Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • We need more moments like this. <3

    Mcboats posted: »

    Okay, so I've been looking at this screenshot a lot over the past week, and I can say with 100% certainty that it is my favorite Rhysha scre

  • enter image description here

    nice collection there, buddy. You pass! A fellow German pervert! That's what I like to see!

    And I know what you mean, really. I beat the game while changing my weapons...less than 10 times, I think. I felt like I was running around with the same weapons all the time. There hardly ever was any good loot. I only once found a legendary SMG and an epic sniper rifle which I replaced with my old ones. The rest were kind of weapon of the day buys from marcus or quest rewards. I never really got teh feeling of looting my fallen enemies. I only ever sold their drops...which is sort of not the concept of Borderlands imho.
    I am not sure if the world was smaller, but it sure as hell was pretty unremarkable. There weren't many different looking locations, which, granted, you wouldn't expect on a moon in the first place, but There wasn't much variety, the music never managed to get to me and, well, the story was pretty dull. There weren't any cool twists at all, I think. Aside from the betrayal which you knew would happen if you played BL2 before.

    All in all, it
    s not a bad game, but I expected a bit...more.

  • enter image description here

    Note: Seriously hide it under spoiler tag guys....

  • edited August 2015

    Catgirl 34,75.

    Me now:

    enter image description here

  • oho, fellow pervert-bro, this is by far not my whole collection. I have 372 catgirls alone, and dozens of other categories :D I think nothing in my life is as well organised as this folder XD

    exactly. no borderlands-feeling at all. elpis was just...I don't know, too sane for a borderlands-game. pandora is the place of madness and anarchy we all love, elpis was more like a cheap copy of it. like near was a cheap copy of L, if you know what I'm talking about. it...hasn't had much variety or epic moments. and the quests were mostly like "walk over there. press a button. now walk across the map. press another button. now run back. oh no, something has been destroyed! press some other buttons." deja vu much? and hell, let's not even start about this annoying brat pickle!

    nice collection there, buddy. You pass! A fellow German pervert! That's what I like to see! And I know what you mean, really. I beat the

  • I wasn't really paying attention on what exactly could be seen on this screenie. sooooorry

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Note: Seriously hide it under spoiler tag guys....

  • Did I win!?!? :O

    multikill! (We were the last ones remaining, too, so he won xD)

  • only good things, my friend, only good things...

  • edited August 2015

    check your PM's

    edit: it's kinda stupid to say this. I mean, if you check your feed, you will probably check your PM's before checking your replies.....nevermind, already wrote that comment, why not let it stay

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Catgirl 34,75. Me now:

  • Thanks for the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),bruh.

    (?) ZapThroat will never forget this.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    check your PM's edit: it's kinda stupid to say this. I mean, if you check your feed, you will probably check your PM's before checking your replies.....nevermind, already wrote that comment, why not let it stay

  • Hello Rhyshas!

    It's Thursday, so it's time to close the polls as well.

    And the winner is...

    enter image description here

    Left 4 Dead 2!

    So get ready guys this Saturday at our usual time (9 PM CEST/8 PM BST/3 PM EST/11 AM PST) for some zombie killing! Countdown to the event.

    enter image description here

  • good, good...I will not forget you owe me, Mwahaahahaahaha!

    enter image description here

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Thanks for the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),bruh. (?) ZapThroat will never forget this.

  • Yeahhh boyeee

    enter image description here

  • it's not that stupid. I, for one, hardly ever check my feed. I would really appreciate if there was a notification for PMs...

    Dracu98 posted: »

    check your PM's edit: it's kinda stupid to say this. I mean, if you check your feed, you will probably check your PM's before checking your replies.....nevermind, already wrote that comment, why not let it stay

  • uhm, there is. lemme show you:

    it's not that stupid. I, for one, hardly ever check my feed. I would really appreciate if there was a notification for PMs...

  • Yeah, as Leluch said, at least use the spoiler tag.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I wasn't really paying attention on what exactly could be seen on this screenie. sooooorry

  • good, fine, it's done. now I probably have to scroll a lot to find my comment, but I'm perfectly fine!

    enter image description here

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, as Leluch said, at least use the spoiler tag.

  • you should put that stuff into a zip file and share with your fellow brothers! :P

    yeah, I hear ya. Let's hope BL 3 delivers something better. Though that might really depend on what they do with Handsome Jack. If he dies for good, I might just drop the series. As good as the lore is, the characters themselves aren't really all that breathtaking. I have a few I sort-of like but the only fav I really have was Jack. No Jack, no Borderlands for me. Unless they manage to come up with an even better character, which should be pretty hard.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    oho, fellow pervert-bro, this is by far not my whole collection. I have 372 catgirls alone, and dozens of other categories I think nothing

  • u sux

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Yeahhh boyeee

  • u got rekt m7

    u sux

  • lol, that's the same round I just played. Damn multikill xD I was third, though xD

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    u got rekt m7

  • don't be sad. They are not ready yet...they are still weak...

    Dracu98 posted: »

    good, fine, it's done. now I probably have to scroll a lot to find my comment, but I'm perfectly fine!

  • no! never! enter image description here it already felt horrible to send away one of my pics. it felt like I would sell out a close friend (which should probably be alerting by now), I ain't gonna do this again!

    and yeah, borderlands 3 has to be like a better version of borderlands 2 :D jack is not gonna die for good, the writers are not stupid after all. he is a part of the series, and without him, borderlands 3 just won't work. he can't be replaced, and they know it, they won't f*ck up. hopefully...

    you should put that stuff into a zip file and share with your fellow brothers! :P yeah, I hear ya. Let's hope BL 3 delivers something bet

  • well...I guess I'll just have to problem at all...

    enter image description here

    don't be sad. They are not ready yet...they are still weak...

  • you cheap bastard. Even if they are copies... xD

    well, who knows if writers are smart or not...after all, they wrote THAT ending for Pre-sequel...let's just hope that this was just a one time mistake.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    no! never! it already felt horrible to send away one of my pics. it felt like I would sell out a close friend (which should probably be ale

  • yeah, you won xD

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Did I win!?!? :O

  • they probably got the message :D and if it helps you, I got all my pics from konachan

    you cheap bastard. Even if they are copies... xD well, who knows if writers are smart or not...after all, they wrote THAT ending for Pre-sequel...let's just hope that this was just a one time mistake.

  • message? Was there a shitstorm going on?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    they probably got the message and if it helps you, I got all my pics from konachan

  • Sorry, but thiss happend.

    enter image description here

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Yeahhh boyeee

  • kind of. in most of tps-forums, the fans weren't really good with the game. it's kinda the discussion we had here, just with even more posts and bad things :D they can't oversee this, I mean, they are not EA

    message? Was there a shitstorm going on?

  • At least I went out like I wanted. To be trolled.
    enter link description here

    IRunts posted: »

    Sorry, but thiss happend.

  • edited August 2015

    ah, nice. If there was harsh critique, then they are sure to fix the problem in the next game. Like you said, luckily they are not EA. There can only be one EA.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    kind of. in most of tps-forums, the fans weren't really good with the game. it's kinda the discussion we had here, just with even more posts and bad things they can't oversee this, I mean, they are not EA

  • edited August 2015


    enter image description here

    If you don't like the gory thing i can erase it.

  • Damn, this looks so fancy. Thanks!

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    @armis37: If you don't like the gory thing i can erase it.

  • Awesome! I will definitely be there!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! It's Thursday, so it's time to close the polls as well. And the winner is... Left 4 Dead 2! So get ready guys

  • Nothing like killing zombies with shippers!

    Pipas posted: »

    Hello Rhyshas! It's Thursday, so it's time to close the polls as well. And the winner is... Left 4 Dead 2! So get ready guys

  • GrumpyDof posted: »

    @armis37: If you don't like the gory thing i can erase it.

  • I've seen your post, don't worry.

    Toffe posted: »

    Can i also haz nice awesome text made by Grumpy? The pic

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