Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • edited August 2015

    Me, too, brother. We need this.

    Pipas posted: »

    Now I want a fanart of this.

  • I can't clone myself.

    Me, too, brother. We need this.

  • I can't be the only one that actually liked that.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    At least I went out like I wanted. To be trolled. enter link description here

  • Thanks ^^

    GrumpyDof posted: »


  • You're welcome ! Now you're like Armis but on the dark side of the animus.

    Toffe posted: »

    Thanks ^^

  • That's nothing, I've done few rounds of this and @WeMissYouCarley has killed me like 3 times!

    So! i was playing the game and: The bloodbath: Leluch123 kills c0ntinue testing with a hatchet. .... ....You have a thing against me isnt it?

  • Yup, i got this on my 1st run of ep 4. Seeing Sasha getting hurt was painful but fron Rhys plea you could see that he was really scared and that he cares for her.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You have to stop Athena from killing Cassious to take Vaughn out of the picture....THen decline heling Vallory, she stabs Sasha yes? The


    UmbraCode posted: »

    Yup, i got this on my 1st run of ep 4. Seeing Sasha getting hurt was painful but fron Rhys plea you could see that he was really scared and that he cares for her.

  • How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • Loaderbot/Vaughn.


    Aaaand if they have a baby, I want a option for Rhys to name him.

    armis37 posted: »

    Rhysha question for today: What names would Rhysha give their kids?

  • I did! :D

    Enigma12 posted: »

    How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • I should've. I regret lying to them.

    I blame this on you Jack!

    Enigma12 posted: »

    How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • yay! I almost didn't but im sure glad I did now that I rejected him so if he does anything crazy they'll know it wasn't 100 percent my fault! :D

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    I did!

  • did you rule hyperion!?

    I should've. I regret lying to them. I blame this on you Jack!

  • I didn't at first but I felt bad so I went back and told them.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • Nah, rejected it.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    did you rule hyperion!?

  • Aw man i stayed silent when athena was going to kill cassius and the game took it as if i let her kill him, and after that Vaughn was the one getting stabbed for me. Does anyone has a video of this??

    Leluch123 posted: »

    You have to stop Athena from killing Cassious to take Vaughn out of the picture....THen decline heling Vallory, she stabs Sasha yes? The

  • This is the best video I could find, happens around 8:30:

    Aw man i stayed silent when athena was going to kill cassius and the game took it as if i let her kill him, and after that Vaughn was the one getting stabbed for me. Does anyone has a video of this??

  • what happened then? did they even believe rhys?

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    I did!

  • Yeah they believed him, they were just really angry that he didn't tell them sooner. But you can apologize later, to Sasha. :)

    Dracu98 posted: »

    what happened then? did they even believe rhys?

  • So a few hours ago, at around 11:30 I for whatever reason, decided to empty my trashcan. And, in my house, my stepmom and dad's room is directly at the top of the stairs, and every night they sleep with their door open. Anyways, I grab my trashcan and start walking down the stairs in the pitch black, I didn't turn the light on because it would wake everyone up. I get to about the second to last stair and after stepping, realize my dogs tennis ball was sitting right where I put my foot. As my feet explode out from under me I throw my trashcan up in the air, only to have trash rain all over me and the tile hallway. Empty soda cans and other garbage hitting the floor, and it sounded like a warzone in the hallway. So as you can imagine, I had to sit there and contemplate what had just happened. It's still pitch black and I'm laying on the hallway floor, and for some reason, my dad was apparently getting something out of his truck as all this had happened. So I hear the front door open right next to me. My dad comes in and he can't see anything, he just hears "I just fell down the stairs", turns the light on, and I'm sitting there with trash all around me. I can only imagine what was going through his mind at the moment.

    I just thought this was pretty funny and decided to share, since I haven't been on in a few days. Hope you had a laugh, lol.

  • Nah why do you think that?

    So! i was playing the game and: The bloodbath: Leluch123 kills c0ntinue testing with a hatchet. .... ....You have a thing against me isnt it?

  • Huh, that's weird. I stayed silent too in one of my playthrough and the game took it as if I stood up to Athena.

    Aw man i stayed silent when athena was going to kill cassius and the game took it as if i let her kill him, and after that Vaughn was the one getting stabbed for me. Does anyone has a video of this??

  • Yeah, I did. They weren't too happy about it, but later I got to apologize to Sasha, so it's k now. :D

    Plus I think it's better they know if you choose to reject Hyperion. Who knows what kind of shit will Jack do.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • Well, I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much.

    MrNoodles posted: »

    So a few hours ago, at around 11:30 I for whatever reason, decided to empty my trashcan. And, in my house, my stepmom and dad's room is dire

  • edited August 2015

    Nah, I'm fine, xD. Thanks

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, I hope you didn't hurt yourself too much.

  • That's good to hear. :)

    MrNoodles posted: »

    Nah, I'm fine, xD. Thanks

  • I lied to them, but after sasha said that I could talk to them about anything, I felt really freaking bad about it :D

    AkaJuiceb0x posted: »

    Yeah they believed him, they were just really angry that he didn't tell them sooner. But you can apologize later, to Sasha.

  • You dummy :)

    MrNoodles posted: »

    So a few hours ago, at around 11:30 I for whatever reason, decided to empty my trashcan. And, in my house, my stepmom and dad's room is dire

  • That was a mistake, pumpkin!

    Nah, rejected it.

  • my dad's reaction would have been: "Great, you are cleaning this all up now."

    MrNoodles posted: »

    So a few hours ago, at around 11:30 I for whatever reason, decided to empty my trashcan. And, in my house, my stepmom and dad's room is dire

  • Was I the only one taken back by how fast you have to supply a reason about how Jack acts? After admitting to the sisters. I swear I had like 3 seconds to choose...

  • I also told them about Jack, I felt I should be truthful since we've known them for a while now. And like others, since I rejected Hyperion, they will know that whatever Jack does has nothing to do with me.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    How many of you guys told the sisters about jack?, I'm curious to see who did.

  • I think we aren't supposed to discuss leaked stuffs. the thread might get shut down ;-;

  • fun at all...

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I think we aren't supposed to discuss leaked stuffs. the thread might get shut down ;-;

  • Though I agree with bigdogg, the Rhyiona thread had pages upon pages talking about the leaked stuff, and they're still there.

    What it will lead to is getting banned! Just like my booger-buddy. fun at all...

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