While waiting

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While waiting for season 3 I'm playing season 1 and 2 again


  • edited April 2015


  • I'm all played out right now, but once some definitive news comes and it's closer to the release date, I'll probably play it again

  • I'm waiting for the GOT and the other game to get finished.

  • Y'know there are other games right?

    I'm in the process of finally wrapping up Fallout: New Vegas, Bully, Dragon's Dogma, and Serious Sam 3: BFE. As well I've started playing Fatal Frame 2, Final Fight 2, and Jet Set Radio. So I'll be quite busy for some time.

    With that being said, and I don't want to come off as desperate, but it'd be cool to play some Playstation with some other users here if anyone wants to fight boredom with me. My username is fargoking.

  • I didnt really like Fallout New Vegas I think Fallout 2 was the best Fallout

    Y'know there are other games right? I'm in the process of finally wrapping up Fallout: New Vegas, Bully, Dragon's Dogma, and Serious Sam

  • Me: I'm just gonna draw in the mean time. Alt text

    Other Me: Alt text

    Me: SHUT UP, OTHER ME! Alt text

  • Thank you :) :)

    Flog61 posted: »


  • Hahahaha :)

    Me: I'm just gonna draw in the mean time. Other Me: Me: SHUT UP, OTHER ME!

  • Yeah I know haha I play sometimes on the playstation :)

    Y'know there are other games right? I'm in the process of finally wrapping up Fallout: New Vegas, Bully, Dragon's Dogma, and Serious Sam

  • Sooo ready for a Minecraft Story game! <3

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