Clem must die, Kenny must die, AJ must die...
Is it my imagination, or is this forum a lot meaner than it was a couple of months ago? There's been a lot of back-and-forth banter about who should (and shouldn't) survive to see season 3, and that's fine. But the amount of venom directed towards a broken man, a little girl, and a freaking baby is nothing short of terrifying.
I'm not suggesting the moderators should start cracking down, but there's a definite atmosphere of raw hate on these boards that didn't seem nearly as intense when I first registered here. Maybe it's time we all slowed down, took a deep breath, and wait until official news of S3 was released.
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I'm not remembering any threads in favor of Clem's death. Did I miss something?
People are just complaining about the writing, like they always do. The increasing intensity is probably because of group polarization. Or maybe not, because now I am looking up the definition of that term and I'm not exactly sure if it fits. But I'll look at more stuff. I learned about that in AP Psychology. I'm taking a practice test for that exam right now. It's from 1999 and I'm doing real good so far.
The people that want Kenny dead already have him dead probably, so I don't see a problem there.
As for the other two, they are just videogame characters. No feelings, no thoughts, no nothing.
Until technology gets so advanced that video game characters become A.I. there's nothing wrong with wanting them gone.
Would be cool though, AI in games. Certainly would put another dimension to The Walking Dead. :P
There haven't been any individual threads calling for Clem's execution in the title itself, but many forum members have been arguing that Clem is basically "done" as a character and should be dispatched GAME OF THRONES-style in the first episode of S3, or at the very least abandoned entirely. Combined with the repeated demands for AJ and Kenny's destruction, the cumulative effect has been incredibly unpleasant.
There pixels it doesnt matter what people say about them
'Broken man, little girl' - basically irrelevant. We're allowed to think broken characters/children should die for a narrative purpose.
It's the same stuff being said about the characters, just to a bigger degree, no doubt brought on by the long wait for season 3.
Most importantly, these characters aren't actually people, so it really doesnt mean much if someone wants them to die in the narrative. There are bigger problems with the forum than this.
It's just the same regular users saying the same stuff over and over again. Most of the random people that liked the characters and the story have said their piece and moved on. Things will pick up when S3 comes out and the new/old random people will be back to brighten things up a bit around here.
I don't really know how else to put this, so forgive me if I sound a bit harsh.
Do I want to move on? Yes. Do I feel that Clementine is done as a character? Also yes. I'm not going to apologize for that. Why, you ask? Because I'm personally satisfied with the multiple endings season 2 gave us. I feel they provided closure, and I'd rather not continue. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I would honestly be bored if Clementine returned yet again in season 3 as the protagonist. All I want is a fresh start. I don't think that's too much to ask for, but the majority of the forum clearly disagrees because they're just too attached to Clementine. It's pretty frustrating from my perspective, especially when others try to do guilt-trips with "Why do you want Clem dead?" Like, no. That's not it at all. It's because she's a little girl that I want to leave her story - that's how I'd prefer to remember her as, a brave little girl who managed to come so far. Call it selfish or whatever else you want, but I don't want to see her grow up.
And really, I can understand not wanting to let go, but bigotry is another thing.
I do agree on AJ and Kenny, though. That's another reason why I want to start fresh: to prevent any possible deaths of returning characters. Everyone's already concerned about how they'd handle the different endings of season 2; I'm sure you've seen the posts about Kenny and Jane being killed off for good.
You obviously haven't seen a lot of the raw, seething hatred for the character around here. Giving Kenny a determinant death isn't enough for them. if I understand you correctly, your argument is "They're not real, ergo they're not worth talking about?"
What do you mean? I see plenty of Kenny Haters praising the fact that they finally killed him and don't have to deal with him anymore.
I think that's what he's talking about. A lot of them are going around saying "Kenny won't be coming back at all because I put a bullet in him.
" But celebrating aside, some are still really vocal about how much they dislike him.
You know, it never ceases to amaze me how much people hate A.J. People act as though the little guy killed their fucking cat or something. So in that regard I agree with the O.P. I can't really speak on Clem and Kenny..... I'm one of the few that thinks Clementine's story has run its course (not that I want her dead, I just want a fresh start). And anyone that wants Kenny dead probably capped his ass first chance they got, so its really just the irrational A.J hate the blows me away.
Oh. I thought he meant that they want Kenny dead in everyone's playthrough.
Which is pretty stupid of me now that I think about it.
Season 2 Kenny for me I had mixed feelings about. One hand I was glad to see his reappearance at first then on the other it made tiny sense how he should have survived season 1 and the lame excuse he had for making it out. I would had wanted them to keep Kenny around until season 3 if they made a good explanation of how he made it. I like Kenny as a character and therefore of course I selected him over Jane whom was only around for 3 episodes and I didn't like Jane because of the way she treated and talked of Sarah after loosing her father that way and that recent. I would had loved for them to keep Ken going until like the season 3 finale as well only to sit back and chuckle at how the Kenny haters bicker and rant about being tired of seeing Kenny.
Season 2 Clem for me I actually enjoyed more and found her transformation from where she was throughout season 1 and beginning of season 2 fascinating. Clem is probably my most beloved overall video game character... while Kenny was my 2nd favorite Walking Dead game character after Lee. But with that being said I would have no hard feelings if Clem died in the game seeing as how pretty much everyone else she knew died and quiet as kept Clem has been indirectly responsible for a few of those deaths. Lee, Omid, Nick (1st death), Sarah (both deaths) and Sarita (determinately) if she chopped off her hand. and possibly a few others I'm forgetting. I kind of would like Clem to go peacefully if she had to go if thats possible in the Walking Dead universe rather than ripped to shreds by a bunch of zombies like her "friend" Sarah was, even though that kind of would be just desserts for her and especially Jane in an odd karma sort of way.
And AJ eh.. I guess I just feel indifferent towards, since its just a baby character. Might be used yet again as a plot point for season 3 as well though.
But I never hated any of the aforementioned game characters. Only game characters I kind of disliked the most was Larry, Carver, and maybe Jane. Because of the way they were written, portrayed and developed.
I don't know, I couldn't see the game just moving on to another bunch of characters for Season 3. It just makes me think of what could happen to Clementine in the endings that we've chosen. The endings aren't really definite. There are little openings that hint the story for her can go on. But if she had to leave i'd rather her to be honest dead (in a very heart-breaking memorable fashion like Tyrese in the show series) like how some people have been wanting. Either that or put her to an age or ending that makes me feel like she's done. Right now she still has potential, being that she's 11. I would only want A.J. dead or abandoned (with someone) because if Telltale does go on with Clem, I don't think she needs a liability on her. Kenny, well I don't know I could accept Kenny's flaws. If people want to rage and say he needs to die for his flawed personality then that's alright.
WE SHARE A UNPOPULAR OPINION, SORRY for caps I'm currently mobile.
What is the purpose of this thread?
No... it seems a lot more like, "They're not real, so being 'terrified' people don't like the characters or think their deaths would serve the narrative, is ridiculous."
"I'm entitled to my opinion!!" Classic technique.
Newsflash: You're not entitled to your opinion. You're entitled to your informed opinion. No one cares about your perspective if you present it in a boorish fashion.
No idea. Just kick your feet up, 'n have a drink.
What is irrational about wanting to get rid of AJ? You agree with many players that Clementine's story is for all intents and purposes over. AJ was not a developed character, or even a likeable or well-written plot device in what was supposed to be her story. So what is the problem?
Remember, you posted this when I had in a very civilized manner responded to your comment regarding how disgusting some members' hatred of Kenny was.
Those were my exact words that you responded to in a very hostile fashion. You're just a "boorish."
I have seen a lot of hate towards Ben and Lilly in the past, so it really isn't anything new.
During the season (2) I couldn't say anything even remotely negative about Kenny without getting bombarded with tons of downvotes and annoying GIFs. I'm glad there's room now to give my opinion.
And the alternative to people spewing hatred towards characters in the game is people spewing hatred towards the writers at Telltale.
But I have to agree with you that I haven't seen the hatred you're talking about, or I just don't notice it because it doesn't bother me. I dunno.
You realize that sentence is more incoherent than an Alzheimer's patient, right?
No, I posted THAT image after your consistently aggravating attitude about ANY remark made about Kenny, regardless whether I wrote it or not. What can I say? I got sick of your repetitive bullshit, over and over and OVER again, and I just wanted to give you an impression of the sort of person you were coming across as all the time.Try to imagine someone squawking in your ear "Kenny sucks!! Kenny sucks!! Kenny sucks!!" 24/7, and you'll get the idea.
I find it kind of hypocritical of the OP to rag on the Kenny/AJ/Clem haters for “raw hate” considering how unnecessarily rude he’s been to people who didn't deserve it, at least from what I’ve seen.
I remember you once told me to “take my meds & control my Kenny fixation or I’d start knifing innocent guys with beards”. In response to a post I wrote that criticized AJ and Sarita, and didn’t even mention Kenny…
I mean, it’s completely fine for you to want to defend characters you like. It’s understandable that you’d lose patience with people who hate characters you sympathize with (as someone who sympathizes with Vernon, I’d know). But that doesn’t give you an excuse to tell people “they have issues” because they criticized a fictional character, especially when some of those people never attacked you in the first place.
Flog61's original statement was clear, and so was my retelling of it. Perhaps taking your head out of your ass would provide you with some clarity.
Kind of hard to get banned when were not breaking any of the rules. Also telling us off to go get banned is insulting, which is breaking one of the rules ironically.
Sooner or later, people will find a reason to cross you. Happens all the time. I can't entirely be accurate in my points regarding the hate. Some feels AJ ruined the narrative, some just sees him as a thing, for being a plot device, and some just hates him for whatever the reason is. The list can go on and on. Everything happens for a reason, ranging from the most logical to the most pointless of reasons. If it's for narrative purposes then I get that, but out of personal spite... I would never be able to comprehend that kind of spite. Maybe it's fear? Disgust? Often what is born through fear/disgust is hatred. Could be but everyone has their own agenda, and those who hates something usually will bark more than others. Often repeating their statements over and over again without stop. Like an endless loop. If you noticed it's the same people in these AJ related threads for a while now. Myself included but I don't often talk much in this sort of stuff since I already explained everything that needed to be said up to this point. Unlike certain others I won't be repeating the same crap over and over again in discussions and I'll be dropping this subject after this post. But I will say this: Sometimes feelings towards character can be similar to how you feel towards people in real life, since at times characters are meant to represent people (in this case TWD). It can work the other way around too. Character or not a character. How you treat people and how you treat characters related to people; it's connected. From a great amount to a small amount of connection.
Oh boy, you're a real trip man.
I wasn't being unreasonable, just trying to have a friendly debate which you turned into a poor (albeit mildly amusing) accusation of me based completely off of your narrow-minded bias.
Please, try to grow up.
Banned for what exactly? The only one being horrible to actual people here is you
No more than they say about Jane.
There was a thread with a gif of her dying and people talking about how funny it was for goodness's sake.