It was a joke that made his voice actor uncofortable.
And I'm not the one who's been personally insulting of the two of us, pal. I haven't commented on who you are as a person - I wish I. could say the same of you.
But episodes 2-4 is when the whole 'Kenny is god' 'urban urban boat boat' 'lets worsip his voice actor who doesn't want t be worshipped' pha… morese happened. It wasn't conducive to discussion.
You DO know that whole "Church of Gavin" thing was meant to be a joke, right? I mean, just look at this video:
Considering all the flak you've been giving ME lately, I'd say it was your turn to lighten up.
I disagree. Luke was responsible for the post. He could have said no to Jane's offer. And depending on how you play, Clem does not have to listen to what Jane says. The deck falling is not on Jane. That's on Luke. As far as Arvo goes, I interpreted that scene as Jane not killing Arvo because he's a kid and because of Clem. You really think it would have been smart to give back a gun once you confiscate it from a stranger? Once Arvo walked on the deck, shit was going to happen. There was no true place to hide, so confrontation was bound to happen.
As far as the ending of ep. 205, the person's reaction is just as culpable as the initial reaction. As ill-advised as her plan is, Kenny escalated the situation and determinantly murdered Jane.
Jane is not perfect. Her situation does not garner much sympathy. Her attitude and personality does not garner sympathy. First impressions are everything and she does not impress. Nevertheless placing complete culpability on Jane for these events is disingenuous.
My problem with Jane is that for a pragmatic survivor, she's not as cunning as she likes to think she is, and she ultimately causes more tro… moreuble and deaths just to make a point. She's ultimately responsible for risking the safety of the entire group, and indirectly causing Sarah's death, as well as endangering a baby's life just to prove a point that a clearly unstable man is...unstable.
She's the cause of Sarah's death in two paths, by encouraging Clementine to abandon a vulnerable and scared girl to the walkers, in a situation that Clementine, Jane, and Luke indirectly created by inadvertently luring them in the trailer while rescuing Sarah and Luke. She also ends up distracting Luke with the proposition of sex instead of letting him do his job as a scout, which ends up getting Sarah killed, and thus undoing all of your hard work in saving her the first time. In fact, had Sarah not noticed the walkers (which was Luke's job), the walkers … [view original content]
I changed my mind , that speech about her sister made me want to drink. I barley know her and she is opening up to Clementine as manipulatio… moren and I saw it for what it always was, bullshit.
Then she talked shit about everybody, my mind thinks
.. If if she'll talk shit with me, she will talk about me.
Then she shot Troy in the Toolbox, at that moment I hated her guts. She is a lying manipulating character.
She hated on Sarah, a special needs girl who loses her father, then spends the walk home trying to convince everyone it was OK to abandon her, because she "won't make it. "
Hmmm :reads Lilac's post as a Jane lover... :
Okay...that's fine. At least you didn't say something super terrib--
I HATE the color… more of her jacket x_x sue me
WHATTTT HOW DARE YOUUUU?!?! You'll hear from my lawyer, Lilacsbloom!!! You'll wish you had a jacket, because I'm gonna sue your pants off!...And then you'll be cold...and, y'know, a jacket would keep you warm...yeah. >.< :shakes fist: Curse youuuu!!!!
...but yeah, the rest of that stuff's fair tho. xp
What about all the other things she does? She is a manipulating person, who is a complete liar, at least Kenny is crazy but you can sleep next to him without worrying of him slitting your throat at night. She sleeps with luke as manipulation, why else would she do it.
IMO it doesn't matter if Troy was a dick, she played him like a violin and threw him away like trash. He was a person.
I don't know, i think everything she said was a complete lie. Look at how she talked to Troy, then she, so cavalierly shot him in the toolbox. A normal person imo would have some level of empathy, that Jane does not seem to have. She doesn't come off as "caring" about anyone other than Clementine, makes me wonder what Mental Disorder she has. She is obviously has something wrong with her, and if you tell me shes normal. COME ON LOL.
My Theory is that Jane has a undiagnosed mental condition. She doesn't care about anyone but her own survival. She has no remorse over the things that she has done, for example shooting someone, to use as zombie bait. Imagine how Troy felt, to be used as bait, then eaten to death. Did he really deserve that? No. He didn't. He saved Clementine's life for pete's sake, but he gets killed and turned into a joke.
Jane separates Clementine from the group as an attempt, imo try to control her. She wants Clementine to think like she does, that is why she sang that song about Jamie. I believe she wanted sympathy from Clementine. Either way it makes Jane look like a bad person. She left her sister to die on a roof, or she didn't and it was all a lie. Its a known fact that when people talk about things they do in their past, that are bad they usually downplay it, to make themselves look better than they really are, is that what Jane was doing with that story, was it a lie, who knows. I don't know to be sure, but i do know she is a liar, so with that logic, i choose not to believe her. She wants Clementine to become her little lap dog, and follow every command. Then she has sex with Luke, as another manipulation because she knew then Luke would support her. Kenny is Luke's rival, vice versa. It makes perfect sense to me. I'm smart enough to see it for what it was, unfortunately luke wasn't.
I do. I think you may have made a thread at one point saying that you didn't right? But yeah I do think Jaime was real. Just from Jane's bod… morey language depicted in the game (not necessarily just her words) and also her vocal intonations, I don't think Jane was lying about her. I don't think she had it in her to lie about something so clearly traumatizing her, whatever it may be, although I have to agree with you that when Jane tells Clem and Luke about Jaime it was ham-fisted as hell. The only explanation (besides rushed writing) I can think of of Jane suddenly spilling her guts out to these two pretty much strangers--and I think you mentioned once before about how she was alone for a very long time and people who are alone with only their thoughts for company for so long don't think the same as others--is that, yes, she was alone for such a long time with only her thoughts about losing Jaime, and she'd been beating herself up over it for poss… [view original content]
I do. I think you may have made a thread at one point saying that you didn't right? But yeah I do think Jaime was real. Just from Jane's bod… morey language depicted in the game (not necessarily just her words) and also her vocal intonations, I don't think Jane was lying about her. I don't think she had it in her to lie about something so clearly traumatizing her, whatever it may be, although I have to agree with you that when Jane tells Clem and Luke about Jaime it was ham-fisted as hell. The only explanation (besides rushed writing) I can think of of Jane suddenly spilling her guts out to these two pretty much strangers--and I think you mentioned once before about how she was alone for a very long time and people who are alone with only their thoughts for company for so long don't think the same as others--is that, yes, she was alone for such a long time with only her thoughts about losing Jaime, and she'd been beating herself up over it for poss… [view original content]
while getting Clementine away from the group so she could give Clem her advice may have been manipulative in that she's trying to influence Clementine into her way of thinking, I don't think she had any sinister motives for wanting to do so. Clementine reminds Jane of her sister; Jane wants Clementine to survive and she thinks her ideology is the best way to survive. She wants to protect Clementine in the way she couldn't protect Jamie, but the overall relationship with Clem was more self-serving than altruistic
but I do think that Jane is self-centered and narcissistic
I changed my mind , that speech about her sister made me want to drink. I barley know her and she is opening up to Clementine as manipulatio… moren and I saw it for what it always was, bullshit.
Then she talked shit about everybody, my mind thinks
.. If if she'll talk shit with me, she will talk about me.
Then she shot Troy in the Toolbox, at that moment I hated her guts. She is a lying manipulating character.
She hated on Sarah, a special needs girl who loses her father, then spends the walk home trying to convince everyone it was OK to abandon her, because she "won't make it. "
She wants Clementine to become her little lap dog, and follow every command.
That’s what I always imagined. She scanned the group for a capable Mini-Me to do the dirty work for her. And Clemetine was the perfect aspirant: small enough to fit through gaps, a good shot, mentally stable, clever but still easy to manipulate. “And after some psycho work on her she will be wax in my hands. Mwahahaha!!”
(sorry if I’m turning this highly functional and productive thread into a mess, I’m ready to take all of this back if somebody threatens me)
I don't know, i think everything she said was a complete lie. Look at how she talked to Troy, then she, so cavalierly shot him in the tool… morebox. A normal person imo would have some level of empathy, that Jane does not seem to have. She doesn't come off as "caring" about anyone other than Clementine, makes me wonder what Mental Disorder she has. She is obviously has something wrong with her, and if you tell me shes normal. COME ON LOL.
My Theory is that Jane has a undiagnosed mental condition. She doesn't care about anyone but her own survival. She has no remorse over the things that she has done, for example shooting someone, to use as zombie bait. Imagine how Troy felt, to be used as bait, then eaten to death. Did he really deserve that? No. He didn't. He saved Clementine's life for pete's sake, but he gets killed and turned into a joke.
Jane separates Clementine from the group as an attempt, imo try to control her. She wants … [view original content]
Well, I don't like how all one-man-show Jane can be, leaving like it's nothing. But she did come back, and I get her reasoning for AJ.
I don't dislike Kenny, I just feel bad for him, he's all messed up so of course he's gonna lose it.
I don't know, my first ending was with Jane, then I played again and saw Kenny's ending and that's when I realized the poor guy is just... spent. Either way, I'm not on extremes with either of them, yet I don't want Clem to be alone.
~ I feel like reading this forum is more intense than the game itself ~
All these opinions, not sure what seeems right, they're almost all good, even if they're on opposing sides.
Here is the thing I don't understand, why did Jane care about clementine to begin with, that I don't understand what motivation did she have to connect with her, it was never explained.
if Jane was presented as a broken mother who lost her child, I can understand the maternal need to be close to her. Imo she is too narasstic to care about anyone.
She wants Clementine to become her little lap dog, and follow every command.
That’s what I always imagined. She scanned the group fo… morer a capable Mini-Me to do the dirty work for her. And Clemetine was the perfect aspirant: small enough to fit through gaps, a good shot, mentally stable, clever but still easy to manipulate. “And after some psycho work on her she will be wax in my hands. Mwahahaha!!”
(sorry if I’m turning this highly functional and productive thread into a mess, I’m ready to take all of this back if somebody threatens me)
Here is the thing I don't understand, why did Jane care about clementine to begin with, that I don't understand what motivation did she have… more to connect with her, it was never explained.
if Jane was presented as a broken mother who lost her child, I can understand the maternal need to be close to her. Imo she is too narasstic to care about anyone.
Because they simply want to create drama on the forum's while waiting for S3.
But this isn't only true for Jane, it's the same for every thread displaying hate for any character in the game.. It doesn't have to be valid or make any real point, it's only about stating an opinion that other's will react to.
The best thing anyone can do is ignore those post's and stick with your own opinions from your own game and be content with how you feel about
any of the characters.
Maybe so, I wish they would of developed her Character more in Episode 3. If they had a conversation where she talks about her feelings for Troy, then it would of been more relatable.
Yeah, I think Owen Thomas (Troy's VA) confirmed that he was sexually harassing Jane, but since we never actually saw or heard anything about that, his death felt unnecessarily brutal.
Maybe so, I wish they would of developed her Character more in Episode 3. If they had a conversation where she talks about her feelings for Troy, then it would of been more relatable.
Yeah, I think Owen Thomas (Troy's VA) confirmed that he was sexually harassing Jane, but since we never actually saw or heard anything about that, his death felt unnecessarily brutal.
She sleeps with luke as manipulation, why else would she do it.
This doesn't even make any sense. "Manipulation" implies Jane had some kind of ulterior motive for seducing Luke. The problem with that is that Jane had literally nothing to gain by having sex with Luke, besides a nice fuck with a good-looking person. Which is basically the same reason Luke did it...
But yes, she was certainly manipulating Troy & Kenny. I'd say in the former case she was justified and in the latter she was so fucking stupid I don't even want to think about it.
What about all the other things she does? She is a manipulating person, who is a complete liar, at least Kenny is crazy but you can sleep ne… morext to him without worrying of him slitting your throat at night. She sleeps with luke as manipulation, why else would she do it.
IMO it doesn't matter if Troy was a dick, she played him like a violin and threw him away like trash. He was a person.
The main reason I dislike Jane is because she really only cares about herself in the end, She only ever helps anybody when it benefits herself in my view, She came back for Clem, That's because she doesn't want to be alone and "Needs" Clem, It actually got pretty creepy if you kill Kenny and then leave her, She obviously wants Kenny gone after everyone else was gone, And if that baby didn't cry, She probably would have left it there saying it was dead, She wants to basically replace her sister with Clem, Her sister who she left to die I might, add which I could never do, And I am a person that fits the "Molly" character mold. Then to top it all off she purposely tries to break a man who has lost everything except Clem and the baby, A man who was obviously at his breaking point and probably would have slowly recovered if she didn't do what she did, Kenny is a whole different level of right and wrong but that is not what this is about, I can see why people like her, She fits the "Badass" role pretty well, But this is a story about what you think is right and wrong, Not COD, I like her zombie killing trick if that counts for anything though.
Upon seeing her in Episode 3, I felt there was something about her. And as she opened up in Episode 4, I came to understand and like her. Some of her practical choices on survival made sense. on some. To be perfectly honest, after studying her, I feel she's a bit me. Loner attitude, keeps to oneself for fear of being hurt, distrustful of others until opening up is presented, and the sad face and distant attitude hide the caring personality. Until, they find those people whom when you open up to them, they understand exactly what you are saying. Also, we care even though we don't show it for fear the sentiment we show is viewed as a flaw.
Hearing the story of her sister is a heartbreaking one, but I believe to be true.
Plus, she's smart, efficient, and takes no crap from anyone. Maybe even slightly jaded, but this is just speculation.
I understand why she did what she did, and I know both the major final choice of Season 2 is morally ambiguous, but we choice who we choice.
Also, I like this sisterly feeling with Jane/Clementine. They make a fine team. I hope she will last long into future seasons in the game. Time where she will have her rough edges sanded down by Clementine's words and actions. Then, probably she'll shine and become a well known character.
I don't hate Jane.
Upon seeing her in Episode 3, I felt there was something about her. And as she opened up in Episode 4, I came to unde… morerstand and like her. Some of her practical choices on survival made sense. on some. To be perfectly honest, after studying her, I feel she's a bit me. Loner attitude, keeps to oneself for fear of being hurt, distrustful of others until opening up is presented, and the sad face and distant attitude hide the caring personality. Until, they find those people whom when you open up to them, they understand exactly what you are saying. Also, we care even though we don't show it for fear the sentiment we show is viewed as a flaw.
Hearing the story of her sister is a heartbreaking one, but I believe to be true.
Plus, she's smart, efficient, and takes no crap from anyone. Maybe even slightly jaded, but this is just speculation.
I understand why she did what she did, and I know both the m… [view original content]
Aww, thank you for your kind words before. ^.^ And yup, I agree Kenny definitely was spent by the end of the game, no matter what ending you chose. I don't hate the guy, but I'm definitely not "Team Kenny" either.
And hmm yeah, Jane can be selfish like that, just leaving like she did. But I mean, y'know, I just think she couldn't take it anymore. She'd already lost Jaime, after trying for forever and ever to keep the girl alive, and though she'd really tried, she had failed miserably at keeping Jaime happy and well it sounded like, even before Jane left her on that rooftop. And Jane saw Sarah to be the same as Jaime (though of course they're not exactly the same) and after Sarah dies (because she does die by the end of ep 4, one way or another unfortunately), it seems that Jane's so broken that she could witness Jaime dying again in front of her (I bet you Jane saw Jaime dying when she watched Sarah die, either in the trailer or at the observation deck) that she just had to get out of there. Jane's just running from her past failures, and running from her mistakes when she leaves like that. And even though she knew Clem was more capable, she wasn't willing to take that chance--though it seems Jane changes her mind when she comes back in ep 5.
:Ahem: But you were talking about how "one-man-show" Jane can be, and yeah I guess she was, right in that scene. But I think she was just stuck--or "trapped" would be the better word--in her own little world right then, and lacked the capacity to think of any situation where Clem would actually live--until Jane reconsiders later and does come back.
Well, I don't like how all one-man-show Jane can be, leaving like it's nothing. But she did come back, and I get her reasoning for AJ.
I d… moreon't dislike Kenny, I just feel bad for him, he's all messed up so of course he's gonna lose it.
I don't know, my first ending was with Jane, then I played again and saw Kenny's ending and that's when I realized the poor guy is just... spent. Either way, I'm not on extremes with either of them, yet I don't want Clem to be alone.
Yeah I don't think Clem was Jane's "replacement sister" really, or that Jane was trying to replace Clem with Jaime. Jane knew that Clem and Jaime were vastly different and that Clem wanted to keep surviving, while Jaime was losing that motivation to live. If anything, Clem probably reminded Jane of herself when she was younger in how capable Clem was (like how she offered Clem a sip of rum and said, "I had my first drink when I was a little older than you"), and I think by the end of the episode no matter your ending, she saw Clem close to being her equal. And yeah, that's not a really realistic viewpoint for Jane to have that an 11-year-old would be on equal footing with a 20-something-year-old, but this whole season had plenty of unrealistic moments showing how capable and adult-like Clem was. x.x
i shot kenny because he wouldnt stop (would have liked an option to fire a warning shot at the 2 of them) but i hate jane (and will likely kill her if the option presents itself in season 3).
she lied, flat out lied. when asked about AJ she made comments about how it was an "accident" playing up that the baby was dead when she KNEW it wasnt and could have said nah hey hes safe, and that she put him in a car to keep the wind off him while she checked out the building" but no. She played up that he was dead to antagonize kenny and push him over the edge.
and why ?
well maybe to get kenny out of the way so she could focus on some psycho fascination with clem, or to prove a point, whatever who cares why.
clem was for most parts trick into killing a long time friend to "save a false victim (jane) from a raging kenny".
Looking back i wish i had looked away but eh whats done is done. well,... almost,.... next time my clem meets jane, jane better see me first, shoot, and not miss.
You're welcome Yeah, that makes perfect sense. She said Jaime was depressed and gave up, right? And so did Sarah (well I saved her, but still) So I can see why she felt trapped, or like her past keeps chasing her through being with other people. For the record, i regret saying 'one-man-show' my mind couldn't think of anything better to say lol --Be my friend, I love your insight! ,<(^-^)>" --
Aww, thank you for your kind words before. ^.^ And yup, I agree Kenny definitely was spent by the end of the game, no matter what ending you… more chose. I don't hate the guy, but I'm definitely not "Team Kenny" either.
And hmm yeah, Jane can be selfish like that, just leaving like she did. But I mean, y'know, I just think she couldn't take it anymore. She'd already lost Jaime, after trying for forever and ever to keep the girl alive, and though she'd really tried, she had failed miserably at keeping Jaime happy and well it sounded like, even before Jane left her on that rooftop. And Jane saw Sarah to be the same as Jaime (though of course they're not exactly the same) and after Sarah dies (because she does die by the end of ep 4, one way or another unfortunately), it seems that Jane's so broken that she could witness Jaime dying again in front of her (I bet you Jane saw Jaime dying when she watched Sarah die, either in the trailer or at the obs… [view original content]
Most of the Jane hate is justified,she is a character created by telltale to progress they're story not the players own storyfriendships that are formed with characters that are viewed as just fodder by telltale are viewed as weak by Jane,this has fooled a few people who believe that only the strong survive,its total B.S.
She sleeps with luke as manipulation, why else would she do it.
This doesn't even make any sense. "Manipulation" implies Jane had so… moreme kind of ulterior motive for seducing Luke. The problem with that is that Jane had literally nothing to gain by having sex with Luke, besides a nice fuck with a good-looking person. Which is basically the same reason Luke did it...
But yes, she was certainly manipulating Troy & Kenny. I'd say in the former case she was justified and in the latter she was so fucking stupid I don't even want to think about it.
but this whole season had plenty of unrealistic moments showing how capable and adult-like Clem was. x.x
At this point i would rather them go pure fantasy, instead of this unrealistic reality we got in Season 2. IMO it really hurt the story, and the characters especially Clementine. I remember being so attached to Clementine, in the first game, now i feel absolutely nothing, if she was written out/died, i would feel absolutely nothing.
Pretty much how i feel about everyone from this game.
Yeah I don't think Clem was Jane's "replacement sister" really, or that Jane was trying to replace Clem with Jaime. Jane knew that Clem and … moreJaime were vastly different and that Clem wanted to keep surviving, while Jaime was losing that motivation to live. If anything, Clem probably reminded Jane of herself when she was younger in how capable Clem was (like how she offered Clem a sip of rum and said, "I had my first drink when I was a little older than you"), and I think by the end of the episode no matter your ending, she saw Clem close to being her equal. And yeah, that's not a really realistic viewpoint for Jane to have that an 11-year-old would be on equal footing with a 20-something-year-old, but this whole season had plenty of unrealistic moments showing how capable and adult-like Clem was. x.x
You're welcome Yeah, that makes perfect sense. She said Jaime was depressed and gave up, right? And so did Sarah (well I saved her, but sti… morell) So I can see why she felt trapped, or like her past keeps chasing her through being with other people. For the record, i regret saying 'one-man-show' my mind couldn't think of anything better to say lol --Be my friend, I love your insight! ,<(^-^)>" --
You talk about Jane as if she was some sort of succubus. Do you really think that the only things on her mind are sex from unwitting men and getting sympathy from a little girl?
is that what Jane was doing with that story, was it a lie, who knows. I don't know to be sure
But that's just it--you don't know, and that's the problem. If she lied about absolutely everything like you claim, what was her motivation to do so? It just doesn't make any sense, and that's the problem I have with your theory.
So yeah that's my question for you. If you think Jane just lies all the time, why do you think she does? Assuming you're right, she must have gone through something not so pleasant to make her act like that, and even if she lied about Jaime, she could've still gone through something in the past that was really terrible for her. So? What do you think it was?
And what do you think was the exact nature of her relationship with Troy too? Yeah, we know she manipulated him so she could get out of there, and it was quite a job she did on him too. But what else? Why would she just shoot him in the most humiliating and painful of places and leave him to die such a horrendous death? I have a theory, and not just that Troy sexually harassed her or raped her or whatever. A completely different theory as to why she shot off his junk and maybe explain some of her other actions too; maybe I'll share it here or in a new thread later.
Finally, I've watched the Playing Dead interview with her voice actress too, and I don't think the actress--a real person who seems like a great individual--would be so proud of her character like she is, if Jane really was someone whose most prominent qualities were her lying and manipulation skills, or if Jane was in reality completely psychotic. If anyone would be told that Jane was a compulsive liar, it would definitely be her voice actress--she needs to know that to do her job right. So sorry, but I just don't buy it that Jane was lying non-stop 24/7. I just plain don't.
I don't know, i think everything she said was a complete lie. Look at how she talked to Troy, then she, so cavalierly shot him in the tool… morebox. A normal person imo would have some level of empathy, that Jane does not seem to have. She doesn't come off as "caring" about anyone other than Clementine, makes me wonder what Mental Disorder she has. She is obviously has something wrong with her, and if you tell me shes normal. COME ON LOL.
My Theory is that Jane has a undiagnosed mental condition. She doesn't care about anyone but her own survival. She has no remorse over the things that she has done, for example shooting someone, to use as zombie bait. Imagine how Troy felt, to be used as bait, then eaten to death. Did he really deserve that? No. He didn't. He saved Clementine's life for pete's sake, but he gets killed and turned into a joke.
Jane separates Clementine from the group as an attempt, imo try to control her. She wants … [view original content]
I have to admit, the fact that the story really shifted away from a focus on Clementine and was stolen by the other characters didn't thrill me. There was such promise in the first episode to develop her story and when I saw her break down and cry and then almost die in those woods before she met Pete and Luke, it really touched me. I just hope they do more with her in season 3--hopefully if she's an NPC then we'll be able to see her reactions and her personality more than this season anyway.
but this whole season had plenty of unrealistic moments showing how capable and adult-like Clem was. x.x
At this point i would rathe… morer them go pure fantasy, instead of this unrealistic reality we got in Season 2. IMO it really hurt the story, and the characters especially Clementine. I remember being so attached to Clementine, in the first game, now i feel absolutely nothing, if she was written out/died, i would feel absolutely nothing.
Pretty much how i feel about everyone from this game.
You talk about Jane as if she was some sort of succubus.
I don't really trust people, its my nature, to be suspicious of behavior. Her behavior imo came off as manipulative, that is how i took it. She has been in groups before, women know how to use their sexuality to their advantage. It is a timeless trade. Why else would she have sex with him? Carley never had sex with Lee, after getting those pills. I don't randomly have sex with strangers, but different strokes for different folks.
Do you really think that the only things on her mind are sex from unwitting men and getting sympathy from a little girl?
Of course not, i don't believe it was about sex at all, it was about how to be accepted in a new group. She has joined groups before, according to her, how else does she get in good with the "boss." I don't know when it started to be about "clementine" in Jane's mind, i think it gradually ramped up, till the meltdown at the restop.
I do believe that she has a mental condition yes, simply on her behavior.
Her lack of empathy, the numerous times she has manipulated people into doing what she wants. The whole Arvo thing would of never happened if She didn't start a fight with him in the first place and steal his gun. You can't act like Jane is this innocent girl who just got blamed for everything. She isn't
If she lied about absolutely everything like you claim, what was her motivation to do so? It just doesn't make any sense, and that's the problem I have with your theory.
I'm not saying i am right or wrong about a determinant character :}.
IMO, People don't need motivation to lie, they just do.
And what do you think was the exact nature of her relationship with Troy too
Unknown, if i was going to guess, i would say that Troy probably tried to bark up her tree, but she played him. She said she would help him if she became a member. Jane is smarter than Troy, he was easy for her to manipulate.
Why would she just shoot him in the most humiliating and painful of places and leave him to die such a horrendous death? I have a theory, and not just that Troy sexually harassed her or raped her or whatever. A completely different theory as to why she shot off his junk and maybe explain some of her other actions too; maybe I'll share it here or in a new thread later.
Maybe she was sexually abused by Troy, or someone else, and she didn't like the advancements that Troy had made to her, but we really can't know for sure because it wasn't in the game. Or maybe she has DID with Daddy issues. No one will ever know.
I'm confused on your last point. I don't think she takes it as serious as the fans do, to her its her paycheck. It was a character that she did, the character isn't her. So why would she feel embarrassed, if she played a evil manipulative character well, i would think she would take pride in the fact she was able to cause this much turmoil in the TWDG world.
You talk about Jane as if she was some sort of succubus. Do you really think that the only things on her mind are sex from unwitting men and… more getting sympathy from a little girl?
is that what Jane was doing with that story, was it a lie, who knows. I don't know to be sure
But that's just it--you don't know, and that's the problem. If she lied about absolutely everything like you claim, what was her motivation to do so? It just doesn't make any sense, and that's the problem I have with your theory.
So yeah that's my question for you. If you think Jane just lies all the time, why do you think she does? Assuming you're right, she must have gone through something not so pleasant to make her act like that, and even if she lied about Jaime, she could've still gone through something in the past that was really terrible for her. So? What do you think it was?
And what do you think was the exact nature of her relationship with Troy t… [view original content]
This doesn't even make any sense
uh... If you don't understand why a woman would sleep with a man, to get favoritism, i don't know… more what else to tell you. People do it all the time.
Never heard of the secretary sleeping with her boss... Rolls eyes.
This doesn't even make any sense
uh... If you don't understand why a woman would sleep with a man, to get favoritism, i don't know… more what else to tell you. People do it all the time.
Never heard of the secretary sleeping with her boss... Rolls eyes.
The qualities you describe--I see myself in her too the way you described, and she also reminds me of one of my best friends. Not to mention, I completely agree with your comment.
...But I'll break the don't-show-sentiment-rule we share and ask, wanna be friends? ;.;
I don't hate Jane.
Upon seeing her in Episode 3, I felt there was something about her. And as she opened up in Episode 4, I came to unde… morerstand and like her. Some of her practical choices on survival made sense. on some. To be perfectly honest, after studying her, I feel she's a bit me. Loner attitude, keeps to oneself for fear of being hurt, distrustful of others until opening up is presented, and the sad face and distant attitude hide the caring personality. Until, they find those people whom when you open up to them, they understand exactly what you are saying. Also, we care even though we don't show it for fear the sentiment we show is viewed as a flaw.
Hearing the story of her sister is a heartbreaking one, but I believe to be true.
Plus, she's smart, efficient, and takes no crap from anyone. Maybe even slightly jaded, but this is just speculation.
I understand why she did what she did, and I know both the m… [view original content]
It was a joke that made his voice actor uncofortable.
And I'm not the one who's been personally insulting of the two of us, pal. I haven't commented on who you are as a person - I wish I. could say the same of you.
Aw thanks
I didn't mean to act "pissy" before, if you were referring to me in your other post. x.x Feel free to state your opinionnnn. ^.^
I disagree. Luke was responsible for the post. He could have said no to Jane's offer. And depending on how you play, Clem does not have to listen to what Jane says. The deck falling is not on Jane. That's on Luke. As far as Arvo goes, I interpreted that scene as Jane not killing Arvo because he's a kid and because of Clem. You really think it would have been smart to give back a gun once you confiscate it from a stranger? Once Arvo walked on the deck, shit was going to happen. There was no true place to hide, so confrontation was bound to happen.
As far as the ending of ep. 205, the person's reaction is just as culpable as the initial reaction. As ill-advised as her plan is, Kenny escalated the situation and determinantly murdered Jane.
Jane is not perfect. Her situation does not garner much sympathy. Her attitude and personality does not garner sympathy. First impressions are everything and she does not impress. Nevertheless placing complete culpability on Jane for these events is disingenuous.
Troy was a dick. She had to do it so he wouldn't kill everyone. We don't know how he treated her either so he might have deserved it.
Oh yeah? Well I DO have a jacket, a cool jenim jacket! And it's got pockets and, and stuff!
What about all the other things she does? She is a manipulating person, who is a complete liar, at least Kenny is crazy but you can sleep next to him without worrying of him slitting your throat at night. She sleeps with luke as manipulation, why else would she do it.
IMO it doesn't matter if Troy was a dick, she played him like a violin and threw him away like trash. He was a person.
I don't know, i think everything she said was a complete lie. Look at how she talked to Troy, then she, so cavalierly shot him in the toolbox. A normal person imo would have some level of empathy, that Jane does not seem to have. She doesn't come off as "caring" about anyone other than Clementine, makes me wonder what Mental Disorder she has. She is obviously has something wrong with her, and if you tell me shes normal. COME ON LOL.
My Theory is that Jane has a undiagnosed mental condition. She doesn't care about anyone but her own survival. She has no remorse over the things that she has done, for example shooting someone, to use as zombie bait. Imagine how Troy felt, to be used as bait, then eaten to death. Did he really deserve that? No. He didn't. He saved Clementine's life for pete's sake, but he gets killed and turned into a joke.
Jane separates Clementine from the group as an attempt, imo try to control her. She wants Clementine to think like she does, that is why she sang that song about Jamie. I believe she wanted sympathy from Clementine. Either way it makes Jane look like a bad person. She left her sister to die on a roof, or she didn't and it was all a lie. Its a known fact that when people talk about things they do in their past, that are bad they usually downplay it, to make themselves look better than they really are, is that what Jane was doing with that story, was it a lie, who knows. I don't know to be sure, but i do know she is a liar, so with that logic, i choose not to believe her. She wants Clementine to become her little lap dog, and follow every command. Then she has sex with Luke, as another manipulation because she knew then Luke would support her. Kenny is Luke's rival, vice versa. It makes perfect sense to me. I'm smart enough to see it for what it was, unfortunately luke wasn't.
[This post is Lilac approved]
After reading one of your lower posts,
while getting Clementine away from the group so she could give Clem her advice may have been manipulative in that she's trying to influence Clementine into her way of thinking, I don't think she had any sinister motives for wanting to do so. Clementine reminds Jane of her sister; Jane wants Clementine to survive and she thinks her ideology is the best way to survive. She wants to protect Clementine in the way she couldn't protect Jamie, but the overall relationship with Clem was more self-serving than altruistic
but I do think that Jane is self-centered and narcissistic
That’s what I always imagined. She scanned the group for a capable Mini-Me to do the dirty work for her. And Clemetine was the perfect aspirant: small enough to fit through gaps, a good shot, mentally stable, clever but still easy to manipulate. “And after some psycho work on her she will be wax in my hands. Mwahahaha!!”
(sorry if I’m turning this highly functional and productive thread into a mess, I’m ready to take all of this back if somebody threatens me)
no i didn't mean you
haha you had good reasoning up there ^ And I liked reading your thoughts about character body language. 
Well, I don't like how all one-man-show Jane can be, leaving like it's nothing. But she did come back, and I get her reasoning for AJ.
I don't dislike Kenny, I just feel bad for him, he's all messed up so of course he's gonna lose it.
I don't know, my first ending was with Jane, then I played again and saw Kenny's ending and that's when I realized the poor guy is just... spent. Either way, I'm not on extremes with either of them, yet I don't want Clem to be alone.
~ I feel like reading this forum is more intense than the game itself ~
All these opinions, not sure what seeems right, they're almost all good, even if they're on opposing sides.
Here is the thing I don't understand, why did Jane care about clementine to begin with, that I don't understand what motivation did she have to connect with her, it was never explained.
if Jane was presented as a broken mother who lost her child, I can understand the maternal need to be close to her. Imo she is too narasstic to care about anyone.
I think Jane just admired how capable Clementine was. One could also argue that she wanted a replacement sister, but I won't get into that.
Why all this hatred against Jane?
Because they simply want to create drama on the forum's while waiting for S3.
But this isn't only true for Jane, it's the same for every thread displaying hate for any character in the game.. It doesn't have to be valid or make any real point, it's only about stating an opinion that other's will react to.
The best thing anyone can do is ignore those post's and stick with your own opinions from your own game and be content with how you feel about
any of the characters.
Maybe so, I wish they would of developed her Character more in Episode 3. If they had a conversation where she talks about her feelings for Troy, then it would of been more relatable.
Yeah, I think Owen Thomas (Troy's VA) confirmed that he was sexually harassing Jane, but since we never actually saw or heard anything about that, his death felt unnecessarily brutal.
This doesn't even make any sense. "Manipulation" implies Jane had some kind of ulterior motive for seducing Luke. The problem with that is that Jane had literally nothing to gain by having sex with Luke, besides a nice fuck with a good-looking person. Which is basically the same reason Luke did it...
But yes, she was certainly manipulating Troy & Kenny. I'd say in the former case she was justified and in the latter she was so fucking stupid I don't even want to think about it.
Because she ate glass.
The main reason I dislike Jane is because she really only cares about herself in the end, She only ever helps anybody when it benefits herself in my view, She came back for Clem, That's because she doesn't want to be alone and "Needs" Clem, It actually got pretty creepy if you kill Kenny and then leave her, She obviously wants Kenny gone after everyone else was gone, And if that baby didn't cry, She probably would have left it there saying it was dead, She wants to basically replace her sister with Clem, Her sister who she left to die I might, add which I could never do, And I am a person that fits the "Molly" character mold. Then to top it all off she purposely tries to break a man who has lost everything except Clem and the baby, A man who was obviously at his breaking point and probably would have slowly recovered if she didn't do what she did, Kenny is a whole different level of right and wrong but that is not what this is about, I can see why people like her, She fits the "Badass" role pretty well, But this is a story about what you think is right and wrong, Not COD, I like her zombie killing trick if that counts for anything though.
I don't hate Jane.
Upon seeing her in Episode 3, I felt there was something about her. And as she opened up in Episode 4, I came to understand and like her. Some of her practical choices on survival made sense. on some. To be perfectly honest, after studying her, I feel she's a bit me. Loner attitude, keeps to oneself for fear of being hurt, distrustful of others until opening up is presented, and the sad face and distant attitude hide the caring personality. Until, they find those people whom when you open up to them, they understand exactly what you are saying. Also, we care even though we don't show it for fear the sentiment we show is viewed as a flaw.
Hearing the story of her sister is a heartbreaking one, but I believe to be true.
Plus, she's smart, efficient, and takes no crap from anyone. Maybe even slightly jaded, but this is just speculation.
I understand why she did what she did, and I know both the major final choice of Season 2 is morally ambiguous, but we choice who we choice.
Also, I like this sisterly feeling with Jane/Clementine. They make a fine team. I hope she will last long into future seasons in the game. Time where she will have her rough edges sanded down by Clementine's words and actions. Then, probably she'll shine and become a well known character.
Also some confessions:
Aww, thank you for your kind words before. ^.^ And yup, I agree Kenny definitely was spent by the end of the game, no matter what ending you chose. I don't hate the guy, but I'm definitely not "Team Kenny" either.
And hmm yeah, Jane can be selfish like that, just leaving like she did. But I mean, y'know, I just think she couldn't take it anymore. She'd already lost Jaime, after trying for forever and ever to keep the girl alive, and though she'd really tried, she had failed miserably at keeping Jaime happy and well it sounded like, even before Jane left her on that rooftop. And Jane saw Sarah to be the same as Jaime (though of course they're not exactly the same) and after Sarah dies (because she does die by the end of ep 4, one way or another unfortunately), it seems that Jane's so broken that she could witness Jaime dying again in front of her (I bet you Jane saw Jaime dying when she watched Sarah die, either in the trailer or at the observation deck) that she just had to get out of there. Jane's just running from her past failures, and running from her mistakes when she leaves like that. And even though she knew Clem was more capable, she wasn't willing to take that chance--though it seems Jane changes her mind when she comes back in ep 5.
:Ahem: But you were talking about how "one-man-show" Jane can be, and yeah I guess she was, right in that scene. But I think she was just stuck--or "trapped" would be the better word--in her own little world right then, and lacked the capacity to think of any situation where Clem would actually live--until Jane reconsiders later and does come back.
Yeah I don't think Clem was Jane's "replacement sister" really, or that Jane was trying to replace Clem with Jaime. Jane knew that Clem and Jaime were vastly different and that Clem wanted to keep surviving, while Jaime was losing that motivation to live. If anything, Clem probably reminded Jane of herself when she was younger in how capable Clem was (like how she offered Clem a sip of rum and said, "I had my first drink when I was a little older than you"), and I think by the end of the episode no matter your ending, she saw Clem close to being her equal. And yeah, that's not a really realistic viewpoint for Jane to have that an 11-year-old would be on equal footing with a 20-something-year-old, but this whole season had plenty of unrealistic moments showing how capable and adult-like Clem was. x.x
Well in the end my clem was alone with AJ.
i shot kenny because he wouldnt stop (would have liked an option to fire a warning shot at the 2 of them) but i hate jane (and will likely kill her if the option presents itself in season 3).
she lied, flat out lied. when asked about AJ she made comments about how it was an "accident" playing up that the baby was dead when she KNEW it wasnt and could have said nah hey hes safe, and that she put him in a car to keep the wind off him while she checked out the building" but no. She played up that he was dead to antagonize kenny and push him over the edge.
and why ?
well maybe to get kenny out of the way so she could focus on some psycho fascination with clem, or to prove a point, whatever who cares why.
clem was for most parts trick into killing a long time friend to "save a false victim (jane) from a raging kenny".
Looking back i wish i had looked away but eh whats done is done. well,... almost,.... next time my clem meets jane, jane better see me first, shoot, and not miss.
You're welcome
Yeah, that makes perfect sense. She said Jaime was depressed and gave up, right? And so did Sarah (well I saved her, but still) So I can see why she felt trapped, or like her past keeps chasing her through being with other people. For the record, i regret saying 'one-man-show' my mind couldn't think of anything better to say
lol --Be my friend, I love your insight! ,<(^-^)>" --
Most of the Jane hate is justified,she is a character created by telltale to progress they're story not the players own storyfriendships that are formed with characters that are viewed as just fodder by telltale are viewed as weak by Jane,this has fooled a few people who believe that only the strong survive,its total B.S.
uh... If you don't understand why a woman would sleep with a man, to get favoritism, i don't know what else to tell you. People do it all the time.
Never heard of the secretary sleeping with her boss... Rolls eyes.
At this point i would rather them go pure fantasy, instead of this unrealistic reality we got in Season 2. IMO it really hurt the story, and the characters especially Clementine. I remember being so attached to Clementine, in the first game, now i feel absolutely nothing, if she was written out/died, i would feel absolutely nothing.
Pretty much how i feel about everyone from this game.
Aww thank youu. ^.^ And sure, I'll be your friend! :huggiess: ^_____^
You talk about Jane as if she was some sort of succubus. Do you really think that the only things on her mind are sex from unwitting men and getting sympathy from a little girl?
But that's just it--you don't know, and that's the problem. If she lied about absolutely everything like you claim, what was her motivation to do so? It just doesn't make any sense, and that's the problem I have with your theory.
So yeah that's my question for you. If you think Jane just lies all the time, why do you think she does? Assuming you're right, she must have gone through something not so pleasant to make her act like that, and even if she lied about Jaime, she could've still gone through something in the past that was really terrible for her. So? What do you think it was?
And what do you think was the exact nature of her relationship with Troy too? Yeah, we know she manipulated him so she could get out of there, and it was quite a job she did on him too. But what else? Why would she just shoot him in the most humiliating and painful of places and leave him to die such a horrendous death? I have a theory, and not just that Troy sexually harassed her or raped her or whatever. A completely different theory as to why she shot off his junk and maybe explain some of her other actions too; maybe I'll share it here or in a new thread later.
Finally, I've watched the Playing Dead interview with her voice actress too, and I don't think the actress--a real person who seems like a great individual--would be so proud of her character like she is, if Jane really was someone whose most prominent qualities were her lying and manipulation skills, or if Jane was in reality completely psychotic. If anyone would be told that Jane was a compulsive liar, it would definitely be her voice actress--she needs to know that to do her job right. So sorry, but I just don't buy it that Jane was lying non-stop 24/7. I just plain don't.
I have to admit, the fact that the story really shifted away from a focus on Clementine and was stolen by the other characters didn't thrill me. There was such promise in the first episode to develop her story and when I saw her break down and cry and then almost die in those woods before she met Pete and Luke, it really touched me. I just hope they do more with her in season 3--hopefully if she's an NPC then we'll be able to see her reactions and her personality more than this season anyway.
Kenny: Jane is a faggot
Fans: Get that mothafucka
I don't really trust people, its my nature, to be suspicious of behavior. Her behavior imo came off as manipulative, that is how i took it. She has been in groups before, women know how to use their sexuality to their advantage. It is a timeless trade. Why else would she have sex with him? Carley never had sex with Lee, after getting those pills. I don't randomly have sex with strangers, but different strokes for different folks.
Of course not, i don't believe it was about sex at all, it was about how to be accepted in a new group. She has joined groups before, according to her, how else does she get in good with the "boss." I don't know when it started to be about "clementine" in Jane's mind, i think it gradually ramped up, till the meltdown at the restop.
I do believe that she has a mental condition yes, simply on her behavior.
Her lack of empathy, the numerous times she has manipulated people into doing what she wants. The whole Arvo thing would of never happened if She didn't start a fight with him in the first place and steal his gun. You can't act like Jane is this innocent girl who just got blamed for everything. She isn't
I'm not saying i am right or wrong about a determinant character :}.
IMO, People don't need motivation to lie, they just do.
Unknown, if i was going to guess, i would say that Troy probably tried to bark up her tree, but she played him. She said she would help him if she became a member. Jane is smarter than Troy, he was easy for her to manipulate.
Maybe she was sexually abused by Troy, or someone else, and she didn't like the advancements that Troy had made to her, but we really can't know for sure because it wasn't in the game. Or maybe she has DID with Daddy issues. No one will ever know.
I'm confused on your last point. I don't think she takes it as serious as the fans do, to her its her paycheck. It was a character that she did, the character isn't her. So why would she feel embarrassed, if she played a evil manipulative character well, i would think she would take pride in the fact she was able to cause this much turmoil in the TWDG world.
So a woman can't just want some dick? There is always some ulterior motive?
What, is Luke a CEO or something? Luke has literally nothing Jane could gain from him. Besides hot sex.
ya weeeeelcome
YAAAYYY! (>"^-^)>" hughug!
The qualities you describe--I see myself in her too the way you described, and she also reminds me of one of my best friends. Not to mention, I completely agree with your comment.
...But I'll break the don't-show-sentiment-rule we share and ask, wanna be friends? ;.;