The Tales of Monkey Island Intro (Video!)



  • edited July 2009
    OH MAN

    You know who you should have gotten to play LeChuck? Bruce Davidson.

    (I love making jokes that nobody's really going to appreciate)
  • edited July 2009
    Yeah, I really don't like the new LeChuck voice either. This LeChuck sounds forced and cheesy, it makes him seem like less of a villain character.

    Other than that, Guybrush and Elaine sound great and the rest of it looks really good. Still really looking forward to it.
  • edited July 2009
    5 more days! Yay!
  • edited July 2009
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    OH MAN

    You know who you should have gotten to play LeChuck? Bruce Davidson.

    (I love making jokes that nobody's really going to appreciate)

    don't worry, it's a good one, I laughed ;)
  • edited July 2009
    I must resist this.
    I told myself not to watch any of the vids on youtube, apart from the trailer. It's too much to bare, I probably have a much longer wait and I'm too impatient! :P
  • edited July 2009
    He reminded me of Kelsey Grammar's take on Santa Clause in Futurama, which always reminded me of Earl Boen's take on Lechuck in Curse of Monkey Island.

    Yes!! I'm glad somebody else thinks so!!

    Anyway, one problem I have: The ocean seemed too calm in this video. I dunno, I expected bigger waves or something.

    But other than that, I wouldn't change a thing!
  • edited July 2009
    Just wondered with the theme tune, will it be that one that was used in the preview vid or could they use the version Michael Land composed for CMI & EMI as that was a lot better.
  • edited July 2009
    Just wondered with the theme tune, will it be that one that was used in the preview vid or could they use the version Michael Land composed for CMI & EMI as that was a lot better.
    Noooo... I want all new music... and an all new arrangement of the theme.

    You can always listen to the older versions outside of the game.
  • edited July 2009
    Noooo... I want all new music... and an all new arrangement of the theme.

    You can always listen to the older versions outside of the game.

    Well yeah I want new music score anyway for the new locations etc... its just that I really enjoyed the main theme version from CMI and EMI more, maybe this new one will gradually get better over time for me.
  • edited July 2009
    I want new music alongside classic one, just like in the video. I want some themes from Monkey Island 2, which are amazing!
  • edited July 2009
    I think a instrumental version of the theme for Monkey Island 2 would be awesome, but a new arrangement or one similar to the arrangement for the first game also work.
  • edited July 2009
    I don't mind the new LeChuck voice. Yeah the laugh does sound forced but I do like in some parts his voice gets a bit raspy
  • edited July 2009
    I'm not that bothered by the new LeChuck voice, and afterall you don't see LeChuck that often in previous MI games, which I'd imagine will be the case here as well.

    I would have been more putoff by a change in Guybrush's voice. I'm too used to Dominic.
  • edited July 2009
    The stuff Lechucks says right after 2:17 its just so damn priceless and perfect haha :D Yaaaarrrrrrrr come and get you dirt digging dorley dipper yaar aaaahaha ha.
  • edited July 2009
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    The stuff Lechucks says right after 2:17 its just so damn priceless and perfect haha :D Yaaaarrrrrrrr come and get you dirt digging dorley dipper yaar aaaahaha ha.

    Doily Dipper?
  • edited July 2009
    Doily dipper: Fabled boogie man of female senior citizens.... Ok I made that up... But honestly who dips doilies if not some heartless monster?
  • edited July 2009
    Loved the video..
    lol.. I thought that overusing the "harrrrr" was hilarious!
    Guybrush is still Guybrush with his silly absurd statements like: "..and mine is as dry as bone.. And I'm not talking about wet bone.. I'm talking about dry, dry bone..." LOL.. that kinda reminded me about MI2 btw..

    5 days left folks!! ;D

    PS. Why does LeChuck have a toad-like face all of a sudden?? The CMI version was scarier.. (maybe because I was like 10 years old when I first played it? :P)
  • edited July 2009
    I disagree COMPLETELY with the problems with the line "HAR HAR HAR" and here is why. Monkey Island was originally based on a Disneyland theme park ride. Now when you take that into account, think of the sort of sounds and voices you would hear in such a ride.

    I think that, while cheesy, the laugh is very reminiscent of the sort of laugh you would hear in a theme park ride; and it really pulls one into the experience; especially as he continues the laugh during actual gameplay outside of cutscenes. To me that is really cool. While I think any laugh could really work for such a purpose, I think this laugh makes it feel more fun. But then again a lot of people will come back with the, "we don't want to have fun around the villian, we want to be terrified" argument, so what can I say.
  • edited July 2009
    LeChuck looks like a giant pickle.
  • edited July 2009
    Crap, I gave in and watched it. Looks mighty fine, though! Love the storm at night time as opposed to the previous rendition. The scene is much more dynamic and engaging now. And funnier, considering Guybrush's conversation with Elaine :).
  • edited July 2009
    I too broke in and watched it with my mom the other day.

    Golden. Pure gold.

    I loved the rendition of LeChuck's theme.
  • edited July 2009
    But what did your Mom think?
  • edited July 2009
    Funny you mention that. Her eyes lit up in flames and she killed everyone in the apartment complex.

    Then she commented that she loved the video. As I've said on a few past occasions, my mom actually played adventure games before I did and when I got to be five I played a lot of her games - the first of which being MI2.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm thinking his mom is an MI fan, if she bothered to look at it in the first place. I remember trying to show all the LA stuff to my mom, and it was like pulling teeth. Being a lover of old movies, I thought I'd finally get her with GF, but she was just like "meh." The only game that ever impressed her was Myst. I was like "Myst? Sure, it's pretty, but it's so booooriing!"
  • edited July 2009
    LOL... My mom is a Kings Quest fan.
  • edited July 2009
    All her old games are my favorites - Kyrandia 3, Discworld, Monkey Island, Sam and Max, The Fate of Atlantis and Day of the Tentacle. She cheats non-stop though and I pretty much liberally cheated through a lot of my original run through of the games. Not that it mattered - I love the story and joke more than the puzzles to be honest. I suck at puzzler-y and tend to find I spend way too long on simple puzzles. (Which makes episodic gaming more valuable for me.) Occasionally I cave and look stuff up.

    Our very favorite is Monkey Island.

    She hasn't actually played a game since Escape from Monkey Island now that I think about it - she didn't even finish it because she was busy. She still had the same rig to play Escape and Curse until 2 weeks ago or so. The same computer I was playing on in the 3rd grade while my parents were still married.

    (We got part way through Episode 1 of Sam and Max but she works a lot so we're going to run through part of the season this holiday.)

    My sister is more of a Discworld fan of the moment. She's actually playing it right now - it's her first adventure game. Like mom, she's basically asking me to play it for her with all the hints and direction. Don't mind though, baby steps to competence. Discworld 1 is a pretty long and hard game.
  • edited July 2009
    I have been living on my own for ten years (married almost as long) so I do not know if my mom still plays them.... I got her the Kings Quest Collection that ran on XP a while back no clue if she installed it or not.
  • edited July 2009
    pluizig wrote: »
    LeChuck looks like a giant pickle.

    hmmmmmm no.. more like a giant toad.. :P
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Man you guys weren't supposed to guess his new form so soon. The Pickled Toad Pirate LeChuck. Now the whole season's spoiled.
  • edited July 2009
    I love fake spoilers - I had no idea there were female pickles.
  • edited July 2009
    I disagree COMPLETELY with the problems with the line "HAR HAR HAR" and here is why. Monkey Island was originally based on a Disneyland theme park ride. Now when you take that into account, think of the sort of sounds and voices you would hear in such a ride.
    I think it's a pretty big stretch to say that his voice is in any way related to the ride.
  • edited July 2009
    I was like "Myst? Sure, it's pretty, but it's so booooriing!"

    Funny and true god bless the welshman.
  • edited July 2009
    It was monkey island alright . Elaine is looking good, as well as the rest of the game. We're all nerds aren't we? I think I might not even play it , I used to be a monkey island fan but I haven't changed for years and I am mentally and maturely speaking a 15 year old . I am 21 years old a virgin all alone and now I am going to play this !? Just like I did when I was a wee boy ? End of Rant \
  • edited July 2009
    doodo, i think i just fell in love with you :D:D:D
  • edited July 2009
    doodo! wrote: »
    It was monkey island alright . Elaine is looking good, as well as the rest of the game. We're all nerds aren't we? I think I might not even play it , I used to be a monkey island fan but I haven't changed for years and I am mentally and maturely speaking a 15 year old . I am 21 years old a virgin all alone and now I am going to play this !? Just like I did when I was a wee boy ? End of Rant \

    you and me both buddy :D:(
  • edited July 2009
    That's kind of like saying because pro athletes enjoy baseball when they're young if they go pro they're still immature. Liking things from your childhood is fine, acting like a child and shirking responsibility and duty is bad.
  • edited July 2009
    Words of wisdom but I seriously need to prioritize . No job, no friends, no girl friend, in trouble with law, in trouble with college dean, no gas money , own family calls me a jerk ... yeah . That's me . You're right in a way but I don't exactally get paid to play video games .
  • edited July 2009
    You don't want to burn yourself out from doing too much either though. Work hard and try to turn your life around but enjoy yourself as well sometimes. Be leisurely when time allows. You'll be more productive and accomplish more if you take breaks.
  • edited July 2009
    PariahKing wrote: »
    You don't want to burn yourself out from doing too much either though. Work hard and try to turn your life around but enjoy yourself as well sometimes. Be leisurely when time allows. You'll be more productive and accomplish more if you take breaks.

    Thank you , I could actually use a break . Even when I am messing up my life doing stupid things ( like fighting a professor...) I am wound up tight . Anyways , thank you . I do in fact need a break of some sort, some times you can forget how though.
  • edited July 2009
    You're welcome. Feel free to private message me if you need any advice or help.
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