn Clem into someone like a Carver or Jane or Crawford, I want her to maintain that sense of humanity, the ability to trust and help people in need. I won't let the world going to shit take Clem down with it.
To be fair, all the players will probably end up in Wellington no matter what ending they had. Seeing as there is always a pregnant woman in the apocalypse, AJ most likely will be passed to her. Now, what may be interesting would be to leave us the choice to let a competent person take care of him or not. And, in the end, those who decided that Clem has to stick with AJ will end up with him dying of cold or hunger like you said.
But, to answer the topic, I wouldn't leave him. As much as I don't feel any sort of attachment to him and see him more as a burden than anything, I just can't let him die. He didn't ask for anything, he was just born at the wrong time. Plus, I liked Bec and Alvin. But, I won't miss the first occasion I have to give him to a competent person, I will do it without any remorse or regret.
I don't, I just don't think he's going to die
Absolutely not. I'd take AJ with me in a heartbeat.
That being said, I don't intend to keep him around with us knowing that all of us are rather unfit to look after a baby. He needs to be given away to a community that is fit and able to look after AJ.
Hold on, are you asking us if there had been a choice to ignore AJ's cry would we have ignored it? Or it we as Clementine honestly hadn't heard him crying and just left.
Well, of course I'd walk away if I didn't hear anything. It's fucking cold, Walkers are everywhere and probably on their way too me, and Jane or Kenny or maybe both are gonna turn into Walkers soon, I'm high tailing it outta there Jack. How was I supposed to know he was still alive? It's just and honest mistake if that had been the case, it wasn't like we would've been intentionally thinking, "Hurrdurr I hear baby crying k bai."
I'm curious on one thing though... What would've happened, if we had killed Kenny, and then AJ didn't start crying, and Jane didn't say anything about him. Does anyone think that maybe, if Jane had gotten her way with Kenny out of the way, and AJ didn't cry, Clementine would've keep on going with Jane's lie and the two would've left the place and returned back to Carver's place? Me personally, I think she would have.
Nah, she could've killed AJ, with no problem. Just dropped him in the snow and really told them that he was gone. But, she didn't. I know I'm biased when it comes to Jane, but people don't give her enough credit. I think she warmed up to AJ once Luke died. She was holding him through most of the 2nd half of the final episode. She was worrying about formula when it came down to; where we should go. Now I'm not gonna say that she'd die for him, or that she even cares for him. But she knows how much he means to Clem, and she does care an awful lot for her.
I stand by my word when I say I won't leave AJ. NO. FUCKING. CHANCE. IN. HELL.
I would not ever leave a child. No matter how big of burden or how bratty a kid is, they have every right to live, just as those who are already grown and know how to survive. It isn't their fault. I don't want to play God, and I don't like deciding who gets to live and who gets to die. No one should have to decide that.
Because you can't blame someone for the shortcomings of their parents. That's kinda prejudice
Lee had no idea when he saved Clementine, that the entire world had been overrun by zombies. How do you know if he had that information prior, that he wouldn't have left her? And besides, even though Clementine was a small child, she clearly knew how to protect and provide for herself to a degree. AJ, like you said is simply a baby that can't do anything except piss, shit and cry for the next 2-3 years. Even when the majority of the group was still intact, they could barely provide for him; And you expect Clem, an 11-year-old to do all by herself what an experienced group of adult survivors could not?
That baby has caused nothing but death, if I couldn't leave him with Kenny, a bullet to the head would be a kindness.
This made me lol. Good idea haha